[cig-commits] r19805 - in seismo/2D/SPECFEM2D/trunk: . setup src/specfem2D

dkomati1 at geodynamics.org dkomati1 at geodynamics.org
Sun Mar 18 20:57:29 PDT 2012

Author: dkomati1
Date: 2012-03-18 20:57:29 -0700 (Sun, 18 Mar 2012)
New Revision: 19805

added support for Guenneau simulations

Modified: seismo/2D/SPECFEM2D/trunk/flags.guess
--- seismo/2D/SPECFEM2D/trunk/flags.guess	2012-03-19 02:12:09 UTC (rev 19804)
+++ seismo/2D/SPECFEM2D/trunk/flags.guess	2012-03-19 03:57:29 UTC (rev 19805)
@@ -29,12 +29,12 @@
         # standard options (leave option -ftz, which is *critical* for performance)
         # add -Winline to get information about routines that are inlined
         # add -vec-report2 to get information about loops that are vectorized or not
-            FLAGS_NO_CHECK="-O3 -xSSE4.2 -funroll-loops -unroll5 -vec-report0 -std95 -implicitnone -warn truncated_source -warn argument_checking -warn unused -warn declarations -warn alignments -warn ignore_loc -warn usage -check nobounds -align sequence -assume byterecl -ftz"
+            FLAGS_NO_CHECK="-O3 -xSSE4.2 -funroll-loops -unroll5 -vec-report0 -std95 -implicitnone -warn truncated_source -warn argument_checking -warn unused -warn declarations -warn alignments -warn ignore_loc -warn usage -check nobounds -align sequence -assume byterecl -ftz" # -DUSE_GUENNEAU
             #FLAGS_NO_CHECK="-O3 -assume byterecl -check nobounds -ftz"
         if test x"$FLAGS_CHECK" = x; then
-            FLAGS_CHECK="-O1 -vec-report0 -std95 -implicitnone -warn truncated_source -warn argument_checking -warn unused -warn declarations -warn alignments -warn ignore_loc -warn usage -check all -align sequence -assume byterecl -ftz -traceback -ftrapuv"
+            FLAGS_CHECK="-O1 -vec-report0 -std95 -implicitnone -warn truncated_source -warn argument_checking -warn unused -warn declarations -warn alignments -warn ignore_loc -warn usage -check all -align sequence -assume byterecl -ftz -traceback -ftrapuv" # -DUSE_GUENNEAU
             #FLAGS_CHECK="-O3 -assume byterecl -traceback -ftrapuv -ftz"

Modified: seismo/2D/SPECFEM2D/trunk/setup/constants.h.in
--- seismo/2D/SPECFEM2D/trunk/setup/constants.h.in	2012-03-19 02:12:09 UTC (rev 19804)
+++ seismo/2D/SPECFEM2D/trunk/setup/constants.h.in	2012-03-19 03:57:29 UTC (rev 19805)
@@ -176,3 +176,8 @@
 ! maximum number of stages for optimized (for reduced storage) LDDRK4-6 Runge-Kutta time scheme
   integer, parameter :: Nstages = 6
+!! DK DK added this for Guenneau, March 2012
+! mettre la valeur souhaitee pour les rayons interieur et exterieur de la cape
+  real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL), parameter :: r0_guenneau = 0.20_CUSTOM_REAL
+  real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL), parameter :: r1_guenneau = 0.40_CUSTOM_REAL

Modified: seismo/2D/SPECFEM2D/trunk/src/specfem2D/Makefile.in
--- seismo/2D/SPECFEM2D/trunk/src/specfem2D/Makefile.in	2012-03-19 02:12:09 UTC (rev 19804)
+++ seismo/2D/SPECFEM2D/trunk/src/specfem2D/Makefile.in	2012-03-19 03:57:29 UTC (rev 19805)
@@ -318,8 +318,8 @@
 $O/gmat01.o: ${S}/gmat01.f90 ${SETUP}/constants.h
 	${F90} $(FLAGS_CHECK) -c -o $O/gmat01.o ${S}/gmat01.f90
-$O/invert_mass_matrix.o: ${S}/invert_mass_matrix.f90 ${SETUP}/constants.h
-	${F90} $(FLAGS_CHECK) -c -o $O/invert_mass_matrix.o ${S}/invert_mass_matrix.f90
+$O/invert_mass_matrix.o: ${S}/invert_mass_matrix.F90 ${SETUP}/constants.h
+	${F90} $(FLAGS_CHECK) -c -o $O/invert_mass_matrix.o ${S}/invert_mass_matrix.F90
 $O/initialize_simulation.o: ${S}/initialize_simulation.F90 ${SETUP}/constants.h
 	${F90} $(FLAGS_CHECK) -c -o $O/initialize_simulation.o ${S}/initialize_simulation.F90
@@ -426,8 +426,8 @@
 $O/compute_forces_poro_solid.o: ${S}/compute_forces_poro_solid.f90 ${SETUP}/constants.h
 	${F90} $(FLAGS_NO_CHECK) -c -o $O/compute_forces_poro_solid.o ${S}/compute_forces_poro_solid.f90
-$O/compute_forces_viscoelastic.o: ${S}/compute_forces_viscoelastic.f90 ${SETUP}/constants.h
-	${F90} $(FLAGS_NO_CHECK) -c -o $O/compute_forces_viscoelastic.o ${S}/compute_forces_viscoelastic.f90
+$O/compute_forces_viscoelastic.o: ${S}/compute_forces_viscoelastic.F90 ${SETUP}/constants.h
+	${F90} $(FLAGS_NO_CHECK) -c -o $O/compute_forces_viscoelastic.o ${S}/compute_forces_viscoelastic.F90
 $O/compute_gradient_attenuation.o: ${S}/compute_gradient_attenuation.f90 ${SETUP}/constants.h
 	${F90} $(FLAGS_NO_CHECK) -c -o $O/compute_gradient_attenuation.o ${S}/compute_gradient_attenuation.f90

Copied: seismo/2D/SPECFEM2D/trunk/src/specfem2D/compute_forces_viscoelastic.F90 (from rev 19804, seismo/2D/SPECFEM2D/trunk/src/specfem2D/compute_forces_viscoelastic.f90)
--- seismo/2D/SPECFEM2D/trunk/src/specfem2D/compute_forces_viscoelastic.F90	                        (rev 0)
+++ seismo/2D/SPECFEM2D/trunk/src/specfem2D/compute_forces_viscoelastic.F90	2012-03-19 03:57:29 UTC (rev 19805)
@@ -0,0 +1,1286 @@
+!                   S P E C F E M 2 D  Version 6 . 2
+!                   ------------------------------
+! Copyright Universite de Pau, CNRS and INRIA, France,
+! and Princeton University / California Institute of Technology, USA.
+! Contributors: Dimitri Komatitsch, dimitri DOT komatitsch aT univ-pau DOT fr
+!               Nicolas Le Goff, nicolas DOT legoff aT univ-pau DOT fr
+!               Roland Martin, roland DOT martin aT univ-pau DOT fr
+!               Christina Morency, cmorency aT princeton DOT edu
+! This software is a computer program whose purpose is to solve
+! the two-dimensional viscoelastic anisotropic or poroelastic wave equation
+! using a spectral-element method (SEM).
+! This software is governed by the CeCILL license under French law and
+! abiding by the rules of distribution of free software. You can use,
+! modify and/or redistribute the software under the terms of the CeCILL
+! license as circulated by CEA, CNRS and INRIA at the following URL
+! "http://www.cecill.info".
+! As a counterpart to the access to the source code and rights to copy,
+! modify and redistribute granted by the license, users are provided only
+! with a limited warranty and the software's author, the holder of the
+! economic rights, and the successive licensors have only limited
+! liability.
+! In this respect, the user's attention is drawn to the risks associated
+! with loading, using, modifying and/or developing or reproducing the
+! software by the user in light of its specific status of free software,
+! that may mean that it is complicated to manipulate, and that also
+! therefore means that it is reserved for developers and experienced
+! professionals having in-depth computer knowledge. Users are therefore
+! encouraged to load and test the software's suitability as regards their
+! requirements in conditions enabling the security of their systems and/or
+! data to be ensured and, more generally, to use and operate it in the
+! same conditions as regards security.
+! The full text of the license is available in file "LICENSE".
+subroutine compute_forces_viscoelastic(p_sv,nglob,nspec,myrank,nelemabs,numat, &
+     ispec_selected_source,ispec_selected_rec,is_proc_source,which_proc_receiver, &
+     source_type,it,NSTEP,anyabs,assign_external_model, &
+     initialfield,ATTENUATION_VISCOELASTIC_SOLID,angleforce,deltatcube, &
+     deltatfourth,twelvedeltat,fourdeltatsquare,ibool,kmato,numabs,elastic,codeabs, &
+     accel_elastic,veloc_elastic,displ_elastic,b_accel_elastic,b_displ_elastic, &
+     density,poroelastcoef,xix,xiz,gammax,gammaz, &
+     jacobian,vpext,vsext,rhoext,c11ext,c13ext,c15ext,c33ext,c35ext,c55ext,anisotropic,anisotropy, &
+     source_time_function,sourcearray,adj_sourcearrays,e1,e11, &
+     e13,dux_dxl_n,duz_dzl_n,duz_dxl_n,dux_dzl_n, &
+     dux_dxl_np1,duz_dzl_np1,duz_dxl_np1,dux_dzl_np1,hprime_xx,hprimewgll_xx, &
+     hprime_zz,hprimewgll_zz,wxgll,wzgll,inv_tau_sigma_nu1,phi_nu1,inv_tau_sigma_nu2,phi_nu2,Mu_nu1,Mu_nu2,N_SLS, &
+     deltat,coord,add_Bielak_conditions, &
+     x0_source, z0_source, A_plane, B_plane, C_plane, angleforce_refl, c_inc, c_refl, time_offset,f0, &
+     v0x_left,v0z_left,v0x_right,v0z_right,v0x_bot,v0z_bot,t0x_left,t0z_left,t0x_right,t0z_right,t0x_bot,t0z_bot,&
+     nleft,nright,nbot,over_critical_angle,NSOURCES,nrec,SIMULATION_TYPE,SAVE_FORWARD,b_absorb_elastic_left,&
+     b_absorb_elastic_right,b_absorb_elastic_bottom,b_absorb_elastic_top,nspec_left,nspec_right,&
+     nspec_bottom,nspec_top,ib_left,ib_right,ib_bottom,ib_top,mu_k,kappa_k,&
+     e1_LDDRK,e11_LDDRK,e13_LDDRK,alpha_LDDRK,beta_LDDRK, &
+     e1_initial_rk,e11_initial_rk,e13_initial_rk,e1_force_RK, e11_force_RK, e13_force_RK, &
+     stage_time_scheme,i_stage,ADD_SPRING_TO_STACEY,x_center_spring,z_center_spring)
+  ! compute forces for the elastic elements
+  implicit none
+  include "constants.h"
+  logical :: p_sv
+  integer :: NSOURCES, i_source
+  integer :: nglob,nspec,myrank,nelemabs,numat,it,NSTEP
+  integer, dimension(NSOURCES) :: ispec_selected_source,is_proc_source,source_type
+  integer :: nrec,SIMULATION_TYPE
+  integer, dimension(nrec) :: ispec_selected_rec,which_proc_receiver
+  integer :: nspec_left,nspec_right,nspec_bottom,nspec_top
+  integer, dimension(nelemabs) :: ib_left
+  integer, dimension(nelemabs) :: ib_right
+  integer, dimension(nelemabs) :: ib_bottom
+  integer, dimension(nelemabs) :: ib_top
+  integer :: stage_time_scheme,i_stage
+  logical :: anyabs,assign_external_model,initialfield,ATTENUATION_VISCOELASTIC_SOLID,add_Bielak_conditions
+  logical :: ADD_SPRING_TO_STACEY
+  real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL) :: x_center_spring,z_center_spring
+  logical :: SAVE_FORWARD
+  double precision :: deltatcube,deltatfourth,twelvedeltat,fourdeltatsquare
+  double precision, dimension(NSOURCES) :: angleforce
+  integer, dimension(NGLLX,NGLLZ,nspec) :: ibool
+  integer, dimension(nspec) :: kmato
+  integer, dimension(nelemabs) :: numabs
+  logical, dimension(nspec) :: elastic,anisotropic
+  logical, dimension(4,nelemabs)  :: codeabs
+  real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL), dimension(3,nglob) :: accel_elastic,veloc_elastic,displ_elastic
+  real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL), dimension(3,nglob) :: temp_displ_elastic
+  double precision, dimension(2,numat) :: density
+  double precision, dimension(4,3,numat) :: poroelastcoef
+  double precision, dimension(6,numat) :: anisotropy
+  real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL), dimension(NGLLX,NGLLZ,nspec) :: xix,xiz,gammax,gammaz,jacobian
+  double precision, dimension(NGLLX,NGLLZ,nspec) :: vpext,vsext,rhoext
+  double precision, dimension(NGLLX,NGLLZ,nspec) ::  c11ext,c15ext,c13ext,c33ext,c35ext,c55ext
+  real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL), dimension(NSOURCES,NSTEP,stage_time_scheme) :: source_time_function
+  real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL), dimension(NSOURCES,NDIM,NGLLX,NGLLZ) :: sourcearray
+  real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL), dimension(3,nglob) :: b_accel_elastic,b_displ_elastic
+  real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL), dimension(nrec,NSTEP,3,NGLLX,NGLLZ) :: adj_sourcearrays
+  real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL), dimension(nglob) :: mu_k,kappa_k
+  real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL), dimension(3,NGLLZ,nspec_left,NSTEP) :: b_absorb_elastic_left
+  real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL), dimension(3,NGLLZ,nspec_right,NSTEP) :: b_absorb_elastic_right
+  real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL), dimension(3,NGLLX,nspec_top,NSTEP) :: b_absorb_elastic_top
+  real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL), dimension(3,NGLLX,nspec_bottom,NSTEP) :: b_absorb_elastic_bottom
+  integer :: N_SLS
+  real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL), dimension(NGLLX,NGLLZ,nspec,N_SLS) :: e1,e11,e13
+  real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL), dimension(NGLLX,NGLLZ,nspec,N_SLS) :: e1_LDDRK,e11_LDDRK,e13_LDDRK
+  real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL), dimension(NGLLX,NGLLZ,nspec,N_SLS) :: e1_initial_rk,e11_initial_rk,e13_initial_rk
+  real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL), dimension(NGLLX,NGLLZ,nspec,N_SLS,stage_time_scheme) :: e1_force_RK, e11_force_RK, e13_force_RK
+  double precision, dimension(NGLLX,NGLLZ,nspec,N_SLS) :: inv_tau_sigma_nu1,phi_nu1,inv_tau_sigma_nu2,phi_nu2
+  double precision, dimension(NGLLX,NGLLZ,nspec) :: Mu_nu1,Mu_nu2
+  real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL) :: e1_sum,e11_sum,e13_sum
+  integer :: i_sls
+  real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL), dimension(NGLLX,NGLLZ,nspec) :: &
+       dux_dxl_n,duz_dzl_n,duz_dxl_n,dux_dzl_n,dux_dxl_np1,duz_dzl_np1,duz_dxl_np1,dux_dzl_np1
+  ! derivatives of Lagrange polynomials
+  real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL), dimension(NGLLX,NGLLX) :: hprime_xx,hprimewgll_xx
+  real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL), dimension(NGLLZ,NGLLZ) :: hprime_zz,hprimewgll_zz
+  ! Gauss-Lobatto-Legendre weights
+  real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL), dimension(NGLLX) :: wxgll
+  real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL), dimension(NGLLZ) :: wzgll
+  ! Parameter for LDDRK time scheme
+  double precision, dimension(Nstages) :: alpha_LDDRK,beta_LDDRK
+  !temp variable
+  double precision :: temp_time_scheme,temper_time_scheme,weight_rk
+  !---
+  !--- local variables
+  !---
+  integer :: ispec,i,j,k,iglob,ispecabs,ibegin,iend,irec,irec_local
+  ! spatial derivatives
+  real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL) :: dux_dxi,dux_dgamma,duy_dxi,duy_dgamma,duz_dxi,duz_dgamma
+  real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL) :: dux_dxl,duy_dxl,duz_dxl,dux_dzl,duy_dzl,duz_dzl
+  real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL) :: b_dux_dxi,b_dux_dgamma,b_duy_dxi,b_duy_dgamma,b_duz_dxi,b_duz_dgamma
+  real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL) :: b_dux_dxl,b_duy_dxl,b_duz_dxl,b_dux_dzl,b_duy_dzl,b_duz_dzl
+  real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL) :: dsxx,dsxz,dszz
+  real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL) :: b_dsxx,b_dsxz,b_dszz
+  real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL) :: sigma_xx,sigma_xy,sigma_xz,sigma_zy,sigma_zz,sigma_zx
+  real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL) :: b_sigma_xx,b_sigma_xy,b_sigma_xz,b_sigma_zy,b_sigma_zz,b_sigma_zx
+  real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL) :: nx,nz,vx,vy,vz,vn,rho_vp,rho_vs,tx,ty,tz,weight,xxi,zxi,xgamma,zgamma,jacobian1D
+  real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL) :: displx,disply,displz,displn,spring_position,displtx,displty,displtz
+!! DK DK added this for Guenneau, March 2012
+  integer :: kmato_ispec_outside_Guenneau
+  real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL) :: ang, ct, st, r, a, inva, lambda, mu, x, y, &
+                            lambdaplus2mu, ct2 , ct3 , ct4 , twoct2 , st2 , st3 , st4
+  real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL) :: epsilon_xx,epsilon_xz,epsilon_zx,epsilon_zz
+  real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL) :: C1111, C1112, C1121, C1122, C1211, C1212, C1221, C1222, C2111, C2112, C2121, &
+                            C2122, C2211, C2212, C2221, C2222
+!! DK DK added this for Guenneau, March 2012
+  real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL), dimension(NGLLX,NGLLZ) :: tempx1,tempx2,tempy1,tempy2,tempz1,tempz2
+  real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL), dimension(NGLLX,NGLLZ) :: b_tempx1,b_tempx2,b_tempy1,b_tempy2,b_tempz1,b_tempz2
+  ! Jacobian matrix and determinant
+  real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL) :: xixl,xizl,gammaxl,gammazl,jacobianl
+  ! material properties of the elastic medium
+  real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL) :: mul_unrelaxed_elastic,lambdal_unrelaxed_elastic,lambdaplus2mu_unrelaxed_elastic,kappal,cpl,csl,rhol, &
+       lambdal_relaxed_viscoelastic,mul_relaxed_viscoelastic,lambdalplus2mul_relaxed_viscoel
+  ! for attenuation
+  real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL) :: Un,Unp1,tauinv,Sn,Snp1,theta_n,theta_np1,tauinvsquare,tauinvcube,tauinvUn
+  ! for anisotropy
+  double precision ::  c11,c15,c13,c33,c35,c55
+  ! for analytical initial plane wave for Bielak's conditions
+  double precision :: veloc_horiz,veloc_vert,dxUx,dzUx,dxUz,dzUz,traction_x_t0,traction_z_t0,deltat
+  double precision, dimension(NDIM,nglob), intent(in) :: coord
+  double precision x0_source, z0_source, angleforce_refl, c_inc, c_refl, time_offset, f0
+  double precision, dimension(NDIM) :: A_plane, B_plane, C_plane
+  !over critical angle
+  logical :: over_critical_angle
+  integer :: nleft, nright, nbot
+  double precision, dimension(nleft) :: v0x_left,v0z_left,t0x_left,t0z_left
+  double precision, dimension(nright) :: v0x_right,v0z_right,t0x_right,t0z_right
+  double precision, dimension(nbot) :: v0x_bot,v0z_bot,t0x_bot,t0z_bot
+  integer count_left,count_right,count_bottom
+  integer :: ifirstelem,ilastelem
+! this to avoid a warning at execution time about an undefined variable being used
+! for the SH component in the case of a P-SV calculation, and vice versa
+  sigma_xx = 0
+  sigma_xy = 0
+  sigma_xz = 0
+  sigma_zy = 0
+  sigma_zz = 0
+  ! compute Grad(displ_elastic) at time step n for attenuation
+     temp_displ_elastic = displ_elastic + deltat * veloc_elastic + 0.5 * deltat**2 * accel_elastic
+     call compute_gradient_attenuation(displ_elastic,dux_dxl_n,duz_dxl_n, &
+          dux_dzl_n,duz_dzl_n,xix,xiz,gammax,gammaz,ibool,elastic,hprime_xx,hprime_zz,nspec,nglob)
+  endif
+  ifirstelem = 1
+  ilastelem = nspec
+  ! loop over spectral elements
+  do ispec = ifirstelem,ilastelem
+     tempx1(:,:) = ZERO
+     tempy1(:,:) = ZERO
+     tempz1(:,:) = ZERO
+     tempx2(:,:) = ZERO
+     tempy2(:,:) = ZERO
+     tempz2(:,:) = ZERO
+     if(SIMULATION_TYPE ==2)then
+        b_tempx1(:,:) = ZERO
+        b_tempy1(:,:) = ZERO
+        b_tempz1(:,:) = ZERO
+        b_tempx2(:,:) = ZERO
+        b_tempy2(:,:) = ZERO
+        b_tempz2(:,:) = ZERO
+     endif
+     !---
+     !--- elastic spectral element
+     !---
+     if(elastic(ispec)) then
+        ! get unrelaxed elastic parameters of current spectral element
+        lambdal_unrelaxed_elastic = poroelastcoef(1,1,kmato(ispec))
+        mul_unrelaxed_elastic = poroelastcoef(2,1,kmato(ispec))
+        lambdaplus2mu_unrelaxed_elastic = poroelastcoef(3,1,kmato(ispec))
+        ! first double loop over GLL points to compute and store gradients
+        do j = 1,NGLLZ
+           do i = 1,NGLLX
+              !--- if external medium, get elastic parameters of current grid point
+              if(assign_external_model) then
+                 cpl = vpext(i,j,ispec)
+                 csl = vsext(i,j,ispec)
+                 rhol = rhoext(i,j,ispec)
+                 mul_unrelaxed_elastic = rhol*csl*csl
+                 lambdal_unrelaxed_elastic = rhol*cpl*cpl - TWO*mul_unrelaxed_elastic
+                 lambdaplus2mu_unrelaxed_elastic = lambdal_unrelaxed_elastic + TWO*mul_unrelaxed_elastic
+              endif
+              ! derivative along x and along z
+              dux_dxi = ZERO
+              duy_dxi = ZERO
+              duz_dxi = ZERO
+              dux_dgamma = ZERO
+              duy_dgamma = ZERO
+              duz_dgamma = ZERO
+              if(SIMULATION_TYPE == 2) then ! Adjoint calculation, backward wavefield
+                 b_dux_dxi = ZERO
+                 b_duy_dxi = ZERO
+                 b_duz_dxi = ZERO
+                 b_dux_dgamma = ZERO
+                 b_duy_dgamma = ZERO
+                 b_duz_dgamma = ZERO
+              endif
+              ! first double loop over GLL points to compute and store gradients
+              ! we can merge the two loops because NGLLX == NGLLZ
+              do k = 1,NGLLX
+                 dux_dxi = dux_dxi + displ_elastic(1,ibool(k,j,ispec))*hprime_xx(i,k)
+                 duy_dxi = duy_dxi + displ_elastic(2,ibool(k,j,ispec))*hprime_xx(i,k)
+                 duz_dxi = duz_dxi + displ_elastic(3,ibool(k,j,ispec))*hprime_xx(i,k)
+                 dux_dgamma = dux_dgamma + displ_elastic(1,ibool(i,k,ispec))*hprime_zz(j,k)
+                 duy_dgamma = duy_dgamma + displ_elastic(2,ibool(i,k,ispec))*hprime_zz(j,k)
+                 duz_dgamma = duz_dgamma + displ_elastic(3,ibool(i,k,ispec))*hprime_zz(j,k)
+                 if(SIMULATION_TYPE == 2) then ! Adjoint calculation, backward wavefield
+                    b_dux_dxi = b_dux_dxi + b_displ_elastic(1,ibool(k,j,ispec))*hprime_xx(i,k)
+                    b_duy_dxi = b_duy_dxi + b_displ_elastic(2,ibool(k,j,ispec))*hprime_xx(i,k)
+                    b_duz_dxi = b_duz_dxi + b_displ_elastic(3,ibool(k,j,ispec))*hprime_xx(i,k)
+                    b_dux_dgamma = b_dux_dgamma + b_displ_elastic(1,ibool(i,k,ispec))*hprime_zz(j,k)
+                    b_duy_dgamma = b_duy_dgamma + b_displ_elastic(2,ibool(i,k,ispec))*hprime_zz(j,k)
+                    b_duz_dgamma = b_duz_dgamma + b_displ_elastic(3,ibool(i,k,ispec))*hprime_zz(j,k)
+                 endif
+              enddo
+              xixl = xix(i,j,ispec)
+              xizl = xiz(i,j,ispec)
+              gammaxl = gammax(i,j,ispec)
+              gammazl = gammaz(i,j,ispec)
+              ! derivatives of displacement
+              dux_dxl = dux_dxi*xixl + dux_dgamma*gammaxl
+              dux_dzl = dux_dxi*xizl + dux_dgamma*gammazl
+              duy_dxl = duy_dxi*xixl + duy_dgamma*gammaxl
+              duy_dzl = duy_dxi*xizl + duy_dgamma*gammazl
+              duz_dxl = duz_dxi*xixl + duz_dgamma*gammaxl
+              duz_dzl = duz_dxi*xizl + duz_dgamma*gammazl
+              if(SIMULATION_TYPE == 2) then ! Adjoint calculation, backward wavefield
+                 b_dux_dxl = b_dux_dxi*xixl + b_dux_dgamma*gammaxl
+                 b_dux_dzl = b_dux_dxi*xizl + b_dux_dgamma*gammazl
+                 b_duy_dxl = b_duy_dxi*xixl + b_duy_dgamma*gammaxl
+                 b_duy_dzl = b_duy_dxi*xizl + b_duy_dgamma*gammazl
+                 b_duz_dxl = b_duz_dxi*xixl + b_duz_dgamma*gammaxl
+                 b_duz_dzl = b_duz_dxi*xizl + b_duz_dgamma*gammazl
+              endif
+              ! compute stress tensor (include attenuation or anisotropy if needed)
+                 ! attenuation is implemented following the memory variable formulation of
+                 ! J. M. Carcione, Seismic modeling in viscoelastic media, Geophysics,
+                 ! vol. 58(1), p. 110-120 (1993). More details can be found in
+                 ! J. M. Carcione, D. Kosloff and R. Kosloff, Wave propagation simulation in a linear
+                 ! viscoelastic medium, Geophysical Journal International, vol. 95, p. 597-611 (1988).
