[CIG-ALL] Training videos on scientific computing and deal.II

Wolfgang Bangerth bangerth at math.tamu.edu
Thu Jul 3 14:25:31 PDT 2014

See below. FYI, the new lectures are #21.5, 32.5, 33, 33.25, 33.5, 41, 41.25, 
41.5 on the site linked to below.

At Texas A&M, I teach a graduate course where students from around campus have
to implement finite element programs for whatever they do in their research,
using the finite element library deal.II (see http://www.dealii.org). To make
my class time scale better, I record lectures and post them on youtube. In
addition to 40 of these lectures recorded last year, there are now 8 more on
parallelization, which element to chose, which quadrature formula to choose,
and other practical questions, that can all be found at

I had originally intended for these videos to be on deal.II only but
in the end decided to go big: there are lectures on which solver to
take, which preconditioners to use, adaptive mesh refinement, time
dependent problems, parallel computing, using tools such as Visit,
Paraview and Eclipse, version control, debugging, etc -- in essence, all of
the topics one encounters in scientific computing. They receive ~1000 views
every month.

I hope that these videos serve as a resource to those learning about
the practical aspects of scientific computing in general. Any feedback
is certainly welcome!

    Wolfgang Bangerth

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