[cig-commits] [commit] : More cutting. (c42dd9b)

cig_noreply at geodynamics.org cig_noreply at geodynamics.org
Thu Nov 14 20:15:39 PST 2013

Repository : ssh://geoshell/specfem3d

On branch  : 
Link       : https://github.com/geodynamics/specfem2d/compare/1e201257d91c794056b990a43329e05d04f77454...0000000000000000000000000000000000000000


commit c42dd9bfb00035f1fada83cd25ab096c07bb8f39
Author: Leif Strand <leif at geodynamics.org>
Date:   Mon Oct 23 23:32:03 2006 +0000

    More cutting.


 DATA/util/cmt/cmt.h                                |  60 ------
 DATA/util/cmt/cmt_frechet.csh                      |  61 ------
 DATA/util/cmt/cmt_frechet1.csh                     |  25 ---
 DATA/util/cmt/cmt_frechet2.csh                     |  25 ---
 DATA/util/cmt/go_solver_cmt                        |  47 -----
 DATA/util/cmt/make_cmtsolution_files.f90           | 227 ---------------------
 DATA/util/readme_LA_HR_and_MR_vo.txt               |  26 ---
 .../convert_all_sac_ascii.csh                      |  15 --
 .../convert_files_sacalpha_ascii.f90               |  51 -----
 .../create_gnuplot_script_modif.csh                |  13 --
 .../script_filter_sac_all.csh                      |  21 --
 DATA/util/stations_hiroo/station_list_hiroo.TK     | 205 -------------------
 DATA/util/stations_hiroo/stations_script_qinya.pl  |  23 ---
 13 files changed, 799 deletions(-)

diff --git a/DATA/util/cmt/cmt.h b/DATA/util/cmt/cmt.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 3a67334..0000000
--- a/DATA/util/cmt/cmt.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,60 +0,0 @@
-!          S p e c f e m 3 D  B a s i n  V e r s i o n  1 . 2
-!          --------------------------------------------------
-!                 Dimitri Komatitsch and Jeroen Tromp
-!    Seismological Laboratory - California Institute of Technology
-!         (c) California Institute of Technology July 2004
-!    A signed non-commercial agreement is required to use this program.
-!   Please check http://www.gps.caltech.edu/research/jtromp for details.
-!           Free for non-commercial academic research ONLY.
-!      This program is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY whatsoever.
-!      Do not redistribute this program without written permission.
-  double precision, parameter :: PI = 3.141592653589793d0
-! small perturbation in distance (degrees)
-! (0.0025 degrees corresponds to roughly 250 meters)
-  double precision, parameter :: DDELTA = 0.0025
-! small perturbation in depth (km)
-  double precision, parameter :: DDEPTH = 1.0
-! basic scalar moment
-  double precision, parameter :: MOMENT = 1.0e+22
-! maximum record length
-  integer, parameter :: NDATAMAX = 25000
-! maximum number of records
-  integer, parameter :: NRECORDSMAX = 250
-! number of inversion parameters:
-! 6 for moment tensor only,
-! 7 for moment tensor plus centroid time,
-! 9 for moment tensor plus location,
-! 10 for moment tensor plus location and centroid time,
-  integer, parameter :: NPAR = 7
-! weigh the data in the inversion using a NOISE_WINDOW before P
-  logical, parameter :: WEIGHTING = .false.
-! length of noise window before P in seconds if WEIGHTING is set to true
-  double precision, parameter :: NOISE_WINDOW = 10.
-! select data
-  logical, parameter :: SELECT_DATA = .false.
-! show the fit to the data before inversion (after offset removal)
-  logical, parameter :: GRAPHICS = .true.
-! rotate to get transverse and radial components
-  logical, parameter :: ROTATE = .true.
-! inversion for a zero-trace moment tensor
-  logical, parameter :: ZERO_TRACE_INVERSION = .true.
diff --git a/DATA/util/cmt/cmt_frechet.csh b/DATA/util/cmt/cmt_frechet.csh
deleted file mode 100755
index 0e72973..0000000
--- a/DATA/util/cmt/cmt_frechet.csh
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,61 +0,0 @@
-sleep 1
-make clean
-sleep 1
-make meshfem3D
-sleep 160
-sleep 5
-make clean
-sleep 2
-make specfem3D
-# save the CMTSOLUTION and the STATIONS file
-# calculate synthetics
-sleep 180
-# collect the synthetics
-collect_seismos < ../collect_seismos.in
-foreach file (*.semd)
-  set shortfile = `basename $file .semd `
-  mv $file ${shortfile}
-cd ..
-# make the CMTSOLUTION files needed for the calculation of Frechet derivatives
-cd DATA
-# backup the CMTSOLUTION file
-cd ..
-foreach extension (Mrr Mtt Mpp Mrt Mrp Mtp depth latitude longitude)
-# setup the calculation for the Frechet derivative with respect to ${extension}
-sleep 180
-collect_seismos < ../collect_seismos.in
-foreach file (*.semd)
-  set shortfile = `basename $file .semd `
-  mv $file ${shortfile}.${extension}
-cd ..