+                 ! When implementing viscoelasticity according to Carcione 1993 paper, the attenuation is
+                 ! non-causal rather than causal. We fixed the problem by using equations in Carcione's
+                 ! 2004 paper and his 2007 book.
+                 !J. M. Carcione, H B. Helle, The physics and simulation of wave propagation at the ocean
+                 ! bottom, Geophysics, vol. 69(3), p. 825-839, 2004
+                 !J. M. Carcione, Wave fields in real media: wave propagation in anisotropic, anelastic
+                 ! and porous media, Elsevier, p. 124-125, 2007
+                 ! compute unrelaxed elastic coefficients from formulas in Carcione 2007 page 125
+                 lambdal_relaxed_viscoelastic = (lambdal_unrelaxed_elastic + mul_unrelaxed_elastic) / Mu_nu1(i,j,ispec) &
+                                                - mul_unrelaxed_elastic / Mu_nu2(i,j,ispec)
+                 mul_relaxed_viscoelastic = mul_unrelaxed_elastic / Mu_nu2(i,j,ispec)
+                 lambdalplus2mul_relaxed_viscoel = lambdal_relaxed_viscoelastic + TWO*mul_relaxed_viscoelastic
+                 ! compute the stress using the unrelaxed Lame parameters (Carcione 2007 page 125)
+                 sigma_xx = lambdaplus2mu_unrelaxed_elastic*dux_dxl + lambdal_unrelaxed_elastic*duz_dzl
+                 sigma_xz = mul_unrelaxed_elastic*(duz_dxl + dux_dzl)
+                 sigma_zz = lambdaplus2mu_unrelaxed_elastic*duz_dzl + lambdal_unrelaxed_elastic*dux_dxl
+                 ! add the memory variables using the relaxed parameters (Carcione 2007 page 125)
+                 ! beware: there is a bug in Carcione's equation (2c) of his 1993 paper for sigma_zz, we fixed it in the code below
+                 e1_sum = 0._CUSTOM_REAL
+                 e11_sum = 0._CUSTOM_REAL
+                 e13_sum = 0._CUSTOM_REAL
+                 do i_sls = 1,N_SLS
+                    e1_sum = e1_sum + e1(i,j,ispec,i_sls)
+                    e11_sum = e11_sum + e11(i,j,ispec,i_sls)
+                    e13_sum = e13_sum + e13(i,j,ispec,i_sls)
+                 enddo
+                 sigma_xx = sigma_xx + (lambdal_relaxed_viscoelastic + mul_relaxed_viscoelastic) * e1_sum &
+                                     + TWO * mul_relaxed_viscoelastic * e11_sum
+                 sigma_xz = sigma_xz + mul_relaxed_viscoelastic * e13_sum
+                 sigma_zz = sigma_zz + (lambdal_relaxed_viscoelastic + mul_relaxed_viscoelastic) * e1_sum &
+                                     - TWO * mul_relaxed_viscoelastic * e11_sum
+              else
+                 ! no attenuation
+                 sigma_xx = lambdaplus2mu_unrelaxed_elastic*dux_dxl + lambdal_unrelaxed_elastic*duz_dzl
+                 sigma_xy = mul_unrelaxed_elastic*duy_dxl
+                 sigma_xz = mul_unrelaxed_elastic*(duz_dxl + dux_dzl)
+                 sigma_zy = mul_unrelaxed_elastic*duy_dzl
+                 sigma_zz = lambdaplus2mu_unrelaxed_elastic*duz_dzl + lambdal_unrelaxed_elastic*dux_dxl
+! the stress tensor is symmetric by default, unless defined otherwise
+! this can be overwritten below if needed
+                 sigma_zx = sigma_xz
+!! DK DK added this for Guenneau, March 2012
+  include "include_stiffness_Guenneau.f90"
+!! DK DK added this for Guenneau, March 2012
+                 if(SIMULATION_TYPE == 2) then ! Adjoint calculation, backward wavefield
+                    b_sigma_xx = lambdaplus2mu_unrelaxed_elastic*b_dux_dxl + lambdal_unrelaxed_elastic*b_duz_dzl
+                    b_sigma_xy = mul_unrelaxed_elastic*b_duy_dxl
+                    b_sigma_xz = mul_unrelaxed_elastic*(b_duz_dxl + b_dux_dzl)
+                    b_sigma_zy = mul_unrelaxed_elastic*b_duy_dzl
+                    b_sigma_zz = lambdaplus2mu_unrelaxed_elastic*b_duz_dzl + lambdal_unrelaxed_elastic*b_dux_dxl
+                    ! the stress tensor is symmetric
+                    b_sigma_zx = b_sigma_xz
+                 endif
+              endif
+              ! full anisotropy
+              if(anisotropic(ispec)) then
+                 if(assign_external_model) then
+                    c11 = c11ext(i,j,ispec)
+                    c13 = c13ext(i,j,ispec)
+                    c15 = c15ext(i,j,ispec)
+                    c33 = c33ext(i,j,ispec)
+                    c35 = c35ext(i,j,ispec)
+                    c55 = c55ext(i,j,ispec)
+                 else
+                    c11 = anisotropy(1,kmato(ispec))
+                    c13 = anisotropy(2,kmato(ispec))
+                    c15 = anisotropy(3,kmato(ispec))
+                    c33 = anisotropy(4,kmato(ispec))
+                    c35 = anisotropy(5,kmato(ispec))
+                    c55 = anisotropy(6,kmato(ispec))
+                 end if
+                 ! implement anisotropy in 2D
+                 sigma_xx = c11*dux_dxl + c15*(duz_dxl + dux_dzl) + c13*duz_dzl
+                 sigma_zz = c13*dux_dxl + c35*(duz_dxl + dux_dzl) + c33*duz_dzl
+                 sigma_xz = c15*dux_dxl + c55*(duz_dxl + dux_dzl) + c35*duz_dzl
+              endif
+              ! Pre-kernels calculation
+              if(SIMULATION_TYPE == 2) then
+                 iglob = ibool(i,j,ispec)
+                 if(p_sv)then !P-SV waves
+                    dsxx =  dux_dxl
+                    dsxz = HALF * (duz_dxl + dux_dzl)
+                    dszz =  duz_dzl
+                    b_dsxx =  b_dux_dxl
+                    b_dsxz = HALF * (b_duz_dxl + b_dux_dzl)
+                    b_dszz =  b_duz_dzl
+                    kappa_k(iglob) = (dux_dxl + duz_dzl) *  (b_dux_dxl + b_duz_dzl)
+                    mu_k(iglob) = dsxx * b_dsxx + dszz * b_dszz + &
+                         2._CUSTOM_REAL * dsxz * b_dsxz - 1._CUSTOM_REAL/3._CUSTOM_REAL * kappa_k(iglob)
+                 else !SH (membrane) waves
+                    mu_k(iglob) = duy_dxl * b_duy_dxl + duy_dzl * b_duy_dzl
+                 endif
+              endif
+              jacobianl = jacobian(i,j,ispec)
+              ! weak formulation term based on stress tensor (non-symmetric form)
+              ! also add GLL integration weights
+              tempx1(i,j) = wzgll(j)*jacobianl*(sigma_xx*xixl+sigma_zx*xizl) ! this goes to accel_x
+              tempy1(i,j) = wzgll(j)*jacobianl*(sigma_xy*xixl+sigma_zy*xizl) ! this goes to accel_y
+              tempz1(i,j) = wzgll(j)*jacobianl*(sigma_xz*xixl+sigma_zz*xizl) ! this goes to accel_z
+              tempx2(i,j) = wxgll(i)*jacobianl*(sigma_xx*gammaxl+sigma_zx*gammazl) ! this goes to accel_x
+              tempy2(i,j) = wxgll(i)*jacobianl*(sigma_xy*gammaxl+sigma_zy*gammazl) ! this goes to accel_y
+              tempz2(i,j) = wxgll(i)*jacobianl*(sigma_xz*gammaxl+sigma_zz*gammazl) ! this goes to accel_z
+              if(SIMULATION_TYPE == 2) then ! Adjoint calculation, backward wavefield
+                 b_tempx1(i,j) = wzgll(j)*jacobianl*(b_sigma_xx*xixl+b_sigma_zx*xizl) ! this goes to b_accel_x
+                 b_tempy1(i,j) = wzgll(j)*jacobianl*(b_sigma_xy*xixl+b_sigma_zy*xizl) ! this goes to b_accel_y
+                 b_tempz1(i,j) = wzgll(j)*jacobianl*(b_sigma_xz*xixl+b_sigma_zz*xizl) ! this goes to b_accel_z
+                 b_tempx2(i,j) = wxgll(i)*jacobianl*(b_sigma_xx*gammaxl+b_sigma_zx*gammazl) ! this goes to b_accel_x
+                 b_tempy2(i,j) = wxgll(i)*jacobianl*(b_sigma_xy*gammaxl+b_sigma_zy*gammazl) ! this goes to b_accel_y
+                 b_tempz2(i,j) = wxgll(i)*jacobianl*(b_sigma_xz*gammaxl+b_sigma_zz*gammazl) ! this goes to b_accel_z
+              endif
+           enddo
+        enddo
+        !
+        ! second double-loop over GLL to compute all the terms
+        !
+        do j = 1,NGLLZ
+           do i = 1,NGLLX
+              iglob = ibool(i,j,ispec)
+              ! along x direction and z direction
+              ! and assemble the contributions
+              ! we can merge the two loops because NGLLX == NGLLZ
+              do k = 1,NGLLX
+                 accel_elastic(1,iglob) = accel_elastic(1,iglob) - (tempx1(k,j)*hprimewgll_xx(k,i) + tempx2(i,k)*hprimewgll_zz(k,j))
+                 accel_elastic(2,iglob) = accel_elastic(2,iglob) - (tempy1(k,j)*hprimewgll_xx(k,i) + tempy2(i,k)*hprimewgll_zz(k,j))
+                 accel_elastic(3,iglob) = accel_elastic(3,iglob) - (tempz1(k,j)*hprimewgll_xx(k,i) + tempz2(i,k)*hprimewgll_zz(k,j))
+                 if(SIMULATION_TYPE == 2) then ! Adjoint calculation, backward wavefield
+                    b_accel_elastic(1,iglob) = b_accel_elastic(1,iglob) - &
+                         (b_tempx1(k,j)*hprimewgll_xx(k,i) + b_tempx2(i,k)*hprimewgll_zz(k,j))
+                    b_accel_elastic(2,iglob) = b_accel_elastic(2,iglob) - &
+                         (b_tempy1(k,j)*hprimewgll_xx(k,i) + b_tempy2(i,k)*hprimewgll_zz(k,j))
+                    b_accel_elastic(3,iglob) = b_accel_elastic(3,iglob) - &
+                         (b_tempz1(k,j)*hprimewgll_xx(k,i) + b_tempz2(i,k)*hprimewgll_zz(k,j))
+                 endif
+              enddo
+           enddo ! second loop over the GLL points
+        enddo
+     endif ! end of test if elastic element
+  enddo ! end of loop over all spectral elements
+  !
+  !--- absorbing boundaries
+  !
+  if(anyabs) then
+     count_left=1
+     count_right=1
+     count_bottom=1
+     do ispecabs = 1,nelemabs
+        ispec = numabs(ispecabs)
+        ! get elastic parameters of current spectral element
+        lambdal_unrelaxed_elastic = poroelastcoef(1,1,kmato(ispec))
+        mul_unrelaxed_elastic = poroelastcoef(2,1,kmato(ispec))
+        rhol  = density(1,kmato(ispec))
+        kappal  = lambdal_unrelaxed_elastic + TWO*mul_unrelaxed_elastic/3._CUSTOM_REAL
+        cpl = sqrt((kappal + 4._CUSTOM_REAL*mul_unrelaxed_elastic/3._CUSTOM_REAL)/rhol)
+        csl = sqrt(mul_unrelaxed_elastic/rhol)
+        !--- left absorbing boundary
+        if(codeabs(ILEFT,ispecabs)) then
+           i = 1
+           do j = 1,NGLLZ
+              iglob = ibool(i,j,ispec)
+              ! for analytical initial plane wave for Bielak's conditions
+              ! left or right edge, horizontal normal vector
+              if(add_Bielak_conditions .and. initialfield) then
+                 if (.not.over_critical_angle) then
+                    call compute_Bielak_conditions(coord,iglob,nglob,it,deltat,dxUx,dxUz,dzUx,dzUz,veloc_horiz,veloc_vert, &
+                         x0_source, z0_source, A_plane, B_plane, C_plane, angleforce(1), angleforce_refl, &
+                         c_inc, c_refl, time_offset,f0)
+                    traction_x_t0 = (lambdal_unrelaxed_elastic+2*mul_unrelaxed_elastic)*dxUx + lambdal_unrelaxed_elastic*dzUz
+                    traction_z_t0 = mul_unrelaxed_elastic*(dxUz + dzUx)
+                 else
+                    veloc_horiz=v0x_left(count_left)
+                    veloc_vert=v0z_left(count_left)
+                    traction_x_t0=t0x_left(count_left)
+                    traction_z_t0=t0z_left(count_left)
+                    count_left=count_left+1
+                 end if
+              else
+                 veloc_horiz = 0
+                 veloc_vert = 0
+                 traction_x_t0 = 0
+                 traction_z_t0 = 0
+              endif
+              ! external velocity model
+              if(assign_external_model) then
+                 cpl = vpext(i,j,ispec)
+                 csl = vsext(i,j,ispec)
+                 rhol = rhoext(i,j,ispec)
+              endif
+              rho_vp = rhol*cpl
+              rho_vs = rhol*csl
+              xgamma = - xiz(i,j,ispec) * jacobian(i,j,ispec)
+              zgamma = + xix(i,j,ispec) * jacobian(i,j,ispec)
+              jacobian1D = sqrt(xgamma**2 + zgamma**2)
+              nx = - zgamma / jacobian1D
+              nz = + xgamma / jacobian1D
+              weight = jacobian1D * wzgll(j)
+              ! Clayton-Engquist condition if elastic
+              if(elastic(ispec)) then
+                 vx = veloc_elastic(1,iglob) - veloc_horiz
+                 vy = veloc_elastic(2,iglob)
+                 vz = veloc_elastic(3,iglob) - veloc_vert
+                 vn = nx*vx+nz*vz
+                 tx = rho_vp*vn*nx+rho_vs*(vx-vn*nx)
+                 ty = rho_vs*vy
+                 tz = rho_vp*vn*nz+rho_vs*(vz-vn*nz)
+                 displtx=0.0d0
+                 displtz=0.0d0
+                 if(ADD_SPRING_TO_STACEY)then
+                 displx = displ_elastic(1,iglob)
+                 disply = displ_elastic(2,iglob)
+                 displz = displ_elastic(3,iglob)
+                 spring_position=sqrt((coord(1,iglob)-x_center_spring)**2 +&
+                                 (coord(2,iglob)-z_center_spring)**2)
+                 displn = nx*displx+nz*displz
+                 displtx = (lambdal_unrelaxed_elastic+2*mul_unrelaxed_elastic)/&
+                            (2.0*spring_position)*displn*nx &
+                           +mul_unrelaxed_elastic/(2.0*spring_position)*(displx-displn*nx)
+                 displty = mul_unrelaxed_elastic*disply
+                 displtz = (lambdal_unrelaxed_elastic+2*mul_unrelaxed_elastic)/&
+                            (2.0*spring_position)*displn*nz &
+                           +mul_unrelaxed_elastic/(2.0*spring_position)*(displz-displn*nz)
+                 endif
+                 accel_elastic(1,iglob) = accel_elastic(1,iglob) - (tx + traction_x_t0+displtx)*weight
+                 accel_elastic(2,iglob) = accel_elastic(2,iglob) - ty*weight
+                 accel_elastic(3,iglob) = accel_elastic(3,iglob) - (tz + traction_z_t0+displtz)*weight
+                 if(SAVE_FORWARD .and. SIMULATION_TYPE ==1) then
+                    if(p_sv)then !P-SV waves
+                       b_absorb_elastic_left(1,j,ib_left(ispecabs),it) = (tx + traction_x_t0)*weight
+                       b_absorb_elastic_left(3,j,ib_left(ispecabs),it) = (tz + traction_z_t0)*weight
+                    else !SH (membrane) waves
+                       b_absorb_elastic_left(2,j,ib_left(ispecabs),it) = ty*weight
+                    endif
+                 elseif(SIMULATION_TYPE == 2) then
+                    if(p_sv)then !P-SV waves
+                       b_accel_elastic(1,iglob) = b_accel_elastic(1,iglob) - &
+                            b_absorb_elastic_left(1,j,ib_left(ispecabs),NSTEP-it+1)
+                       b_accel_elastic(3,iglob) = b_accel_elastic(3,iglob) - &
+                            b_absorb_elastic_left(3,j,ib_left(ispecabs),NSTEP-it+1)
+                    else !SH (membrane) waves
+                       b_accel_elastic(2,iglob) = b_accel_elastic(2,iglob) - &
+                            b_absorb_elastic_left(2,j,ib_left(ispecabs),NSTEP-it+1)
+                    endif
+                 endif
+              endif
+           enddo
+        endif  !  end of left absorbing boundary
+        !--- right absorbing boundary
+        if(codeabs(IRIGHT,ispecabs)) then
+           i = NGLLX
+           do j = 1,NGLLZ
+              iglob = ibool(i,j,ispec)
+              ! for analytical initial plane wave for Bielak's conditions
+              ! left or right edge, horizontal normal vector
+              if(add_Bielak_conditions .and. initialfield) then
+                 if (.not.over_critical_angle) then
+                    call compute_Bielak_conditions(coord,iglob,nglob,it,deltat,dxUx,dxUz,dzUx,dzUz,veloc_horiz,veloc_vert, &
+                         x0_source, z0_source, A_plane, B_plane, C_plane, angleforce(1), angleforce_refl, &
+                         c_inc, c_refl, time_offset,f0)
+                    traction_x_t0 = (lambdal_unrelaxed_elastic+2*mul_unrelaxed_elastic)*dxUx + lambdal_unrelaxed_elastic*dzUz
+                    traction_z_t0 = mul_unrelaxed_elastic*(dxUz + dzUx)
+                 else
+                    veloc_horiz=v0x_right(count_right)
+                    veloc_vert=v0z_right(count_right)
+                    traction_x_t0=t0x_right(count_right)
+                    traction_z_t0=t0z_right(count_right)
+                    count_right=count_right+1
+                 end if
+              else
+                 veloc_horiz = 0
+                 veloc_vert = 0
+                 traction_x_t0 = 0
+                 traction_z_t0 = 0
+              endif
+              ! external velocity model
+              if(assign_external_model) then
+                 cpl = vpext(i,j,ispec)
+                 csl = vsext(i,j,ispec)
+                 rhol = rhoext(i,j,ispec)
+              endif
+              rho_vp = rhol*cpl
+              rho_vs = rhol*csl
+              xgamma = - xiz(i,j,ispec) * jacobian(i,j,ispec)
+              zgamma = + xix(i,j,ispec) * jacobian(i,j,ispec)
+              jacobian1D = sqrt(xgamma**2 + zgamma**2)
+              nx = + zgamma / jacobian1D
+              nz = - xgamma / jacobian1D
+              weight = jacobian1D * wzgll(j)
+              ! Clayton-Engquist condition if elastic
+              if(elastic(ispec)) then
+                 vx = veloc_elastic(1,iglob) - veloc_horiz
+                 vy = veloc_elastic(2,iglob)
+                 vz = veloc_elastic(3,iglob) - veloc_vert
+                 vn = nx*vx+nz*vz
+                 tx = rho_vp*vn*nx+rho_vs*(vx-vn*nx)
+                 ty = rho_vs*vy
+                 tz = rho_vp*vn*nz+rho_vs*(vz-vn*nz)
+                 displtx=0.0d0
+                 displtz=0.0d0
+                 if(ADD_SPRING_TO_STACEY)then
+                 displx = displ_elastic(1,iglob)
+                 disply = displ_elastic(2,iglob)
+                 displz = displ_elastic(3,iglob)
+                 spring_position=sqrt((coord(1,iglob)-x_center_spring)**2 +&
+                                 (coord(2,iglob)-z_center_spring)**2)
+                 displn = nx*displx+nz*displz
+                 displtx = (lambdal_unrelaxed_elastic+2*mul_unrelaxed_elastic)/&
+                            (2.0*spring_position)*displn*nx &
+                           +mul_unrelaxed_elastic/(2.0*spring_position)*(displx-displn*nx)
+                 displty = mul_unrelaxed_elastic*disply
+                 displtz = (lambdal_unrelaxed_elastic+2*mul_unrelaxed_elastic)/&
+                            (2.0*spring_position)*displn*nz &
+                           +mul_unrelaxed_elastic/(2.0*spring_position)*(displz-displn*nz)
+                 endif
+                 accel_elastic(1,iglob) = accel_elastic(1,iglob) - (tx + traction_x_t0+displtx)*weight
+                 accel_elastic(2,iglob) = accel_elastic(2,iglob) - ty*weight
+                 accel_elastic(3,iglob) = accel_elastic(3,iglob) - (tz + traction_z_t0+displtz)*weight
+                 if(SAVE_FORWARD .and. SIMULATION_TYPE ==1) then
+                    if(p_sv)then !P-SV waves
+                       b_absorb_elastic_right(1,j,ib_right(ispecabs),it) = (tx - traction_x_t0)*weight
+                       b_absorb_elastic_right(3,j,ib_right(ispecabs),it) = (tz - traction_z_t0)*weight
+                    else! SH (membrane) waves
+                       b_absorb_elastic_right(2,j,ib_right(ispecabs),it) = ty*weight
+                    endif
+                 elseif(SIMULATION_TYPE == 2) then
+                    if(p_sv)then !P-SV waves
+                       b_accel_elastic(1,iglob) = b_accel_elastic(1,iglob) - &
+                            b_absorb_elastic_right(1,j,ib_right(ispecabs),NSTEP-it+1)
+                       b_accel_elastic(3,iglob) = b_accel_elastic(3,iglob) - &
+                            b_absorb_elastic_right(3,j,ib_right(ispecabs),NSTEP-it+1)
+                    else! SH (membrane) waves
+                       b_accel_elastic(2,iglob) = b_accel_elastic(2,iglob) - &
+                            b_absorb_elastic_right(2,j,ib_right(ispecabs),NSTEP-it+1)
+                    endif
+                 endif
+              endif
+           enddo
+        endif  !  end of right absorbing boundary
+        !--- bottom absorbing boundary
+        if(codeabs(IBOTTOM,ispecabs)) then
+           j = 1
+!! DK DK not needed           ! exclude corners to make sure there is no contradiction on the normal
+           ibegin = 1
+           iend = NGLLX
+!! DK DK not needed           if(codeabs(ILEFT,ispecabs)) ibegin = 2
+!! DK DK not needed           if(codeabs(IRIGHT,ispecabs)) iend = NGLLX-1
+           do i = ibegin,iend
+              iglob = ibool(i,j,ispec)
+              ! for analytical initial plane wave for Bielak's conditions
+              ! top or bottom edge, vertical normal vector
+              if(add_Bielak_conditions .and. initialfield) then
+                 if (.not.over_critical_angle) then
+                    call compute_Bielak_conditions(coord,iglob,nglob,it,deltat,dxUx,dxUz,dzUx,dzUz,veloc_horiz,veloc_vert, &
+                         x0_source, z0_source, A_plane, B_plane, C_plane, angleforce(1), angleforce_refl, &
+                         c_inc, c_refl, time_offset,f0)
+                    traction_x_t0 = mul_unrelaxed_elastic*(dxUz + dzUx)
+                    traction_z_t0 = lambdal_unrelaxed_elastic*dxUx + (lambdal_unrelaxed_elastic+2*mul_unrelaxed_elastic)*dzUz
+                 else
+                    veloc_horiz=v0x_bot(count_bottom)
+                    veloc_vert=v0z_bot(count_bottom)
+                    traction_x_t0=t0x_bot(count_bottom)
+                    traction_z_t0=t0z_bot(count_bottom)
+                    count_bottom=count_bottom+1
+                 end if
+              else
+                 veloc_horiz = 0
+                 veloc_vert = 0
+                 traction_x_t0 = 0
+                 traction_z_t0 = 0
+              endif
+              ! external velocity model
+              if(assign_external_model) then
+                 cpl = vpext(i,j,ispec)
+                 csl = vsext(i,j,ispec)
+                 rhol = rhoext(i,j,ispec)
+              endif
+              rho_vp = rhol*cpl
+              rho_vs = rhol*csl
+              xxi = + gammaz(i,j,ispec) * jacobian(i,j,ispec)
+              zxi = - gammax(i,j,ispec) * jacobian(i,j,ispec)
+              jacobian1D = sqrt(xxi**2 + zxi**2)
+              nx = + zxi / jacobian1D
+              nz = - xxi / jacobian1D
+              weight = jacobian1D * wxgll(i)
+              ! Clayton-Engquist condition if elastic
+              if(elastic(ispec)) then
+                 vx = veloc_elastic(1,iglob) - veloc_horiz
+                 vy = veloc_elastic(2,iglob)
+                 vz = veloc_elastic(3,iglob) - veloc_vert
