[cig-commits] commit: Adding these guys from stgUnderworldE.

Mercurial hg at geodynamics.org
Mon Feb 1 15:29:48 PST 2010

changeset:   193:1d0be4083c7d
user:        JericoRevote
date:        Fri Nov 27 13:17:01 2009 +1100
files:       bittenObtain.py identify-all.sh makefile pull+update-all.sh updateRepos.py
Adding these guys from stgUnderworldE.
(We need these scripts since we're not using 2 root repositores anymore.)

diff -r f498e50e628b -r 1d0be4083c7d bittenObtain.py
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/bittenObtain.py	Fri Nov 27 13:17:01 2009 +1100
@@ -0,0 +1,88 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+from mercurial import hg, ui, util
+import urllib2
+import ConfigParser
+import os, errno
+import sys
+# hacky way to find out what the name of the branch is
+branch = os.popen('hg branch').readlines()
+branch = branch[0].replace("\n","")
+cwd = os.getcwd()
+if len(sys.argv) > 1:
+	deps = [ \
+		['https://' + (sys.argv[1] + '@') + 'csd.vpac.org/hg/hgforest', '.hg/forest' ], \
+		['https://' + (sys.argv[1] + '@') + 'csd.vpac.org/hg/SConfigure', 'config' ], \
+		['https://' + (sys.argv[1] + '@') + 'www.mcc.monash.edu.au/hg/gLucifer', 'gLucifer' ], \
+		['https://' + (sys.argv[1] + '@') + 'csd.vpac.org/hg/PICellerator', 'PICellerator' ], \
+		['https://' + (sys.argv[1] + '@') + 'csd.vpac.org/hg/StgDomain', 'StgDomain' ], \
+		['https://' + (sys.argv[1] + '@') + 'csd.vpac.org/hg/StGermain', 'StGermain' ], \
+		['https://' + (sys.argv[1] + '@') + 'csd.vpac.org/hg/StgFEM', 'StgFEM' ], \
+		['https://' + (sys.argv[1] + '@') + 'www.mcc.monash.edu.au/hg/Underworld', 'Underworld' ], \
+		['https://' + (sys.argv[1] + '@') + 'www.mcc.monash.edu.au/hg/Experimental', 'Experimental' ], \
+		['https://' + (sys.argv[1] + '@') + 'www.mcc.monash.edu.au/hg/Experimental', 'Experimental/PDERework/config' ], \
+		['https://' + (sys.argv[1] + '@') + 'www.mcc.monash.edu.au/hg/Experimental', 'Experimental/Magma/config' ], \
+		['https://' + (sys.argv[1] + '@') + 'www.mcc.monash.edu.au/hg/Experimental', 'Experimental/Geothermal/config' ] ]
+	deps = [ \
+		['https://csd.vpac.org/hg/hgforest', '.hg/forest' ], \
+		['https://csd.vpac.org/hg/SConfigure', 'config' ], \
+		['https://www.mcc.monash.edu.au/hg/gLucifer', 'gLucifer' ], \
+		['https://csd.vpac.org/hg/PICellerator', 'PICellerator' ], \
+		['https://csd.vpac.org/hg/StgDomain', 'StgDomain' ], \
+		['https://csd.vpac.org/hg/StGermain', 'StGermain' ], \
+		['https://csd.vpac.org/hg/StgFEM', 'StgFEM' ], \
+		['https://www.mcc.monash.edu.au/hg/Underworld', 'Underworld' ], \
+		['https://www.mcc.monash.edu.au/hg/Experimental', 'Experimental' ] ]
+# Make sure the '.hg' directory exists
+	os.mkdir('.hg')
+except OSError, e:
+	if( e.errno != errno.EEXIST ):
+		raise OSError( e )  # if the error is the directory exists already, keep going
+# Download the dependancies...
+u = ui.ui()
+for dep in deps:
+	os.chdir(cwd)
+	try:
+		print dep[0], '-->', dep[1], '...'
+		hg.clone( u, dep[0], dep[1] );
+	except util.Abort, e:
+		c = ConfigParser.ConfigParser()
+		try:
+			c.readfp( open( dep[1] + '/.hg/hgrc', 'r' ) )
+			if( c.get( 'paths', 'default' ) != dep[0] ):
+				print 'Creation failed - ', e, ' but points to another repository'
+			else:
+				print dep[1], 'already present'
+		except:
+			print 'Creation failed - ', e, ' and does not seem to be a valid repository'
+	except urllib2.URLError, e:
+		print 'Download failed - ', e
+	# and heres some more hackyness to get hg to switch branches
+        # I couldn't find any functionality to do this in the python bindings.
+        # JS - 12/11/2008
+        os.chdir(dep[1])
+        try:
+                os.system("hg up -C "+branch)
+        except:
+                print "fail"
+# Tell this root repository that its has forest
+	c.add_section('extensions')
+except ConfigParser.DuplicateSectionError:
+	pass    # If the error is that it exists already, keep going
+c.set( 'extensions', 'hgext.forest', os.getcwd() + '/.hg/forest/forest.py' )
