[cig-commits] r19888 - in seismo/3D/FAULT_SOURCE: . branches/new_fault_db/src

ampuero at geodynamics.org ampuero at geodynamics.org
Tue Mar 27 15:40:09 PDT 2012

Author: ampuero
Date: 2012-03-27 15:40:08 -0700 (Tue, 27 Mar 2012)
New Revision: 19888

comments on non-split fault edge nodes; minor cleanup

Modified: seismo/3D/FAULT_SOURCE/TO_DO
--- seismo/3D/FAULT_SOURCE/TO_DO	2012-03-27 22:31:55 UTC (rev 19887)
+++ seismo/3D/FAULT_SOURCE/TO_DO	2012-03-27 22:40:08 UTC (rev 19888)
@@ -1,3 +1,9 @@
+Development of dynamic and kinematic earthquake rupture in SPECFEM3D-SESAME.
+Prioritized to-do list:
++ implement rate-and-state friction, with option for several versions of the friction law
++ verify consistency of fault edge nodes in kinematic solver: 
+  currently, these nodes are not split but they are included in the fault database
 + parallelize the fault:
 	- in fault_scotch.f90:
 		. reorder the fault element lists so that ispec1 and ispec2
@@ -11,18 +17,17 @@
 		. make sure internal forces are assembled across processors before fault solver
                   No need to re-assemble after fault solver because B is already assembled
 		. parallelize outputs
++ simplify mesh generation with faults:
+ 	- eliminate fault edge nodes? 
+          Currently fault edge nodes must be defined as closed and non-split in CUBIT,
+          SESAME asigns a single ibulk, but it adds it to the fault databse.
+	- split nodes in Scotch/SESAME instead of in CUBIT ?
+	- develop a recipe for mesh coarsening in CUBIT
-+ close fault edges in CUBIT
-+ simplify meshing: maybe split nodes in Scotch/SESAME instead of in CUBIT
-+ mesh coarsening in CUBIT
++ add snapshot outputs to kinematic solver (e.g. to export fault stresses)
++ factor common subroutines of fault solvers into a lower level module
-+ add snapshot outputs to kinematic solver
-+ test kinematic solver
-+ factor fault solvers
-+ eliminate fault edge nodes (sticky, same ibulk) ?
-+ better documentation
++ improve documentation (add a chapter to the manual)
 + write methodological paper
 + merge with main SESAME branch
 + public release

Modified: seismo/3D/FAULT_SOURCE/branches/new_fault_db/src/fault_object.f90
--- seismo/3D/FAULT_SOURCE/branches/new_fault_db/src/fault_object.f90	2012-03-27 22:31:55 UTC (rev 19887)
+++ seismo/3D/FAULT_SOURCE/branches/new_fault_db/src/fault_object.f90	2012-03-27 22:40:08 UTC (rev 19888)
@@ -25,8 +25,9 @@
 ! This module was written by:
 ! Percy Galvez, Jean-Paul Ampuero and Tarje Nissen-Meyer
-! New version with split nodes done in CUBIT.
+! Splitting fault nodes is done in CUBIT.
 module fault_object
   use create_regions_mesh_ext_par, only: NGLLX,NGLLY,NGLLZ,NGLLSQUARE,NGNOD2D,NDIM,CUSTOM_REAL
@@ -175,17 +176,14 @@
   if (.not. ANY_FAULT_IN_THIS_PROC ) return
   do iflt=1,size(fault_db)
-! TO DO : Percy, iface is computed with fault open , we have to change this and close  *_dummy
-!                 at this point.
-!jpa: we don't need to change it, the small fault opening does not affect this subroutine 
-!     (see get_element_face_id)
+    !NOTE: the small fault opening in *_dummy does not affect this subroutine (see get_element_face_id)
     call setup_iface(fault_db(iflt),nnodes_ext_mesh,nodes_coords_ext_mesh,nspec,nglob,ibool)
     ! saving gll indices for each fault face, needed for ibulks
     call setup_ijk(fault_db(iflt))
-    ! ibools = mapping from local indices on the fault (GLL index, element
-    !          index) to global indices on the fault
+    ! ibools = mapping from local indices on the fault (GLL index, element index) 
+    !          to global indices on the fault
     call setup_ibools(fault_db(iflt),xstore,ystore,zstore,nspec,fault_db(iflt)%nspec*NGLLSQUARE)
     ! ibulks = mapping global indices of fault nodes
@@ -311,6 +309,9 @@
   logical :: ifseg(npointot)
   integer :: ispec,i,j,k,igll,ie,je,ke,e
+  xmin = minval(nodes_coords_ext_mesh(1,:))
+  xmax = maxval(nodes_coords_ext_mesh(1,:))
   k = 0
   do e = 1,fdb%nspec 
     ispec = fdb%ispec1(e)
@@ -329,10 +330,6 @@
   allocate( fdb%ibool1(NGLLSQUARE,fdb%nspec) )
-  xmin = minval(nodes_coords_ext_mesh(1,:))
-  xmax = maxval(nodes_coords_ext_mesh(1,:))
   call get_global(fdb%nspec,xp,yp,zp,fdb%ibool1,loc,ifseg,fdb%nglob,npointot,xmin,xmax)
 ! xp,yp,zp need to be recomputed on side 2 

Modified: seismo/3D/FAULT_SOURCE/branches/new_fault_db/src/fault_solver.f90
--- seismo/3D/FAULT_SOURCE/branches/new_fault_db/src/fault_solver.f90	2012-03-27 22:31:55 UTC (rev 19887)
+++ seismo/3D/FAULT_SOURCE/branches/new_fault_db/src/fault_solver.f90	2012-03-27 22:40:08 UTC (rev 19888)
@@ -315,6 +315,9 @@
   ! NOTE: same Bi on both sides, see note above
   bc%Z = 1.e0_CUSTOM_REAL/(0.5e0_CUSTOM_REAL*dt * bc%B *( bc%invM1 + bc%invM2 ))
+  ! WARNING: In non-split nodes at fault edges M is assembled across the fault.
+  !          hence invM1+invM2=2/(M1+M2) instead of 1/M1+1/M2
+  !          In a symmetric mesh (M1=M2) Z will be twice its intended value
@@ -513,7 +516,6 @@
   call init_dataT(bc%dataT,bc%coord,bc%nglob,NT,iflt)
   call init_dataXZ(bc%dataXZ,bc,bc%nglob)
@@ -558,6 +560,7 @@
 ! adds a value to a fault parameter inside an area with prescribed shape
 subroutine init_2d_distribution(a,coord,iin,n)
+!JPA refactor: background value shuld be an argument
   real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL), intent(inout) :: a(:)
   real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL), intent(in) :: coord(:,:)
@@ -639,6 +642,9 @@
 ! adds boundary term Bt into Force array for each fault.