-# put the backup CMTSOLUTION file back
diff --git a/DATA/util/cmt/cmt_frechet1.csh b/DATA/util/cmt/cmt_frechet1.csh
deleted file mode 100755
index 42201ea..0000000
--- a/DATA/util/cmt/cmt_frechet1.csh
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
-foreach extension (Mpp Mrt Mrp Mtp depth latitude longitude)
-# setup the calculation for the Frechet derivative with respect to ${extension}
-sleep 180
-collect_seismos < ../collect_seismos.in
-foreach file (*.semd)
-  set shortfile = `basename $file .semd `
-  mv $file ${shortfile}.${extension}
-cd ..
-# put the backup CMTSOLUTION file back
diff --git a/DATA/util/cmt/cmt_frechet2.csh b/DATA/util/cmt/cmt_frechet2.csh
deleted file mode 100755
index 871ff48..0000000
--- a/DATA/util/cmt/cmt_frechet2.csh
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
-foreach extension (Mrt Mrp Mtp)
-# setup the calculation for the Frechet derivative with respect to ${extension}
-sleep 180
-collect_seismos < ../collect_seismos.in
-foreach file (*.semd)
-  set shortfile = `basename $file .semd `
-  mv $file ${shortfile}.${extension}
-cd ..
-# put the backup CMTSOLUTION file back
diff --git a/DATA/util/cmt/go_solver_cmt b/DATA/util/cmt/go_solver_cmt
deleted file mode 100755
index 39cee48..0000000
--- a/DATA/util/cmt/go_solver_cmt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,47 +0,0 @@
-# script to run the solver
-# name of the file that contains the list of machines
-set list_of_machines = `grep MACHINE_FILE DATA/Par_file | cut -c 27- `
-set my_local_path = `grep LOCAL_PATH DATA/Par_file | cut -c 27- `
-# read DATA/Par_file to get total number of processors needed
-set NPROC_XI = `grep NPROC_XI DATA/Par_file | cut -c 27- `
-set NPROC_ETA = `grep NPROC_ETA DATA/Par_file | cut -c 27- `
-# total number of processors is product of values read
-@ numprocessors = $NPROC_XI * $NPROC_ETA
-rm -f sources error*txt starttimeloop* timestamp* PI* RECORDHEADERS
-if ( -f $list_of_machines ) then
-  echo " "
-  echo using machine file \"$list_of_machines\"
-  echo " "
-  echo list of active machines:
-  echo " "
-  cat $list_of_machines
-  echo " "
-echo " "
-echo starting MPI solver on $numprocessors processors
-echo " "
-echo starting run in current directory $PWD
-echo " "
-echo mesh files will be read from directory $my_local_path
-echo " "
-#### use this on Beowulf
-mpirun -nolocal -machinefile $list_of_machines -np $numprocessors $PWD/xspecfem3D
-#### use this on SGI
-# mpirun -np $numprocessors xspecfem3D
-#### use this on Compaq Dec Alpha
-# dmpirun -np $numprocessors xspecfem3D
diff --git a/DATA/util/cmt/make_cmtsolution_files.f90 b/DATA/util/cmt/make_cmtsolution_files.f90
deleted file mode 100644
index 0178347..0000000
--- a/DATA/util/cmt/make_cmtsolution_files.f90
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,227 +0,0 @@
-!          S p e c f e m 3 D  B a s i n  V e r s i o n  1 . 2
-!          --------------------------------------------------
-!                 Dimitri Komatitsch and Jeroen Tromp
-!    Seismological Laboratory - California Institute of Technology
-!         (c) California Institute of Technology July 2004
-!    A signed non-commercial agreement is required to use this program.
-!   Please check http://www.gps.caltech.edu/research/jtromp for details.
-!           Free for non-commercial academic research ONLY.
-!      This program is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY whatsoever.
-!      Do not redistribute this program without written permission.
