[cig-commits] r5483 - short/3D/PyLith/branches/pylith-0.8/pylith3d/utils

willic3 at geodynamics.org willic3 at geodynamics.org
Wed Dec 6 12:59:23 PST 2006

Author: willic3
Date: 2006-12-06 12:59:22 -0800 (Wed, 06 Dec 2006)
New Revision: 5483

Updated code to allow coordinate ranges to be specified.  Nodes outside
those ranges get no slip.

Modified: short/3D/PyLith/branches/pylith-0.8/pylith3d/utils/blockrot3.f
--- short/3D/PyLith/branches/pylith-0.8/pylith3d/utils/blockrot3.f	2006-12-06 20:33:12 UTC (rev 5482)
+++ short/3D/PyLith/branches/pylith-0.8/pylith3d/utils/blockrot3.f	2006-12-06 20:59:22 UTC (rev 5483)
@@ -30,7 +30,7 @@
 c...  info read or deduced from parameter file
       integer nfaults,numdefs,faultdef(3,maxdefs),blocknum(maxblocks)
-      double precision cscale,dipcut,pole(3,maxblocks)
+      double precision cscale,dipcut,pole(3,maxblocks),xlims(3,2)
       logical dflag
 c...  intrinsic functions
@@ -50,7 +50,7 @@
       integer elems(maxattached),colors(maxattached)
       double precision pi,d2r
       double precision x(nsd),xtmp(nsd),fnorm(nsd)
-      logical pairused
+      logical pairused,inrange
       character ffile*500
@@ -75,6 +75,11 @@
       if(dflag) dipcut=abs(sin(d2r*dipcut))
+c...  coordinate ranges to be considered
+      call pskip(kp)
+      read(kp,*) ((xlims(i,j),j=1,2),i=1,3)
 c...  block rotation poles
       do i=1,nblocks
@@ -105,60 +110,64 @@
           read(kf,*,end=20) nattached
           read(kf,*,end=20) (elems(j),j=1,nattached)
           read(kf,*,end=20) (colors(j),j=1,nattached)
+          inrange=.true.
           do j=1,3
+            if(x(j).lt.xlims(j,1).or.x(j).gt.xlims(j,2)) inrange=.false.
           end do
 c...  see if pair has been used previously.  If not, create a new entry
 c     if the fault has been defined.
-          do j=1,nattached
-            pairused=.false.
-            do k=1,nentries
-              if(elems(j).eq.nfault(1,k).and.node.eq.nfault(2,k)) then
-                pairused=.true.
-                go to 30
-              end if
-            end do
- 30         continue
-            if(.not.pairused) then
+          if(inrange) then
+            do j=1,nattached
+              pairused=.false.
+              do k=1,nentries
+                if(elems(j).eq.nfault(1,k).and.node.eq.nfault(2,k)) then
+                  pairused=.true.
+                  go to 30
+                end if
+              end do
+ 30           continue
+              if(.not.pairused) then
 c...  for now, choose first fault in definition list
-              blk1=0
-              blk2=0
-              faultnum=0
-              do k=1,numdefs
-                if(colors(j).eq.faultdef(1,k)) then
-                  blk1=colors(j)
-                  blk2=faultdef(2,k)
-                  faultnum=k
-                  go to 40
-                else if(colors(j).eq.faultdef(2,k)) then
-                  blk1=colors(j)
-                  blk2=faultdef(1,k)
-                  faultnum=k
-                  go to 40
-                end if
-              end do
- 40           continue
-              if(blk1.eq.0) then
-                write(kto,810) elems(j),node,colors(j)
-              else
-                nentries=nentries+1
-                nfault(1,nentries)=elems(j)
-                nfault(2,nentries)=node
-                call getvals(x,fnorm,dipcut,dflag,
-     &           pole(1,blocknum(blk1)),pole(1,blocknum(blk2)),split)
+                blk1=0
+                blk2=0
+                faultnum=0
+                do k=1,numdefs
+                  if(colors(j).eq.faultdef(1,k)) then
+                    blk1=colors(j)
+                    blk2=faultdef(2,k)
+                    faultnum=k
+                    go to 40
+                  else if(colors(j).eq.faultdef(2,k)) then
+                    blk1=colors(j)
+                    blk2=faultdef(1,k)
+                    faultnum=k
+                    go to 40
+                  end if
+                end do
+ 40             continue
+                if(blk1.eq.0) then
+                  write(kto,810) elems(j),node,colors(j)
+                else
+                  nentries=nentries+1
+                  nfault(1,nentries)=elems(j)
+                  nfault(2,nentries)=node
+                  call getvals(x,fnorm,dipcut,dflag,
+     &             pole(1,blocknum(blk1)),pole(1,blocknum(blk2)),split)
 c...  output split node values
-                write(kso,"(3i8,3(2x,1pe15.8))")
-     &           (nfault(k,nentries),k=1,2),faultdef(3,faultnum),
-     &           (split(k),k=1,3)
+                  write(kso,"(3i8,3(2x,1pe15.8))")
+     &             (nfault(k,nentries),k=1,2),faultdef(3,faultnum),
+     &             (split(k),k=1,3)
+                end if
               end if
-            end if
-          end do
+            end do
+          end if
           go to 10
  20     continue