+                 vn = nx*vx+nz*vz
+                 tx = rho_vp*vn*nx+rho_vs*(vx-vn*nx)
+                 ty = rho_vs*vy
+                 tz = rho_vp*vn*nz+rho_vs*(vz-vn*nz)
+! exclude corners to make sure there is no contradiction on the normal
+! for Stacey absorbing conditions but not for incident plane waves;
+! thus subtract nothing i.e. zero in that case
+                 if((codeabs(ILEFT,ispecabs) .and. i == 1) .or. (codeabs(IRIGHT,ispecabs) .and. i == NGLLX)) then
+                   tx = 0
+                   ty = 0
+                   tz = 0
+                 endif
+                 displtx=0.0d0
+                 displtz=0.0d0
+                 if(ADD_SPRING_TO_STACEY)then
+                 displx = displ_elastic(1,iglob)
+                 disply = displ_elastic(2,iglob)
+                 displz = displ_elastic(3,iglob)
+                 spring_position=sqrt((coord(1,iglob)-x_center_spring)**2 +&
+                                 (coord(2,iglob)-z_center_spring)**2)
+                 displn = nx*displx+nz*displz
+                 displtx = (lambdal_unrelaxed_elastic+2.0*mul_unrelaxed_elastic)/&
+                            (2.0*spring_position)*displn*nx &
+                           +mul_unrelaxed_elastic/(2.0*spring_position)*(displx-displn*nx)
+                 displty = mul_unrelaxed_elastic*disply
+                 displtz = (lambdal_unrelaxed_elastic+2.0*mul_unrelaxed_elastic)/&
+                            (2.0*spring_position)*displn*nz &
+                           +mul_unrelaxed_elastic/(2.0*spring_position)*(displz-displn*nz)
+                 if((codeabs(ILEFT,ispecabs) .and. i == 1) .or. (codeabs(IRIGHT,ispecabs) .and. i == NGLLX)) then
+                   displtx = 0
+                   displty = 0
+                   displtz = 0
+                 endif
+                 endif
+                 accel_elastic(1,iglob) = accel_elastic(1,iglob) - (tx + traction_x_t0+displtx)*weight
+                 accel_elastic(2,iglob) = accel_elastic(2,iglob) - ty*weight
+                 accel_elastic(3,iglob) = accel_elastic(3,iglob) - (tz + traction_z_t0+displtz)*weight
+                 if(SAVE_FORWARD .and. SIMULATION_TYPE ==1) then
+                    if(p_sv)then !P-SV waves
+                       b_absorb_elastic_bottom(1,i,ib_bottom(ispecabs),it) = (tx + traction_x_t0)*weight
+                       b_absorb_elastic_bottom(3,i,ib_bottom(ispecabs),it) = (tz + traction_z_t0)*weight
+                    else!SH (membrane) waves
+                       b_absorb_elastic_bottom(2,i,ib_bottom(ispecabs),it) = ty*weight
+                    endif
+                 elseif(SIMULATION_TYPE == 2) then
+                    if(p_sv)then !P-SV waves
+                       b_accel_elastic(1,iglob) = b_accel_elastic(1,iglob) - &
+                            b_absorb_elastic_bottom(1,i,ib_bottom(ispecabs),NSTEP-it+1)
+                       b_accel_elastic(3,iglob) = b_accel_elastic(3,iglob) - &
+                            b_absorb_elastic_bottom(3,i,ib_bottom(ispecabs),NSTEP-it+1)
+                    else!SH (membrane) waves
+                       b_accel_elastic(2,iglob) = b_accel_elastic(2,iglob) - &
+                            b_absorb_elastic_bottom(2,i,ib_bottom(ispecabs),NSTEP-it+1)
+                    endif
+                 endif
+              endif
+           enddo
+        endif  !  end of bottom absorbing boundary
+        !--- top absorbing boundary
+        if(codeabs(ITOP,ispecabs)) then
+           j = NGLLZ
+!! DK DK not needed           ! exclude corners to make sure there is no contradiction on the normal
+           ibegin = 1
+           iend = NGLLX
+!! DK DK not needed           if(codeabs(ILEFT,ispecabs)) ibegin = 2
+!! DK DK not needed           if(codeabs(IRIGHT,ispecabs)) iend = NGLLX-1
+           do i = ibegin,iend
+              iglob = ibool(i,j,ispec)
+              ! for analytical initial plane wave for Bielak's conditions
+              ! top or bottom edge, vertical normal vector
+              if(add_Bielak_conditions .and. initialfield) then
+                 call compute_Bielak_conditions(coord,iglob,nglob,it,deltat,dxUx,dxUz,dzUx,dzUz,veloc_horiz,veloc_vert, &
+                      x0_source, z0_source, A_plane, B_plane, C_plane, angleforce(1), angleforce_refl, &
+                      c_inc, c_refl, time_offset,f0)
+                 traction_x_t0 = mul_unrelaxed_elastic*(dxUz + dzUx)
+                 traction_z_t0 = lambdal_unrelaxed_elastic*dxUx + (lambdal_unrelaxed_elastic+2*mul_unrelaxed_elastic)*dzUz
+              else
+                 veloc_horiz = 0
+                 veloc_vert = 0
+                 traction_x_t0 = 0
+                 traction_z_t0 = 0
+              endif
+              ! external velocity model
+              if(assign_external_model) then
+                 cpl = vpext(i,j,ispec)
+                 csl = vsext(i,j,ispec)
+                 rhol = rhoext(i,j,ispec)
+              endif
+              rho_vp = rhol*cpl
+              rho_vs = rhol*csl
+              xxi = + gammaz(i,j,ispec) * jacobian(i,j,ispec)
+              zxi = - gammax(i,j,ispec) * jacobian(i,j,ispec)
+              jacobian1D = sqrt(xxi**2 + zxi**2)
+              nx = - zxi / jacobian1D
+              nz = + xxi / jacobian1D
+              weight = jacobian1D * wxgll(i)
+              ! Clayton-Engquist condition if elastic
+              if(elastic(ispec)) then
+                 vx = veloc_elastic(1,iglob) - veloc_horiz
+                 vy = veloc_elastic(2,iglob)
+                 vz = veloc_elastic(3,iglob) - veloc_vert
+                 vn = nx*vx+nz*vz
+                 tx = rho_vp*vn*nx+rho_vs*(vx-vn*nx)
+                 ty = rho_vs*vy
+                 tz = rho_vp*vn*nz+rho_vs*(vz-vn*nz)
+! exclude corners to make sure there is no contradiction on the normal
+! for Stacey absorbing conditions but not for incident plane waves;
+! thus subtract nothing i.e. zero in that case
+                 if((codeabs(ILEFT,ispecabs) .and. i == 1) .or. (codeabs(IRIGHT,ispecabs) .and. i == NGLLX)) then
+                   tx = 0
+                   ty = 0
+                   tz = 0
+                 endif
+                 displtx=0.0d0
+                 displtz=0.0d0
+                 if(ADD_SPRING_TO_STACEY)then
+                 displx = displ_elastic(1,iglob)
+                 disply = displ_elastic(2,iglob)
+                 displz = displ_elastic(3,iglob)
+                 spring_position=sqrt((coord(1,iglob)-x_center_spring)**2 +&
+                                 (coord(2,iglob)-z_center_spring)**2)
+                 displn = nx*displx+nz*displz
+                 displtx = (lambdal_unrelaxed_elastic+2*mul_unrelaxed_elastic)/&
+                            (2.0*spring_position)*displn*nx &
+                           +mul_unrelaxed_elastic/(2.0*spring_position)*(displx-displn*nx)
+                 displty = mul_unrelaxed_elastic*disply
+                 displtz = (lambdal_unrelaxed_elastic+2*mul_unrelaxed_elastic)/&
+                            (2.0*spring_position)*displn*nz &
+                           +mul_unrelaxed_elastic/(2.0*spring_position)*(displz-displn*nz)
+                 if((codeabs(ILEFT,ispecabs) .and. i == 1) .or. (codeabs(IRIGHT,ispecabs) .and. i == NGLLX)) then
+                   displtx = 0
+                   displty = 0
+                   displtz = 0
+                 endif
+                 endif
+                 accel_elastic(1,iglob) = accel_elastic(1,iglob) - (tx + traction_x_t0+displtx)*weight
+                 accel_elastic(2,iglob) = accel_elastic(2,iglob) - ty*weight
+                 accel_elastic(3,iglob) = accel_elastic(3,iglob) - (tz + traction_z_t0+displtz)*weight
+                 if(SAVE_FORWARD .and. SIMULATION_TYPE ==1) then
+                    if(p_sv)then !P-SV waves
+                       b_absorb_elastic_top(1,i,ib_top(ispecabs),it) = (tx- traction_x_t0)*weight
+                       b_absorb_elastic_top(3,i,ib_top(ispecabs),it) = (tz- traction_z_t0)*weight
+                    else!SH (membrane) waves
+                       b_absorb_elastic_top(2,i,ib_top(ispecabs),it) = ty*weight
+                    endif
+                 elseif(SIMULATION_TYPE == 2) then
+                    if(p_sv)then !P-SV waves
+                       b_accel_elastic(1,iglob) = b_accel_elastic(1,iglob) - b_absorb_elastic_top(1,i,ib_top(ispecabs),NSTEP-it+1)
+                       b_accel_elastic(3,iglob) = b_accel_elastic(3,iglob) - b_absorb_elastic_top(3,i,ib_top(ispecabs),NSTEP-it+1)
+                    else!SH (membrane) waves
+                       b_accel_elastic(2,iglob) = b_accel_elastic(2,iglob) - b_absorb_elastic_top(2,i,ib_top(ispecabs),NSTEP-it+1)
+                    endif
+                 endif
+              endif
+           enddo
+        endif  !  end of top absorbing boundary
+     enddo
+  endif  ! end of absorbing boundaries
+  ! --- add the source if it is a moment tensor
+  if(.not. initialfield) then
+     do i_source=1,NSOURCES
+        ! if this processor core carries the source and the source element is elastic
+        if (is_proc_source(i_source) == 1 .and. elastic(ispec_selected_source(i_source))) then
+           ! moment tensor
+           if(source_type(i_source) == 2) then
+              if(.not.p_sv)  call exit_MPI('cannot have moment tensor source in SH (membrane) waves calculation')
+              if(SIMULATION_TYPE == 1) then  ! forward wavefield
+                 ! add source array
+                 do j=1,NGLLZ
+                    do i=1,NGLLX
+                       iglob = ibool(i,j,ispec_selected_source(i_source))
+                       accel_elastic(1,iglob) = accel_elastic(1,iglob) + &
+                            sourcearray(i_source,1,i,j)*source_time_function(i_source,it,i_stage)
+                       accel_elastic(3,iglob) = accel_elastic(3,iglob) + &
+                            sourcearray(i_source,2,i,j)*source_time_function(i_source,it,i_stage)
+                    enddo
+                 enddo
+              else                   ! backward wavefield
+                 do j=1,NGLLZ
+                    do i=1,NGLLX
+                       iglob = ibool(i,j,ispec_selected_source(i_source))
+                       b_accel_elastic(1,iglob) = b_accel_elastic(1,iglob) + &
+                            sourcearray(i_source,1,i,j)*source_time_function(i_source,NSTEP-it+1,stage_time_scheme-i_stage+1)
+                       b_accel_elastic(3,iglob) = b_accel_elastic(3,iglob) + &
+                            sourcearray(i_source,2,i,j)*source_time_function(i_source,NSTEP-it+1,stage_time_scheme-i_stage+1)
+                    enddo
+                 enddo
+              endif  !endif SIMULATION_TYPE == 1
+           endif !if(source_type(i_source) == 2)
+        endif ! if this processor core carries the source and the source element is elastic
+     enddo ! do i_source=1,NSOURCES
+     if(SIMULATION_TYPE == 2) then   ! adjoint wavefield
+        irec_local = 0
+        do irec = 1,nrec
+           !   add the source (only if this proc carries the source)
+           if(myrank == which_proc_receiver(irec)) then
+              irec_local = irec_local + 1
+              if(elastic(ispec_selected_rec(irec))) then
+                 ! add source array
+                 do j=1,NGLLZ
+                    do i=1,NGLLX
+                       iglob = ibool(i,j,ispec_selected_rec(irec))
+                       if(p_sv)then !P-SH waves
+                          accel_elastic(1,iglob) = accel_elastic(1,iglob) + adj_sourcearrays(irec_local,NSTEP-it+1,1,i,j)
+                          accel_elastic(3,iglob) = accel_elastic(3,iglob) + adj_sourcearrays(irec_local,NSTEP-it+1,3,i,j)
+                       else !SH (membrane) waves
+                          accel_elastic(2,iglob) = accel_elastic(2,iglob) + adj_sourcearrays(irec_local,NSTEP-it+1,2,i,j)
+                       endif
+                    enddo
+                 enddo
+              endif ! if element is elastic
+           endif ! if this processor core carries the adjoint source and the source element is elastic
+        enddo ! irec = 1,nrec
+     endif ! if SIMULATION_TYPE == 2 adjoint wavefield
+  endif ! if not using an initial field
+  ! implement attenuation
+     ! compute Grad(displ_elastic) at time step n+1 for attenuation
+     call compute_gradient_attenuation(temp_displ_elastic,dux_dxl_np1,duz_dxl_np1, &
+          dux_dzl_np1,duz_dzl_np1,xix,xiz,gammax,gammaz,ibool,elastic,hprime_xx,hprime_zz,nspec,nglob)
+     ! update memory variables with fourth-order Runge-Kutta time scheme for attenuation
+     ! loop over spectral elements
+     do ispec = 1,nspec
+        do j=1,NGLLZ
+           do i=1,NGLLX
+              theta_n   = dux_dxl_n(i,j,ispec) + duz_dzl_n(i,j,ispec)
+              theta_np1 = dux_dxl_np1(i,j,ispec) + duz_dzl_np1(i,j,ispec)
+              ! loop on all the standard linear solids
+              do i_sls = 1,N_SLS
+                 ! evolution e1
+                 if(stage_time_scheme == 1) then
+                    Un = e1(i,j,ispec,i_sls)
+                    tauinv = - inv_tau_sigma_nu1(i,j,ispec,i_sls)
+                    tauinvsquare = tauinv * tauinv
+                    tauinvcube = tauinvsquare * tauinv
+                    tauinvUn = tauinv * Un
+                    Sn   = theta_n * phi_nu1(i,j,ispec,i_sls)
+                    Snp1 = theta_np1 * phi_nu1(i,j,ispec,i_sls)
+                    Unp1 = Un + (deltatfourth*tauinvcube*(Sn + tauinvUn) + &
+                         twelvedeltat*(Sn + Snp1 + 2*tauinvUn) + &
+                         fourdeltatsquare*tauinv*(2*Sn + Snp1 + 3*tauinvUn) + &
+                         deltatcube*tauinvsquare*(3*Sn + Snp1 + 4*tauinvUn))* ONE_OVER_24
+                    e1(i,j,ispec,i_sls) = Unp1
+                 endif
+                 if(stage_time_scheme == 6) then
+                    tauinv = inv_tau_sigma_nu1(i,j,ispec,i_sls)
+                    Un = e1(i,j,ispec,i_sls)
+                    temp_time_scheme = phi_nu1(i,j,ispec,i_sls)
+                    e1_LDDRK(i,j,ispec,i_sls) = alpha_LDDRK(i_stage) * e1_LDDRK(i,j,ispec,i_sls) + &
+                                              deltat * (theta_n * temp_time_scheme - Un * tauinv)
+                    e1(i,j,ispec,i_sls) = Un + beta_LDDRK(i_stage) * e1_LDDRK(i,j,ispec,i_sls)
+                 endif
+                 if(stage_time_scheme == 4) then
+                    tauinv = inv_tau_sigma_nu1(i,j,ispec,i_sls)
+                    Un = e1(i,j,ispec,i_sls)
+                    temp_time_scheme = phi_nu1(i,j,ispec,i_sls)
+                    e1_force_RK(i,j,ispec,i_sls,i_stage) = deltat * (theta_n * temp_time_scheme - Un * tauinv)
+                    if(i_stage==1 .or. i_stage==2 .or. i_stage==3)then
+                       if(i_stage == 1)weight_rk = 0.5d0
+                       if(i_stage == 2)weight_rk = 0.5d0
+                       if(i_stage == 3)weight_rk = 1.0d0
+                       if(i_stage==1)then
+                       e1_initial_rk(i,j,ispec,i_sls) = e1(i,j,ispec,i_sls)
+                       endif
+                       e1(i,j,ispec,i_sls) = e1_initial_rk(i,j,ispec,i_sls) + weight_rk * e1_force_RK(i,j,ispec,i_sls,i_stage)
+                    elseif(i_stage==4)then
+                       e1(i,j,ispec,i_sls) = e1_initial_rk(i,j,ispec,i_sls) + 1.0d0 / 6.0d0 * &
+                                             (e1_force_RK(i,j,ispec,i_sls,1) + 2.0d0 * e1_force_RK(i,j,ispec,i_sls,2) + &
+                                             2.0d0 * e1_force_RK(i,j,ispec,i_sls,3) + e1_force_RK(i,j,ispec,i_sls,4))
+                    endif
+                 endif
+                 ! evolution e11
+                 if(stage_time_scheme == 1) then
+                    Un = e11(i,j,ispec,i_sls)
+                    tauinv = - inv_tau_sigma_nu2(i,j,ispec,i_sls)
+                    tauinvsquare = tauinv * tauinv
+                    tauinvcube = tauinvsquare * tauinv
+                    tauinvUn = tauinv * Un
+                    Sn   = (dux_dxl_n(i,j,ispec) - theta_n/TWO) * phi_nu2(i,j,ispec,i_sls)
+                    Snp1 = (dux_dxl_np1(i,j,ispec) - theta_np1/TWO) * phi_nu2(i,j,ispec,i_sls)
+                    Unp1 = Un + (deltatfourth*tauinvcube*(Sn + tauinvUn) + &
+                         twelvedeltat*(Sn + Snp1 + 2*tauinvUn) + &
+                         fourdeltatsquare*tauinv*(2*Sn + Snp1 + 3*tauinvUn) + &
+                         deltatcube*tauinvsquare*(3*Sn + Snp1 + 4*tauinvUn))* ONE_OVER_24
+                    e11(i,j,ispec,i_sls) = Unp1
+                endif
+                 if(stage_time_scheme == 6) then
+                    temp_time_scheme = dux_dxl_n(i,j,ispec)-theta_n/TWO
+                    temper_time_scheme = phi_nu2(i,j,ispec,i_sls)
+                    e11_LDDRK(i,j,ispec,i_sls) = alpha_LDDRK(i_stage) * e11_LDDRK(i,j,ispec,i_sls) &
+                                                 + deltat * (temp_time_scheme * temper_time_scheme)- &
+                                                 deltat * (e11(i,j,ispec,i_sls) * inv_tau_sigma_nu2(i,j,ispec,i_sls))
+                    e11(i,j,ispec,i_sls) = e11(i,j,ispec,i_sls)+beta_LDDRK(i_stage)*e11_LDDRK(i,j,ispec,i_sls)
+                 endif
+                 if(stage_time_scheme == 4) then
+                    temp_time_scheme = dux_dxl_n(i,j,ispec)-theta_n/TWO
+                    temper_time_scheme = phi_nu2(i,j,ispec,i_sls)
+                    e11_force_RK(i,j,ispec,i_sls,i_stage) = deltat * (temp_time_scheme * temper_time_scheme- &
+                                               e11(i,j,ispec,i_sls) * inv_tau_sigma_nu2(i,j,ispec,i_sls))
+                    if(i_stage==1 .or. i_stage==2 .or. i_stage==3)then
+                       if(i_stage == 1)weight_rk = 0.5d0
+                       if(i_stage == 2)weight_rk = 0.5d0
+                       if(i_stage == 3)weight_rk = 1.0d0
+                       if(i_stage==1)then
+                          e11_initial_rk(i,j,ispec,i_sls) = e11(i,j,ispec,i_sls)
+                       endif
+                       e11(i,j,ispec,i_sls) = e11_initial_rk(i,j,ispec,i_sls) + weight_rk * e11_force_RK(i,j,ispec,i_sls,i_stage)
+                    elseif(i_stage==4)then
+                      e11(i,j,ispec,i_sls) = e11_initial_rk(i,j,ispec,i_sls) + 1.0d0 / 6.0d0 * &
+                                             (e11_force_RK(i,j,ispec,i_sls,1) + 2.0d0 * e11_force_RK(i,j,ispec,i_sls,2) + &
+                                              2.0d0 * e11_force_RK(i,j,ispec,i_sls,3) + e11_force_RK(i,j,ispec,i_sls,4))
+                    endif
+                 endif
+                 ! evolution e13
+                 if(stage_time_scheme == 1) then
+                    Un = e13(i,j,ispec,i_sls)
+                    tauinv = - inv_tau_sigma_nu2(i,j,ispec,i_sls)
+                    tauinvsquare = tauinv * tauinv
+                    tauinvcube = tauinvsquare * tauinv
+                    tauinvUn = tauinv * Un
+                    Sn   = (dux_dzl_n(i,j,ispec) + duz_dxl_n(i,j,ispec)) * phi_nu2(i,j,ispec,i_sls)
+                    Snp1 = (dux_dzl_np1(i,j,ispec) + duz_dxl_np1(i,j,ispec)) * phi_nu2(i,j,ispec,i_sls)
+                    Unp1 = Un + (deltatfourth*tauinvcube*(Sn + tauinvUn) + &
+                         twelvedeltat*(Sn + Snp1 + 2*tauinvUn) + &
+                         fourdeltatsquare*tauinv*(2*Sn + Snp1 + 3*tauinvUn) + &
+                         deltatcube*tauinvsquare*(3*Sn + Snp1 + 4*tauinvUn))* ONE_OVER_24
+                    e13(i,j,ispec,i_sls) = Unp1
+                 endif
+                 if(stage_time_scheme == 6) then
+                    temp_time_scheme=dux_dzl_n(i,j,ispec) + duz_dxl_n(i,j,ispec)
+                    temper_time_scheme=phi_nu2(i,j,ispec,i_sls)
+                    e13_LDDRK(i,j,ispec,i_sls) = alpha_LDDRK(i_stage) * e13_LDDRK(i,j,ispec,i_sls)+&
+                                             deltat * (temp_time_scheme*temper_time_scheme)- &
+                                            deltat * (e13(i,j,ispec,i_sls) * inv_tau_sigma_nu2(i,j,ispec,i_sls))
+                    e13(i,j,ispec,i_sls) = e13(i,j,ispec,i_sls)+beta_LDDRK(i_stage) * e13_LDDRK(i,j,ispec,i_sls)
+                 endif
+                 if(stage_time_scheme == 4) then
+                    temp_time_scheme=dux_dzl_n(i,j,ispec) + duz_dxl_n(i,j,ispec)
+                    temper_time_scheme=phi_nu2(i,j,ispec,i_sls)
+                    e13_force_RK(i,j,ispec,i_sls,i_stage) = deltat * (temp_time_scheme*temper_time_scheme- &
+                                            e13(i,j,ispec,i_sls) * inv_tau_sigma_nu2(i,j,ispec,i_sls))
+                    if(i_stage==1 .or. i_stage==2 .or. i_stage==3)then
+                       if(i_stage == 1)weight_rk = 0.5d0
+                       if(i_stage == 2)weight_rk = 0.5d0
+                       if(i_stage == 3)weight_rk = 1.0d0
+                       if(i_stage==1)then
+                          e13_initial_rk(i,j,ispec,i_sls) = e13(i,j,ispec,i_sls)
+                       endif
+                          e13(i,j,ispec,i_sls) = e13_initial_rk(i,j,ispec,i_sls) + weight_rk * e13_force_RK(i,j,ispec,i_sls,i_stage)
+                    elseif(i_stage==4)then
+                       e13(i,j,ispec,i_sls) = e13_initial_rk(i,j,ispec,i_sls) + 1.0d0 / 6.0d0 * &
+                                              (e13_force_RK(i,j,ispec,i_sls,1) + 2.0d0 * e13_force_RK(i,j,ispec,i_sls,2) + &
+                                              2.0d0 * e13_force_RK(i,j,ispec,i_sls,3) + e13_force_RK(i,j,ispec,i_sls,4))
+                    endif
+                 endif
+              enddo
+           enddo
+        enddo
+     enddo
+  endif ! end of test on attenuation
+end subroutine compute_forces_viscoelastic

Deleted: seismo/2D/SPECFEM2D/trunk/src/specfem2D/compute_forces_viscoelastic.f90
--- seismo/2D/SPECFEM2D/trunk/src/specfem2D/compute_forces_viscoelastic.f90	2012-03-19 02:12:09 UTC (rev 19804)
+++ seismo/2D/SPECFEM2D/trunk/src/specfem2D/compute_forces_viscoelastic.f90	2012-03-19 03:57:29 UTC (rev 19805)
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-!                   S P E C F E M 2 D  Version 6 . 2
-!                   ------------------------------
-! Copyright Universite de Pau, CNRS and INRIA, France,
-! and Princeton University / California Institute of Technology, USA.