-  program make_cmts
-! Jeroen Tromp, July 2001
-  implicit none
-  include "cmt.h"
-  integer yr,jda,ho,mi
-  double precision sec,t_cmt,hdur,lat,long,depth
-  double precision moment_tensor(6)
-  character(len=150) cmt_file
-  integer iu,i,ios,lstr,mo,da,julian_day
-  double precision mb,ms
-  double precision latp,longp
-  character(len=24) reg
-  character(len=5) datasource
-  character(len=150) string
-  open(unit=1,file='CMTSOLUTION',iostat=ios,status='old')
-  if(ios /= 0) stop 'error opening CMT file '
-  open(unit=2,file='CMTSOLUTION_latitude',iostat=ios,status='unknown')
-  open(unit=3,file='CMTSOLUTION_longitude',iostat=ios,status='unknown')
-  open(unit=4,file='CMTSOLUTION_depth',iostat=ios,status='unknown')
-  open(unit=5,file='CMTSOLUTION_Mrr',iostat=ios,status='unknown')
-  open(unit=6,file='CMTSOLUTION_Mtt',iostat=ios,status='unknown')
-  open(unit=7,file='CMTSOLUTION_Mpp',iostat=ios,status='unknown')
-  open(unit=8,file='CMTSOLUTION_Mrt',iostat=ios,status='unknown')
-  open(unit=9,file='CMTSOLUTION_Mrp',iostat=ios,status='unknown')
-  open(unit=10,file='CMTSOLUTION_Mtp',iostat=ios,status='unknown')
-  read(1,"(a4,i5,i3,i3,i3,i3,f6.2,f9.4,f10.4,f6.1,f4.1,f4.1,1x,a)") &
-           datasource,yr,mo,da,ho,mi,sec,lat,long,depth,mb,ms,reg
-  do iu=2,10
-    write(iu,"(a3,i5,i3,i3,i3,i3,f6.2,f9.4,f10.4,f6.1,f4.1,f4.1,1x,a)") &
-             datasource,yr,mo,da,ho,mi,sec,lat,long,depth,mb,ms,reg
-  enddo
-  jda=julian_day(yr,mo,da)
-  ios=0
-  do while(ios == 0)
-    read(1,"(a)",iostat=ios) string
-    if(ios == 0) then
-      lstr=len_trim(string)
-      if(string(1:10) == 'event name') then
-        do iu=2,10
-          write(iu,"(a)") string(1:lstr)
-        enddo
-      else if(string(1:10) == 'time shift') then
-        read(string(12:lstr),*) t_cmt
-        do iu=2,10
-          write(iu,"(a)") string(1:lstr)
-        enddo
-      else if(string(1:13) == 'half duration') then
-        read(string(15:lstr),*) hdur
-        do iu=2,10
-          write(iu,"(a)") string(1:lstr)
-        enddo
-      else if(string(1:8) == 'latitude') then
-        read(string(10:lstr),*) lat
-        latp = lat + DDELTA
-        if(latp > 90.0) latp = 180.0 - latp
-        write(2,"(a9,5x,f9.4)") string(1:9),latp
-        do iu=3,10
-          write(iu,"(a)") string(1:lstr)
-        enddo
-      else if(string(1:9) == 'longitude') then
-        read(string(11:lstr),*) long
-        write(2,"(a)") string(1:lstr)
-        longp = long + DDELTA
-        if(longp > 180.0) longp = longp - 360.0
-        write(3,"(a10,4x,f9.4)") string(1:10),longp
-        do iu=4,10
-          write(iu,"(a)") string(1:lstr)
-        enddo
-      else if(string(1:5) == 'depth') then
-        read(string(7:lstr),*) depth
-        write(2,"(a)") string(1:lstr)
-        write(3,"(a)") string(1:lstr)
-        write(4,"(a6,8x,f9.4)") string(1:6),depth+DDEPTH
-        do iu=5,10
-          write(iu,"(a)") string(1:lstr)
-        enddo
-      else if(string(1:3) == 'Mrr') then
-        read(string(5:lstr),*) moment_tensor(1)
-        do iu=2,4
-          write(iu,"(a)") string(1:lstr)
-        enddo
-        write(5,"(a4,4x,e15.6)") string(1:4),MOMENT
-        write(6,"(a4,4x,e15.6)") string(1:4),0.0
-        write(7,"(a4,4x,e15.6)") string(1:4),0.0
-        write(8,"(a4,4x,e15.6)") string(1:4),0.0
-        write(9,"(a4,4x,e15.6)") string(1:4),0.0
-        write(10,"(a4,4x,e15.6)") string(1:4),0.0
-      else if(string(1:3) == 'Mtt') then
-        read(string(5:lstr),*) moment_tensor(2)
-        do iu=2,4
-          write(iu,"(a)") string(1:lstr)
-        enddo
-        write(5,"(a4,4x,e15.6)") string(1:4),0.0
-        write(6,"(a4,4x,e15.6)") string(1:4),MOMENT
-        write(7,"(a4,4x,e15.6)") string(1:4),0.0
-        write(8,"(a4,4x,e15.6)") string(1:4),0.0