+! NOTE: On non-split nodes at fault edges, dD=dV=dA=0
+!       and the net contribution of B*T is =0 
 subroutine bc_dynflt_set3d_all(F,Vel,Dis)
   real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL), dimension(:,:), intent(in) :: Vel,Dis
@@ -750,6 +756,7 @@
     TxExt = DTau0 * bc%asp%Fload * GLoad
     T(1,:) = T(1,:) + TxExt
+!JPA the solver below can be refactored into a loop with two passes
     Vf = Vnorm_old
     theta_old = bc%rsf%theta
     call rsf_update_state(Vf,bc%dt,bc%rsf)
@@ -880,6 +887,9 @@
   da(2,:) = bc%invM2*f(2,bc%ibulk2)-bc%invM1*f(2,bc%ibulk1) 
   da(3,:) = bc%invM2*f(3,bc%ibulk2)-bc%invM1*f(3,bc%ibulk1)
+  ! NOTE: In non-split nodes at fault edges M and f are assembled across the fault.
+  !       Hence, f1=f2, invM1=invM2=1/(M1+M2) instead of invMi=1/Mi, and da=0.
 end function get_weighted_jump

Modified: seismo/3D/FAULT_SOURCE/branches/new_fault_db/src/fault_solver_kinematic.f90
--- seismo/3D/FAULT_SOURCE/branches/new_fault_db/src/fault_solver_kinematic.f90	2012-03-27 22:31:55 UTC (rev 19887)
+++ seismo/3D/FAULT_SOURCE/branches/new_fault_db/src/fault_solver_kinematic.f90	2012-03-27 22:40:08 UTC (rev 19888)
@@ -89,35 +89,35 @@
 subroutine BC_KINFLT_init(prname,Minv,DTglobal,nt)
- character(len=256), intent(in) :: prname ! 'proc***'
- real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL), intent(in) :: Minv(:)
- double precision, intent(in) :: DTglobal 
- integer, intent(in) :: nt
+  character(len=256), intent(in) :: prname ! 'proc***'
+  real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL), intent(in) :: Minv(:)
+  double precision, intent(in) :: DTglobal 
+  integer, intent(in) :: nt
- real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL) :: dt
- integer :: iflt,ier,dummy_idfault
- integer :: nbfaults
-  integer :: SIMULATION_TYPE
- character(len=256) :: filename
- integer, parameter :: IIN_PAR =151
- integer, parameter :: IIN_BIN =170
- real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL) :: DUMMY 
+  real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL) :: dt
+  integer :: iflt,ier,dummy_idfault
+  integer :: nbfaults
+   integer :: SIMULATION_TYPE
+  character(len=256) :: filename
+  integer, parameter :: IIN_PAR =151
+  integer, parameter :: IIN_BIN =170
+  real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL) :: DUMMY 
- NAMELIST / BEGIN_FAULT / dummy_idfault 
+  NAMELIST / BEGIN_FAULT / dummy_idfault 
- dummy_idfault = 0
+  dummy_idfault = 0
- open(unit=IIN_PAR,file='DATA/FAULT/Par_file_faults',status='old',iostat=ier)
- if( ier /= 0 ) then
-   write(6,*) 'Have not found Par_file_faults: assume no faults' 
-   return 
- endif
+  open(unit=IIN_PAR,file='DATA/FAULT/Par_file_faults',status='old',iostat=ier)
+  if( ier /= 0 ) then
+    write(6,*) 'Have not found Par_file_faults: assume no faults' 
+    return 
+  endif
- dt = real(DTglobal)
- filename = prname(1:len_trim(prname))//'fault_db.bin'
- open(unit=IIN_BIN,file=trim(filename),status='old',action='read',form='unformatted',iostat=ier)
- if( ier /= 0 ) stop 'Have not found proc*_fault_db.bin'
-! WARNING TO DO: should be an MPI abort
+  dt = real(DTglobal)
+  filename = prname(1:len_trim(prname))//'fault_db.bin'
+  open(unit=IIN_BIN,file=trim(filename),status='old',action='read',form='unformatted',iostat=ier)
+  if( ier /= 0 ) stop 'Have not found proc*_fault_db.bin'
+  ! WARNING TO DO: should be an MPI abort
   read(IIN_PAR,*) nbfaults
   if (nbfaults==0) return
@@ -150,137 +150,140 @@
 subroutine init_one_fault(bc,IIN_BIN,IIN_PAR,Minv,dt,NT,iflt)
- type(bc_kinflt_type), intent(inout) :: bc
- real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL), intent(in)  :: Minv(:)
- integer, intent(in)                 :: IIN_BIN,IIN_PAR,NT,iflt
- real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL), intent(in)  :: dt
+  type(bc_kinflt_type), intent(inout) :: bc
+  real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL), intent(in)  :: Minv(:)
+  integer, intent(in)                 :: IIN_BIN,IIN_PAR,NT,iflt
+  real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL), intent(in)  :: dt
- real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL), dimension(:,:), allocatable   :: jacobian2Dw
- real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL), dimension(:,:,:), allocatable :: normal
- integer, dimension(:,:), allocatable :: ibool1
- real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL) :: norm
- integer :: ij,k,e
- real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL), dimension(:), allocatable :: nx,ny,nz
- real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL) :: kindt
+  real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL), dimension(:,:), allocatable   :: jacobian2Dw
+  real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL), dimension(:,:,:), allocatable :: normal
+  integer, dimension(:,:), allocatable :: ibool1
+  real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL) :: norm
+  integer :: ij,k,e
+  real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL), dimension(:), allocatable :: nx,ny,nz
+  real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL) :: kindt
+  NAMELIST / KINPAR / kindt
- read(IIN_BIN) bc%nspec,bc%nglob
- if (bc%nspec==0) return
+  read(IIN_BIN) bc%nspec,bc%nglob
+  if (bc%nspec==0) return
- allocate( bc%ibulk1(bc%nglob) )
- allocate( bc%ibulk2(bc%nglob) )
- allocate( ibool1(NGLLSQUARE,bc%nspec) )
- allocate(normal(NDIM,NGLLSQUARE,bc%nspec))
- allocate(jacobian2Dw(NGLLSQUARE,bc%nspec))