-! Contributors: Dimitri Komatitsch, dimitri DOT komatitsch aT univ-pau DOT fr
-!               Nicolas Le Goff, nicolas DOT legoff aT univ-pau DOT fr
-!               Roland Martin, roland DOT martin aT univ-pau DOT fr
-!               Christina Morency, cmorency aT princeton DOT edu
-! This software is a computer program whose purpose is to solve
-! the two-dimensional viscoelastic anisotropic or poroelastic wave equation
-! using a spectral-element method (SEM).
-! This software is governed by the CeCILL license under French law and
-! abiding by the rules of distribution of free software. You can use,
-! modify and/or redistribute the software under the terms of the CeCILL
-! license as circulated by CEA, CNRS and INRIA at the following URL
-! "http://www.cecill.info".
-! As a counterpart to the access to the source code and rights to copy,
-! modify and redistribute granted by the license, users are provided only
-! with a limited warranty and the software's author, the holder of the
-! economic rights, and the successive licensors have only limited
-! liability.
-! In this respect, the user's attention is drawn to the risks associated
-! with loading, using, modifying and/or developing or reproducing the
-! software by the user in light of its specific status of free software,
-! that may mean that it is complicated to manipulate, and that also
-! therefore means that it is reserved for developers and experienced
-! professionals having in-depth computer knowledge. Users are therefore
-! encouraged to load and test the software's suitability as regards their
-! requirements in conditions enabling the security of their systems and/or
-! data to be ensured and, more generally, to use and operate it in the
-! same conditions as regards security.
-! The full text of the license is available in file "LICENSE".
-subroutine compute_forces_viscoelastic(p_sv,nglob,nspec,myrank,nelemabs,numat, &
-     ispec_selected_source,ispec_selected_rec,is_proc_source,which_proc_receiver, &
-     source_type,it,NSTEP,anyabs,assign_external_model, &
-     initialfield,ATTENUATION_VISCOELASTIC_SOLID,angleforce,deltatcube, &
-     deltatfourth,twelvedeltat,fourdeltatsquare,ibool,kmato,numabs,elastic,codeabs, &
-     accel_elastic,veloc_elastic,displ_elastic,b_accel_elastic,b_displ_elastic, &
-     density,poroelastcoef,xix,xiz,gammax,gammaz, &
-     jacobian,vpext,vsext,rhoext,c11ext,c13ext,c15ext,c33ext,c35ext,c55ext,anisotropic,anisotropy, &
-     source_time_function,sourcearray,adj_sourcearrays,e1,e11, &
-     e13,dux_dxl_n,duz_dzl_n,duz_dxl_n,dux_dzl_n, &
-     dux_dxl_np1,duz_dzl_np1,duz_dxl_np1,dux_dzl_np1,hprime_xx,hprimewgll_xx, &
-     hprime_zz,hprimewgll_zz,wxgll,wzgll,inv_tau_sigma_nu1,phi_nu1,inv_tau_sigma_nu2,phi_nu2,Mu_nu1,Mu_nu2,N_SLS, &
-     deltat,coord,add_Bielak_conditions, &
-     x0_source, z0_source, A_plane, B_plane, C_plane, angleforce_refl, c_inc, c_refl, time_offset,f0, &
-     v0x_left,v0z_left,v0x_right,v0z_right,v0x_bot,v0z_bot,t0x_left,t0z_left,t0x_right,t0z_right,t0x_bot,t0z_bot,&
-     nleft,nright,nbot,over_critical_angle,NSOURCES,nrec,SIMULATION_TYPE,SAVE_FORWARD,b_absorb_elastic_left,&
-     b_absorb_elastic_right,b_absorb_elastic_bottom,b_absorb_elastic_top,nspec_left,nspec_right,&
-     nspec_bottom,nspec_top,ib_left,ib_right,ib_bottom,ib_top,mu_k,kappa_k,&
-     e1_LDDRK,e11_LDDRK,e13_LDDRK,alpha_LDDRK,beta_LDDRK, &
-     e1_initial_rk,e11_initial_rk,e13_initial_rk,e1_force_RK, e11_force_RK, e13_force_RK, &
-     stage_time_scheme,i_stage,ADD_SPRING_TO_STACEY,x_center_spring,z_center_spring)
-  ! compute forces for the elastic elements
-  implicit none
-  include "constants.h"
-  logical :: p_sv
-  integer :: NSOURCES, i_source
-  integer :: nglob,nspec,myrank,nelemabs,numat,it,NSTEP
-  integer, dimension(NSOURCES) :: ispec_selected_source,is_proc_source,source_type
-  integer :: nrec,SIMULATION_TYPE
-  integer, dimension(nrec) :: ispec_selected_rec,which_proc_receiver
-  integer :: nspec_left,nspec_right,nspec_bottom,nspec_top
-  integer, dimension(nelemabs) :: ib_left
-  integer, dimension(nelemabs) :: ib_right
-  integer, dimension(nelemabs) :: ib_bottom
-  integer, dimension(nelemabs) :: ib_top
-  integer :: stage_time_scheme,i_stage
-  logical :: anyabs,assign_external_model,initialfield,ATTENUATION_VISCOELASTIC_SOLID,add_Bielak_conditions
-  logical :: ADD_SPRING_TO_STACEY
-  real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL) :: x_center_spring,z_center_spring
-  logical :: SAVE_FORWARD
-  double precision :: deltatcube,deltatfourth,twelvedeltat,fourdeltatsquare
-  double precision, dimension(NSOURCES) :: angleforce
-  integer, dimension(NGLLX,NGLLZ,nspec) :: ibool
-  integer, dimension(nspec) :: kmato
-  integer, dimension(nelemabs) :: numabs
-  logical, dimension(nspec) :: elastic,anisotropic
-  logical, dimension(4,nelemabs)  :: codeabs
-  real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL), dimension(3,nglob) :: accel_elastic,veloc_elastic,displ_elastic
-  real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL), dimension(3,nglob) :: temp_displ_elastic
-  double precision, dimension(2,numat) :: density
-  double precision, dimension(4,3,numat) :: poroelastcoef
-  double precision, dimension(6,numat) :: anisotropy
-  real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL), dimension(NGLLX,NGLLZ,nspec) :: xix,xiz,gammax,gammaz,jacobian
-  double precision, dimension(NGLLX,NGLLZ,nspec) :: vpext,vsext,rhoext
-  double precision, dimension(NGLLX,NGLLZ,nspec) ::  c11ext,c15ext,c13ext,c33ext,c35ext,c55ext
-  real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL), dimension(NSOURCES,NSTEP,stage_time_scheme) :: source_time_function
-  real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL), dimension(NSOURCES,NDIM,NGLLX,NGLLZ) :: sourcearray
-  real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL), dimension(3,nglob) :: b_accel_elastic,b_displ_elastic
-  real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL), dimension(nrec,NSTEP,3,NGLLX,NGLLZ) :: adj_sourcearrays
-  real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL), dimension(nglob) :: mu_k,kappa_k
-  real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL), dimension(3,NGLLZ,nspec_left,NSTEP) :: b_absorb_elastic_left
-  real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL), dimension(3,NGLLZ,nspec_right,NSTEP) :: b_absorb_elastic_right
-  real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL), dimension(3,NGLLX,nspec_top,NSTEP) :: b_absorb_elastic_top
-  real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL), dimension(3,NGLLX,nspec_bottom,NSTEP) :: b_absorb_elastic_bottom
-  integer :: N_SLS
-  real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL), dimension(NGLLX,NGLLZ,nspec,N_SLS) :: e1,e11,e13
-  real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL), dimension(NGLLX,NGLLZ,nspec,N_SLS) :: e1_LDDRK,e11_LDDRK,e13_LDDRK
-  real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL), dimension(NGLLX,NGLLZ,nspec,N_SLS) :: e1_initial_rk,e11_initial_rk,e13_initial_rk
-  real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL), dimension(NGLLX,NGLLZ,nspec,N_SLS,stage_time_scheme) :: e1_force_RK, e11_force_RK, e13_force_RK
-  double precision, dimension(NGLLX,NGLLZ,nspec,N_SLS) :: inv_tau_sigma_nu1,phi_nu1,inv_tau_sigma_nu2,phi_nu2
-  double precision, dimension(NGLLX,NGLLZ,nspec) :: Mu_nu1,Mu_nu2
-  real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL) :: e1_sum,e11_sum,e13_sum
-  integer :: i_sls
-  real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL), dimension(NGLLX,NGLLZ,nspec) :: &
-       dux_dxl_n,duz_dzl_n,duz_dxl_n,dux_dzl_n,dux_dxl_np1,duz_dzl_np1,duz_dxl_np1,dux_dzl_np1
-  ! derivatives of Lagrange polynomials
-  real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL), dimension(NGLLX,NGLLX) :: hprime_xx,hprimewgll_xx
-  real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL), dimension(NGLLZ,NGLLZ) :: hprime_zz,hprimewgll_zz
-  ! Gauss-Lobatto-Legendre weights
-  real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL), dimension(NGLLX) :: wxgll
-  real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL), dimension(NGLLZ) :: wzgll
-  ! Parameter for LDDRK time scheme
-  double precision, dimension(Nstages) :: alpha_LDDRK,beta_LDDRK
-  !temp variable
-  double precision :: temp_time_scheme,temper_time_scheme,weight_rk
-  !---
-  !--- local variables
-  !---
-  integer :: ispec,i,j,k,iglob,ispecabs,ibegin,iend,irec,irec_local
-  ! spatial derivatives
-  real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL) :: dux_dxi,dux_dgamma,duy_dxi,duy_dgamma,duz_dxi,duz_dgamma
-  real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL) :: dux_dxl,duy_dxl,duz_dxl,dux_dzl,duy_dzl,duz_dzl
-  real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL) :: b_dux_dxi,b_dux_dgamma,b_duy_dxi,b_duy_dgamma,b_duz_dxi,b_duz_dgamma
-  real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL) :: b_dux_dxl,b_duy_dxl,b_duz_dxl,b_dux_dzl,b_duy_dzl,b_duz_dzl
-  real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL) :: dsxx,dsxz,dszz
-  real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL) :: b_dsxx,b_dsxz,b_dszz
-  real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL) :: sigma_xx,sigma_xy,sigma_xz,sigma_zy,sigma_zz,sigma_zx
-  real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL) :: b_sigma_xx,b_sigma_xy,b_sigma_xz,b_sigma_zy,b_sigma_zz,b_sigma_zx
-  real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL) :: nx,nz,vx,vy,vz,vn,rho_vp,rho_vs,tx,ty,tz,weight,xxi,zxi,xgamma,zgamma,jacobian1D
-  real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL) :: displx,disply,displz,displn,spring_position,displtx,displty,displtz
-  real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL), dimension(NGLLX,NGLLZ) :: tempx1,tempx2,tempy1,tempy2,tempz1,tempz2
-  real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL), dimension(NGLLX,NGLLZ) :: b_tempx1,b_tempx2,b_tempy1,b_tempy2,b_tempz1,b_tempz2
-  ! Jacobian matrix and determinant
-  real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL) :: xixl,xizl,gammaxl,gammazl,jacobianl
-  ! material properties of the elastic medium
-  real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL) :: mul_unrelaxed_elastic,lambdal_unrelaxed_elastic,lambdaplus2mu_unrelaxed_elastic,kappal,cpl,csl,rhol, &
-       lambdal_relaxed_viscoelastic,mul_relaxed_viscoelastic,lambdalplus2mul_relaxed_viscoel
-  ! for attenuation
-  real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL) :: Un,Unp1,tauinv,Sn,Snp1,theta_n,theta_np1,tauinvsquare,tauinvcube,tauinvUn
-  ! for anisotropy
-  double precision ::  c11,c15,c13,c33,c35,c55
-  ! for analytical initial plane wave for Bielak's conditions
-  double precision :: veloc_horiz,veloc_vert,dxUx,dzUx,dxUz,dzUz,traction_x_t0,traction_z_t0,deltat
-  double precision, dimension(NDIM,nglob), intent(in) :: coord
-  double precision x0_source, z0_source, angleforce_refl, c_inc, c_refl, time_offset, f0
-  double precision, dimension(NDIM) :: A_plane, B_plane, C_plane
-  !over critical angle
-  logical :: over_critical_angle
-  integer :: nleft, nright, nbot
-  double precision, dimension(nleft) :: v0x_left,v0z_left,t0x_left,t0z_left
-  double precision, dimension(nright) :: v0x_right,v0z_right,t0x_right,t0z_right
-  double precision, dimension(nbot) :: v0x_bot,v0z_bot,t0x_bot,t0z_bot
-  integer count_left,count_right,count_bottom
-  integer :: ifirstelem,ilastelem
-! this to avoid a warning at execution time about an undefined variable being used
-! for the SH component in the case of a P-SV calculation, and vice versa
-  sigma_xx = 0
-  sigma_xy = 0
-  sigma_xz = 0
-  sigma_zy = 0
-  sigma_zz = 0
-  ! compute Grad(displ_elastic) at time step n for attenuation
-     temp_displ_elastic = displ_elastic + deltat * veloc_elastic + 0.5 * deltat**2 * accel_elastic
-     call compute_gradient_attenuation(displ_elastic,dux_dxl_n,duz_dxl_n, &
-          dux_dzl_n,duz_dzl_n,xix,xiz,gammax,gammaz,ibool,elastic,hprime_xx,hprime_zz,nspec,nglob)
-  endif
-  ifirstelem = 1
-  ilastelem = nspec
-  ! loop over spectral elements
-  do ispec = ifirstelem,ilastelem
-     tempx1(:,:) = ZERO
-     tempy1(:,:) = ZERO
-     tempz1(:,:) = ZERO
-     tempx2(:,:) = ZERO
-     tempy2(:,:) = ZERO
-     tempz2(:,:) = ZERO
-     if(SIMULATION_TYPE ==2)then
-        b_tempx1(:,:) = ZERO
-        b_tempy1(:,:) = ZERO
-        b_tempz1(:,:) = ZERO
-        b_tempx2(:,:) = ZERO
-        b_tempy2(:,:) = ZERO
-        b_tempz2(:,:) = ZERO
-     endif
-     !---
-     !--- elastic spectral element
-     !---
-     if(elastic(ispec)) then
-        ! get unrelaxed elastic parameters of current spectral element
-        lambdal_unrelaxed_elastic = poroelastcoef(1,1,kmato(ispec))
-        mul_unrelaxed_elastic = poroelastcoef(2,1,kmato(ispec))
-        lambdaplus2mu_unrelaxed_elastic = poroelastcoef(3,1,kmato(ispec))
-        ! first double loop over GLL points to compute and store gradients
-        do j = 1,NGLLZ
-           do i = 1,NGLLX
-              !--- if external medium, get elastic parameters of current grid point
-              if(assign_external_model) then
-                 cpl = vpext(i,j,ispec)
-                 csl = vsext(i,j,ispec)
-                 rhol = rhoext(i,j,ispec)
-                 mul_unrelaxed_elastic = rhol*csl*csl
-                 lambdal_unrelaxed_elastic = rhol*cpl*cpl - TWO*mul_unrelaxed_elastic
-                 lambdaplus2mu_unrelaxed_elastic = lambdal_unrelaxed_elastic + TWO*mul_unrelaxed_elastic
-              endif
-              ! derivative along x and along z
-              dux_dxi = ZERO
-              duy_dxi = ZERO
-              duz_dxi = ZERO
-              dux_dgamma = ZERO
-              duy_dgamma = ZERO
-              duz_dgamma = ZERO
-              if(SIMULATION_TYPE == 2) then ! Adjoint calculation, backward wavefield
-                 b_dux_dxi = ZERO
-                 b_duy_dxi = ZERO
-                 b_duz_dxi = ZERO
-                 b_dux_dgamma = ZERO
-                 b_duy_dgamma = ZERO
-                 b_duz_dgamma = ZERO
-              endif
-              ! first double loop over GLL points to compute and store gradients
-              ! we can merge the two loops because NGLLX == NGLLZ
-              do k = 1,NGLLX
-                 dux_dxi = dux_dxi + displ_elastic(1,ibool(k,j,ispec))*hprime_xx(i,k)
-                 duy_dxi = duy_dxi + displ_elastic(2,ibool(k,j,ispec))*hprime_xx(i,k)
-                 duz_dxi = duz_dxi + displ_elastic(3,ibool(k,j,ispec))*hprime_xx(i,k)
-                 dux_dgamma = dux_dgamma + displ_elastic(1,ibool(i,k,ispec))*hprime_zz(j,k)
-                 duy_dgamma = duy_dgamma + displ_elastic(2,ibool(i,k,ispec))*hprime_zz(j,k)
-                 duz_dgamma = duz_dgamma + displ_elastic(3,ibool(i,k,ispec))*hprime_zz(j,k)
-                 if(SIMULATION_TYPE == 2) then ! Adjoint calculation, backward wavefield
-                    b_dux_dxi = b_dux_dxi + b_displ_elastic(1,ibool(k,j,ispec))*hprime_xx(i,k)
-                    b_duy_dxi = b_duy_dxi + b_displ_elastic(2,ibool(k,j,ispec))*hprime_xx(i,k)
-                    b_duz_dxi = b_duz_dxi + b_displ_elastic(3,ibool(k,j,ispec))*hprime_xx(i,k)
-                    b_dux_dgamma = b_dux_dgamma + b_displ_elastic(1,ibool(i,k,ispec))*hprime_zz(j,k)
-                    b_duy_dgamma = b_duy_dgamma + b_displ_elastic(2,ibool(i,k,ispec))*hprime_zz(j,k)
-                    b_duz_dgamma = b_duz_dgamma + b_displ_elastic(3,ibool(i,k,ispec))*hprime_zz(j,k)
-                 endif
-              enddo
-              xixl = xix(i,j,ispec)
-              xizl = xiz(i,j,ispec)
-              gammaxl = gammax(i,j,ispec)
-              gammazl = gammaz(i,j,ispec)
-              ! derivatives of displacement
-              dux_dxl = dux_dxi*xixl + dux_dgamma*gammaxl
-              dux_dzl = dux_dxi*xizl + dux_dgamma*gammazl
-              duy_dxl = duy_dxi*xixl + duy_dgamma*gammaxl
-              duy_dzl = duy_dxi*xizl + duy_dgamma*gammazl
-              duz_dxl = duz_dxi*xixl + duz_dgamma*gammaxl
-              duz_dzl = duz_dxi*xizl + duz_dgamma*gammazl
-              if(SIMULATION_TYPE == 2) then ! Adjoint calculation, backward wavefield
-                 b_dux_dxl = b_dux_dxi*xixl + b_dux_dgamma*gammaxl
-                 b_dux_dzl = b_dux_dxi*xizl + b_dux_dgamma*gammazl
-                 b_duy_dxl = b_duy_dxi*xixl + b_duy_dgamma*gammaxl
-                 b_duy_dzl = b_duy_dxi*xizl + b_duy_dgamma*gammazl
-                 b_duz_dxl = b_duz_dxi*xixl + b_duz_dgamma*gammaxl
-                 b_duz_dzl = b_duz_dxi*xizl + b_duz_dgamma*gammazl
-              endif
-              ! compute stress tensor (include attenuation or anisotropy if needed)
-                 ! attenuation is implemented following the memory variable formulation of
-                 ! J. M. Carcione, Seismic modeling in viscoelastic media, Geophysics,
-                 ! vol. 58(1), p. 110-120 (1993). More details can be found in
-                 ! J. M. Carcione, D. Kosloff and R. Kosloff, Wave propagation simulation in a linear
-                 ! viscoelastic medium, Geophysical Journal International, vol. 95, p. 597-611 (1988).