-        write(9,"(a4,4x,e15.6)") string(1:4),0.0
-        write(10,"(a4,4x,e15.6)") string(1:4),0.0
-      else if(string(1:3) == 'Mpp') then
-        read(string(5:lstr),*) moment_tensor(3)
-        do iu=2,4
-          write(iu,"(a)") string(1:lstr)
-        enddo
-        write(5,"(a4,4x,e15.6)") string(1:4),0.0
-        write(6,"(a4,4x,e15.6)") string(1:4),0.0
-        write(7,"(a4,4x,e15.6)") string(1:4),MOMENT
-        write(8,"(a4,4x,e15.6)") string(1:4),0.0
-        write(9,"(a4,4x,e15.6)") string(1:4),0.0
-        write(10,"(a4,4x,e15.6)") string(1:4),0.0
-      else if(string(1:3) == 'Mrt') then
-        read(string(5:lstr),*) moment_tensor(4)
-        do iu=2,4
-          write(iu,"(a)") string(1:lstr)
-        enddo
-        write(5,"(a4,4x,e15.6)") string(1:4),0.0
-        write(6,"(a4,4x,e15.6)") string(1:4),0.0
-        write(7,"(a4,4x,e15.6)") string(1:4),0.0
-        write(8,"(a4,4x,e15.6)") string(1:4),MOMENT
-        write(9,"(a4,4x,e15.6)") string(1:4),0.0
-        write(10,"(a4,4x,e15.6)") string(1:4),0.0
-      else if(string(1:3) == 'Mrp') then
-        read(string(5:lstr),*) moment_tensor(5)
-        do iu=2,4
-          write(iu,"(a)") string(1:lstr)
-        enddo
-        write(5,"(a4,4x,e15.6)") string(1:4),0.0
-        write(6,"(a4,4x,e15.6)") string(1:4),0.0
-        write(7,"(a4,4x,e15.6)") string(1:4),0.0
-        write(8,"(a4,4x,e15.6)") string(1:4),0.0
-        write(9,"(a4,4x,e15.6)") string(1:4),MOMENT
-        write(10,"(a4,4x,e15.6)") string(1:4),0.0
-      else if(string(1:3) == 'Mtp') then
-        read(string(5:lstr),*) moment_tensor(6)
-        do iu=2,4
-          write(iu,"(a)") string(1:lstr)
-        enddo
-        write(5,"(a4,4x,e15.6)") string(1:4),0.0
-        write(6,"(a4,4x,e15.6)") string(1:4),0.0
-        write(7,"(a4,4x,e15.6)") string(1:4),0.0
-        write(8,"(a4,4x,e15.6)") string(1:4),0.0
-        write(9,"(a4,4x,e15.6)") string(1:4),0.0
-        write(10,"(a4,4x,e15.6)") string(1:4),MOMENT
-      endif
-    endif
-  enddo
-  close(1)
-  close(2)
-  close(3)
-  close(4)
-  close(5)
-  close(6)
-  close(7)
-  close(8)
-  close(9)
-  close(10)
-  end program make_cmts
-! -------------------------------------------------------
-  integer function julian_day(yr,mo,da)
-  integer yr,mo,da
-  integer mon(12)
-  integer lpyr
-  data mon /0,31,59,90,120,151,181,212,243,273,304,334/
-  julian_day=da+mon(mo)
-  if(mo>2) julian_day=julian_day+lpyr(yr)
-  end function julian_day
-! -------------------------------------------------------
-  integer function lpyr(yr)
-  integer yr
-!---- returns 1 if yr is a leap year
-  lpyr=0
-  if(mod(yr,400) == 0) then
-    lpyr=1
-  else if(mod(yr,4) == 0) then
-    lpyr=1
-    if(mod(yr,100) == 0) then
-      lpyr=0
-    endif
-  endif
-  end function lpyr
diff --git a/DATA/util/readme_LA_HR_and_MR_vo.txt b/DATA/util/readme_LA_HR_and_MR_vo.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 7c61a96..0000000
--- a/DATA/util/readme_LA_HR_and_MR_vo.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,26 +0,0 @@
-High-res model:
-AXIS_O 371052.25 3774000 400 
-AXIS_U 46000 0 0 
-AXIS_V 0 -48750 0 
-AXIS_W 0 0 -9900 
-AXIS_MIN 0 0 0 
-AXIS_MAX 1 1 1 
-AXIS_N 185 196 100 
-AXIS_NAME " axis-1" " axis-2" " axis-3" 
-Medium-res model:
-AXIS_O 283000 3655000 -15000 
-AXIS_U 193000 0 0 
-AXIS_V 0 195000 0 
-AXIS_W 0 0 19800 
-AXIS_MIN 0 0 0 
-AXIS_MAX 1 1 1 
-AXIS_N 194 196 100 
-AXIS_NAME " axis-1" " axis-2" " axis-3" 
diff --git a/DATA/util/sac2000_alpha_convert/convert_all_sac_ascii.csh b/DATA/util/sac2000_alpha_convert/convert_all_sac_ascii.csh
deleted file mode 100644
index 9c14838..0000000
--- a/DATA/util/sac2000_alpha_convert/convert_all_sac_ascii.csh
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,15 +0,0 @@
-#!/bin/csh -f
-# DK DK filter and convert Northridge data to velocity in SAC