- allocate(bc%coord(3,bc%nglob))
+  allocate( bc%ibulk1(bc%nglob) )
+  allocate( bc%ibulk2(bc%nglob) )
+  allocate( ibool1(NGLLSQUARE,bc%nspec) )
+  allocate(normal(NDIM,NGLLSQUARE,bc%nspec))
+  allocate(jacobian2Dw(NGLLSQUARE,bc%nspec))
+  allocate(bc%coord(3,bc%nglob))
- read(IIN_BIN) ibool1
- read(IIN_BIN) jacobian2Dw
- read(IIN_BIN) normal
- read(IIN_BIN) bc%ibulk1
- read(IIN_BIN) bc%ibulk2
- read(IIN_BIN) bc%coord(1,:)
- read(IIN_BIN) bc%coord(2,:)
- read(IIN_BIN) bc%coord(3,:)
- bc%dt = dt
+  read(IIN_BIN) ibool1
+  read(IIN_BIN) jacobian2Dw
+  read(IIN_BIN) normal
+  read(IIN_BIN) bc%ibulk1
+  read(IIN_BIN) bc%ibulk2
+  read(IIN_BIN) bc%coord(1,:)
+  read(IIN_BIN) bc%coord(2,:)
+  read(IIN_BIN) bc%coord(3,:)
+  bc%dt = dt
- allocate( bc%B(bc%nglob) ) 
- bc%B = 0e0_CUSTOM_REAL
- allocate( nx(bc%nglob),ny(bc%nglob),nz(bc%nglob) )
- nx = 0e0_CUSTOM_REAL
- ny = 0e0_CUSTOM_REAL
- nz = 0e0_CUSTOM_REAL
- do e=1,bc%nspec
-   do ij = 1,NGLLSQUARE
-     k = ibool1(ij,e)
-     nx(k) = nx(k) + normal(1,ij,e)
-     ny(k) = ny(k) + normal(2,ij,e)
-     nz(k) = nz(k) + normal(3,ij,e)
-     bc%B(k) = bc%B(k) + jacobian2Dw(ij,e)
-   enddo
- enddo
- ! TO DO: assemble B and n across processors
- do k=1,bc%nglob
-   norm = sqrt( nx(k)*nx(k) + ny(k)*ny(k) + nz(k)*nz(k) )
-   nx(k) = nx(k) / norm
-   ny(k) = ny(k) / norm 
-   nz(k) = nz(k) / norm 
- enddo
- allocate( bc%R(3,3,bc%nglob) )
- call compute_R(bc%R,bc%nglob,nx,ny,nz)
- deallocate(nx,ny,nz)
-! Needed in dA_Free = -K2*d2/M2 + K1*d1/M1
- allocate(bc%invM1(bc%nglob))
- allocate(bc%invM2(bc%nglob))
- bc%invM1 = Minv(bc%ibulk1)
- bc%invM2 = Minv(bc%ibulk2)
+  allocate( bc%B(bc%nglob) ) 
+  bc%B = 0e0_CUSTOM_REAL
+  allocate( nx(bc%nglob),ny(bc%nglob),nz(bc%nglob) )
+  nx = 0e0_CUSTOM_REAL
+  ny = 0e0_CUSTOM_REAL
+  nz = 0e0_CUSTOM_REAL
+  do e=1,bc%nspec
+    do ij = 1,NGLLSQUARE
+      k = ibool1(ij,e)
+      nx(k) = nx(k) + normal(1,ij,e)
+      ny(k) = ny(k) + normal(2,ij,e)
+      nz(k) = nz(k) + normal(3,ij,e)
+      bc%B(k) = bc%B(k) + jacobian2Dw(ij,e)
+    enddo
+  enddo
+  ! TO DO: assemble B and n across processors
+  do k=1,bc%nglob
+    norm = sqrt( nx(k)*nx(k) + ny(k)*ny(k) + nz(k)*nz(k) )
+    nx(k) = nx(k) / norm
+    ny(k) = ny(k) / norm 
+    nz(k) = nz(k) / norm 
+  enddo
+  allocate( bc%R(3,3,bc%nglob) )
+  call compute_R(bc%R,bc%nglob,nx,ny,nz)
+  deallocate(nx,ny,nz)
-! Fault impedance, Z in :  Trac=T_Stick-Z*dV
-!   Z = 1/( B1/M1 + B2/M2 ) / (0.5*dt)
-! T_Stick = Z*Vfree traction as if the fault was stuck (no displ discontinuity) 
-! NOTE: same Bi on both sides, see note above
- allocate(bc%Z(bc%nglob))
- bc%Z = 1.e0_CUSTOM_REAL/(0.5e0_CUSTOM_REAL*dt * bc%B *( bc%invM1 + bc%invM2 ))
+  ! inverse M needed in dA_Free = -K2*d2/M2 + K1*d1/M1
+  allocate(bc%invM1(bc%nglob))
+  allocate(bc%invM2(bc%nglob))
+  bc%invM1 = Minv(bc%ibulk1)
+  bc%invM2 = Minv(bc%ibulk2)
- allocate(bc%T(3,bc%nglob))
- allocate(bc%D(3,bc%nglob))
- allocate(bc%V(3,bc%nglob))
- bc%T = 0e0_CUSTOM_REAL
- bc%D = 0e0_CUSTOM_REAL
- bc%V = 0e0_CUSTOM_REAL
-! Dt between two loaded slip rates
- read(IIN_PAR,nml=KINPAR) 
- bc%kin_dt = kindt
- bc%kin_it=0
-! Always have in memory the slip-rate model at two times, t1 and t2, 
-! spatially interpolated in the spectral element grid
- allocate(bc%v_kin_t1(2,bc%nglob))
- allocate(bc%v_kin_t2(2,bc%nglob))
- bc%v_kin_t1 = 0e0_CUSTOM_REAL
- bc%v_kin_t2 = 0e0_CUSTOM_REAL
+  ! Fault impedance, Z in :  Trac=T_Stick-Z*dV
+  !   Z = 1/( B1/M1 + B2/M2 ) / (0.5*dt)
+  ! T_Stick = Z*Vfree traction as if the fault was stuck (no displ discontinuity) 
+  ! NOTE: same Bi on both sides, see note above
+  allocate(bc%Z(bc%nglob))
+  bc%Z = 1.e0_CUSTOM_REAL/(0.5e0_CUSTOM_REAL*dt * bc%B *( bc%invM1 + bc%invM2 ))
+  ! WARNING: In some fault edge nodes (non-split) Minv is assembled across the fault 
+  !          hence invM1+invM2=2/(M1+M2) instead of 1/M1+1/M2
+  !          In a symmetric mesh (M1=M2) Z will be twice its intended value
- call init_dataT(bc%dataT,bc%coord,bc%nglob,NT,iflt)
- call init_dataXZ(bc%dataXZ,bc%nglob)
+  allocate(bc%T(3,bc%nglob))
+  allocate(bc%D(3,bc%nglob))
+  allocate(bc%V(3,bc%nglob))
+  bc%T = 0e0_CUSTOM_REAL
+  bc%D = 0e0_CUSTOM_REAL
+  bc%V = 0e0_CUSTOM_REAL
+  ! time interval between two loaded slip rates
+  read(IIN_PAR,nml=KINPAR) 
+  bc%kin_dt = kindt
+  bc%kin_it=0
+  ! Always have in memory the slip-rate model at two times, t1 and t2, 
+  ! spatially interpolated in the spectral element grid
+  allocate(bc%v_kin_t1(2,bc%nglob))
+  allocate(bc%v_kin_t2(2,bc%nglob))
+  bc%v_kin_t1 = 0e0_CUSTOM_REAL
+  bc%v_kin_t2 = 0e0_CUSTOM_REAL
+  call init_dataT(bc%dataT,bc%coord,bc%nglob,NT,iflt)
+  call init_dataXZ(bc%dataXZ,bc%nglob)
 end subroutine init_one_fault
 subroutine compute_R(R,nglob,nx,ny,nz)
- integer :: nglob 
- real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL), intent(out) :: R(3,3,nglob)
- real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL), dimension(nglob), intent(in) :: nx,ny,nz
+  integer :: nglob 
+  real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL), intent(out) :: R(3,3,nglob)
+  real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL), dimension(nglob), intent(in) :: nx,ny,nz
- real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL), dimension(nglob) :: sx,sy,sz,dx,dy,dz,norm
+  real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL), dimension(nglob) :: sx,sy,sz,dx,dy,dz,norm
-! Percy , defining fault directions (in concordance with SCEC conventions) . 