-                 ! When implementing viscoelasticity according to Carcione 1993 paper, the attenuation is
-                 ! non-causal rather than causal. We fixed the problem by using equations in Carcione's
-                 ! 2004 paper and his 2007 book.
-                 !J. M. Carcione, H B. Helle, The physics and simulation of wave propagation at the ocean
-                 ! bottom, Geophysics, vol. 69(3), p. 825-839, 2004
-                 !J. M. Carcione, Wave fields in real media: wave propagation in anisotropic, anelastic
-                 ! and porous media, Elsevier, p. 124-125, 2007
-                 ! compute unrelaxed elastic coefficients from formulas in Carcione 2007 page 125
-                 lambdal_relaxed_viscoelastic = (lambdal_unrelaxed_elastic + mul_unrelaxed_elastic) / Mu_nu1(i,j,ispec) &
-                                                - mul_unrelaxed_elastic / Mu_nu2(i,j,ispec)
-                 mul_relaxed_viscoelastic = mul_unrelaxed_elastic / Mu_nu2(i,j,ispec)
-                 lambdalplus2mul_relaxed_viscoel = lambdal_relaxed_viscoelastic + TWO*mul_relaxed_viscoelastic
-                 ! compute the stress using the unrelaxed Lame parameters (Carcione 2007 page 125)
-                 sigma_xx = lambdaplus2mu_unrelaxed_elastic*dux_dxl + lambdal_unrelaxed_elastic*duz_dzl
-                 sigma_xz = mul_unrelaxed_elastic*(duz_dxl + dux_dzl)
-                 sigma_zz = lambdaplus2mu_unrelaxed_elastic*duz_dzl + lambdal_unrelaxed_elastic*dux_dxl
-                 ! add the memory variables using the relaxed parameters (Carcione 2007 page 125)
-                 ! beware: there is a bug in Carcione's equation (2c) of his 1993 paper for sigma_zz, we fixed it in the code below
-                 e1_sum = 0._CUSTOM_REAL
-                 e11_sum = 0._CUSTOM_REAL
-                 e13_sum = 0._CUSTOM_REAL
-                 do i_sls = 1,N_SLS
-                    e1_sum = e1_sum + e1(i,j,ispec,i_sls)
-                    e11_sum = e11_sum + e11(i,j,ispec,i_sls)
-                    e13_sum = e13_sum + e13(i,j,ispec,i_sls)
-                 enddo
-                 sigma_xx = sigma_xx + (lambdal_relaxed_viscoelastic + mul_relaxed_viscoelastic) * e1_sum &
-                                     + TWO * mul_relaxed_viscoelastic * e11_sum
-                 sigma_xz = sigma_xz + mul_relaxed_viscoelastic * e13_sum
-                 sigma_zz = sigma_zz + (lambdal_relaxed_viscoelastic + mul_relaxed_viscoelastic) * e1_sum &
-                                     - TWO * mul_relaxed_viscoelastic * e11_sum
-              else
-                 ! no attenuation
-                 sigma_xx = lambdaplus2mu_unrelaxed_elastic*dux_dxl + lambdal_unrelaxed_elastic*duz_dzl
-                 sigma_xy = mul_unrelaxed_elastic*duy_dxl
-                 sigma_xz = mul_unrelaxed_elastic*(duz_dxl + dux_dzl)
-                 sigma_zy = mul_unrelaxed_elastic*duy_dzl
-                 sigma_zz = lambdaplus2mu_unrelaxed_elastic*duz_dzl + lambdal_unrelaxed_elastic*dux_dxl
-                 if(SIMULATION_TYPE == 2) then ! Adjoint calculation, backward wavefield
-                    b_sigma_xx = lambdaplus2mu_unrelaxed_elastic*b_dux_dxl + lambdal_unrelaxed_elastic*b_duz_dzl
-                    b_sigma_xy = mul_unrelaxed_elastic*b_duy_dxl
-                    b_sigma_xz = mul_unrelaxed_elastic*(b_duz_dxl + b_dux_dzl)
-                    b_sigma_zy = mul_unrelaxed_elastic*b_duy_dzl
-                    b_sigma_zz = lambdaplus2mu_unrelaxed_elastic*b_duz_dzl + lambdal_unrelaxed_elastic*b_dux_dxl
-                 endif
-              endif
-              ! full anisotropy
-              if(anisotropic(ispec)) then
-                 if(assign_external_model) then
-                    c11 = c11ext(i,j,ispec)
-                    c13 = c13ext(i,j,ispec)
-                    c15 = c15ext(i,j,ispec)
-                    c33 = c33ext(i,j,ispec)
-                    c35 = c35ext(i,j,ispec)
-                    c55 = c55ext(i,j,ispec)
-                 else
-                    c11 = anisotropy(1,kmato(ispec))
-                    c13 = anisotropy(2,kmato(ispec))
-                    c15 = anisotropy(3,kmato(ispec))
-                    c33 = anisotropy(4,kmato(ispec))
-                    c35 = anisotropy(5,kmato(ispec))
-                    c55 = anisotropy(6,kmato(ispec))
-                 end if
-                 ! implement anisotropy in 2D
-                 sigma_xx = c11*dux_dxl + c15*(duz_dxl + dux_dzl) + c13*duz_dzl
-                 sigma_zz = c13*dux_dxl + c35*(duz_dxl + dux_dzl) + c33*duz_dzl
-                 sigma_xz = c15*dux_dxl + c55*(duz_dxl + dux_dzl) + c35*duz_dzl
-              endif
-              ! Pre-kernels calculation
-              if(SIMULATION_TYPE == 2) then
-                 iglob = ibool(i,j,ispec)
-                 if(p_sv)then !P-SV waves
-                    dsxx =  dux_dxl
-                    dsxz = HALF * (duz_dxl + dux_dzl)
-                    dszz =  duz_dzl
-                    b_dsxx =  b_dux_dxl
-                    b_dsxz = HALF * (b_duz_dxl + b_dux_dzl)
-                    b_dszz =  b_duz_dzl
-                    kappa_k(iglob) = (dux_dxl + duz_dzl) *  (b_dux_dxl + b_duz_dzl)
-                    mu_k(iglob) = dsxx * b_dsxx + dszz * b_dszz + &
-                         2._CUSTOM_REAL * dsxz * b_dsxz - 1._CUSTOM_REAL/3._CUSTOM_REAL * kappa_k(iglob)
-                 else !SH (membrane) waves
-                    mu_k(iglob) = duy_dxl * b_duy_dxl + duy_dzl * b_duy_dzl
-                 endif
-              endif
-              jacobianl = jacobian(i,j,ispec)
-              ! the stress tensor is symmetric
-              sigma_zx = sigma_xz
-              b_sigma_zx = b_sigma_xz
-              ! weak formulation term based on stress tensor (non-symmetric form)
-              ! also add GLL integration weights
-              tempx1(i,j) = wzgll(j)*jacobianl*(sigma_xx*xixl+sigma_zx*xizl) ! this goes to accel_x
-              tempy1(i,j) = wzgll(j)*jacobianl*(sigma_xy*xixl+sigma_zy*xizl) ! this goes to accel_y
-              tempz1(i,j) = wzgll(j)*jacobianl*(sigma_xz*xixl+sigma_zz*xizl) ! this goes to accel_z
-              tempx2(i,j) = wxgll(i)*jacobianl*(sigma_xx*gammaxl+sigma_zx*gammazl) ! this goes to accel_x
-              tempy2(i,j) = wxgll(i)*jacobianl*(sigma_xy*gammaxl+sigma_zy*gammazl) ! this goes to accel_y
-              tempz2(i,j) = wxgll(i)*jacobianl*(sigma_xz*gammaxl+sigma_zz*gammazl) ! this goes to accel_z
-              if(SIMULATION_TYPE == 2) then ! Adjoint calculation, backward wavefield
-                 b_tempx1(i,j) = wzgll(j)*jacobianl*(b_sigma_xx*xixl+b_sigma_zx*xizl) ! this goes to b_accel_x
-                 b_tempy1(i,j) = wzgll(j)*jacobianl*(b_sigma_xy*xixl+b_sigma_zy*xizl) ! this goes to b_accel_y
-                 b_tempz1(i,j) = wzgll(j)*jacobianl*(b_sigma_xz*xixl+b_sigma_zz*xizl) ! this goes to b_accel_z
-                 b_tempx2(i,j) = wxgll(i)*jacobianl*(b_sigma_xx*gammaxl+b_sigma_zx*gammazl) ! this goes to b_accel_x
-                 b_tempy2(i,j) = wxgll(i)*jacobianl*(b_sigma_xy*gammaxl+b_sigma_zy*gammazl) ! this goes to b_accel_y
-                 b_tempz2(i,j) = wxgll(i)*jacobianl*(b_sigma_xz*gammaxl+b_sigma_zz*gammazl) ! this goes to b_accel_z
-              endif
-           enddo
-        enddo
-        !
-        ! second double-loop over GLL to compute all the terms
-        !
-        do j = 1,NGLLZ
-           do i = 1,NGLLX
-              iglob = ibool(i,j,ispec)
-              ! along x direction and z direction
-              ! and assemble the contributions
-              ! we can merge the two loops because NGLLX == NGLLZ
-              do k = 1,NGLLX
-                 accel_elastic(1,iglob) = accel_elastic(1,iglob) - (tempx1(k,j)*hprimewgll_xx(k,i) + tempx2(i,k)*hprimewgll_zz(k,j))
-                 accel_elastic(2,iglob) = accel_elastic(2,iglob) - (tempy1(k,j)*hprimewgll_xx(k,i) + tempy2(i,k)*hprimewgll_zz(k,j))
-                 accel_elastic(3,iglob) = accel_elastic(3,iglob) - (tempz1(k,j)*hprimewgll_xx(k,i) + tempz2(i,k)*hprimewgll_zz(k,j))
-                 if(SIMULATION_TYPE == 2) then ! Adjoint calculation, backward wavefield
-                    b_accel_elastic(1,iglob) = b_accel_elastic(1,iglob) - &
-                         (b_tempx1(k,j)*hprimewgll_xx(k,i) + b_tempx2(i,k)*hprimewgll_zz(k,j))
-                    b_accel_elastic(2,iglob) = b_accel_elastic(2,iglob) - &
-                         (b_tempy1(k,j)*hprimewgll_xx(k,i) + b_tempy2(i,k)*hprimewgll_zz(k,j))
-                    b_accel_elastic(3,iglob) = b_accel_elastic(3,iglob) - &
-                         (b_tempz1(k,j)*hprimewgll_xx(k,i) + b_tempz2(i,k)*hprimewgll_zz(k,j))
-                 endif
-              enddo
-           enddo ! second loop over the GLL points
-        enddo
-     endif ! end of test if elastic element
-  enddo ! end of loop over all spectral elements
-  !
-  !--- absorbing boundaries
-  !
-  if(anyabs) then
-     count_left=1
-     count_right=1
-     count_bottom=1
-     do ispecabs = 1,nelemabs
-        ispec = numabs(ispecabs)
-        ! get elastic parameters of current spectral element
-        lambdal_unrelaxed_elastic = poroelastcoef(1,1,kmato(ispec))
-        mul_unrelaxed_elastic = poroelastcoef(2,1,kmato(ispec))
-        rhol  = density(1,kmato(ispec))
-        kappal  = lambdal_unrelaxed_elastic + TWO*mul_unrelaxed_elastic/3._CUSTOM_REAL
-        cpl = sqrt((kappal + 4._CUSTOM_REAL*mul_unrelaxed_elastic/3._CUSTOM_REAL)/rhol)
-        csl = sqrt(mul_unrelaxed_elastic/rhol)
-        !--- left absorbing boundary
-        if(codeabs(ILEFT,ispecabs)) then
-           i = 1
-           do j = 1,NGLLZ
-              iglob = ibool(i,j,ispec)
-              ! for analytical initial plane wave for Bielak's conditions
-              ! left or right edge, horizontal normal vector
-              if(add_Bielak_conditions .and. initialfield) then
-                 if (.not.over_critical_angle) then
-                    call compute_Bielak_conditions(coord,iglob,nglob,it,deltat,dxUx,dxUz,dzUx,dzUz,veloc_horiz,veloc_vert, &
-                         x0_source, z0_source, A_plane, B_plane, C_plane, angleforce(1), angleforce_refl, &
-                         c_inc, c_refl, time_offset,f0)
-                    traction_x_t0 = (lambdal_unrelaxed_elastic+2*mul_unrelaxed_elastic)*dxUx + lambdal_unrelaxed_elastic*dzUz
-                    traction_z_t0 = mul_unrelaxed_elastic*(dxUz + dzUx)
-                 else
-                    veloc_horiz=v0x_left(count_left)
-                    veloc_vert=v0z_left(count_left)
-                    traction_x_t0=t0x_left(count_left)
-                    traction_z_t0=t0z_left(count_left)
-                    count_left=count_left+1
-                 end if
-              else
-                 veloc_horiz = 0
-                 veloc_vert = 0
-                 traction_x_t0 = 0
-                 traction_z_t0 = 0
-              endif
-              ! external velocity model
-              if(assign_external_model) then
-                 cpl = vpext(i,j,ispec)
-                 csl = vsext(i,j,ispec)
-                 rhol = rhoext(i,j,ispec)
-              endif
-              rho_vp = rhol*cpl
-              rho_vs = rhol*csl
-              xgamma = - xiz(i,j,ispec) * jacobian(i,j,ispec)
-              zgamma = + xix(i,j,ispec) * jacobian(i,j,ispec)
-              jacobian1D = sqrt(xgamma**2 + zgamma**2)
-              nx = - zgamma / jacobian1D
-              nz = + xgamma / jacobian1D
-              weight = jacobian1D * wzgll(j)
-              ! Clayton-Engquist condition if elastic
-              if(elastic(ispec)) then
-                 vx = veloc_elastic(1,iglob) - veloc_horiz
-                 vy = veloc_elastic(2,iglob)
-                 vz = veloc_elastic(3,iglob) - veloc_vert
-                 vn = nx*vx+nz*vz
-                 tx = rho_vp*vn*nx+rho_vs*(vx-vn*nx)
-                 ty = rho_vs*vy
-                 tz = rho_vp*vn*nz+rho_vs*(vz-vn*nz)
-                 displtx=0.0d0
-                 displtz=0.0d0
-                 if(ADD_SPRING_TO_STACEY)then
-                 displx = displ_elastic(1,iglob)
-                 disply = displ_elastic(2,iglob)
-                 displz = displ_elastic(3,iglob)
-                 spring_position=sqrt((coord(1,iglob)-x_center_spring)**2 +&
-                                 (coord(2,iglob)-z_center_spring)**2)
-                 displn = nx*displx+nz*displz
-                 displtx = (lambdal_unrelaxed_elastic+2*mul_unrelaxed_elastic)/&
-                            (2.0*spring_position)*displn*nx &
-                           +mul_unrelaxed_elastic/(2.0*spring_position)*(displx-displn*nx)
-                 displty = mul_unrelaxed_elastic*disply
-                 displtz = (lambdal_unrelaxed_elastic+2*mul_unrelaxed_elastic)/&
-                            (2.0*spring_position)*displn*nz &
-                           +mul_unrelaxed_elastic/(2.0*spring_position)*(displz-displn*nz)
-                 endif
-                 accel_elastic(1,iglob) = accel_elastic(1,iglob) - (tx + traction_x_t0+displtx)*weight
-                 accel_elastic(2,iglob) = accel_elastic(2,iglob) - ty*weight
-                 accel_elastic(3,iglob) = accel_elastic(3,iglob) - (tz + traction_z_t0+displtz)*weight
-                 if(SAVE_FORWARD .and. SIMULATION_TYPE ==1) then
-                    if(p_sv)then !P-SV waves
-                       b_absorb_elastic_left(1,j,ib_left(ispecabs),it) = (tx + traction_x_t0)*weight
-                       b_absorb_elastic_left(3,j,ib_left(ispecabs),it) = (tz + traction_z_t0)*weight
-                    else !SH (membrane) waves
-                       b_absorb_elastic_left(2,j,ib_left(ispecabs),it) = ty*weight
-                    endif
-                 elseif(SIMULATION_TYPE == 2) then
-                    if(p_sv)then !P-SV waves
-                       b_accel_elastic(1,iglob) = b_accel_elastic(1,iglob) - &
-                            b_absorb_elastic_left(1,j,ib_left(ispecabs),NSTEP-it+1)
-                       b_accel_elastic(3,iglob) = b_accel_elastic(3,iglob) - &
-                            b_absorb_elastic_left(3,j,ib_left(ispecabs),NSTEP-it+1)
-                    else !SH (membrane) waves
-                       b_accel_elastic(2,iglob) = b_accel_elastic(2,iglob) - &
-                            b_absorb_elastic_left(2,j,ib_left(ispecabs),NSTEP-it+1)
-                    endif
-                 endif
-              endif
-           enddo
-        endif  !  end of left absorbing boundary
-        !--- right absorbing boundary
-        if(codeabs(IRIGHT,ispecabs)) then
-           i = NGLLX
-           do j = 1,NGLLZ
-              iglob = ibool(i,j,ispec)
-              ! for analytical initial plane wave for Bielak's conditions
-              ! left or right edge, horizontal normal vector
-              if(add_Bielak_conditions .and. initialfield) then
-                 if (.not.over_critical_angle) then
-                    call compute_Bielak_conditions(coord,iglob,nglob,it,deltat,dxUx,dxUz,dzUx,dzUz,veloc_horiz,veloc_vert, &
-                         x0_source, z0_source, A_plane, B_plane, C_plane, angleforce(1), angleforce_refl, &
-                         c_inc, c_refl, time_offset,f0)
-                    traction_x_t0 = (lambdal_unrelaxed_elastic+2*mul_unrelaxed_elastic)*dxUx + lambdal_unrelaxed_elastic*dzUz
-                    traction_z_t0 = mul_unrelaxed_elastic*(dxUz + dzUx)
-                 else
-                    veloc_horiz=v0x_right(count_right)
-                    veloc_vert=v0z_right(count_right)
-                    traction_x_t0=t0x_right(count_right)
-                    traction_z_t0=t0z_right(count_right)
-                    count_right=count_right+1
-                 end if
-              else
-                 veloc_horiz = 0
-                 veloc_vert = 0
-                 traction_x_t0 = 0
-                 traction_z_t0 = 0
-              endif
-              ! external velocity model
-              if(assign_external_model) then
-                 cpl = vpext(i,j,ispec)
-                 csl = vsext(i,j,ispec)
-                 rhol = rhoext(i,j,ispec)
-              endif
-              rho_vp = rhol*cpl
-              rho_vs = rhol*csl
-              xgamma = - xiz(i,j,ispec) * jacobian(i,j,ispec)
-              zgamma = + xix(i,j,ispec) * jacobian(i,j,ispec)
-              jacobian1D = sqrt(xgamma**2 + zgamma**2)
-              nx = + zgamma / jacobian1D
-              nz = - xgamma / jacobian1D
-              weight = jacobian1D * wzgll(j)
-              ! Clayton-Engquist condition if elastic
-              if(elastic(ispec)) then
-                 vx = veloc_elastic(1,iglob) - veloc_horiz
-                 vy = veloc_elastic(2,iglob)
-                 vz = veloc_elastic(3,iglob) - veloc_vert
-                 vn = nx*vx+nz*vz
-                 tx = rho_vp*vn*nx+rho_vs*(vx-vn*nx)
-                 ty = rho_vs*vy
-                 tz = rho_vp*vn*nz+rho_vs*(vz-vn*nz)
-                 displtx=0.0d0
-                 displtz=0.0d0
-                 if(ADD_SPRING_TO_STACEY)then
-                 displx = displ_elastic(1,iglob)
-                 disply = displ_elastic(2,iglob)
-                 displz = displ_elastic(3,iglob)
-                 spring_position=sqrt((coord(1,iglob)-x_center_spring)**2 +&
-                                 (coord(2,iglob)-z_center_spring)**2)
-                 displn = nx*displx+nz*displz
-                 displtx = (lambdal_unrelaxed_elastic+2*mul_unrelaxed_elastic)/&
-                            (2.0*spring_position)*displn*nx &
-                           +mul_unrelaxed_elastic/(2.0*spring_position)*(displx-displn*nx)
-                 displty = mul_unrelaxed_elastic*disply
-                 displtz = (lambdal_unrelaxed_elastic+2*mul_unrelaxed_elastic)/&
-                            (2.0*spring_position)*displn*nz &
-                           +mul_unrelaxed_elastic/(2.0*spring_position)*(displz-displn*nz)
-                 endif
-                 accel_elastic(1,iglob) = accel_elastic(1,iglob) - (tx + traction_x_t0+displtx)*weight
-                 accel_elastic(2,iglob) = accel_elastic(2,iglob) - ty*weight
-                 accel_elastic(3,iglob) = accel_elastic(3,iglob) - (tz + traction_z_t0+displtz)*weight
-                 if(SAVE_FORWARD .and. SIMULATION_TYPE ==1) then
-                    if(p_sv)then !P-SV waves
-                       b_absorb_elastic_right(1,j,ib_right(ispecabs),it) = (tx - traction_x_t0)*weight
-                       b_absorb_elastic_right(3,j,ib_right(ispecabs),it) = (tz - traction_z_t0)*weight
-                    else! SH (membrane) waves
-                       b_absorb_elastic_right(2,j,ib_right(ispecabs),it) = ty*weight
-                    endif
-                 elseif(SIMULATION_TYPE == 2) then
-                    if(p_sv)then !P-SV waves
-                       b_accel_elastic(1,iglob) = b_accel_elastic(1,iglob) - &
-                            b_absorb_elastic_right(1,j,ib_right(ispecabs),NSTEP-it+1)
-                       b_accel_elastic(3,iglob) = b_accel_elastic(3,iglob) - &
-                            b_absorb_elastic_right(3,j,ib_right(ispecabs),NSTEP-it+1)
-                    else! SH (membrane) waves
-                       b_accel_elastic(2,iglob) = b_accel_elastic(2,iglob) - &
-                            b_absorb_elastic_right(2,j,ib_right(ispecabs),NSTEP-it+1)
-                    endif
-                 endif
-              endif
-           enddo
-        endif  !  end of right absorbing boundary
-        !--- bottom absorbing boundary
-        if(codeabs(IBOTTOM,ispecabs)) then
-           j = 1
-!! DK DK not needed           ! exclude corners to make sure there is no contradiction on the normal
-           ibegin = 1
-           iend = NGLLX
-!! DK DK not needed           if(codeabs(ILEFT,ispecabs)) ibegin = 2
-!! DK DK not needed           if(codeabs(IRIGHT,ispecabs)) iend = NGLLX-1
-           do i = ibegin,iend
-              iglob = ibool(i,j,ispec)
-              ! for analytical initial plane wave for Bielak's conditions
-              ! top or bottom edge, vertical normal vector
-              if(add_Bielak_conditions .and. initialfield) then
-                 if (.not.over_critical_angle) then
-                    call compute_Bielak_conditions(coord,iglob,nglob,it,deltat,dxUx,dxUz,dzUx,dzUz,veloc_horiz,veloc_vert, &
-                         x0_source, z0_source, A_plane, B_plane, C_plane, angleforce(1), angleforce_refl, &
-                         c_inc, c_refl, time_offset,f0)
-                    traction_x_t0 = mul_unrelaxed_elastic*(dxUz + dzUx)
-                    traction_z_t0 = lambdal_unrelaxed_elastic*dxUx + (lambdal_unrelaxed_elastic+2*mul_unrelaxed_elastic)*dzUz
-                 else
-                    veloc_horiz=v0x_bot(count_bottom)
-                    veloc_vert=v0z_bot(count_bottom)
-                    traction_x_t0=t0x_bot(count_bottom)
-                    traction_z_t0=t0z_bot(count_bottom)
-                    count_bottom=count_bottom+1
-                 end if
-              else
-                 veloc_horiz = 0
-                 veloc_vert = 0
-                 traction_x_t0 = 0
-                 traction_z_t0 = 0
-              endif
-              ! external velocity model
-              if(assign_external_model) then
-                 cpl = vpext(i,j,ispec)
-                 csl = vsext(i,j,ispec)
-                 rhol = rhoext(i,j,ispec)
-              endif
-              rho_vp = rhol*cpl
-              rho_vs = rhol*csl
-              xxi = + gammaz(i,j,ispec) * jacobian(i,j,ispec)
-              zxi = - gammax(i,j,ispec) * jacobian(i,j,ispec)
-              jacobian1D = sqrt(xxi**2 + zxi**2)
-              nx = + zxi / jacobian1D
-              nz = - xxi / jacobian1D
-              weight = jacobian1D * wxgll(i)
-              ! Clayton-Engquist condition if elastic
-              if(elastic(ispec)) then
-                 vx = veloc_elastic(1,iglob) - veloc_horiz
-                 vy = veloc_elastic(2,iglob)
-                 vz = veloc_elastic(3,iglob) - veloc_vert
-                 vn = nx*vx+nz*vz
-                 tx = rho_vp*vn*nx+rho_vs*(vx-vn*nx)
-                 ty = rho_vs*vy
