[cig-commits] r19348 - seismo/3D/FAULT_SOURCE/branches/new_fault_db/src

surendra at geodynamics.org surendra at geodynamics.org
Tue Jan 10 21:52:51 PST 2012

Author: surendra
Date: 2012-01-10 21:52:51 -0800 (Tue, 10 Jan 2012)
New Revision: 19348

Added nucleation procedure for TPV16/17

Modified: seismo/3D/FAULT_SOURCE/branches/new_fault_db/src/fault_solver.f90
--- seismo/3D/FAULT_SOURCE/branches/new_fault_db/src/fault_solver.f90	2012-01-10 01:20:11 UTC (rev 19347)
+++ seismo/3D/FAULT_SOURCE/branches/new_fault_db/src/fault_solver.f90	2012-01-11 05:52:51 UTC (rev 19348)
@@ -59,7 +59,7 @@
     integer :: kind
     logical :: healing = .false.
-    real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL), dimension(:), pointer   :: Dc=>null(), mus=>null(), mud=>null(), theta=>null()
+    real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL), dimension(:), pointer   :: Dc=>null(), mus=>null(), mud=>null(), theta=>null(), T=>null()
   end type swf_type
   type bc_dynflt_type
@@ -91,6 +91,8 @@
   logical, save :: SIMULATION_TYPE_DYN = .false.
+  logical, save :: TPV16 = .false.
   real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL), allocatable, save :: Kelvin_Voigt_eta(:)
   public :: BC_DYNFLT_init, BC_DYNFLT_set3d_all, Kelvin_Voigt_eta, &
@@ -165,7 +167,11 @@
   allocate( faults(nbfaults) )
   do iflt=1,nbfaults
-    call init_one_fault(faults(iflt),IIN_BIN,IIN_PAR,Minv,dt,nt,iflt)
+    if(.not.TPV16) then
+      call init_one_fault(faults(iflt),IIN_BIN,IIN_PAR,Minv,dt,nt,iflt)
+    else
+      call init_one_fault_TPV16(faults(iflt),IIN_BIN,IIN_PAR,Minv,dt,nt,iflt)
+    endif
@@ -191,6 +197,170 @@
+  subroutine init_one_fault_TPV16(bc,IIN_BIN,IIN_PAR,Minv,dt,NT,iflt)
+  type(bc_dynflt_type), intent(inout) :: bc
+  real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL), intent(in)  :: Minv(:)
+  integer, intent(in)                 :: IIN_BIN,IIN_PAR,NT,iflt
+  real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL), intent(in)  :: dt
+  real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL), dimension(:,:), allocatable   :: jacobian2Dw
+  real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL), dimension(:,:,:), allocatable :: normal
+  integer, dimension(:,:), allocatable :: ibool1
+  real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL) :: norm
+  real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL) :: S1,S2,S3
+  integer :: n1,n2,n3
+  real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL) :: mus,mud,dc
+  integer :: nmus,nmud,ndc,ij,k,e
+  real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL), dimension(:), allocatable :: nx,ny,nz
+  integer, parameter :: IIN_NUC =270
+  integer :: ipar
+  integer :: ier
+  integer :: relz_num,sub_relz_num
+  integer :: num_cell_str,num_cell_dip
+  real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL) :: siz_str,siz_dip
+  integer :: hypo_cell_str,hypo_cell_dip
+  real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL) :: hypo_loc_str,hypo_loc_dip,rad_T_str,rad_T_dip