-!   fault coordinates (s,d,n) = (1,2,3)
-!   s = strike , d = dip , n = n. 
-!   1 = strike , 2 = dip , 3 = n.  
-    norm = sqrt(nx*nx+ny*ny)
-    sx =  ny/norm  
-    sy = -nx/norm     
-    sz = 0.e0_CUSTOM_REAL  
+  ! Percy: defining fault directions following with SCEC conventions
+  !   fault coordinates (s,d,n) = (1,2,3)
+  !   s = strike , d = dip , n = n. 
+  !   1 = strike , 2 = dip , 3 = n.  
+  norm = sqrt(nx*nx+ny*ny)
+  sx =  ny/norm  
+  sy = -nx/norm     
+  sz = 0.e0_CUSTOM_REAL  
-    norm = sqrt(sy*sy*nz*nz+sx*sx*nz*nz+(sy*nx-ny*sx)*(nx*sy-ny*sx))
-    dx = -sy*nz/norm
-    dy =  sx*nz/norm
-    dz = (sy*nx-ny*sx)/norm
-!Percy, dz is always dipwards = -1/norm , because (nx*sy-ny*sx)= - 1 
+  norm = sqrt(sy*sy*nz*nz+sx*sx*nz*nz+(sy*nx-ny*sx)*(nx*sy-ny*sx))
+  dx = -sy*nz/norm
+  dy =  sx*nz/norm
+  dz = (sy*nx-ny*sx)/norm
+  !Percy, dz is always dipwards = -1/norm , because (nx*sy-ny*sx)= - 1 
-    R(1,1,:)=sx
-    R(1,2,:)=sy
-    R(1,3,:)=sz
-    R(2,1,:)=dx
-    R(2,2,:)=dy
-    R(2,3,:)=dz
-    R(3,1,:)=nx
-    R(3,2,:)=ny
-    R(3,3,:)=nz
+  R(1,1,:)=sx
+  R(1,2,:)=sy
+  R(1,3,:)=sz
+  R(2,1,:)=dx
+  R(2,2,:)=dy
+  R(2,3,:)=dz
+  R(3,1,:)=nx
+  R(3,2,:)=ny
+  R(3,3,:)=nz
 end subroutine compute_R
@@ -290,184 +293,190 @@
 subroutine BC_KINFLT_set_all(F,Vel,Dis)
- real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL), dimension(:,:), intent(in) :: Vel,Dis
- real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL), dimension(:,:), intent(inout) :: F
+  real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL), dimension(:,:), intent(in) :: Vel,Dis
+  real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL), dimension(:,:), intent(inout) :: F
- integer :: iflt
+  integer :: iflt
- if (.not. allocated(faults)) return
- do iflt=1,size(faults)
-   if (faults(iflt)%nspec>0) call BC_KINFLT_set_single(faults(iflt),F,Vel,Dis,iflt)
- enddo 
+  if (.not. allocated(faults)) return
+  do iflt=1,size(faults)
+    if (faults(iflt)%nspec>0) call BC_KINFLT_set_single(faults(iflt),F,Vel,Dis,iflt)
+  enddo 
 end subroutine BC_KINFLT_set_all
 subroutine BC_KINFLT_set_single(bc,MxA,V,D,iflt) 
- use specfem_par, only:it,NSTEP 
+  use specfem_par, only:it,NSTEP 
- real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL), intent(inout) :: MxA(:,:)
- type(bc_kinflt_type), intent(inout) :: bc
- real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL), intent(in) :: V(:,:),D(:,:)
- integer,intent(in) :: iflt
- integer :: it_kin,itime 
- real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL), dimension(3,bc%nglob) :: T
- real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL), dimension(3,bc%nglob) :: dD,dV,dA,dV_free
- real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL) :: t1,t2
- real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL) :: half_dt,time
+  real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL), intent(inout) :: MxA(:,:)
+  type(bc_kinflt_type), intent(inout) :: bc
+  real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL), intent(in) :: V(:,:),D(:,:)
+  integer,intent(in) :: iflt
+  integer :: it_kin,itime 
+  real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL), dimension(3,bc%nglob) :: T
+  real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL), dimension(3,bc%nglob) :: dD,dV,dA,dV_free
+  real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL) :: t1,t2
+  real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL) :: half_dt,time
- half_dt = 0.5e0_CUSTOM_REAL*bc%dt
+  half_dt = 0.5e0_CUSTOM_REAL*bc%dt
-! get predicted values
- dD = get_jump(bc,D) ! dD_predictor
- dV = get_jump(bc,V) ! dV_predictor
- dA = get_weighted_jump(bc,MxA) ! dA_free
+  ! get predicted values
+  dD = get_jump(bc,D) ! dD_predictor
+  dV = get_jump(bc,V) ! dV_predictor
+  dA = get_weighted_jump(bc,MxA) ! dA_free
+  ! NOTE: In non-split nodes at fault edges, dD=dV=dA=0
-! rotate to fault frame (tangent,normal)
-! component 3 is normal to the fault
- dD = rotate(bc,dD,1)
- dV = rotate(bc,dV,1) 
- dA = rotate(bc,dA,1)   
+  ! rotate to fault frame (tangent,normal)
+  ! component 3 is normal to the fault
+  dD = rotate(bc,dD,1)
+  dV = rotate(bc,dV,1) 
+  dA = rotate(bc,dA,1)   
-! Time marching
- time = it*bc%dt
-! Slip_rate step "it_kin"
- it_kin = bc%kin_it*nint(bc%kin_dt/bc%dt)
-! (nint : fortran round (nearest whole number) , 
-!  if nint(a)=0.5 then "a" get upper bound )
+  ! Time marching
+  time = it*bc%dt
+  ! Slip_rate step "it_kin"
+  it_kin = bc%kin_it*nint(bc%kin_dt/bc%dt)
+  ! (nint : fortran round (nearest whole number) , 
+  !  if nint(a)=0.5 then "a" get upper bound )
-! Loading the next slip_rate one ahead it.