-                 tz = rho_vp*vn*nz+rho_vs*(vz-vn*nz)
-! exclude corners to make sure there is no contradiction on the normal
-! for Stacey absorbing conditions but not for incident plane waves;
-! thus subtract nothing i.e. zero in that case
-                 if((codeabs(ILEFT,ispecabs) .and. i == 1) .or. (codeabs(IRIGHT,ispecabs) .and. i == NGLLX)) then
-                   tx = 0
-                   ty = 0
-                   tz = 0
-                 endif
-                 displtx=0.0d0
-                 displtz=0.0d0
-                 if(ADD_SPRING_TO_STACEY)then
-                 displx = displ_elastic(1,iglob)
-                 disply = displ_elastic(2,iglob)
-                 displz = displ_elastic(3,iglob)
-                 spring_position=sqrt((coord(1,iglob)-x_center_spring)**2 +&
-                                 (coord(2,iglob)-z_center_spring)**2)
-                 displn = nx*displx+nz*displz
-                 displtx = (lambdal_unrelaxed_elastic+2.0*mul_unrelaxed_elastic)/&
-                            (2.0*spring_position)*displn*nx &
-                           +mul_unrelaxed_elastic/(2.0*spring_position)*(displx-displn*nx)
-                 displty = mul_unrelaxed_elastic*disply
-                 displtz = (lambdal_unrelaxed_elastic+2.0*mul_unrelaxed_elastic)/&
-                            (2.0*spring_position)*displn*nz &
-                           +mul_unrelaxed_elastic/(2.0*spring_position)*(displz-displn*nz)
-                 if((codeabs(ILEFT,ispecabs) .and. i == 1) .or. (codeabs(IRIGHT,ispecabs) .and. i == NGLLX)) then
-                   displtx = 0
-                   displty = 0
-                   displtz = 0
-                 endif
-                 endif
-                 accel_elastic(1,iglob) = accel_elastic(1,iglob) - (tx + traction_x_t0+displtx)*weight
-                 accel_elastic(2,iglob) = accel_elastic(2,iglob) - ty*weight
-                 accel_elastic(3,iglob) = accel_elastic(3,iglob) - (tz + traction_z_t0+displtz)*weight
-                 if(SAVE_FORWARD .and. SIMULATION_TYPE ==1) then
-                    if(p_sv)then !P-SV waves
-                       b_absorb_elastic_bottom(1,i,ib_bottom(ispecabs),it) = (tx + traction_x_t0)*weight
-                       b_absorb_elastic_bottom(3,i,ib_bottom(ispecabs),it) = (tz + traction_z_t0)*weight
-                    else!SH (membrane) waves
-                       b_absorb_elastic_bottom(2,i,ib_bottom(ispecabs),it) = ty*weight
-                    endif
-                 elseif(SIMULATION_TYPE == 2) then
-                    if(p_sv)then !P-SV waves
-                       b_accel_elastic(1,iglob) = b_accel_elastic(1,iglob) - &
-                            b_absorb_elastic_bottom(1,i,ib_bottom(ispecabs),NSTEP-it+1)
-                       b_accel_elastic(3,iglob) = b_accel_elastic(3,iglob) - &
-                            b_absorb_elastic_bottom(3,i,ib_bottom(ispecabs),NSTEP-it+1)
-                    else!SH (membrane) waves
-                       b_accel_elastic(2,iglob) = b_accel_elastic(2,iglob) - &
-                            b_absorb_elastic_bottom(2,i,ib_bottom(ispecabs),NSTEP-it+1)
-                    endif
-                 endif
-              endif
-           enddo
-        endif  !  end of bottom absorbing boundary
-        !--- top absorbing boundary
-        if(codeabs(ITOP,ispecabs)) then
-           j = NGLLZ
-!! DK DK not needed           ! exclude corners to make sure there is no contradiction on the normal
-           ibegin = 1
-           iend = NGLLX
-!! DK DK not needed           if(codeabs(ILEFT,ispecabs)) ibegin = 2
-!! DK DK not needed           if(codeabs(IRIGHT,ispecabs)) iend = NGLLX-1
-           do i = ibegin,iend
-              iglob = ibool(i,j,ispec)
-              ! for analytical initial plane wave for Bielak's conditions
-              ! top or bottom edge, vertical normal vector
-              if(add_Bielak_conditions .and. initialfield) then
-                 call compute_Bielak_conditions(coord,iglob,nglob,it,deltat,dxUx,dxUz,dzUx,dzUz,veloc_horiz,veloc_vert, &
-                      x0_source, z0_source, A_plane, B_plane, C_plane, angleforce(1), angleforce_refl, &
-                      c_inc, c_refl, time_offset,f0)
-                 traction_x_t0 = mul_unrelaxed_elastic*(dxUz + dzUx)
-                 traction_z_t0 = lambdal_unrelaxed_elastic*dxUx + (lambdal_unrelaxed_elastic+2*mul_unrelaxed_elastic)*dzUz
-              else
-                 veloc_horiz = 0
-                 veloc_vert = 0
-                 traction_x_t0 = 0
-                 traction_z_t0 = 0
-              endif
-              ! external velocity model
-              if(assign_external_model) then
-                 cpl = vpext(i,j,ispec)
-                 csl = vsext(i,j,ispec)
-                 rhol = rhoext(i,j,ispec)
-              endif
-              rho_vp = rhol*cpl
-              rho_vs = rhol*csl
-              xxi = + gammaz(i,j,ispec) * jacobian(i,j,ispec)
-              zxi = - gammax(i,j,ispec) * jacobian(i,j,ispec)
-              jacobian1D = sqrt(xxi**2 + zxi**2)
-              nx = - zxi / jacobian1D
-              nz = + xxi / jacobian1D
-              weight = jacobian1D * wxgll(i)
-              ! Clayton-Engquist condition if elastic
-              if(elastic(ispec)) then
-                 vx = veloc_elastic(1,iglob) - veloc_horiz
-                 vy = veloc_elastic(2,iglob)
-                 vz = veloc_elastic(3,iglob) - veloc_vert
-                 vn = nx*vx+nz*vz
-                 tx = rho_vp*vn*nx+rho_vs*(vx-vn*nx)
-                 ty = rho_vs*vy
-                 tz = rho_vp*vn*nz+rho_vs*(vz-vn*nz)
-! exclude corners to make sure there is no contradiction on the normal
-! for Stacey absorbing conditions but not for incident plane waves;
-! thus subtract nothing i.e. zero in that case
-                 if((codeabs(ILEFT,ispecabs) .and. i == 1) .or. (codeabs(IRIGHT,ispecabs) .and. i == NGLLX)) then
-                   tx = 0
-                   ty = 0
-                   tz = 0
-                 endif
-                 displtx=0.0d0
-                 displtz=0.0d0
-                 if(ADD_SPRING_TO_STACEY)then
-                 displx = displ_elastic(1,iglob)
-                 disply = displ_elastic(2,iglob)
-                 displz = displ_elastic(3,iglob)
-                 spring_position=sqrt((coord(1,iglob)-x_center_spring)**2 +&
-                                 (coord(2,iglob)-z_center_spring)**2)
-                 displn = nx*displx+nz*displz
-                 displtx = (lambdal_unrelaxed_elastic+2*mul_unrelaxed_elastic)/&
-                            (2.0*spring_position)*displn*nx &
-                           +mul_unrelaxed_elastic/(2.0*spring_position)*(displx-displn*nx)
-                 displty = mul_unrelaxed_elastic*disply
-                 displtz = (lambdal_unrelaxed_elastic+2*mul_unrelaxed_elastic)/&
-                            (2.0*spring_position)*displn*nz &
-                           +mul_unrelaxed_elastic/(2.0*spring_position)*(displz-displn*nz)
-                 if((codeabs(ILEFT,ispecabs) .and. i == 1) .or. (codeabs(IRIGHT,ispecabs) .and. i == NGLLX)) then
-                   displtx = 0
-                   displty = 0
-                   displtz = 0
-                 endif
-                 endif
-                 accel_elastic(1,iglob) = accel_elastic(1,iglob) - (tx + traction_x_t0+displtx)*weight
-                 accel_elastic(2,iglob) = accel_elastic(2,iglob) - ty*weight
-                 accel_elastic(3,iglob) = accel_elastic(3,iglob) - (tz + traction_z_t0+displtz)*weight
-                 if(SAVE_FORWARD .and. SIMULATION_TYPE ==1) then
-                    if(p_sv)then !P-SV waves
-                       b_absorb_elastic_top(1,i,ib_top(ispecabs),it) = (tx- traction_x_t0)*weight
-                       b_absorb_elastic_top(3,i,ib_top(ispecabs),it) = (tz- traction_z_t0)*weight
-                    else!SH (membrane) waves
-                       b_absorb_elastic_top(2,i,ib_top(ispecabs),it) = ty*weight
-                    endif
-                 elseif(SIMULATION_TYPE == 2) then
-                    if(p_sv)then !P-SV waves
-                       b_accel_elastic(1,iglob) = b_accel_elastic(1,iglob) - b_absorb_elastic_top(1,i,ib_top(ispecabs),NSTEP-it+1)
-                       b_accel_elastic(3,iglob) = b_accel_elastic(3,iglob) - b_absorb_elastic_top(3,i,ib_top(ispecabs),NSTEP-it+1)
-                    else!SH (membrane) waves
-                       b_accel_elastic(2,iglob) = b_accel_elastic(2,iglob) - b_absorb_elastic_top(2,i,ib_top(ispecabs),NSTEP-it+1)
-                    endif
-                 endif
-              endif
-           enddo
-        endif  !  end of top absorbing boundary
-     enddo
-  endif  ! end of absorbing boundaries
-  ! --- add the source if it is a moment tensor
-  if(.not. initialfield) then
-     do i_source=1,NSOURCES
-        ! if this processor core carries the source and the source element is elastic
-        if (is_proc_source(i_source) == 1 .and. elastic(ispec_selected_source(i_source))) then
-           ! moment tensor
-           if(source_type(i_source) == 2) then
-              if(.not.p_sv)  call exit_MPI('cannot have moment tensor source in SH (membrane) waves calculation')
-              if(SIMULATION_TYPE == 1) then  ! forward wavefield
-                 ! add source array
-                 do j=1,NGLLZ
-                    do i=1,NGLLX
-                       iglob = ibool(i,j,ispec_selected_source(i_source))
-                       accel_elastic(1,iglob) = accel_elastic(1,iglob) + &
-                            sourcearray(i_source,1,i,j)*source_time_function(i_source,it,i_stage)
-                       accel_elastic(3,iglob) = accel_elastic(3,iglob) + &
-                            sourcearray(i_source,2,i,j)*source_time_function(i_source,it,i_stage)
-                    enddo
-                 enddo
-              else                   ! backward wavefield
-                 do j=1,NGLLZ
-                    do i=1,NGLLX
-                       iglob = ibool(i,j,ispec_selected_source(i_source))
-                       b_accel_elastic(1,iglob) = b_accel_elastic(1,iglob) + &
-                            sourcearray(i_source,1,i,j)*source_time_function(i_source,NSTEP-it+1,stage_time_scheme-i_stage+1)
-                       b_accel_elastic(3,iglob) = b_accel_elastic(3,iglob) + &
-                            sourcearray(i_source,2,i,j)*source_time_function(i_source,NSTEP-it+1,stage_time_scheme-i_stage+1)
-                    enddo
-                 enddo
-              endif  !endif SIMULATION_TYPE == 1
-           endif !if(source_type(i_source) == 2)
-        endif ! if this processor core carries the source and the source element is elastic
-     enddo ! do i_source=1,NSOURCES
-     if(SIMULATION_TYPE == 2) then   ! adjoint wavefield
-        irec_local = 0
-        do irec = 1,nrec
-           !   add the source (only if this proc carries the source)
-           if(myrank == which_proc_receiver(irec)) then
-              irec_local = irec_local + 1
-              if(elastic(ispec_selected_rec(irec))) then
-                 ! add source array
-                 do j=1,NGLLZ
-                    do i=1,NGLLX
-                       iglob = ibool(i,j,ispec_selected_rec(irec))
-                       if(p_sv)then !P-SH waves
-                          accel_elastic(1,iglob) = accel_elastic(1,iglob) + adj_sourcearrays(irec_local,NSTEP-it+1,1,i,j)
-                          accel_elastic(3,iglob) = accel_elastic(3,iglob) + adj_sourcearrays(irec_local,NSTEP-it+1,3,i,j)
-                       else !SH (membrane) waves
-                          accel_elastic(2,iglob) = accel_elastic(2,iglob) + adj_sourcearrays(irec_local,NSTEP-it+1,2,i,j)
-                       endif
-                    enddo
-                 enddo
-              endif ! if element is elastic
-           endif ! if this processor core carries the adjoint source and the source element is elastic
-        enddo ! irec = 1,nrec
-     endif ! if SIMULATION_TYPE == 2 adjoint wavefield
-  endif ! if not using an initial field
-  ! implement attenuation
-     ! compute Grad(displ_elastic) at time step n+1 for attenuation
-     call compute_gradient_attenuation(temp_displ_elastic,dux_dxl_np1,duz_dxl_np1, &
-          dux_dzl_np1,duz_dzl_np1,xix,xiz,gammax,gammaz,ibool,elastic,hprime_xx,hprime_zz,nspec,nglob)
-     ! update memory variables with fourth-order Runge-Kutta time scheme for attenuation
-     ! loop over spectral elements
-     do ispec = 1,nspec
-        do j=1,NGLLZ
-           do i=1,NGLLX
-              theta_n   = dux_dxl_n(i,j,ispec) + duz_dzl_n(i,j,ispec)
-              theta_np1 = dux_dxl_np1(i,j,ispec) + duz_dzl_np1(i,j,ispec)
-              ! loop on all the standard linear solids
-              do i_sls = 1,N_SLS
-                 ! evolution e1
-                 if(stage_time_scheme == 1) then
-                    Un = e1(i,j,ispec,i_sls)
-                    tauinv = - inv_tau_sigma_nu1(i,j,ispec,i_sls)
-                    tauinvsquare = tauinv * tauinv
-                    tauinvcube = tauinvsquare * tauinv
-                    tauinvUn = tauinv * Un
-                    Sn   = theta_n * phi_nu1(i,j,ispec,i_sls)
-                    Snp1 = theta_np1 * phi_nu1(i,j,ispec,i_sls)
-                    Unp1 = Un + (deltatfourth*tauinvcube*(Sn + tauinvUn) + &
-                         twelvedeltat*(Sn + Snp1 + 2*tauinvUn) + &
-                         fourdeltatsquare*tauinv*(2*Sn + Snp1 + 3*tauinvUn) + &
-                         deltatcube*tauinvsquare*(3*Sn + Snp1 + 4*tauinvUn))* ONE_OVER_24
-                    e1(i,j,ispec,i_sls) = Unp1
-                 endif
-                 if(stage_time_scheme == 6) then
-                    tauinv = inv_tau_sigma_nu1(i,j,ispec,i_sls)
-                    Un = e1(i,j,ispec,i_sls)
-                    temp_time_scheme = phi_nu1(i,j,ispec,i_sls)
-                    e1_LDDRK(i,j,ispec,i_sls) = alpha_LDDRK(i_stage) * e1_LDDRK(i,j,ispec,i_sls) + &
-                                              deltat * (theta_n * temp_time_scheme - Un * tauinv)
-                    e1(i,j,ispec,i_sls) = Un + beta_LDDRK(i_stage) * e1_LDDRK(i,j,ispec,i_sls)
-                 endif
-                 if(stage_time_scheme == 4) then
-                    tauinv = inv_tau_sigma_nu1(i,j,ispec,i_sls)
-                    Un = e1(i,j,ispec,i_sls)
-                    temp_time_scheme = phi_nu1(i,j,ispec,i_sls)
-                    e1_force_RK(i,j,ispec,i_sls,i_stage) = deltat * (theta_n * temp_time_scheme - Un * tauinv)
-                    if(i_stage==1 .or. i_stage==2 .or. i_stage==3)then
-                       if(i_stage == 1)weight_rk = 0.5d0
-                       if(i_stage == 2)weight_rk = 0.5d0
-                       if(i_stage == 3)weight_rk = 1.0d0
-                       if(i_stage==1)then
-                       e1_initial_rk(i,j,ispec,i_sls) = e1(i,j,ispec,i_sls)
-                       endif
-                       e1(i,j,ispec,i_sls) = e1_initial_rk(i,j,ispec,i_sls) + weight_rk * e1_force_RK(i,j,ispec,i_sls,i_stage)
-                    elseif(i_stage==4)then
-                       e1(i,j,ispec,i_sls) = e1_initial_rk(i,j,ispec,i_sls) + 1.0d0 / 6.0d0 * &
-                                             (e1_force_RK(i,j,ispec,i_sls,1) + 2.0d0 * e1_force_RK(i,j,ispec,i_sls,2) + &
-                                             2.0d0 * e1_force_RK(i,j,ispec,i_sls,3) + e1_force_RK(i,j,ispec,i_sls,4))
-                    endif
-                 endif
-                 ! evolution e11
-                 if(stage_time_scheme == 1) then
-                    Un = e11(i,j,ispec,i_sls)
-                    tauinv = - inv_tau_sigma_nu2(i,j,ispec,i_sls)
-                    tauinvsquare = tauinv * tauinv
-                    tauinvcube = tauinvsquare * tauinv
-                    tauinvUn = tauinv * Un
-                    Sn   = (dux_dxl_n(i,j,ispec) - theta_n/TWO) * phi_nu2(i,j,ispec,i_sls)
-                    Snp1 = (dux_dxl_np1(i,j,ispec) - theta_np1/TWO) * phi_nu2(i,j,ispec,i_sls)
-                    Unp1 = Un + (deltatfourth*tauinvcube*(Sn + tauinvUn) + &
-                         twelvedeltat*(Sn + Snp1 + 2*tauinvUn) + &
-                         fourdeltatsquare*tauinv*(2*Sn + Snp1 + 3*tauinvUn) + &
-                         deltatcube*tauinvsquare*(3*Sn + Snp1 + 4*tauinvUn))* ONE_OVER_24
-                    e11(i,j,ispec,i_sls) = Unp1
-                endif
-                 if(stage_time_scheme == 6) then
-                    temp_time_scheme = dux_dxl_n(i,j,ispec)-theta_n/TWO
-                    temper_time_scheme = phi_nu2(i,j,ispec,i_sls)
-                    e11_LDDRK(i,j,ispec,i_sls) = alpha_LDDRK(i_stage) * e11_LDDRK(i,j,ispec,i_sls) &
-                                                 + deltat * (temp_time_scheme * temper_time_scheme)- &
-                                                 deltat * (e11(i,j,ispec,i_sls) * inv_tau_sigma_nu2(i,j,ispec,i_sls))
-                    e11(i,j,ispec,i_sls) = e11(i,j,ispec,i_sls)+beta_LDDRK(i_stage)*e11_LDDRK(i,j,ispec,i_sls)
-                 endif
-                 if(stage_time_scheme == 4) then
-                    temp_time_scheme = dux_dxl_n(i,j,ispec)-theta_n/TWO
-                    temper_time_scheme = phi_nu2(i,j,ispec,i_sls)
-                    e11_force_RK(i,j,ispec,i_sls,i_stage) = deltat * (temp_time_scheme * temper_time_scheme- &
-                                               e11(i,j,ispec,i_sls) * inv_tau_sigma_nu2(i,j,ispec,i_sls))
-                    if(i_stage==1 .or. i_stage==2 .or. i_stage==3)then
-                       if(i_stage == 1)weight_rk = 0.5d0
-                       if(i_stage == 2)weight_rk = 0.5d0
-                       if(i_stage == 3)weight_rk = 1.0d0
-                       if(i_stage==1)then
-                          e11_initial_rk(i,j,ispec,i_sls) = e11(i,j,ispec,i_sls)
-                       endif
-                       e11(i,j,ispec,i_sls) = e11_initial_rk(i,j,ispec,i_sls) + weight_rk * e11_force_RK(i,j,ispec,i_sls,i_stage)
-                    elseif(i_stage==4)then
-                      e11(i,j,ispec,i_sls) = e11_initial_rk(i,j,ispec,i_sls) + 1.0d0 / 6.0d0 * &
-                                             (e11_force_RK(i,j,ispec,i_sls,1) + 2.0d0 * e11_force_RK(i,j,ispec,i_sls,2) + &
-                                              2.0d0 * e11_force_RK(i,j,ispec,i_sls,3) + e11_force_RK(i,j,ispec,i_sls,4))
-                    endif
-                 endif
-                 ! evolution e13
-                 if(stage_time_scheme == 1) then
-                    Un = e13(i,j,ispec,i_sls)
-                    tauinv = - inv_tau_sigma_nu2(i,j,ispec,i_sls)
-                    tauinvsquare = tauinv * tauinv
-                    tauinvcube = tauinvsquare * tauinv
-                    tauinvUn = tauinv * Un
-                    Sn   = (dux_dzl_n(i,j,ispec) + duz_dxl_n(i,j,ispec)) * phi_nu2(i,j,ispec,i_sls)
-                    Snp1 = (dux_dzl_np1(i,j,ispec) + duz_dxl_np1(i,j,ispec)) * phi_nu2(i,j,ispec,i_sls)
-                    Unp1 = Un + (deltatfourth*tauinvcube*(Sn + tauinvUn) + &
-                         twelvedeltat*(Sn + Snp1 + 2*tauinvUn) + &
-                         fourdeltatsquare*tauinv*(2*Sn + Snp1 + 3*tauinvUn) + &
-                         deltatcube*tauinvsquare*(3*Sn + Snp1 + 4*tauinvUn))* ONE_OVER_24
-                    e13(i,j,ispec,i_sls) = Unp1
-                 endif
-                 if(stage_time_scheme == 6) then
-                    temp_time_scheme=dux_dzl_n(i,j,ispec) + duz_dxl_n(i,j,ispec)
-                    temper_time_scheme=phi_nu2(i,j,ispec,i_sls)
-                    e13_LDDRK(i,j,ispec,i_sls) = alpha_LDDRK(i_stage) * e13_LDDRK(i,j,ispec,i_sls)+&
-                                             deltat * (temp_time_scheme*temper_time_scheme)- &
-                                            deltat * (e13(i,j,ispec,i_sls) * inv_tau_sigma_nu2(i,j,ispec,i_sls))
-                    e13(i,j,ispec,i_sls) = e13(i,j,ispec,i_sls)+beta_LDDRK(i_stage) * e13_LDDRK(i,j,ispec,i_sls)
-                 endif
-                 if(stage_time_scheme == 4) then
-                    temp_time_scheme=dux_dzl_n(i,j,ispec) + duz_dxl_n(i,j,ispec)
-                    temper_time_scheme=phi_nu2(i,j,ispec,i_sls)
-                    e13_force_RK(i,j,ispec,i_sls,i_stage) = deltat * (temp_time_scheme*temper_time_scheme- &
-                                            e13(i,j,ispec,i_sls) * inv_tau_sigma_nu2(i,j,ispec,i_sls))
-                    if(i_stage==1 .or. i_stage==2 .or. i_stage==3)then
-                       if(i_stage == 1)weight_rk = 0.5d0
-                       if(i_stage == 2)weight_rk = 0.5d0
-                       if(i_stage == 3)weight_rk = 1.0d0
-                       if(i_stage==1)then
-                          e13_initial_rk(i,j,ispec,i_sls) = e13(i,j,ispec,i_sls)
-                       endif
-                          e13(i,j,ispec,i_sls) = e13_initial_rk(i,j,ispec,i_sls) + weight_rk * e13_force_RK(i,j,ispec,i_sls,i_stage)
-                    elseif(i_stage==4)then
-                       e13(i,j,ispec,i_sls) = e13_initial_rk(i,j,ispec,i_sls) + 1.0d0 / 6.0d0 * &
-                                              (e13_force_RK(i,j,ispec,i_sls,1) + 2.0d0 * e13_force_RK(i,j,ispec,i_sls,2) + &
-                                              2.0d0 * e13_force_RK(i,j,ispec,i_sls,3) + e13_force_RK(i,j,ispec,i_sls,4))
-                    endif
-                 endif
-              enddo
-           enddo
-        enddo
-     enddo
-  endif ! end of test on attenuation
-end subroutine compute_forces_viscoelastic

Copied: seismo/2D/SPECFEM2D/trunk/src/specfem2D/invert_mass_matrix.F90 (from rev 19804, seismo/2D/SPECFEM2D/trunk/src/specfem2D/invert_mass_matrix.f90)
--- seismo/2D/SPECFEM2D/trunk/src/specfem2D/invert_mass_matrix.F90	                        (rev 0)
+++ seismo/2D/SPECFEM2D/trunk/src/specfem2D/invert_mass_matrix.F90	2012-03-19 03:57:29 UTC (rev 19805)
@@ -0,0 +1,515 @@
+!                   S P E C F E M 2 D  Version 6 . 2
+!                   ------------------------------
+! Copyright Universite de Pau, CNRS and INRIA, France,
+! and Princeton University / California Institute of Technology, USA.