-# DK DK read sac ALPHA (ascii) format as input
-rm -r xconv
-ifort -o xconv convert_files_sacalpha_ascii.f90
-foreach file ($*)
-  echo $file
-  set newfile = `basename $file .dataa_ascii.sac.veloc`
-  ./xconv < ${file} > ${newfile}.datav
diff --git a/DATA/util/sac2000_alpha_convert/convert_files_sacalpha_ascii.f90 b/DATA/util/sac2000_alpha_convert/convert_files_sacalpha_ascii.f90
deleted file mode 100644
index 326a317..0000000
--- a/DATA/util/sac2000_alpha_convert/convert_files_sacalpha_ascii.f90
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,51 +0,0 @@
-  program sac_convert
-!! DK DK convert sac2000 ALPHA files to regular ASCII (e.g. for Gnuplot)
-  implicit none
-  integer it,nstep,istep
-  double precision dt,t0,val1,val2,val3,val4,val5
-  double precision dummy1,dummy2,dummy3,dummy4
-! read header, ignore the rest of the lines
-  read(5,*) dt
-  read(5,*) t0
-  do it=1,13
-    read(5,*)
-  enddo
-  read(5,*) dummy1,dummy2,dummy3,dummy4,nstep
-  do it=1,14
-    read(5,*)
-  enddo
-!! DK DK in sac2000 ALPHA format, there are 5 ASCII values per line
-  it = 0
-  do istep = 1,nstep/5
-    read(5,*) val1,val2,val3,val4,val5
-    it = it + 1
-    write(*,*) sngl(t0 + (it-1)*dt),sngl(val1)
-    it = it + 1
-    write(*,*) sngl(t0 + (it-1)*dt),sngl(val2)
-    it = it + 1
-    write(*,*) sngl(t0 + (it-1)*dt),sngl(val3)
-    it = it + 1
-    write(*,*) sngl(t0 + (it-1)*dt),sngl(val4)
-    it = it + 1
-    write(*,*) sngl(t0 + (it-1)*dt),sngl(val5)
-  enddo
-  end program sac_convert
diff --git a/DATA/util/sac2000_alpha_convert/create_gnuplot_script_modif.csh b/DATA/util/sac2000_alpha_convert/create_gnuplot_script_modif.csh
deleted file mode 100644
index 8d8d0e4..0000000
--- a/DATA/util/sac2000_alpha_convert/create_gnuplot_script_modif.csh
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
-echo "set term x11"
-echo "#set xrange [0:1400]"
-foreach file ($*)
-set newfile = `basename $file .DW.BHE.dataa_ascii.sac.veloc.ascii`
-echo "plot '$file' w l 1, '$newfile.DW.BHN.dataa_ascii.sac.veloc.ascii' w l 3, '$newfile.DW.BHZ.dataa_ascii.sac.veloc.ascii' w l 4"
-echo 'pause -1 "hit key"'
diff --git a/DATA/util/sac2000_alpha_convert/script_filter_sac_all.csh b/DATA/util/sac2000_alpha_convert/script_filter_sac_all.csh
deleted file mode 100644
index 8020bb7..0000000
--- a/DATA/util/sac2000_alpha_convert/script_filter_sac_all.csh
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,21 +0,0 @@
-#!/bin/csh -f
-# DK DK filter and convert Northridge data to velocity in SAC
-# DK DK read sac ALPHA (ascii) format as input
-foreach file ($*)
-        echo $file
-        sac2000 << FIN 
-qdp off
-read alpha ${file}
-bandpass butter corners 0.1 1.0 npoles 4 passes 2
-write alpha ${file}.veloc
diff --git a/DATA/util/stations_hiroo/station_list_hiroo.TK b/DATA/util/stations_hiroo/station_list_hiroo.TK
deleted file mode 100644
index c2a6f11..0000000
--- a/DATA/util/stations_hiroo/station_list_hiroo.TK
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,205 +0,0 @@
-gsc  WWSS  35.30176 -116.80572   954.     GOLDSTONE, CALIFORNIA, USA
-isa  CIT   35.66278 -118.47403   817.     ISABELLA, CALIFORNIA, USA 
-pas  CIT   34.14844 -118.17113   257.     PASADENA, CALTECH
-pfo  IDA   33.61151 -116.45935  1245.     PINON FLAT, CALIFORNIA
-sbc  TERR  34.44076 -119.71492    61.     Santa Barbara
-svd  TERR  34.10675 -117.09825   574.     Seven Oaks Dam
-cala TERR  34.14010 -118.62839   276.     Calabasas
-calb TERR  34.14010 -118.62839   276.     Calabasas
-smtc TERR  32.94892 -115.72031     3.     Superstition Moumtain 
-bar  CIT   32.68005 -116.67215   496.     Barrett
-mla  TERR  37.63014 -118.83611  2134.     Mammoth Lakes
-mlac TERR  37.63014 -118.83611  2134.     Mammoth Lakes
-sncc TERR  33.24800 -119.52400   227.     San Nikolas Is.