-! This is done in case bc%kin_dt 
-! if (it_kin == it) it_kin=it_kin+1 ! 
+  ! Loading the next slip_rate one ahead it.
+  ! This is done in case bc%kin_dt 
+  ! if (it_kin == it) it_kin=it_kin+1 ! 
-!NOTE : it and it_kin is being used due to integers are exact numbers.
- if (it > it_kin) then
+  !NOTE : it and it_kin is being used due to integers are exact numbers.
+  if (it > it_kin) then
-   print*, 'it :'
-   print*, it
-   print*, 'it_kin'
-   print*, it_kin
+    print*, 'it :'
+    print*, it
+    print*, 'it_kin'
+    print*, it_kin
-   bc%kin_it = bc%kin_it +1
-   bc%v_kin_t1 = bc%v_kin_t2
-   print*, 'loading v_kin_t2'
-   !Temporal : just for snapshots file names kin_dt=0.1 , dt=0.0001 
-   !snapshot(100=itime).. : itime=kin_it*(kin_dt/dt)             
-   itime = bc%kin_it*nint(bc%kin_dt/bc%dt)
-   call load_vslip_snapshots(bc%dataXZ,itime,bc%nglob,iflt)
+    bc%kin_it = bc%kin_it +1
+    bc%v_kin_t1 = bc%v_kin_t2
+    print*, 'loading v_kin_t2'
+    !Temporal : just for snapshots file names kin_dt=0.1 , dt=0.0001 
+    !snapshot(100=itime).. : itime=kin_it*(kin_dt/dt)             
+    itime = bc%kin_it*nint(bc%kin_dt/bc%dt)
+    call load_vslip_snapshots(bc%dataXZ,itime,bc%nglob,iflt)
 !   loading slip rates 
-   bc%v_kin_t2(1,:)=bc%dataXZ%v1
-   bc%v_kin_t2(2,:)=bc%dataXZ%v2
-   !linear interpolation in time between t1 and t2
-   !REMARK , bc%kin_dt is the delta "t" between two snapshots.
- endif
+    bc%v_kin_t2(1,:)=bc%dataXZ%v1
+    bc%v_kin_t2(2,:)=bc%dataXZ%v2
+    !linear interpolation in time between t1 and t2
+    !REMARK , bc%kin_dt is the delta "t" between two snapshots.
-   t1 = (bc%kin_it-1) * bc%kin_dt
-   t2 = bc%kin_it * bc%kin_dt
+  endif
-! Kinematic velocity_rate
-! bc%V : Imposed apriori and read from slip rate snapshots (from time reversal)
-!                linear interpolate between consecutive kinematic time steps.
-!                V will be given each time step.
- bc%V(1,:) = ( (t2 - time)*bc%v_kin_t1(1,:) + (time - t1)*bc%v_kin_t2(1,:) )/ bc%kin_dt
- bc%V(2,:) = ( (t2 - time)*bc%v_kin_t1(2,:) + (time - t1)*bc%v_kin_t2(2,:) )/ bc%kin_dt
+  t1 = (bc%kin_it-1) * bc%kin_dt
+  t2 = bc%kin_it * bc%kin_dt
-!dV_free = dV_predictor + (dt/2)*dA_free 
- dV_free(1,:) = dV(1,:)+half_dt*dA(1,:)
- dV_free(2,:) = dV(2,:)+half_dt*dA(2,:)
- dV_free(3,:) = dV(3,:)+half_dt*dA(3,:)
+  ! Kinematic velocity_rate
+  ! bc%V : Imposed apriori and read from slip rate snapshots (from time reversal)
+  !        Linear interpolation between consecutive kinematic time steps.
+  !        V will be given at each time step.
+  bc%V(1,:) = ( (t2 - time)*bc%v_kin_t1(1,:) + (time - t1)*bc%v_kin_t2(1,:) )/ bc%kin_dt
+  bc%V(2,:) = ( (t2 - time)*bc%v_kin_t1(2,:) + (time - t1)*bc%v_kin_t2(2,:) )/ bc%kin_dt
-! T = Z*( dV_free - V) , V known apriori as input.
-! CONVENTION : T(ibulk1)=T=-T(ibulk2)
- T(1,:) = bc%Z * ( dV_free(1,:) -bc%V(1,:) )
- T(2,:) = bc%Z * ( dV_free(2,:) -bc%V(2,:) )
- T(3,:) = bc%Z * ( dV_free(3,:) )
+  !dV_free = dV_predictor + (dt/2)*dA_free 
+  dV_free(1,:) = dV(1,:) + half_dt*dA(1,:)
+  dV_free(2,:) = dV(2,:) + half_dt*dA(2,:)
+  dV_free(3,:) = dV(3,:) + half_dt*dA(3,:)
-! Save tractions
- bc%T = T
+  ! T = Z*( dV_free - V) , V known apriori as input.
+  ! CONVENTION : T(ibulk1)=T=-T(ibulk2)
+  T(1,:) = bc%Z * ( dV_free(1,:) - bc%V(1,:) )
+  T(2,:) = bc%Z * ( dV_free(2,:) - bc%V(2,:) )
+  T(3,:) = bc%Z * ( dV_free(3,:) )
-! Update slip in fault frame
- bc%D = dD
+  ! Save tractions
+  bc%T = T
+  !NOTE: On non-split nodes at fault edges, bc%T is corrupted (non zero) 
+  !      unless the user makes sure that bc%V=0 there.