Modified: short/3D/PyLith/branches/pylith-0.8/pylith3d/utils/blockrot3.par
--- short/3D/PyLith/branches/pylith-0.8/pylith3d/utils/blockrot3.par	2006-12-06 20:33:12 UTC (rev 5482)
+++ short/3D/PyLith/branches/pylith-0.8/pylith3d/utils/blockrot3.par	2006-12-06 20:59:22 UTC (rev 5483)
@@ -17,6 +17,16 @@
        4          3        1.0d0     75.0d0
+#   Coordinate ranges:
+#     Enter coordinate ranges to be considered.  Any points lying
+#     outside of these ranges will be rejected.
+#    xmin    xmax    ymin    ymax    zmin    zmax
+     -1.5d5  1.5d5  -1.5d5  1.5d5   4.0d3   1.9d4
 #   Rotation pole info:
 #     For each block, enter the following info:
@@ -32,13 +42,10 @@
 #  blocknum(i)  polex(i)    poley(i)    poler(i),  i=1,nblocks
-     1          1.0d5      1.0d5   -5.0d-6
-     2         -1.0d5     -1.0d5   -5.0d-6
-     3          0.0d0      0.0d0    0.0d0
-     4          0.0d0      0.0d0    0.0d0
-# poles above should yield approximately equal amounts of strike-slip
-# and dip-slip movement on the fault between blocks 1 and 2.  Blocks 3
-# and 4 are chosen as the reference frame and so have no movement.
+     1        -3.373d5  -9.571d5  -2.291d-7
+     2        -5.002d5  -8.817d5  -4.584d-7
+     5          0.0d0      0.0d0    0.0d0
+     6        -1.500d5  -2.910d5  -3.163d-6
 #   Fault definition info:
@@ -65,15 +72,27 @@
-        1            2            1
-# Highest priority is dipping boundary between blocks 1 and 2.
+        6            5            0
+# Highest priority is San Andreas boundary.
-        1            4            2
-# Next highest priority is vertical boundary between blocks 1 and 4.
+        6            2            0
+# Next highest priority is SAF boundary of block 2.
-        2            3            3
-# Lowest priority is vertical boundary between blocks 2 and 3.
+        6            1            0
+# Next highest priority is SAF boundary of block 1.
+        1
+        5            2            0
+# Next highest priority is boundary between block 2 and reference block.
+        1
+        5            1            0
+# Next highest priority is boundary between block 1 and reference block.
+        1
+        2            1            0
+# Lowest priority is boundary between blocks 1 and 2.

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