-usc  TERR  34.01916 -118.28597    17.     U. S. California
-nee  TERR  34.82482 -114.59942   139.     Needles
-vtv  TERR  34.56058 -117.32961   812.     Victorville
-rpv  TERR  33.74329 -118.40426    64.     Rancho Palos Verdes
-dgr  TERR  33.64996 -117.00948   609.     Domenigoni Valley
-cwc  TERR  36.43998 -118.08016  1553.     Cottonwood Creek
-hvo  TERR  19.4228  -155.2907   1240.     Hawaii  
-gla  TERR  33.05107 -114.82770   514.     Glamis
-osi  TERR  34.61450 -118.72350   706.     Osito Canyon
-gpo  TERR  35.6494  -117.6619    735.     China Lake
-sot  TRI   34.4165  -118.4493    439.     L. A. county
-lkl  TRI   34.61600 -117.82440   814.     Lancaster
-mwc  TRI   34.22368 -118.05287  1696.     Mt. Wilson
-sho  TRI   35.8995  -116.2757    373.     Shoshone
-sbpx TRI   34.23217 -117.23483  1875.     Strawberry Peak
-mtp  TRI   35.4848  -115.5533   1582.     Mountain Pass
-fur  TRI   36.46720 -116.8635    -24.     Furnace Creek
-bkr  TRI   35.2693  -116.0703    305.     Baker
-coo  TRI   33.89604 -118.21639    -1.     Compton
-rvr  TRI   33.9935  -117.3755    232.     Riverside
-jrc  TRI   35.9823  -117.8076   1482.     Joshua Ridge
-pls  TRI   33.7953  -117.60906  1181.     Pleasant Microwave
-tin  TRI   37.05422 -118.23009  1164.     Tinemaha
-cpp  TRI   34.0602  -117.809     235.     Cal state Pomona
-edw  TRI   34.88303 -117.99106   762.     Edwards
-tab  TRI   34.38245 -117.68191  2250.     Table Mtn.
-ta2  TRI   34.38245 -117.68191  2250.     Table Mtn.
-fpc  TRI   35.0820  -117.5827    883.     Boron Federal Prison Camp
-plm  TRI   33.3537  -116.8627   1660.     Palomar
-sms  TRI   34.01467 -118.45617    53.     Santa Monica Fire Station
-ciu  TRI   33.44577 -118.4830    233.     Catalina Is.
-phl  UCSC  35.4077  -120.54562   360.     Parkhill (UCSC Station)
-hec  TRI   34.8294  -116.3350    959.     Hector
-sws  TRI   32.94080 -115.79580   134.     Sam Stuart
-bc3  TRI   33.65484 -115.45309  1080.     Big Chuckwalla Mt.
-btp  TRI   34.68333 -118.57500  1600.     Burnt pk.
-vcs  TRI   34.48330 -118.11675   991.     Vincent 
-tov  TERR  34.156   -118.82021   332.     Thousand Oaks
-sci  TRI   32.98000 -118.54670   219.     San Clemente Is.
-clc  TRI   35.8158  -117.5975    735.     China Lake
-lug  TRI   34.3661  -117.3658   1140.     Lugo
-dev  TRI   33.9350  -116.5770    332.     Devers 
-mls  TRI   34.0046  -117.5609    229.     Mira Loma Substation
-gr2  TRI   34.1183  -118.2994    346.     Griffith Park
-rus  TRI   34.0505  -118.0799     67.     Rush
-lrl  TRI   35.4794  -117.6821   1315.     Laurel Mountain
-mpm  TRI   36.0580  -117.4890   1853.     Manuel Prospect Mine 
-cia  TRI   33.4018  -118.4137    425.     Catalina Is. Airport 
-jcs  TRI   33.0875  -116.5965   1259.     Julian, Camp Stevens
-dan  TRI   34.6371  -115.3805    398.     Danby
-drc  TRI   32.8054  -115.44654    15.     Desert Research Center
-djj  TRI   34.1058  -118.4538    245.     Donna Jones Jenkins
-thx  TRI   33.63481 -116.16402   -14.     Thermal Airport
-chf  TRI   34.3334  -118.0259   1567.     Chilao Flats 
-sla  TRI   35.89082 -117.28335  1190.     Slate Mountain 
-scz  TRI   33.99550 -119.63531   413.     Santa Cruz Is.
-btc  TRI   33.01255 -115.21993    37.     Brunts Corner 
-sdd  TRI   33.55307 -117.66177    91.     Saddleback College
-mtl  TRI   34.2688  -118.2374    471.     Mount Lukens
-sts  TRI   33.7902  -118.1985      3.     State St.