-! Rotate tractions back to (x,y,z) frame 
- T = rotate(bc,T,-1)
+  ! Update slip in fault frame
+  bc%D = dD
-! Add boundary term B*T to M*a
- MxA(1,bc%ibulk1) = MxA(1,bc%ibulk1) + bc%B*T(1,:)
- MxA(2,bc%ibulk1) = MxA(2,bc%ibulk1) + bc%B*T(2,:)
- MxA(3,bc%ibulk1) = MxA(3,bc%ibulk1) + bc%B*T(3,:)
+  ! Rotate tractions back to (x,y,z) frame 
+  T = rotate(bc,T,-1)
- MxA(1,bc%ibulk2) = MxA(1,bc%ibulk2) - bc%B*T(1,:)
- MxA(2,bc%ibulk2) = MxA(2,bc%ibulk2) - bc%B*T(2,:)
- MxA(3,bc%ibulk2) = MxA(3,bc%ibulk2) - bc%B*T(3,:)
+  ! Add boundary term B*T to M*a
+  MxA(1,bc%ibulk1) = MxA(1,bc%ibulk1) + bc%B*T(1,:)
+  MxA(2,bc%ibulk1) = MxA(2,bc%ibulk1) + bc%B*T(2,:)
+  MxA(3,bc%ibulk1) = MxA(3,bc%ibulk1) + bc%B*T(3,:)
-!-- intermediate storage of outputs --
- call store_dataT(bc%dataT,bc%D,bc%V,bc%T,it)
+  MxA(1,bc%ibulk2) = MxA(1,bc%ibulk2) - bc%B*T(1,:)
+  MxA(2,bc%ibulk2) = MxA(2,bc%ibulk2) - bc%B*T(2,:)
+  MxA(3,bc%ibulk2) = MxA(3,bc%ibulk2) - bc%B*T(3,:)
+  !NOTE: On non-split nodes at fault edges, the net contribution of B*T is =0 
-!-- OUTPUTS --
-! write dataT every NTOUT time steps or at the end of simulation
- if ( mod(it,NTOUT) == 0 .or. it==NSTEP) call SCEC_write_dataT(bc%dataT,bc%dt,it)
-! write dataXZ every NSNAP time steps
-! if ( mod(it,NSNAP) == 0) call write_dataXZ(bc,it,iflt)
+  !-- intermediate storage of outputs --
+  call store_dataT(bc%dataT,bc%D,bc%V,bc%T,it)
+  !-- OUTPUTS --
+  ! write dataT every NTOUT time steps or at the end of simulation
+  if ( mod(it,NTOUT) == 0 .or. it==NSTEP) call SCEC_write_dataT(bc%dataT,bc%dt,it)
+  ! write dataXZ every NSNAP time steps
+  ! if ( mod(it,NSNAP) == 0) call write_dataXZ(bc,it,iflt)
 end subroutine BC_KINFLT_set_single
 function get_jump(bc,v) result(dv)
- type(bc_kinflt_type), intent(in) :: bc
- real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL), intent(in) :: v(:,:)
- real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL) :: dv(3,bc%nglob)
+  type(bc_kinflt_type), intent(in) :: bc
+  real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL), intent(in) :: v(:,:)
+  real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL) :: dv(3,bc%nglob)
-! diference between side 2 and side 1 of fault nodes. dv
- dv(1,:) = v(1,bc%ibulk2)-v(1,bc%ibulk1)
- dv(2,:) = v(2,bc%ibulk2)-v(2,bc%ibulk1)
- dv(3,:) = v(3,bc%ibulk2)-v(3,bc%ibulk1)
+  ! diference between side 2 and side 1 of fault nodes. dv
+  dv(1,:) = v(1,bc%ibulk2)-v(1,bc%ibulk1)
+  dv(2,:) = v(2,bc%ibulk2)-v(2,bc%ibulk1)
+  dv(3,:) = v(3,bc%ibulk2)-v(3,bc%ibulk1)
 end function get_jump
 function get_weighted_jump(bc,f) result(da)
- type(bc_kinflt_type), intent(in) :: bc
- real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL), intent(in) :: f(:,:)
- real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL) :: da(3,bc%nglob)
+  type(bc_kinflt_type), intent(in) :: bc
+  real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL), intent(in) :: f(:,:)
+  real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL) :: da(3,bc%nglob)
-! diference between side 2 and side 1 of fault nodes. M-1 * F
- da(1,:) = bc%invM2*f(1,bc%ibulk2)-bc%invM1*f(1,bc%ibulk1)
- da(2,:) = bc%invM2*f(2,bc%ibulk2)-bc%invM1*f(2,bc%ibulk1) 
- da(3,:) = bc%invM2*f(3,bc%ibulk2)-bc%invM1*f(3,bc%ibulk1)
+  ! diference between side 2 and side 1 of fault nodes. M-1 * F
+  da(1,:) = bc%invM2*f(1,bc%ibulk2)-bc%invM1*f(1,bc%ibulk1)
+  da(2,:) = bc%invM2*f(2,bc%ibulk2)-bc%invM1*f(2,bc%ibulk1) 
+  da(3,:) = bc%invM2*f(3,bc%ibulk2)-bc%invM1*f(3,bc%ibulk1)
+  ! NOTE: In some fault edge nodes (non-split) Minv and f are assembled across the fault.
+  !       Hence, f1=f2, invM1=invM2=1/(M1+M2) instead of invMi=1/Mi, and da=0.
 end function get_weighted_jump
 function rotate(bc,v,fb) result(vr)
- type(bc_kinflt_type), intent(in) :: bc
- real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL), intent(in) :: v(3,bc%nglob)
- integer, intent(in) :: fb
- real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL) :: vr(3,bc%nglob)
+  type(bc_kinflt_type), intent(in) :: bc
+  real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL), intent(in) :: v(3,bc%nglob)
+  integer, intent(in) :: fb
+  real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL) :: vr(3,bc%nglob)
-! Percy, tangential direction Vt, equation 7 of Pablo's notes in agreement with SPECFEM3D
+   ! Percy, tangential direction Vt, equation 7 of Pablo's notes in agreement with SPECFEM3D
-! forward rotation
- if (fb==1) then
+   ! forward rotation
+  if (fb==1) then
    vr(1,:) = v(1,:)*bc%R(1,1,:)+v(2,:)*bc%R(1,2,:)+v(3,:)*bc%R(1,3,:) ! vs
    vr(2,:) = v(1,:)*bc%R(2,1,:)+v(2,:)*bc%R(2,2,:)+v(3,:)*bc%R(2,3,:) ! vd
    vr(3,:) = v(1,:)*bc%R(3,1,:)+v(2,:)*bc%R(3,2,:)+v(3,:)*bc%R(3,3,:) ! vn
-!  backward rotation
- else
-   vr(1,:) = v(1,:)*bc%R(1,1,:)+v(2,:)*bc%R(2,1,:)+v(3,:)*bc%R(3,1,:)  !vx
-   vr(2,:) = v(1,:)*bc%R(1,2,:)+v(2,:)*bc%R(2,2,:)+v(3,:)*bc%R(3,2,:)  !vy
-   vr(3,:) = v(1,:)*bc%R(1,3,:)+v(2,:)*bc%R(2,3,:)+v(3,:)*bc%R(3,3,:)  !vz
+  !  backward rotation
+  else
+    vr(1,:) = v(1,:)*bc%R(1,1,:)+v(2,:)*bc%R(2,1,:)+v(3,:)*bc%R(3,1,:)  !vx
