[aspect-devel] density for depth-dependent viscosity model

Eleonora Ficini eleonora.ficini at uniroma1.it
Thu Jul 5 02:14:22 PDT 2018

Dear all,
using a depth-dependent viscosity model I got some unrealistic densities in
the mantle (like 3300 kg/m^3 for the lithosphere, compared with 3200 kg/m^3
for the mantle). Could this be related with some visualization problem with
paraview or am I doing something wrong?
Some parameters I used that might be helpful to know:
- Adiabatic Initial Temperature Model
- Spherical Constant Boundary Temperature Model (Outer temperature = 273;
Inner temperature = 3273)

Thank you in advance for your time and help,

Eleonora Ficini, PhD student
Department of Earth Sciences
Sapienza University of Rome
P.le A. Moro, 5 - 00185, Rome, Italy

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