+  integer, dimension(:), allocatable :: inp_nx,inp_nz
+  real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL), dimension(:), allocatable :: loc_str,loc_dip,sigma0,tau0_str,tau0_dip,Rstress_str,Rstress_dip,static_fc, &
+  integer, dimension(:), allocatable  :: iLoc
+  NAMELIST / INIT_STRESS / S1,S2,S3,n1,n2,n3
+  NAMELIST / SWF / mus,mud,dc,nmus,nmud,ndc
+  read(IIN_BIN) bc%nspec,bc%nglob
+  if (bc%nspec==0) return
+  allocate( bc%ibulk1(bc%nglob) )
+  allocate( bc%ibulk2(bc%nglob) )
+  allocate( ibool1(NGLLSQUARE,bc%nspec) )
+  allocate(normal(NDIM,NGLLSQUARE,bc%nspec))
+  allocate(jacobian2Dw(NGLLSQUARE,bc%nspec))
+  allocate(bc%coord(3,(bc%nglob)))
+  read(IIN_BIN) ibool1
+  read(IIN_BIN) jacobian2Dw
+  read(IIN_BIN) normal
+  read(IIN_BIN) bc%ibulk1
+  read(IIN_BIN) bc%ibulk2
+  read(IIN_BIN) bc%coord(1,:)
+  read(IIN_BIN) bc%coord(2,:)
+  read(IIN_BIN) bc%coord(3,:)
+  bc%dt = dt
+  allocate( bc%B(bc%nglob) )
+  bc%B = 0e0_CUSTOM_REAL
+  allocate( nx(bc%nglob),ny(bc%nglob),nz(bc%nglob) )
+  nx = 0e0_CUSTOM_REAL
+  ny = 0e0_CUSTOM_REAL
+  nz = 0e0_CUSTOM_REAL
+  do e=1,bc%nspec
+    do ij = 1,NGLLSQUARE
+      k = ibool1(ij,e)
+      nx(k) = nx(k) + normal(1,ij,e)
+      ny(k) = ny(k) + normal(2,ij,e)
+      nz(k) = nz(k) + normal(3,ij,e)
+      bc%B(k) = bc%B(k) + jacobian2Dw(ij,e)
+    enddo
+  enddo
+  do k=1,bc%nglob
+    norm = sqrt( nx(k)*nx(k) + ny(k)*ny(k) + nz(k)*nz(k) )
+    nx(k) = nx(k) / norm
+    ny(k) = ny(k) / norm
+    nz(k) = nz(k) / norm
+  enddo
+  allocate( bc%R(3,3,bc%nglob) )
+  call compute_R(bc%R,bc%nglob,nx,ny,nz)
+! Needed in dA_Free = -K2*d2/M2 + K1*d1/M1
+  allocate(bc%invM1(bc%nglob))
+  allocate(bc%invM2(bc%nglob))
+  bc%invM1 = Minv(bc%ibulk1)
+  bc%invM2 = Minv(bc%ibulk2)
+! Fault impedance, Z in :  Trac=T_Stick-Z*dV
+!   Z = 1/( B1/M1 + B2/M2 ) / (0.5*dt)
+! T_stick = Z*Vfree traction as if the fault was stuck (no displ discontinuity) 
+! NOTE: same Bi on both sides, see note above
+  allocate(bc%Z(bc%nglob))
+  bc%Z = 1.e0_CUSTOM_REAL/(0.5e0_CUSTOM_REAL*dt * bc%B *( bc%invM1 + bc%invM2 ))
+  allocate(bc%T(3,bc%nglob))
+  allocate(bc%D(3,bc%nglob))
+  allocate(bc%V(3,bc%nglob))
+  bc%T = 0e0_CUSTOM_REAL
+  bc%D = 0e0_CUSTOM_REAL
+  bc%V = 0e0_CUSTOM_REAL
+  allocate(inp_nx(bc%nglob))
+  allocate(inp_nz(bc%nglob))
+  allocate(loc_str(bc%nglob))
+  allocate(loc_dip(bc%nglob))
+  allocate(sigma0(bc%nglob))
+  allocate(tau0_str(bc%nglob))
+  allocate(tau0_dip(bc%nglob))
+  allocate(Rstress_str(bc%nglob))
+  allocate(Rstress_dip(bc%nglob))
+  allocate(static_fc(bc%nglob))
+  allocate(dyn_fc(bc%nglob))
+  allocate(swcd(bc%nglob))
+  allocate(cohes(bc%nglob))
+  allocate(tim_forcedRup(bc%nglob))
+  open(unit=IIN_NUC,file='DATA/FAULT/input_file.txt',status='old',iostat=ier)
+  read(IIN_NUC,*) relz_num,sub_relz_num
+  read(IIN_NUC,*) num_cell_str,num_cell_dip,siz_str,siz_dip
+  read(IIN_NUC,*) hypo_cell_str,hypo_cell_dip,hypo_loc_str,hypo_loc_dip,rad_T_str,rad_T_dip