+    vr(2,:) = v(1,:)*bc%R(1,2,:)+v(2,:)*bc%R(2,2,:)+v(3,:)*bc%R(3,2,:)  !vy
+    vr(3,:) = v(1,:)*bc%R(1,3,:)+v(2,:)*bc%R(2,3,:)+v(3,:)*bc%R(3,3,:)  !vz
- endif
+  endif
 end function rotate
@@ -476,84 +485,84 @@
 subroutine init_dataT(DataT,coord,nglob,NT,iflt)
- ! NT = total number of time steps
+  ! NT = total number of time steps
- integer, intent(in) :: nglob,NT,iflt
- real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL), intent(in) :: coord(3,nglob)
- type (dataT_type), intent(out) :: DataT
+  integer, intent(in) :: nglob,NT,iflt
+  real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL), intent(in) :: coord(3,nglob)
+  type (dataT_type), intent(out) :: DataT
- real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL) :: xtarget,ytarget,ztarget,dist,distkeep
- integer :: i, iglob , IIN, ier, jflt, np, k
- character(len=70) :: tmpname
+  real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL) :: xtarget,ytarget,ztarget,dist,distkeep
+  integer :: i, iglob , IIN, ier, jflt, np, k
+  character(len=70) :: tmpname
-!  1. read fault output coordinates from user file, 
-!  2. define iglob: the fault global index of the node nearest to user
-!     requested coordinate
+  !  1. read fault output coordinates from user file, 
+  !  2. define iglob: the fault global index of the node nearest to user
+  !     requested coordinate
- IIN = 251
- open(IIN,file='DATA/FAULT/FAULT_STATIONS',status='old',action='read',iostat=ier)
- read(IIN,*) np
- DataT%npoin =0
- do i=1,np
-   read(IIN,*) xtarget,ytarget,ztarget,tmpname,jflt
-   if (jflt==iflt) DataT%npoin = DataT%npoin +1
- enddo  
- close(IIN)
+  IIN = 251
+  open(IIN,file='DATA/FAULT/FAULT_STATIONS',status='old',action='read',iostat=ier)
+  read(IIN,*) np
+  DataT%npoin =0
+  do i=1,np
+    read(IIN,*) xtarget,ytarget,ztarget,tmpname,jflt
+    if (jflt==iflt) DataT%npoin = DataT%npoin +1
+  enddo  
+  close(IIN)
- if (DataT%npoin == 0) return
+  if (DataT%npoin == 0) return
- allocate(DataT%iglob(DataT%npoin))
- allocate(DataT%name(DataT%npoin))
+  allocate(DataT%iglob(DataT%npoin))
+  allocate(DataT%name(DataT%npoin))
- open(IIN,file='DATA/FAULT/FAULT_STATIONS',status='old',action='read',iostat=ier)
- if( ier /= 0 ) stop 'error opening FAULT_STATIONS file'
- read(IIN,*) np
- k = 0
- do i=1,np
-   read(IIN,*) xtarget,ytarget,ztarget,tmpname,jflt
-   if (jflt/=iflt) cycle
-   k = k+1
-   DataT%name(k) = tmpname
-  !search nearest node
-   distkeep = huge(distkeep)
+  open(IIN,file='DATA/FAULT/FAULT_STATIONS',status='old',action='read',iostat=ier)
+  if( ier /= 0 ) stop 'error opening FAULT_STATIONS file'
+  read(IIN,*) np
+  k = 0
+  do i=1,np
+    read(IIN,*) xtarget,ytarget,ztarget,tmpname,jflt
+    if (jflt/=iflt) cycle
+    k = k+1
+    DataT%name(k) = tmpname
+   !search nearest node
+    distkeep = huge(distkeep)
-   do iglob=1,nglob
-     dist = sqrt((coord(1,iglob)-xtarget)**2   &
-          + (coord(2,iglob)-ytarget)**2 &
-          + (coord(3,iglob)-ztarget)**2)  
-     if (dist < distkeep) then
-       distkeep = dist
-       DataT%iglob(k) = iglob   
-     endif 
-   enddo
- enddo  
+    do iglob=1,nglob
+      dist = sqrt((coord(1,iglob)-xtarget)**2   &
+           + (coord(2,iglob)-ytarget)**2 &
+           + (coord(3,iglob)-ztarget)**2)  
+      if (dist < distkeep) then
+        distkeep = dist
+        DataT%iglob(k) = iglob   
+      endif 
+    enddo
+  enddo  
-!  3. allocate arrays and set to zero
- allocate(DataT%d1(NT,DataT%npoin))
- allocate(DataT%v1(NT,DataT%npoin))
- allocate(DataT%t1(NT,DataT%npoin))
- allocate(DataT%d2(NT,DataT%npoin))
- allocate(DataT%v2(NT,DataT%npoin))
- allocate(DataT%t2(NT,DataT%npoin))
- allocate(DataT%t3(NT,DataT%npoin))
- DataT%d1 = 0e0_CUSTOM_REAL
- DataT%v1 = 0e0_CUSTOM_REAL
- DataT%t1 = 0e0_CUSTOM_REAL
- DataT%d2 = 0e0_CUSTOM_REAL
- DataT%v2 = 0e0_CUSTOM_REAL
- DataT%t2 = 0e0_CUSTOM_REAL
- DataT%t3 = 0e0_CUSTOM_REAL
+  !  3. allocate arrays and set to zero
+  allocate(DataT%d1(NT,DataT%npoin))
+  allocate(DataT%v1(NT,DataT%npoin))
+  allocate(DataT%t1(NT,DataT%npoin))
+  allocate(DataT%d2(NT,DataT%npoin))
+  allocate(DataT%v2(NT,DataT%npoin))
+  allocate(DataT%t2(NT,DataT%npoin))
+  allocate(DataT%t3(NT,DataT%npoin))
+  DataT%d1 = 0e0_CUSTOM_REAL
+  DataT%v1 = 0e0_CUSTOM_REAL
+  DataT%t1 = 0e0_CUSTOM_REAL
+  DataT%d2 = 0e0_CUSTOM_REAL
+  DataT%v2 = 0e0_CUSTOM_REAL
+  DataT%t2 = 0e0_CUSTOM_REAL
+  DataT%t3 = 0e0_CUSTOM_REAL
- close(IIN)
+  close(IIN)
 end subroutine init_dataT
+  !---------------------------------------------------------------
 subroutine init_dataXZ(dataXZ,nglob)
- type(dataXZ_type), intent(inout) :: dataXZ
- integer, intent(in) :: nglob
+  type(dataXZ_type), intent(inout) :: dataXZ
+  integer, intent(in) :: nglob
@@ -573,22 +582,22 @@
 subroutine store_dataT(dataT,d,v,t,itime)
- type(dataT_type), intent(inout) :: dataT
- real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL), dimension(:,:), intent(in) :: d,v,t
- integer, intent(in) :: itime
+  type(dataT_type), intent(inout) :: dataT
+  real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL), dimension(:,:), intent(in) :: d,v,t