-sal  TRI   33.27989 -115.98617    12.     Salton City 
-plc  TRI   33.82434 -116.51209   126.     Palm Springs City Hall 
-lgu  TRI   34.10819 -119.06587   381.     Laguna Peak 
-bak  TRI   35.34413 -119.10430   113.     Cal State Bakersfield 
-gor  TRI   33.16    -117.23       76.     Green Oak Ranch 
-mis  TRI   33.740   -118.335              Mira Catalina School 
-msj  TRI   33.8084  -116.9680    500.     Mt. San Jacinto campus
-wns  TRI   34.115   -118.380     278.     Wonderland Avenue School 
-mop  TRI   34.28085 -118.9049    142.     Moorpark SCE Station
-pde  TRI   34.44209 -118.58228   328.     Pardee SCE Station
-spg  TRI   36.1356  -118.8112    309.     Springville 
-alp  TRI   34.68708 -118.29946   754.     Antelope 
-rct  TRI   36.30523 -119.24384   107.     Rector 
-mge  TRI   33.81841 -116.36874    67.     Mirage
-laf  TRI   33.86930 -118.33106    12.     La Fresa
-pdu  TRI   34.12084 -117.63793   440.     Padua
-chn  TRI   33.99879 -117.68044   208.     Chino
-ves  TRI   35.84089 -119.08469   153.     Vestal
-rio  TRI   34.10473 -117.97956   109.     Live Oak, Irwindale
-clt  TRI   34.09316 -117.31671   327.     Calectric
-stc  TRI   34.30275 -119.18696   182.     Santa Clara
-srn  TRI   33.82843 -117.78938   211.     Serrano
-oli  TRI   33.94551 -117.92368    78.     Olinda 
-ldf  TRI   35.13083 -115.18417  1239.     Landfair
-rin  TRI   34.28200 -118.47924   305.     Rinaldi Receiving Station
-lcg  TRI   34.00033 -118.37794   103.     La Cienega
-aga  TRI   33.63838 -116.40110   811.     Agave Hill
-err  TRI   33.1168  -115.8227    -57.     Elmore's Ranch
-stg  TRI   33.6640  -117.76856    52.     Santiago
-lfp  TRI   34.3050  -118.4879    367.     Los Angeles Aqueduct Filtration Plant
-wlt  TRI   34.00970 -117.95077    98.     Walnut
-lls  TRI   33.68474 -117.94286     6.     Ellis
-smm  TRI   35.3142  -119.99581   631.     Simmler
-bre  TRI   33.8100  -117.9817     26.     Barre Substation
-lgb  TRI   33.97559 -118.14915    36.     Laguna Bell
-dla  TRI   33.84822 -118.09624    15.     Del Amo
-wtt  TRI   33.94895 -118.25529    33.     Watts
-hll  TRI   34.17639 -118.35980   193.     North Hollywood
-cap  TRI   33.38852 -117.19054   298.     Capra Ranch
-bla  TRI   34.0697  -116.3889   1244.     Blackrock Canyon Campground 
-ctc  TRI   33.6546  -115.9899    533.     Cactus City 
-bbr  TRI   34.2623  -116.92075  2067.     Big Bear
-bor  TRI   33.2682  -116.4172    257.     Borrego Springs
-gsa  TRI   34.13677 -118.1283    195.     Geological Survey, Pasadena 
-ltp  TRI   33.8811  -118.17568    18.     Lighthipe, Long Beach
-ado  TRI   34.55046 -117.43391   908.     Adelanto Receiving Station
-bcc  TRI   33.57508 -117.26119   393.     Bear Creek Country Club
-fmp  TRI   33.71264 -118.29381    82.     Fort MacArthur Park 
-bbs  TRI   33.92139 -116.98085   783.     Beaumont Base 
-eml  TRI   32.89131 -116.84599   172.     El Monte County Park, San Diego 
-dpp  TRI   32.99862 -116.94153   470.     Dos Picos County Park 
-spf  TRI   34.05933 -118.64614   464.     Saddle Peak Fire Camp 
-wss  TRI   34.17170 -118.64971   314.     Westside station, Woodland Hills
-lth  LI    46.4340  -119.4496    161.     LIGO Hanford Observatory
-rrx  TRI   34.87533 -116.99684   672.     Barstow Service Center  Edison
-ltl  LI    30.5374  -90.7660      21.     LIGO Livingston Observatory, Louisian
-nss  TRI   33.556   -115.9465     16.     North Shore Salton Sea
-qug  TRI   34.39589 -118.49851   514.     Quigley station
-wes  TRI   32.7590  -115.7315     -7.     Westside Elementary School, El Centro
-mct  TRI   34.22641 -116.04082   653.     Marine Combat Center, 29 Palms
-mag  TRI   35.36165 -118.92282   140.     SCE Magundon Plant
-ses  TRI   34.43667 -119.13818   480.     Summit Elementary School
-fig  TRI   34.7321  -119.9841   1180.     Figueroa Mt.
-pdr  TRI   33.96273 -118.43702    38.     Gulana, Pala Del Rey
-bel  TRI   34.0006  -115.9982   1394.     Belle Mountain, Joshua Tree National Park
-jva  TRI   34.36622 -116.61266   903.     Johnson Valley 
-sdr  TRI   32.7356  -116.9424     81.     Spring Valley Road Dept.