+  do ipar=1,bc%nglob
+    read(IIN_NUC,*) inp_nx(ipar),inp_nz(ipar),loc_str(ipar),loc_dip(ipar),sigma0(ipar),tau0_str(ipar),tau0_dip(ipar), &
+  enddo
+  close(IIN_NUC)
+  allocate(bc%T0(3,bc%nglob))
+  allocate( bc%swf )
+  allocate( bc%swf%mus(bc%nglob) )
+  allocate( bc%swf%mud(bc%nglob) )
+  allocate( bc%swf%Dc(bc%nglob) )
+  allocate( bc%swf%theta(bc%nglob) )
+  allocate( bc%swf%T(bc%nglob) )
+  allocate(iLoc(bc%nglob))
+  do ipar=1,bc%nglob
+    iLoc = minloc( (loc_str(ipar)-bc%coord(1,:))**2 + (-loc_dip(ipar)-bc%coord(3,:))**2 ) !iloc_dip is negative of Z-coord
+    bc%T0(1,iLoc(1)) = sigma0(ipar)
+    bc%T0(2,iLoc(1)) = tau0_str(ipar)
+    bc%T0(3,iLoc(1)) = tau0_dip(ipar)
+    bc%swf%mus(iLoc(1)) = static_fc(ipar)
+    bc%swf%mud(iLoc(1)) = dyn_fc(ipar)
+    bc%swf%Dc(iLoc(1)) = swcd(ipar)
+    bc%swf%T(iLoc(1)) = tim_forcedRup(ipar)
+ ! WARNING: if V_HEALING is negative we turn off healing
+  bc%swf%healing = (V_HEALING > 0e0_CUSTOM_REAL)
+  bc%swf%theta = 0e0_CUSTOM_REAL
+  allocate(bc%MU(bc%nglob))
+  bc%MU = swf_mu_TPV16(bc%swf,0.0,bc%nglob)
+  call init_dataT(bc%dataT,bc%coord,bc%nglob,NT,iflt)
+  call init_dataXZ(bc%dataXZ,bc,bc%nglob)
+end subroutine init_one_fault_TPV16
   subroutine init_one_fault(bc,IIN_BIN,IIN_PAR,Minv,dt,NT,iflt)
   type(bc_dynflt_type), intent(inout) :: bc
@@ -329,10 +499,6 @@
   call init_dataT(bc%dataT,bc%coord,bc%nglob,NT,iflt)
   call init_dataXZ(bc%dataXZ,bc,bc%nglob)
-!----  Initial Fault Parameters ------------- 
-  call write_init_fault_par(bc,iflt)
   end subroutine init_one_fault
@@ -403,20 +569,14 @@
     select case(shape)
       case ('circle')
-        b = heaviside(r-sqrt((coord(1,:)-xc)**2 + &
-                             (coord(2,:)-yc)**2 + (coord(3,:)-zc)**2)) * val
+        b = heaviside( r - sqrt((coord(1,:)-xc)**2 + (coord(2,:)-yc)**2 + (coord(3,:)-zc)**2 ) )
       case ('ellipse')
-        b = heaviside(1e0_CUSTOM_REAL-sqrt((coord(1,:)-xc)**2/lx**2 + &
-                                           (coord(2,:)-yc)**2/ly**2 + (coord(3,:)-zc)**2/lz**2)) * val
+        b = heaviside( 1e0_CUSTOM_REAL - sqrt( (coord(1,:)-xc)**2/lx**2 + (coord(2,:)-yc)**2/ly**2 + (coord(3,:)-zc)**2/lz**2 ) )
       case ('square')
         b = heaviside((l/2._CUSTOM_REAL)-abs(coord(1,:)-xc)+SMALLVAL) * & 
             heaviside((l/2._CUSTOM_REAL)-abs(coord(2,:)-yc)+SMALLVAL) * & 
             heaviside((l/2._CUSTOM_REAL)-abs(coord(3,:)-zc)+SMALLVAL) * &
-      case ('cilinder')
-        b = heaviside(r - sqrt((coord(1,:)-xc)**2 + (coord(2,:)-yc)**2)) * &
-            heaviside((lz/2._CUSTOM_REAL)-abs(coord(3,:)-zc)+SMALLVAL)   * & 
-            val
       case ('rectangle')
         b = heaviside((lx/2._CUSTOM_REAL)-abs(coord(1,:)-xc)+SMALLVAL) * &
             heaviside((ly/2._CUSTOM_REAL)-abs(coord(2,:)-yc)+SMALLVAL) * &
@@ -462,12 +622,139 @@
   if (.not. allocated(faults)) return
   do iflt=1,size(faults)
-    if (faults(iflt)%nspec>0) call BC_DYNFLT_set3d(faults(iflt),F,Vel,Dis,iflt)