+! Contributors: Dimitri Komatitsch, dimitri DOT komatitsch aT univ-pau DOT fr
+!               Nicolas Le Goff, nicolas DOT legoff aT univ-pau DOT fr
+!               Roland Martin, roland DOT martin aT univ-pau DOT fr
+!               Christina Morency, cmorency aT princeton DOT edu
+!               Pieyre Le Loher, pieyre DOT le-loher aT inria.fr
+! This software is a computer program whose purpose is to solve
+! the two-dimensional viscoelastic anisotropic or poroelastic wave equation
+! using a spectral-element method (SEM).
+! This software is governed by the CeCILL license under French law and
+! abiding by the rules of distribution of free software. You can use,
+! modify and/or redistribute the software under the terms of the CeCILL
+! license as circulated by CEA, CNRS and INRIA at the following URL
+! "http://www.cecill.info".
+! As a counterpart to the access to the source code and rights to copy,
+! modify and redistribute granted by the license, users are provided only
+! with a limited warranty and the software's author, the holder of the
+! economic rights, and the successive licensors have only limited
+! liability.
+! In this respect, the user's attention is drawn to the risks associated
+! with loading, using, modifying and/or developing or reproducing the
+! software by the user in light of its specific status of free software,
+! that may mean that it is complicated to manipulate, and that also
+! therefore means that it is reserved for developers and experienced
+! professionals having in-depth computer knowledge. Users are therefore
+! encouraged to load and test the software's suitability as regards their
+! requirements in conditions enabling the security of their systems and/or
+! data to be ensured and, more generally, to use and operate it in the
+! same conditions as regards security.
+! The full text of the license is available in file "LICENSE".
+  subroutine invert_mass_matrix_init(any_elastic,any_acoustic,any_poroelastic, &
+                                rmass_inverse_elastic_one,nglob_elastic, &
+                                rmass_inverse_acoustic,nglob_acoustic, &
+                                rmass_s_inverse_poroelastic, &
+                                rmass_w_inverse_poroelastic,nglob_poroelastic, &
+                                nspec,ibool,kmato,wxgll,wzgll,jacobian, &
+                                elastic,poroelastic, &
+                                assign_external_model,numat, &
+                                density,poroelastcoef,porosity,tortuosity, &
+                                vpext,rhoext,&
+   anyabs,numabs,deltat,codeabs,rmass_inverse_elastic_three,&
+   nelemabs,vsext,xix,xiz,gammaz,gammax &
+!! DK DK added this for Guenneau, March 2012
+                                ,coord &
+                                )
+!  builds the global mass matrix
+  implicit none
+  include 'constants.h'
+  logical :: anyabs
+  integer :: nelemabs,ibegin,iend,ispecabs
+!  integer :: ispec,i,j,k,iglob,ispecabs,ibegin,iend,irec,irec_local
+  integer, dimension(nelemabs) :: numabs
+  double precision :: deltat
+  logical, dimension(4,nelemabs)  :: codeabs
+!!local parameter
+  ! material properties of the elastic medium
+  real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL) :: mul_unrelaxed_elastic,lambdal_unrelaxed_elastic,cpl,csl
+  integer count_left,count_right,count_bottom
+  real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL) :: nx,nz,vx,vy,vz,vn,rho_vp,rho_vs,tx,ty,tz,&
+                            weight,xxi,zxi,xgamma,zgamma,jacobian1D
+  logical any_elastic,any_acoustic,any_poroelastic
+  ! inverse mass matrices
+  integer :: nglob_elastic
+ real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL), dimension(nglob_elastic) :: rmass_inverse_elastic_one,&  !zhinan
+                                                     rmass_inverse_elastic_three
+  integer :: nglob_acoustic
+  real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL), dimension(nglob_acoustic) :: rmass_inverse_acoustic
+  integer :: nglob_poroelastic
+  real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL), dimension(nglob_poroelastic) :: &
+    rmass_s_inverse_poroelastic,rmass_w_inverse_poroelastic
+  integer :: nspec
+  integer, dimension(NGLLX,NGLLZ,nspec) :: ibool
+  integer, dimension(nspec) :: kmato
+  real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL), dimension(NGLLX) :: wxgll
+  real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL), dimension(NGLLX) :: wzgll
+  real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL), dimension(NGLLX,NGLLZ,nspec) :: jacobian
+  logical,dimension(nspec) :: elastic,poroelastic
+  logical :: assign_external_model
+  integer :: numat
+  double precision, dimension(2,numat) :: density
+  double precision, dimension(4,3,numat) :: poroelastcoef
+  double precision, dimension(numat) :: porosity,tortuosity
+  double precision, dimension(NGLLX,NGLLX,nspec) :: vpext,rhoext,vsext !zhinan
+  real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL), dimension(NGLLX,NGLLZ,nspec) :: xix,xiz,gammax,gammaz  !zhinan
+  ! local parameters
+  integer :: ispec,i,j,iglob
+  double precision :: rhol,kappal,mul_relaxed,lambdal_relaxed
+  double precision :: rhol_s,rhol_f,rhol_bar,phil,tortl
+!! DK DK added this for Guenneau, March 2012
+  double precision, dimension(NDIM,nglob_elastic), intent(in) :: coord
+  real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL) :: r, epsr, epsfi, x, y
+!! DK DK added this for Guenneau, March 2012
+  ! initialize mass matrix
+  if(any_elastic) rmass_inverse_elastic_one(:) = 0._CUSTOM_REAL
+  if(any_elastic) rmass_inverse_elastic_three(:) = 0._CUSTOM_REAL
+  if(any_poroelastic) rmass_s_inverse_poroelastic(:) = 0._CUSTOM_REAL
+  if(any_poroelastic) rmass_w_inverse_poroelastic(:) = 0._CUSTOM_REAL
+  if(any_acoustic) rmass_inverse_acoustic(:) = 0._CUSTOM_REAL
+  do ispec = 1,nspec
+    do j = 1,NGLLZ
+      do i = 1,NGLLX
+        iglob = ibool(i,j,ispec)
+        ! if external density model (elastic or acoustic)
+        if(assign_external_model) then
+          rhol = rhoext(i,j,ispec)
+          kappal = rhol * vpext(i,j,ispec)**2
+        else
+          rhol = density(1,kmato(ispec))
+          lambdal_relaxed = poroelastcoef(1,1,kmato(ispec))
+          mul_relaxed = poroelastcoef(2,1,kmato(ispec))
+          kappal = lambdal_relaxed + 2.d0/3.d0*mul_relaxed
+        endif
+        if( poroelastic(ispec) ) then
+          ! material is poroelastic
+          rhol_s = density(1,kmato(ispec))
+          rhol_f = density(2,kmato(ispec))
+          phil = porosity(kmato(ispec))
+          tortl = tortuosity(kmato(ispec))
+          rhol_bar = (1.d0-phil)*rhol_s + phil*rhol_f
+          ! for the solid mass matrix
+          rmass_s_inverse_poroelastic(iglob) = rmass_s_inverse_poroelastic(iglob)  &
+                  + wxgll(i)*wzgll(j)*jacobian(i,j,ispec)*(rhol_bar - phil*rhol_f/tortl)
+          ! for the fluid mass matrix
+          rmass_w_inverse_poroelastic(iglob) = rmass_w_inverse_poroelastic(iglob) &
+                  + wxgll(i)*wzgll(j)*jacobian(i,j,ispec)*(rhol_bar*rhol_f*tortl  &
+                  - phil*rhol_f*rhol_f)/(rhol_bar*phil)
+        elseif( elastic(ispec) ) then
+          ! for elastic medium
+!! DK DK added this for Guenneau, March 2012
+  include "include_mass_Guenneau.f90"
+!! DK DK added this for Guenneau, March 2012
+          rmass_inverse_elastic_one(iglob) = rmass_inverse_elastic_one(iglob)  &
+                  + wxgll(i)*wzgll(j)*rhol*jacobian(i,j,ispec)
+  endif
+          rmass_inverse_elastic_three(iglob) = rmass_inverse_elastic_one(iglob)
+        else
+          ! for acoustic medium
+          rmass_inverse_acoustic(iglob) = rmass_inverse_acoustic(iglob) &
+                  + wxgll(i)*wzgll(j)*jacobian(i,j,ispec) / kappal
+        endif
+      enddo
+    enddo
+  enddo ! do ispec = 1,nspec
+  !
+  !--- DK and Zhinan Xie: add C Delta_t / 2 contribution to the mass matrix
+  !--- DK and Zhinan Xie: in the case of Clayton-Engquist absorbing boundaries;
+  !--- DK and Zhinan Xie: see for instance the book of Hughes (1987) chapter 9.
+  !--- DK and Zhinan Xie: IMPORTANT: note that this implies that we must have two different mass matrices,
+  !--- DK and Zhinan Xie: one per component of the wave field i.e. one per spatial dimension.
+  !--- DK and Zhinan Xie: This was also suggested by Jean-Paul Ampuero in 2003.
+  !
+  if(anyabs) then
+     count_left=1
+     count_right=1
+     count_bottom=1
+     do ispecabs = 1,nelemabs
+        ispec = numabs(ispecabs)
+        ! get elastic parameters of current spectral elemegammaznt
+        lambdal_unrelaxed_elastic = poroelastcoef(1,1,kmato(ispec))
+        mul_unrelaxed_elastic = poroelastcoef(2,1,kmato(ispec))
+        rhol  = density(1,kmato(ispec))
+        kappal  = lambdal_unrelaxed_elastic + TWO*mul_unrelaxed_elastic/3._CUSTOM_REAL
+        cpl = sqrt((kappal + 4._CUSTOM_REAL*mul_unrelaxed_elastic/3._CUSTOM_REAL)/rhol)
+        csl = sqrt(mul_unrelaxed_elastic/rhol)
+        !--- left absorbing boundary
+        if(codeabs(ILEFT,ispecabs)) then
+           i = 1
+           do j = 1,NGLLZ
+              iglob = ibool(i,j,ispec)
+              ! external velocity model
+              if(assign_external_model) then
+                 cpl = vpext(i,j,ispec)
+                 csl = vsext(i,j,ispec)
+                 rhol = rhoext(i,j,ispec)
+              endif
+              rho_vp = rhol*cpl
+              rho_vs = rhol*csl
+              xgamma = - xiz(i,j,ispec) * jacobian(i,j,ispec)
+              zgamma = + xix(i,j,ispec) * jacobian(i,j,ispec)
+              jacobian1D = sqrt(xgamma**2 + zgamma**2)
+              nx = - zgamma / jacobian1D
+              nz = + xgamma / jacobian1D
+              weight = jacobian1D * wzgll(j)
+              ! Clayton-Engquist condition if elastic
+              if(elastic(ispec)) then
+                 vx = 1.0d0*deltat/2.0d0
+                 vy = 1.0d0*deltat/2.0d0
+                 vz = 1.0d0*deltat/2.0d0
+                 vn = nx*vx+nz*vz
+                 tx = rho_vp*vn*nx+rho_vs*(vx-vn*nx)
+                 ty = rho_vs*vy
+                 tz = rho_vp*vn*nz+rho_vs*(vz-vn*nz)
+                rmass_inverse_elastic_one(iglob) = rmass_inverse_elastic_one(iglob)  &
+                    + (tx)*weight
+                rmass_inverse_elastic_three(iglob) = rmass_inverse_elastic_one(iglob)  &
+                    + (tz)*weight
+              endif
+           enddo
+        endif  !  end of left absorbing boundary
+        !--- right absorbing boundary
+        if(codeabs(IRIGHT,ispecabs)) then
+           i = NGLLX
+           do j = 1,NGLLZ
+              iglob = ibool(i,j,ispec)
+              ! for analytical initial plane wave for Bielak's conditions
+              ! left or right edge, horizontal normal vector
+              ! external velocity model
+              if(assign_external_model) then
+                 cpl = vpext(i,j,ispec)
+                 csl = vsext(i,j,ispec)
+                 rhol = rhoext(i,j,ispec)
+              endif
+              rho_vp = rhol*cpl
+              rho_vs = rhol*csl
+              xgamma = - xiz(i,j,ispec) * jacobian(i,j,ispec)
+              zgamma = + xix(i,j,ispec) * jacobian(i,j,ispec)
+              jacobian1D = sqrt(xgamma**2 + zgamma**2)
+              nx = + zgamma / jacobian1D
+              nz = - xgamma / jacobian1D
+              weight = jacobian1D * wzgll(j)
+              ! Clayton-Engquist condition if elastic
+              if(elastic(ispec)) then
+                 vx = 1.0d0*deltat/2.0d0
+                 vy = 1.0d0*deltat/2.0d0
+                 vz = 1.0d0*deltat/2.0d0
+                 vn = nx*vx+nz*vz
+                 tx = rho_vp*vn*nx+rho_vs*(vx-vn*nx)
+                 ty = rho_vs*vy
+                 tz = rho_vp*vn*nz+rho_vs*(vz-vn*nz)
+                rmass_inverse_elastic_one(iglob) = rmass_inverse_elastic_one(iglob)  &
+                    + (tx)*weight
+                rmass_inverse_elastic_three(iglob) = rmass_inverse_elastic_one(iglob)  &
+                    + (tz)*weight
+              endif
+           enddo
+        endif  !  end of right absorbing boundary
+        !--- bottom absorbing boundary
+        if(codeabs(IBOTTOM,ispecabs)) then
+           j = 1
+           ibegin = 1
+           iend = NGLLX
+           do i = ibegin,iend
+              iglob = ibool(i,j,ispec)
+              ! external velocity model
+              if(assign_external_model) then
+                 cpl = vpext(i,j,ispec)
+                 csl = vsext(i,j,ispec)
+                 rhol = rhoext(i,j,ispec)
+              endif
+              rho_vp = rhol*cpl
+              rho_vs = rhol*csl
+              xxi = + gammaz(i,j,ispec) * jacobian(i,j,ispec)
+              zxi = - gammax(i,j,ispec) * jacobian(i,j,ispec)
+              jacobian1D = sqrt(xxi**2 + zxi**2)
+              nx = + zxi / jacobian1D
+              nz = - xxi / jacobian1D
+              weight = jacobian1D * wxgll(i)
+              ! Clayton-Engquist condition if elastic
+              if(elastic(ispec)) then
+                 vx = 1.0d0*deltat/2.0d0
+                 vy = 1.0d0*deltat/2.0d0
+                 vz = 1.0d0*deltat/2.0d0
+                 vn = nx*vx+nz*vz
+                 tx = rho_vp*vn*nx+rho_vs*(vx-vn*nx)
+                 ty = rho_vs*vy
+                 tz = rho_vp*vn*nz+rho_vs*(vz-vn*nz)
+! exclude corners to make sure there is no contradiction on the normal
+! for Stacey absorbing conditions but not for incident plane waves;
+! thus subtract nothing i.e. zero in that case
+                 if((codeabs(ILEFT,ispecabs) .and. i == 1) .or. (codeabs(IRIGHT,ispecabs) .and. i == NGLLX)) then
+                   tx = 0
+                   ty = 0
+                   tz = 0
+                rmass_inverse_elastic_one(iglob) = rmass_inverse_elastic_one(iglob)
+                rmass_inverse_elastic_three(iglob) = rmass_inverse_elastic_three(iglob)
+                 else
+                rmass_inverse_elastic_one(iglob) = rmass_inverse_elastic_one(iglob)  &
+                    + (tx)*weight
+                rmass_inverse_elastic_three(iglob) = rmass_inverse_elastic_one(iglob)  &
+                    + (tz)*weight
+                 endif
+             endif
+           enddo
+        endif  !  end of bottom absorbing boundary
+        !--- top absorbing boundary
+        if(codeabs(ITOP,ispecabs)) then
+           j = NGLLZ
+           ibegin = 1
+           iend = NGLLX
+           do i = ibegin,iend
+              iglob = ibool(i,j,ispec)
+              ! external velocity model
+              if(assign_external_model) then
+                 cpl = vpext(i,j,ispec)
+                 csl = vsext(i,j,ispec)
+                 rhol = rhoext(i,j,ispec)
+              endif
+              rho_vp = rhol*cpl
+              rho_vs = rhol*csl
+              xxi = + gammaz(i,j,ispec) * jacobian(i,j,ispec)
+              zxi = - gammax(i,j,ispec) * jacobian(i,j,ispec)
+              jacobian1D = sqrt(xxi**2 + zxi**2)
+              nx = - zxi / jacobian1D
+              nz = + xxi / jacobian1D
+              weight = jacobian1D * wxgll(i)
+              ! Clayton-Engquist condition if elastic
+              if(elastic(ispec)) then
+                 vx = 1.0d0*deltat/2.0d0
+                 vy = 1.0d0*deltat/2.0d0
+                 vz = 1.0d0*deltat/2.0d0
+                 vn = nx*vx+nz*vz
+                 tx = rho_vp*vn*nx+rho_vs*(vx-vn*nx)
+                 ty = rho_vs*vy
+                 tz = rho_vp*vn*nz+rho_vs*(vz-vn*nz)
+! exclude corners to make sure there is no contradiction on the normal
+! for Stacey absorbing conditions but not for incident plane waves;
+! thus subtract nothing i.e. zero in that case
+                 if((codeabs(ILEFT,ispecabs) .and. i == 1) .or. (codeabs(IRIGHT,ispecabs) .and. i == NGLLX)) then
+                   tx = 0
+                   ty = 0
+                   tz = 0
+                rmass_inverse_elastic_one(iglob) = rmass_inverse_elastic_one(iglob)
+                rmass_inverse_elastic_three(iglob) = rmass_inverse_elastic_three(iglob)
+                 else
+                rmass_inverse_elastic_one(iglob) = rmass_inverse_elastic_one(iglob)  &
+                    + (tx)*weight
+                rmass_inverse_elastic_three(iglob) = rmass_inverse_elastic_one(iglob)  &
+                    + (tz)*weight
+                 endif
+            endif
+           enddo
+        endif  !  end of top absorbing boundary
+     enddo
+  endif  ! end of absorbing boundaries
+  end subroutine invert_mass_matrix_init
+  subroutine invert_mass_matrix(any_elastic,any_acoustic,any_poroelastic, &
+                                rmass_inverse_elastic_one,rmass_inverse_elastic_three,&
+                                nglob_elastic, &
+                                rmass_inverse_acoustic,nglob_acoustic, &
+                                rmass_s_inverse_poroelastic, &
+                                rmass_w_inverse_poroelastic,nglob_poroelastic)
+! inverts the global mass matrix
+  implicit none
+  include 'constants.h'
+  logical any_elastic,any_acoustic,any_poroelastic
+! inverse mass matrices
+  integer :: nglob_elastic
+  real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL), dimension(nglob_elastic) :: rmass_inverse_elastic_one,&
+                                                      rmass_inverse_elastic_three
+  integer :: nglob_acoustic
+  real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL), dimension(nglob_acoustic) :: rmass_inverse_acoustic
+  integer :: nglob_poroelastic
+  real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL), dimension(nglob_poroelastic) :: &
+    rmass_s_inverse_poroelastic,rmass_w_inverse_poroelastic
+! fill mass matrix with fictitious non-zero values to make sure it can be inverted globally
+  if(any_elastic) &
+    where(rmass_inverse_elastic_one <= 0._CUSTOM_REAL) rmass_inverse_elastic_one = 1._CUSTOM_REAL
+  if(any_elastic) &
+    where(rmass_inverse_elastic_three <= 0._CUSTOM_REAL) rmass_inverse_elastic_three = 1._CUSTOM_REAL
+  if(any_poroelastic) &
+    where(rmass_s_inverse_poroelastic <= 0._CUSTOM_REAL) rmass_s_inverse_poroelastic = 1._CUSTOM_REAL
+  if(any_poroelastic) &
+    where(rmass_w_inverse_poroelastic <= 0._CUSTOM_REAL) rmass_w_inverse_poroelastic = 1._CUSTOM_REAL
+  if(any_acoustic) &
+    where(rmass_inverse_acoustic <= 0._CUSTOM_REAL) rmass_inverse_acoustic = 1._CUSTOM_REAL
+! compute the inverse of the mass matrix
+  if(any_elastic) &
+    rmass_inverse_elastic_one(:) = 1._CUSTOM_REAL / rmass_inverse_elastic_one(:)
+  if(any_elastic) &
+    rmass_inverse_elastic_three(:) = 1._CUSTOM_REAL / rmass_inverse_elastic_three(:)
+  if(any_poroelastic) &
+    rmass_s_inverse_poroelastic(:) = 1._CUSTOM_REAL / rmass_s_inverse_poroelastic(:)
+  if(any_poroelastic) &
+    rmass_w_inverse_poroelastic(:) = 1._CUSTOM_REAL / rmass_w_inverse_poroelastic(:)
+  if(any_acoustic) &
+    rmass_inverse_acoustic(:) = 1._CUSTOM_REAL / rmass_inverse_acoustic(:)
+  end subroutine invert_mass_matrix

Deleted: seismo/2D/SPECFEM2D/trunk/src/specfem2D/invert_mass_matrix.f90
--- seismo/2D/SPECFEM2D/trunk/src/specfem2D/invert_mass_matrix.f90	2012-03-19 02:12:09 UTC (rev 19804)
+++ seismo/2D/SPECFEM2D/trunk/src/specfem2D/invert_mass_matrix.f90	2012-03-19 03:57:29 UTC (rev 19805)
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-!                   S P E C F E M 2 D  Version 6 . 2
-!                   ------------------------------
-! Copyright Universite de Pau, CNRS and INRIA, France,
-! and Princeton University / California Institute of Technology, USA.