+c.write( open( '.hg/hgrc', 'w' ) )
diff -r f498e50e628b -r 1d0be4083c7d identify-all.sh
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/identify-all.sh	Fri Nov 27 13:17:01 2009 +1100
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+#Run mercurial identify on all repos
+#Usage: ./identify-all.sh
+#Process current dir and first level of subdirs excluding .hg
+for f in `find . -maxdepth 1 -type d \( ! -iname ".hg" \) | sort -f`
+    #skip if no .hg folder
+    ls $f/.hg &> /dev/null
+    if [ "${?}" -ne "0" ]; then
+        continue 
+    fi
+    cd $f
+    echo "`hg identify` $f"
+    cd $wd
diff -r f498e50e628b -r 1d0be4083c7d makefile
--- a/makefile	Thu Nov 26 12:40:35 2009 +1100
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
-# obtain defaults for required variables according to system and project location, and then run the build.
-override PROJ_ROOT = .
-include ${PROJ_ROOT}/Makefile.system
-subproj = StGermain StgDomain StgFEM PICellerator gLucifer Underworld 
-include ${PROJ_ROOT}/Makefile.vmake
diff -r f498e50e628b -r 1d0be4083c7d pull+update-all.sh
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/pull+update-all.sh	Fri Nov 27 13:17:01 2009 +1100
@@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
+#Run mercurial pull and update in all directories
+#Usage: ./pull+update-all.sh [username]
+#Prompts for password
+  # Function. Parameter 1 is the return code
+  # Para. 2 is text to display on failure.
+  if [ "${1}" -ne "0" ]; then
+      echo "ERROR # ${1} : ${2}"
+      exit ${1}
+  fi
+#check for username provided in hg paths url (look for @ symbol)
+#if present don't rewrite repository urls with username/pass 
+expr match "`hg paths`" '.*\(@\).*' &> /dev/null
+if [ "${?}" -ne "0" ]; then
+    #get username from command line argument, defaults to current user
+    if [ $# -ne 1 ]
+    then
+        echo "Using currently logged in user name: `whoami`"
+        user=`whoami`
+    else
+        user=$1
+    fi
+    #get password
+    echo -n "Enter password for $user: "
+    stty -echo
+    read password
+    stty echo
+    echo ""
+    #setup username and password
+    login="https://$user:$password@"
+    login="https://"
+#Process current dir and first level of subdirs excluding .hg
+for f in `find . -maxdepth 1 -type d \( ! -iname ".hg" \)`
+    #skip if no .hg folder
+    ls $f/.hg &> /dev/null
+    if [ "${?}" -ne "0" ]; then
+        continue 
+    fi
+    cd $f
+    echo "-------- Processing [ $f ] ---------------------------------------"
+    #strip start of hg paths output to get repository name
+    paths=`hg paths | sed 's/default = https:\/\///'`
+    hg pull $login$paths
+    check-errs $? "hg pull failed"
+    hg update 
+    check-errs $? "hg update failed"
+    cd $wd
diff -r f498e50e628b -r 1d0be4083c7d updateRepos.py
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/updateRepos.py	Fri Nov 27 13:17:01 2009 +1100
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python 
+This scipt will update Underworld repositories to a specific branch.
+The one argument this script uses is the branch name, eg.
+	./updateRepos.py v1.3.x
+from mercurial import hg, ui, util
+import urllib2
+import ConfigParser
+import os, errno
+import sys
+deps = [ 
+	 'gLucifer', 'PICellerator', 'StgDomain' , 'StGermain' , 'StgFEM' , 'Underworld' , 'Experimental' \
+		] #, 'Experimental/PDERework/config', 'Experimental/Magma/config' ]
+cwd = os.getcwd()
+# check if there are 
+if len(sys.argv) != 2:
+	print "ERROR - must supply one argument only (the branch name), currently\n" 
+	print sys.argv
+	print "\nExample usage: ./updateRepos.py v1.3.x\n\n"
+	sys.exit()
+for dep in deps:
+	os.chdir(cwd + "/" + dep)
+# get the branch name
+	branch = os.popen('hg branch').readlines()
+	branch = branch[0].replace("\n","")
+# check branch
+	os.system("hg up -C " + sys.argv[1])
+	print "updating " + dep + " to branch " + sys.argv[1]

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