+    if(.not.TPV16) then
+      if (faults(iflt)%nspec>0) call BC_DYNFLT_set3d(faults(iflt),F,Vel,Dis,iflt)
+    else
+      if (faults(iflt)%nspec>0) call BC_DYNFLT_set3d_TPV16(faults(iflt),F,Vel,Dis,iflt)
+    endif
   end subroutine bc_dynflt_set3d_all
+  subroutine BC_DYNFLT_set3d_TPV16(bc,MxA,V,D,iflt)
+  use specfem_par, only:it,NSTEP
+  real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL), intent(inout) :: MxA(:,:)
+  type(bc_dynflt_type), intent(inout) :: bc
+  real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL), intent(in) :: V(:,:),D(:,:)
+  integer,intent(in) :: iflt
+  real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL), dimension(bc%nglob) :: strength
+  real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL), dimension(3,bc%nglob) :: T
+  real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL), dimension(bc%nglob) :: t1,t2,tnorm,tnew
+  real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL), dimension(3,bc%nglob) :: dD,dV,dA 
+  real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL), dimension(bc%nglob) :: theta_old, Vnorm, Vnorm_old
+  real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL) :: half_dt
+!  integer :: k 
+  half_dt = 0.5e0_CUSTOM_REAL*bc%dt
+  theta_old = bc%swf%theta
+  Vnorm_old = sqrt(bc%V(1,:)*bc%V(1,:)+bc%V(2,:)*bc%V(2,:))
+! get predicted values
+  dD = get_jump(bc,D) ! dD_predictor
+  dV = get_jump(bc,V) ! dV_predictor
+  dA = get_weighted_jump(bc,MxA) ! dA_free
+! rotate to fault frame (tangent,normal)
+! component 3 is normal to the fault
+  dD = rotate(bc,dD,1)
+  dV = rotate(bc,dV,1)
+  dA = rotate(bc,dA,1)
+! T_stick
+ T(1,:) = bc%Z * ( dV(1,:) + half_dt*dA(1,:) )
+ T(2,:) = bc%Z * ( dV(2,:) + half_dt*dA(2,:) )
+ T(3,:) = bc%Z * ( dV(3,:) + half_dt*dA(3,:) )
+!Warning : dirty particular free surface condition z = 0. 
+!  where (bc%zcoord(:) > - SMALLVAL) T(2,:) = 0
+! do k=1,bc%nglob  
+!   if (abs(bc%zcoord(k)-0.e0_CUSTOM_REAL) < SMALLVAL) T(2,k) = 0.e0_CUSTOM_REAL
+! end do 
+! add initial stress
+  T = T + bc%T0
+! Solve for normal stress (negative is compressive)
+  ! Opening implies free stress
+   if (bc%allow_opening) T(3,:) = min(T(3,:),0.e0_CUSTOM_REAL)
+! Update slip weakening friction:
+ ! Update slip state variable
+ ! WARNING: during opening the friction state variable should not evolve
+  call swf_update_state(bc%D,dD,bc%V,bc%swf)
+ ! Update friction coeficient
+  bc%MU = swf_mu_TPV16(bc%swf,it*bc%dt,bc%nglob)
+! combined with time-weakening for nucleation
+!  if (associated(bc%twf)) bc%MU = min( bc%MU, twf_mu(bc%twf,bc%coord,time) )
+! Update strength
+  strength = -bc%MU * min(T(3,:),0.e0_CUSTOM_REAL)
+! Solve for shear stress
+  tnorm = sqrt( T(1,:)*T(1,:) + T(2,:)*T(2,:))
+  tnorm = max(tnorm,1e0_CUSTOM_REAL)
+  t1 = T(1,:)/tnorm
+  t2 = T(2,:)/tnorm
+  tnew = min(tnorm,strength)
+  T(1,:) = tnew * t1
+  T(2,:) = tnew * t2
+! Save total tractions
+  bc%T = T
+! Subtract initial stress
+  T = T - bc%T0
+! Update slip acceleration da=da_free-T/(0.5*dt*Z)