-! Contributors: Dimitri Komatitsch, dimitri DOT komatitsch aT univ-pau DOT fr
-!               Nicolas Le Goff, nicolas DOT legoff aT univ-pau DOT fr
-!               Roland Martin, roland DOT martin aT univ-pau DOT fr
-!               Christina Morency, cmorency aT princeton DOT edu
-!               Pieyre Le Loher, pieyre DOT le-loher aT inria.fr
-! This software is a computer program whose purpose is to solve
-! the two-dimensional viscoelastic anisotropic or poroelastic wave equation
-! using a spectral-element method (SEM).
-! This software is governed by the CeCILL license under French law and
-! abiding by the rules of distribution of free software. You can use,
-! modify and/or redistribute the software under the terms of the CeCILL
-! license as circulated by CEA, CNRS and INRIA at the following URL
-! "http://www.cecill.info".
-! As a counterpart to the access to the source code and rights to copy,
-! modify and redistribute granted by the license, users are provided only
-! with a limited warranty and the software's author, the holder of the
-! economic rights, and the successive licensors have only limited
-! liability.
-! In this respect, the user's attention is drawn to the risks associated
-! with loading, using, modifying and/or developing or reproducing the
-! software by the user in light of its specific status of free software,
-! that may mean that it is complicated to manipulate, and that also
-! therefore means that it is reserved for developers and experienced
-! professionals having in-depth computer knowledge. Users are therefore
-! encouraged to load and test the software's suitability as regards their
-! requirements in conditions enabling the security of their systems and/or
-! data to be ensured and, more generally, to use and operate it in the
-! same conditions as regards security.
-! The full text of the license is available in file "LICENSE".
-  subroutine invert_mass_matrix_init(any_elastic,any_acoustic,any_poroelastic, &
-                                rmass_inverse_elastic_one,nglob_elastic, &
-                                rmass_inverse_acoustic,nglob_acoustic, &
-                                rmass_s_inverse_poroelastic, &
-                                rmass_w_inverse_poroelastic,nglob_poroelastic, &
-                                nspec,ibool,kmato,wxgll,wzgll,jacobian, &
-                                elastic,poroelastic, &
-                                assign_external_model,numat, &
-                                density,poroelastcoef,porosity,tortuosity, &
-                                vpext,rhoext,&
-   anyabs,numabs,deltat,codeabs,rmass_inverse_elastic_three,&
-   nelemabs,vsext,xix,xiz,gammaz,gammax)
-!  builds the global mass matrix
-  implicit none
-  include 'constants.h'
-  logical :: anyabs
-  integer :: nelemabs,ibegin,iend,ispecabs
-!  integer :: ispec,i,j,k,iglob,ispecabs,ibegin,iend,irec,irec_local
-  integer, dimension(nelemabs) :: numabs
-  double precision :: deltat
-  logical, dimension(4,nelemabs)  :: codeabs
-!!local parameter
-  ! material properties of the elastic medium
-  real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL) :: mul_unrelaxed_elastic,lambdal_unrelaxed_elastic,cpl,csl
-  integer count_left,count_right,count_bottom
-  real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL) :: nx,nz,vx,vy,vz,vn,rho_vp,rho_vs,tx,ty,tz,&
-                            weight,xxi,zxi,xgamma,zgamma,jacobian1D
-  logical any_elastic,any_acoustic,any_poroelastic
-  ! inverse mass matrices
-  integer :: nglob_elastic
- real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL), dimension(nglob_elastic) :: rmass_inverse_elastic_one,&  !zhinan
-                                                     rmass_inverse_elastic_three
-  integer :: nglob_acoustic
-  real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL), dimension(nglob_acoustic) :: rmass_inverse_acoustic
-  integer :: nglob_poroelastic
-  real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL), dimension(nglob_poroelastic) :: &
-    rmass_s_inverse_poroelastic,rmass_w_inverse_poroelastic
-  integer :: nspec
-  integer, dimension(NGLLX,NGLLZ,nspec) :: ibool
-  integer, dimension(nspec) :: kmato
-  real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL), dimension(NGLLX) :: wxgll
-  real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL), dimension(NGLLX) :: wzgll
-  real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL), dimension(NGLLX,NGLLZ,nspec) :: jacobian
-  logical,dimension(nspec) :: elastic,poroelastic
-  logical :: assign_external_model
-  integer :: numat
-  double precision, dimension(2,numat) :: density
-  double precision, dimension(4,3,numat) :: poroelastcoef
-  double precision, dimension(numat) :: porosity,tortuosity
-  double precision, dimension(NGLLX,NGLLX,nspec) :: vpext,rhoext,vsext !zhinan
-  real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL), dimension(NGLLX,NGLLZ,nspec) :: xix,xiz,gammax,gammaz  !zhinan
-  ! local parameters
-  integer :: ispec,i,j,iglob
-  double precision :: rhol,kappal,mul_relaxed,lambdal_relaxed
-  double precision :: rhol_s,rhol_f,rhol_bar,phil,tortl
-  ! initializes mass matrix
-  if(any_elastic) rmass_inverse_elastic_one(:) = 0._CUSTOM_REAL
-  if(any_elastic) rmass_inverse_elastic_three(:) = 0._CUSTOM_REAL
-  if(any_poroelastic) rmass_s_inverse_poroelastic(:) = 0._CUSTOM_REAL
-  if(any_poroelastic) rmass_w_inverse_poroelastic(:) = 0._CUSTOM_REAL
-  if(any_acoustic) rmass_inverse_acoustic(:) = 0._CUSTOM_REAL
-  do ispec = 1,nspec
-    do j = 1,NGLLZ
-      do i = 1,NGLLX
-        iglob = ibool(i,j,ispec)
-        ! if external density model (elastic or acoustic)
-        if(assign_external_model) then
-          rhol = rhoext(i,j,ispec)
-          kappal = rhol * vpext(i,j,ispec)**2
-        else
-          rhol = density(1,kmato(ispec))
-          lambdal_relaxed = poroelastcoef(1,1,kmato(ispec))
-          mul_relaxed = poroelastcoef(2,1,kmato(ispec))
-          kappal = lambdal_relaxed + 2.d0/3.d0*mul_relaxed
-        endif
-        if( poroelastic(ispec) ) then
-          ! material is poroelastic
-          rhol_s = density(1,kmato(ispec))
-          rhol_f = density(2,kmato(ispec))
-          phil = porosity(kmato(ispec))
-          tortl = tortuosity(kmato(ispec))
-          rhol_bar = (1.d0-phil)*rhol_s + phil*rhol_f
-          ! for the solid mass matrix
-          rmass_s_inverse_poroelastic(iglob) = rmass_s_inverse_poroelastic(iglob)  &
-                  + wxgll(i)*wzgll(j)*jacobian(i,j,ispec)*(rhol_bar - phil*rhol_f/tortl)
-          ! for the fluid mass matrix
-          rmass_w_inverse_poroelastic(iglob) = rmass_w_inverse_poroelastic(iglob) &
-                  + wxgll(i)*wzgll(j)*jacobian(i,j,ispec)*(rhol_bar*rhol_f*tortl  &
-                  - phil*rhol_f*rhol_f)/(rhol_bar*phil)
-        elseif( elastic(ispec) ) then
-          ! for elastic medium
-          rmass_inverse_elastic_one(iglob) = rmass_inverse_elastic_one(iglob)  &
-                  + wxgll(i)*wzgll(j)*rhol*jacobian(i,j,ispec)
-          rmass_inverse_elastic_three(iglob) = rmass_inverse_elastic_one(iglob)
-        else
-          ! for acoustic medium
-          rmass_inverse_acoustic(iglob) = rmass_inverse_acoustic(iglob) &
-                  + wxgll(i)*wzgll(j)*jacobian(i,j,ispec) / kappal
-        endif
-      enddo
-    enddo
-  enddo ! do ispec = 1,nspec
-  !
-  !--- DK and Zhinan Xie: add C Delta_t / 2 contribution to the mass matrix
-  !--- DK and Zhinan Xie: in the case of Clayton-Engquist absorbing boundaries;
-  !--- DK and Zhinan Xie: see for instance the book of Hughes (1987) chapter 9.
-  !--- DK and Zhinan Xie: IMPORTANT: note that this implies that we must have two different mass matrices,
-  !--- DK and Zhinan Xie: one per component of the wave field i.e. one per spatial dimension.
-  !--- DK and Zhinan Xie: This was also suggested by Jean-Paul Ampuero in 2003.
-  !
-  if(anyabs) then
-     count_left=1
-     count_right=1
-     count_bottom=1
-     do ispecabs = 1,nelemabs
-        ispec = numabs(ispecabs)
-        ! get elastic parameters of current spectral elemegammaznt
-        lambdal_unrelaxed_elastic = poroelastcoef(1,1,kmato(ispec))
-        mul_unrelaxed_elastic = poroelastcoef(2,1,kmato(ispec))
-        rhol  = density(1,kmato(ispec))
-        kappal  = lambdal_unrelaxed_elastic + TWO*mul_unrelaxed_elastic/3._CUSTOM_REAL
-        cpl = sqrt((kappal + 4._CUSTOM_REAL*mul_unrelaxed_elastic/3._CUSTOM_REAL)/rhol)
-        csl = sqrt(mul_unrelaxed_elastic/rhol)
-        !--- left absorbing boundary
-        if(codeabs(ILEFT,ispecabs)) then
-           i = 1
-           do j = 1,NGLLZ
-              iglob = ibool(i,j,ispec)
-              ! external velocity model
-              if(assign_external_model) then
-                 cpl = vpext(i,j,ispec)
-                 csl = vsext(i,j,ispec)
-                 rhol = rhoext(i,j,ispec)
-              endif
-              rho_vp = rhol*cpl
-              rho_vs = rhol*csl
-              xgamma = - xiz(i,j,ispec) * jacobian(i,j,ispec)
-              zgamma = + xix(i,j,ispec) * jacobian(i,j,ispec)
-              jacobian1D = sqrt(xgamma**2 + zgamma**2)
-              nx = - zgamma / jacobian1D
-              nz = + xgamma / jacobian1D
-              weight = jacobian1D * wzgll(j)
-              ! Clayton-Engquist condition if elastic
-              if(elastic(ispec)) then
-                 vx = 1.0d0*deltat/2.0d0
-                 vy = 1.0d0*deltat/2.0d0
-                 vz = 1.0d0*deltat/2.0d0
-                 vn = nx*vx+nz*vz
-                 tx = rho_vp*vn*nx+rho_vs*(vx-vn*nx)
-                 ty = rho_vs*vy
-                 tz = rho_vp*vn*nz+rho_vs*(vz-vn*nz)
-                rmass_inverse_elastic_one(iglob) = rmass_inverse_elastic_one(iglob)  &
-                    + (tx)*weight
-                rmass_inverse_elastic_three(iglob) = rmass_inverse_elastic_one(iglob)  &
-                    + (tz)*weight
-              endif
-           enddo
-        endif  !  end of left absorbing boundary
-        !--- right absorbing boundary
-        if(codeabs(IRIGHT,ispecabs)) then
-           i = NGLLX
-           do j = 1,NGLLZ
-              iglob = ibool(i,j,ispec)
-              ! for analytical initial plane wave for Bielak's conditions
-              ! left or right edge, horizontal normal vector
-              ! external velocity model
-              if(assign_external_model) then
-                 cpl = vpext(i,j,ispec)
-                 csl = vsext(i,j,ispec)
-                 rhol = rhoext(i,j,ispec)
-              endif
-              rho_vp = rhol*cpl
-              rho_vs = rhol*csl
-              xgamma = - xiz(i,j,ispec) * jacobian(i,j,ispec)
-              zgamma = + xix(i,j,ispec) * jacobian(i,j,ispec)
-              jacobian1D = sqrt(xgamma**2 + zgamma**2)
-              nx = + zgamma / jacobian1D
-              nz = - xgamma / jacobian1D
-              weight = jacobian1D * wzgll(j)
-              ! Clayton-Engquist condition if elastic
-              if(elastic(ispec)) then
-                 vx = 1.0d0*deltat/2.0d0
-                 vy = 1.0d0*deltat/2.0d0
-                 vz = 1.0d0*deltat/2.0d0
-                 vn = nx*vx+nz*vz
-                 tx = rho_vp*vn*nx+rho_vs*(vx-vn*nx)
-                 ty = rho_vs*vy
-                 tz = rho_vp*vn*nz+rho_vs*(vz-vn*nz)
-                rmass_inverse_elastic_one(iglob) = rmass_inverse_elastic_one(iglob)  &
-                    + (tx)*weight
-                rmass_inverse_elastic_three(iglob) = rmass_inverse_elastic_one(iglob)  &
-                    + (tz)*weight
-              endif
-           enddo
-        endif  !  end of right absorbing boundary
-        !--- bottom absorbing boundary
-        if(codeabs(IBOTTOM,ispecabs)) then
-           j = 1
-           ibegin = 1
-           iend = NGLLX
-           do i = ibegin,iend
-              iglob = ibool(i,j,ispec)
-              ! external velocity model
-              if(assign_external_model) then
-                 cpl = vpext(i,j,ispec)
-                 csl = vsext(i,j,ispec)
-                 rhol = rhoext(i,j,ispec)
-              endif
-              rho_vp = rhol*cpl
-              rho_vs = rhol*csl
-              xxi = + gammaz(i,j,ispec) * jacobian(i,j,ispec)
-              zxi = - gammax(i,j,ispec) * jacobian(i,j,ispec)
-              jacobian1D = sqrt(xxi**2 + zxi**2)
-              nx = + zxi / jacobian1D
-              nz = - xxi / jacobian1D
-              weight = jacobian1D * wxgll(i)
-              ! Clayton-Engquist condition if elastic
-              if(elastic(ispec)) then
-                 vx = 1.0d0*deltat/2.0d0
-                 vy = 1.0d0*deltat/2.0d0
-                 vz = 1.0d0*deltat/2.0d0
-                 vn = nx*vx+nz*vz
-                 tx = rho_vp*vn*nx+rho_vs*(vx-vn*nx)
-                 ty = rho_vs*vy
-                 tz = rho_vp*vn*nz+rho_vs*(vz-vn*nz)
-! exclude corners to make sure there is no contradiction on the normal
-! for Stacey absorbing conditions but not for incident plane waves;
-! thus subtract nothing i.e. zero in that case
-                 if((codeabs(ILEFT,ispecabs) .and. i == 1) .or. (codeabs(IRIGHT,ispecabs) .and. i == NGLLX)) then
-                   tx = 0
-                   ty = 0
-                   tz = 0
-                rmass_inverse_elastic_one(iglob) = rmass_inverse_elastic_one(iglob)
-                rmass_inverse_elastic_three(iglob) = rmass_inverse_elastic_three(iglob)
-                 else
-                rmass_inverse_elastic_one(iglob) = rmass_inverse_elastic_one(iglob)  &
-                    + (tx)*weight
-                rmass_inverse_elastic_three(iglob) = rmass_inverse_elastic_one(iglob)  &
-                    + (tz)*weight
-                 endif
-             endif
-           enddo
-        endif  !  end of bottom absorbing boundary
-        !--- top absorbing boundary
-        if(codeabs(ITOP,ispecabs)) then
-           j = NGLLZ
-           ibegin = 1
-           iend = NGLLX
-           do i = ibegin,iend
-              iglob = ibool(i,j,ispec)
-              ! external velocity model
-              if(assign_external_model) then
-                 cpl = vpext(i,j,ispec)
-                 csl = vsext(i,j,ispec)
-                 rhol = rhoext(i,j,ispec)
-              endif
-              rho_vp = rhol*cpl
-              rho_vs = rhol*csl
-              xxi = + gammaz(i,j,ispec) * jacobian(i,j,ispec)
-              zxi = - gammax(i,j,ispec) * jacobian(i,j,ispec)
-              jacobian1D = sqrt(xxi**2 + zxi**2)
-              nx = - zxi / jacobian1D
-              nz = + xxi / jacobian1D
-              weight = jacobian1D * wxgll(i)
-              ! Clayton-Engquist condition if elastic
-              if(elastic(ispec)) then
-                 vx = 1.0d0*deltat/2.0d0
-                 vy = 1.0d0*deltat/2.0d0
-                 vz = 1.0d0*deltat/2.0d0
-                 vn = nx*vx+nz*vz
-                 tx = rho_vp*vn*nx+rho_vs*(vx-vn*nx)
-                 ty = rho_vs*vy
-                 tz = rho_vp*vn*nz+rho_vs*(vz-vn*nz)
-! exclude corners to make sure there is no contradiction on the normal
-! for Stacey absorbing conditions but not for incident plane waves;
-! thus subtract nothing i.e. zero in that case
-                 if((codeabs(ILEFT,ispecabs) .and. i == 1) .or. (codeabs(IRIGHT,ispecabs) .and. i == NGLLX)) then
-                   tx = 0
-                   ty = 0
-                   tz = 0
-                rmass_inverse_elastic_one(iglob) = rmass_inverse_elastic_one(iglob)
-                rmass_inverse_elastic_three(iglob) = rmass_inverse_elastic_three(iglob)
-                 else
-                rmass_inverse_elastic_one(iglob) = rmass_inverse_elastic_one(iglob)  &
-                    + (tx)*weight
-                rmass_inverse_elastic_three(iglob) = rmass_inverse_elastic_one(iglob)  &
-                    + (tz)*weight
-                 endif
-            endif
-           enddo
-        endif  !  end of top absorbing boundary
-     enddo
-  endif  ! end of absorbing boundaries
-  end subroutine invert_mass_matrix_init
-  subroutine invert_mass_matrix(any_elastic,any_acoustic,any_poroelastic, &
-                                rmass_inverse_elastic_one,rmass_inverse_elastic_three,&
-                                nglob_elastic, &
-                                rmass_inverse_acoustic,nglob_acoustic, &
-                                rmass_s_inverse_poroelastic, &
-                                rmass_w_inverse_poroelastic,nglob_poroelastic)
-! inverts the global mass matrix
-  implicit none
-  include 'constants.h'
-  logical any_elastic,any_acoustic,any_poroelastic
-! inverse mass matrices
-  integer :: nglob_elastic
-  real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL), dimension(nglob_elastic) :: rmass_inverse_elastic_one,&
-                                                      rmass_inverse_elastic_three
-  integer :: nglob_acoustic
-  real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL), dimension(nglob_acoustic) :: rmass_inverse_acoustic
-  integer :: nglob_poroelastic
-  real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL), dimension(nglob_poroelastic) :: &
-    rmass_s_inverse_poroelastic,rmass_w_inverse_poroelastic
-! fill mass matrix with fictitious non-zero values to make sure it can be inverted globally
-  if(any_elastic) &
-    where(rmass_inverse_elastic_one <= 0._CUSTOM_REAL) rmass_inverse_elastic_one = 1._CUSTOM_REAL
-  if(any_elastic) &
-    where(rmass_inverse_elastic_three <= 0._CUSTOM_REAL) rmass_inverse_elastic_three = 1._CUSTOM_REAL
-  if(any_poroelastic) &
-    where(rmass_s_inverse_poroelastic <= 0._CUSTOM_REAL) rmass_s_inverse_poroelastic = 1._CUSTOM_REAL
-  if(any_poroelastic) &
-    where(rmass_w_inverse_poroelastic <= 0._CUSTOM_REAL) rmass_w_inverse_poroelastic = 1._CUSTOM_REAL
-  if(any_acoustic) &
-    where(rmass_inverse_acoustic <= 0._CUSTOM_REAL) rmass_inverse_acoustic = 1._CUSTOM_REAL
-! compute the inverse of the mass matrix
-  if(any_elastic) &
-    rmass_inverse_elastic_one(:) = 1._CUSTOM_REAL / rmass_inverse_elastic_one(:)
-  if(any_elastic) &
-    rmass_inverse_elastic_three(:) = 1._CUSTOM_REAL / rmass_inverse_elastic_three(:)
-  if(any_poroelastic) &
-    rmass_s_inverse_poroelastic(:) = 1._CUSTOM_REAL / rmass_s_inverse_poroelastic(:)
-  if(any_poroelastic) &
-    rmass_w_inverse_poroelastic(:) = 1._CUSTOM_REAL / rmass_w_inverse_poroelastic(:)
-  if(any_acoustic) &
-    rmass_inverse_acoustic(:) = 1._CUSTOM_REAL / rmass_inverse_acoustic(:)
-  end subroutine invert_mass_matrix

Modified: seismo/2D/SPECFEM2D/trunk/src/specfem2D/specfem2D.F90
--- seismo/2D/SPECFEM2D/trunk/src/specfem2D/specfem2D.F90	2012-03-19 02:12:09 UTC (rev 19804)
+++ seismo/2D/SPECFEM2D/trunk/src/specfem2D/specfem2D.F90	2012-03-19 03:57:29 UTC (rev 19805)
@@ -2725,10 +2725,13 @@
                                 density,poroelastcoef,porosity,tortuosity, &
-  nelemabs,vsext,xix,xiz,gammaz,gammax)
+  nelemabs,vsext,xix,xiz,gammaz,gammax &
+!! DK DK added this for Guenneau, March 2012
+                                ,coord &
+                                )
 #ifdef USE_MPI
   if ( nproc > 1 ) then

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