+  integer, intent(in) :: itime
- integer :: i,k
+  integer :: i,k
- do i=1,dataT%npoin
-   k = dataT%iglob(i)
-   dataT%d1(itime,i) = d(1,k)
-   dataT%d2(itime,i) = d(2,k)
-   dataT%v1(itime,i) = v(1,k)
-   dataT%v2(itime,i) = v(2,k)
-   dataT%t1(itime,i) = t(1,k)
-   dataT%t2(itime,i) = t(2,k)
-   dataT%t3(itime,i) = t(3,k)
- enddo
+  do i=1,dataT%npoin
+    k = dataT%iglob(i)
+    dataT%d1(itime,i) = d(1,k)
+    dataT%d2(itime,i) = d(2,k)
+    dataT%v1(itime,i) = v(1,k)
+    dataT%v2(itime,i) = v(2,k)
+    dataT%t1(itime,i) = t(1,k)
+    dataT%t2(itime,i) = t(2,k)
+    dataT%t3(itime,i) = t(3,k)
+  enddo
 end subroutine store_dataT
@@ -597,47 +606,47 @@
 subroutine SCEC_write_dataT(dataT,DT,NT)
- type(dataT_type), intent(in) :: dataT
- real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL), intent(in) :: DT
- integer, intent(in) :: NT
+  type(dataT_type), intent(in) :: dataT
+  real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL), intent(in) :: DT
+  integer, intent(in) :: NT
- integer   :: i,k,IOUT
+  integer   :: i,k,IOUT
- IOUT = 121 !WARNING: not very robust. Could instead look for an available ID
+  IOUT = 121 !WARNING: not very robust. Could instead look for an available ID
-do i=1,dataT%npoin
+  do i=1,dataT%npoin
-     open(IOUT,file='OUTPUT_FILES/'//trim(dataT%name(i))//'.dat',status='replace')
-     write(IOUT,*) "% problem=TPV5"
-     write(IOUT,*) "% author=Galvez, Ampuero, Nissen-Meyer"
-     write(IOUT,*) "% date=2010/xx/xx"
-     write(IOUT,*) "% code=SPECFEM3D_FAULT "
-     write(IOUT,*) "% code_version=1.1"
-     write(IOUT,*) "% element_size=100 m  (*4 GLL nodes)"
-     write(IOUT,*) "% time_step=",DT
-     write(IOUT,*) "% num_time_steps=",NT
-     write(IOUT,*) "% location=",trim(dataT%name(i))
-     write(IOUT,*) "% Time series in 8 column of E15.7"
-     write(IOUT,*) "% Column #1 = Time (s)"
-     write(IOUT,*) "% Column #2 = horizontal right-lateral slip (m)"
-     write(IOUT,*) "% Column #3 = horizontal right-lateral slip rate (m/s)"
-     write(IOUT,*) "% Column #4 = horizontal right-lateral shear stress (MPa)"
-     write(IOUT,*) "% Column #5 = vertical up-dip slip (m)"
-     write(IOUT,*) "% Column #6 = vertical up-dip slip rate (m/s)"
-     write(IOUT,*) "% Column #7 = vertical up-dip shear stress (MPa)"
-     write(IOUT,*) "% Column #8 = normal stress (MPa)"
-     write(IOUT,*) "%"
-     write(IOUT,*) "% The line below lists the names of the data fields:"
-     write(IOUT,*) "%t  h-slip  h-slip-rate  h-shear-stress v-slip v-slip-rate v-shear-stress n-stress"
-     write(IOUT,*) "%"
-     write(IOUT,*) "% Here is the time-series data."
-     do k=1,NT
-       write(IOUT,'(8(E15.7))') k*DT, dataT%d1(k,i), dataT%v1(k,i), dataT%t1(k,i)/1.0e6_CUSTOM_REAL, &
-                                        dataT%d2(k,i), dataT%v2(k,i), dataT%t2(k,i)/1.0e6_CUSTOM_REAL, &
-                                        dataT%t3(k,i)/1.0e6_CUSTOM_REAL
-     enddo
-     close(IOUT)
- enddo
+    open(IOUT,file='OUTPUT_FILES/'//trim(dataT%name(i))//'.dat',status='replace')
+    write(IOUT,*) "% problem=TPV5"
+    write(IOUT,*) "% author=Galvez, Ampuero, Nissen-Meyer"
+    write(IOUT,*) "% date=2010/xx/xx"
+    write(IOUT,*) "% code=SPECFEM3D_FAULT "
+    write(IOUT,*) "% code_version=1.1"
+    write(IOUT,*) "% element_size=100 m  (*4 GLL nodes)"
+    write(IOUT,*) "% time_step=",DT
+    write(IOUT,*) "% num_time_steps=",NT
+    write(IOUT,*) "% location=",trim(dataT%name(i))
+    write(IOUT,*) "% Time series in 8 column of E15.7"
+    write(IOUT,*) "% Column #1 = Time (s)"
+    write(IOUT,*) "% Column #2 = horizontal right-lateral slip (m)"
+    write(IOUT,*) "% Column #3 = horizontal right-lateral slip rate (m/s)"
+    write(IOUT,*) "% Column #4 = horizontal right-lateral shear stress (MPa)"
+    write(IOUT,*) "% Column #5 = vertical up-dip slip (m)"
+    write(IOUT,*) "% Column #6 = vertical up-dip slip rate (m/s)"
+    write(IOUT,*) "% Column #7 = vertical up-dip shear stress (MPa)"
+    write(IOUT,*) "% Column #8 = normal stress (MPa)"
+    write(IOUT,*) "%"
+    write(IOUT,*) "% The line below lists the names of the data fields:"
+    write(IOUT,*) "%t  h-slip  h-slip-rate  h-shear-stress v-slip v-slip-rate v-shear-stress n-stress"
+    write(IOUT,*) "%"
+    write(IOUT,*) "% Here is the time-series data."
+    do k=1,NT
+      write(IOUT,'(8(E15.7))') k*DT, dataT%d1(k,i), dataT%v1(k,i), dataT%t1(k,i)/1.0e6_CUSTOM_REAL, &
+                               dataT%d2(k,i), dataT%v2(k,i), dataT%t2(k,i)/1.0e6_CUSTOM_REAL, &
+                               dataT%t3(k,i)/1.0e6_CUSTOM_REAL
+    enddo
+    close(IOUT)
+  enddo
 end subroutine SCEC_write_dataT
@@ -668,8 +677,8 @@
   print*, trim(filename)
   open(unit=IIN_BIN, file= trim(filename), status='old', form='formatted',&
-        action='read',iostat=ier)
+       action='read',iostat=ier)
 !  open(unit=IIN_BIN, file= trim(filename), status='old', form='unformatted',&
 !        action='read',iostat=ier)
 !  if( ier /= 0 ) stop 'Snapshots have been found'

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