+  dA(1,:) = dA(1,:) - T(1,:)/(bc%Z*half_dt)
+  dA(2,:) = dA(2,:) - T(2,:)/(bc%Z*half_dt)
+  dA(3,:) = dA(3,:) - T(3,:)/(bc%Z*half_dt)
+! Update slip and slip rate, in fault frame
+  bc%D = dD
+  bc%V = dV + half_dt*dA
+! Rotate tractions back to (x,y,z) frame 
+  T = rotate(bc,T,-1)
+! Add boundary term B*T to M*a
+  MxA(1,bc%ibulk1) = MxA(1,bc%ibulk1) + bc%B*T(1,:)
+  MxA(2,bc%ibulk1) = MxA(2,bc%ibulk1) + bc%B*T(2,:)
+  MxA(3,bc%ibulk1) = MxA(3,bc%ibulk1) + bc%B*T(3,:)
+  MxA(1,bc%ibulk2) = MxA(1,bc%ibulk2) - bc%B*T(1,:)
+  MxA(2,bc%ibulk2) = MxA(2,bc%ibulk2) - bc%B*T(2,:)
+  MxA(3,bc%ibulk2) = MxA(3,bc%ibulk2) - bc%B*T(3,:)
+!-- intermediate storage of outputs --
+  Vnorm = sqrt(bc%V(1,:)*bc%V(1,:)+bc%V(2,:)*bc%V(2,:))
+  call store_dataXZ(bc%dataXZ, strength, theta_old, bc%swf%theta, bc%swf%dc, &
+                    Vnorm_old, Vnorm, it*bc%dt,bc%dt)
+  call store_dataT(bc%dataT,bc%D,bc%V,bc%T,it)
+!-- outputs --
+! write dataT every NTOUT time step or at the end of simulation
+  if ( mod(it,NTOUT) == 0 .or. it==NSTEP) call SCEC_write_dataT(bc%dataT,bc%dt,it)
+! write dataXZ every NSNAP time step
+  if ( mod(it,NSNAP) == 0) call write_dataXZ(bc%dataXZ,it,iflt)
+  if ( it == NSTEP) call SCEC_Write_RuptureTime(bc%dataXZ,bc%dt,NSTEP,iflt)
+  end subroutine BC_DYNFLT_set3d_TPV16
   subroutine BC_DYNFLT_set3d(bc,MxA,V,D,iflt) 
   use specfem_par, only:it,NSTEP 
@@ -662,7 +949,29 @@
   end subroutine swf_update_state
+! Friction coefficient
+  function swf_mu_TPV16(f,time,nglob) result(mu)
+  type(swf_type), intent(in) :: f
+  real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL) :: mu(size(f%theta))
+  real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL) :: time
+  integer :: i,nglob
+ !-- linear slip weakening:
+    mu = f%mus -(f%mus-f%mud)/f%dc *f%theta
+    do i=1,nglob
+      if ( (f%theta(i) >= f%Dc(i)) .or. (time >= f%T(i)) ) then
+        mu(i) = f%mud(i)
+      endif
+    enddo
+  end function swf_mu_TPV16
 ! Friction coefficient
   function swf_mu(f) result(mu)
@@ -802,6 +1111,13 @@
   integer   :: i,k,IOUT
   character :: NTchar*5
+  integer*4 today(3), now(3)
+  call idate(today)   ! today(1)=day, (2)=month, (3)=year
+  call itime(now)     ! now(1)=hour, (2)=minute, (3)=second
   IOUT = 121 !WARNING: not very robust. Could instead look for an available ID
   write(NTchar,1) NT
@@ -811,16 +1127,14 @@
  do i=1,dataT%npoin
-      write(IOUT,*) "# problem=TPV15"
-      write(IOUT,*) "# author=Galvez, Ampuero, Nissen-Meyer"
-      write(IOUT,*) "# date=2011/xx/xx"
-      write(IOUT,*) "# code=SPECFEM3D_FAULT "
+      write(IOUT,*) "# problem=TPV16"
+      write(IOUT,*) "# author=Surendra Nadh Somala"
+      write(IOUT,1000) "# date=",today(2), today(1), today(3), now
+      write(IOUT,*) "# code=SPECFEM3D_SESAME (split nodes)"
       write(IOUT,*) "# code_version=1.1"
-      write(IOUT,*) "# element_size=100 m  (*4 GLL nodes)"
+      write(IOUT,*) "# element_size=75 m  (*3 GLL nodes)"
       write(IOUT,*) "# time_step=",DT
-      write(IOUT,*) "# num_time_steps=",NT
       write(IOUT,*) "# location=",trim(dataT%name(i))
-      write(IOUT,*) "# Time series in 8 column of E15.7"
       write(IOUT,*) "# Column #1 = Time (s)"
       write(IOUT,*) "# Column #2 = horizontal right-lateral slip (m)"
       write(IOUT,*) "# Column #3 = horizontal right-lateral slip rate (m/s)"
@@ -839,6 +1153,12 @@
+ 1000 format ( 'Date ', i2.2, '/', i2.2, '/', i4.4, '; time ',
+     &         i2.2, ':', i2.2, ':', i2.2 )
   end subroutine SCEC_write_dataT
@@ -854,19 +1174,23 @@
   integer   :: i,IOUT
   character(len=70) :: filename
+  integer*4 today(3), now(3)
+  call idate(today)   ! today(1)=day, (2)=month, (3)=year
+  call itime(now)     ! now(1)=hour, (2)=minute, (3)=second
   write(filename,"('OUTPUT_FILES/RuptureTime_Fault',I0)") iflt
   IOUT = 121 !WARNING: not very robust. Could instead look for an available ID
-      write(IOUT,*) "# problem=TPV5"
-      write(IOUT,*) "# author=Galvez, Ampuero, Tarje"
-      write(IOUT,*) "# date=2011/xx/xx"
-      write(IOUT,*) "# code=SPECFEM3D_FAULT"
+      write(IOUT,*) "# problem=TPV16"
+      write(IOUT,*) "# author=Surendra Nadh Somala"
+      write(IOUT,1000) "# date=",today(2), today(1), today(3), now
+      write(IOUT,*) "# code=SPECFEM3D_SESAME (split nodes)"
       write(IOUT,*) "# code_version=1.1"
-      write(IOUT,*) "# element_size=100 m  (*4 GLL nodes)"
-      write(IOUT,*) "# time_step=",DT
-      write(IOUT,*) "# num_time_steps=",NT
+      write(IOUT,*) "# element_size=75 m  (*3 GLL nodes)"
       write(IOUT,*) "# Column #1 = horizontal coordinate, distance along strike (m)"
       write(IOUT,*) "# Column #2 = vertical coordinate, distance down-dip (m)"
       write(IOUT,*) "# Column #3 = rupture time (s)"
@@ -877,6 +1201,10 @@
+ 1000 format ( 'Date ', i2.2, '/', i2.2, '/', i4.4, '; time ',
+     &         i2.2, ':', i2.2, ':', i2.2 )
    end subroutine SCEC_Write_RuptureTime
@@ -983,39 +1311,5 @@
   end subroutine write_dataXZ
-  subroutine write_init_fault_par(bc,iflt)
-  type(bc_dynflt_type), intent(inout) :: bc
-  integer, intent(in) :: iflt
-  character(len=70) :: filename
-  write(filename,"('OUTPUT_FILES/Fault_init_par','_F',I0,'.bin')") iflt
-! open(unit=IOUT, file= trim(filename), status='replace', form='formatted',action='write')
-! NOTE : It had to be adopted formatted output to avoid conflicts readings with different 
-!        compilers.
-!  write(IOUT,"(5F24.15)") dataXZ%xcoord,dataXZ%ycoord,dataXZ%zcoord,dataXZ%v1,dataXZ%v2
-  open(unit=IOUT, file= trim(filename), status='replace', form='unformatted',action='write')
-  write(IOUT) bc%coord(1,:)
-  write(IOUT) bc%coord(2,:)
-  write(IOUT) bc%coord(3,:)
-  write(IOUT) bc%swf%mus 
-  write(IOUT) bc%swf%mud
-  write(IOUT) bc%swf%Dc
-  write(IOUT) bc%T0(1,:)
-  write(IOUT) bc%T0(2,:)
-  write(IOUT) bc%T0(3,:)
-  close(IOUT)
-  end subroutine write_init_fault_par 
 end module fault_solver

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