-mik  TRI   34.137   -118.126              Millikan Library
-teh  TRI   35.2910  -118.4209    854.     Tehachapi
-gra  TRI   36.98326 -117.35915   652.     Grapevine Ranger Station, Death Valley National Park
-syp  TRI   34.5278  -119.9783   1253.     Santa Ynez Airport
-dvt  TRI   32.65910 -116.10059   900.     Desert View Tower
-olp  TRI   32.60774 -116.93039   184.     Otay Lakes Park
-ccc  TRI   35.52473 -117.36458            China Lake Naval Weapons Center
-bfs  TRI   34.2370  -117.6582   1296.     Mt. Baldy Forest Station
-wgr  TRI   34.51085 -119.27407   557.     Wheeler Gorge Ranger Station
-smb  TRI   34.9006  -120.4442     74.     Santa Maria Base
-pdm  TRI   34.30336 -114.14152   145.     Parker Dam
-sdg  TRI   32.7840  -117.13805    99.     San Diego Mission Control
-tft  TRI   35.14621 -119.41897   233.     S. Cal. Gas, Taft, Ca.
-dnr  TRI   33.5667  -116.63051  1274.     Dunn Ranch, Anza Valley
-lbw1 TRI   33.79800 -118.08837    13.72   Long Beach Water Reclamation Plant 1
-lbw2 TRI   33.79800 -118.08837    13.72   Long Beach Water Reclamation Plant 2
-wbs  TRI   34.53664 -118.14035  1892.0    Bird Springs Pass, S. of Walker Pass
-lcp  TRI   34.73537 -120.27973   200.     Los Alamos County Park
-njq  TRI   34.5341  -120.1774    216.     Nojoqui County Park
-irm  TRI   34.15738 -115.14513   562.     Iron Mountain Pumping Station, SB
-dec  TRI   34.25353 -118.33383   520.     Green-Verdugo Microwave Site 
-mpi  TRI   34.810   -119.150     000.     Mount Pinos 
-mpp  TRI   34.88844 -119.81356  1741.     McPherson Peak
-sdp  TRI   34.56547 -120.50137   631.     Sudden Peak,  Lompoc
-rss  TRI   33.97327 -117.32674   328.     UC Riverside
-slr  TRI   33.83359 -116.79737  1568.     Banning, California
-nbs  TRI   34.78035 -116.55798   590.     Newberry Springs,  California
-cgo  TRI   36.55002 -117.80293  2804.     Keeler Pk., near Lone Pine
-wer  TRI   35.06053 -119.02711   129.     Wheeler Ridge
-ldr  TRI   34.99060 -118.34156            Tehachapi, Willow Springs Rd. Mojave
-smb  TRI   34.90222 -120.44706            Santa Maria Base
-tuq  TRI   35.43583 -115.92391  1259.     Turquiose Mt.
-dre  TRI   32.80532 -115.44679  -15.      Desert Research Extension Center
-cfs  TRI   34.1052  -117.2798   313.      Central Fire Station, San Bernardino
-crp  TRI   34.13624 -118.12705  323.      Robinson Bldg. Caltech
-coo        33.89604 -118.21639    -1.     Compton                 
-crn        33.87574 -117.56106   165.     Corona                  
-fon        34.09957 -117.43876   479.     Fontana                 
-ful        33.87170 -117.92251   -49.     Fullerton               
-hln        34.12128 -117.21897   266.     Highland                
-kik        34.15037 -118.10156   198.     Kinemetrics             
-pak        34.14844 -118.17113   257.     Kresge                  
-lev        34.61462 -118.29104   963.     Leona Valley
-not        34.22869 -118.55829   224.     Northridge
-ogc        33.78816 -117.84400    28.     Orange                  
-rrs        33.88217 -117.36646   420.     Riverside               
-sju        33.48725 -117.68114    82.     San Juan Capistrano     
-san        33.70432 -117.88578   -12.     Santa Ana               
-sio        34.29300 -119.16460   -24.     Ventura County
-ago        34.14647 -118.76699   289.     Agoura
-smv        34.27128 -118.74427   188.     Simi Valley
-fll        34.39727 -118.91807   133.     Filmore
-bvh        34.07618 -118.39590    69.     Beverly Hills
-cab        34.15573 -118.64093   289.     Calabasa
-okv        34.39681 -119.29923   156.     Oakview/Ventura
-usb        34.41300 -119.84270    12.     UC Santa Barbara 
-bba        34.19551 -118.3534    212.     Burbank Airport
-bbb        33.353   -115.732     -66.     Bombay Beach
-elc        32.7814  -115.5356    -11.     El Centro Array
-grf        34.11922 -118.3004    341.     Griffith Park
-jfp        34.3087  -118.5026      0.     Jensen  Filtration
-lax        33.94382 -118.4139     34.     Sepulveda
-ltr        34.5211  -117.9903    885.     Littlerock
-ssw        33.17661 -115.6024    168.     Salton Sea
-tcf        34.08377 -118.599       0.     Topanga
diff --git a/DATA/util/stations_hiroo/stations_script_qinya.pl b/DATA/util/stations_hiroo/stations_script_qinya.pl
deleted file mode 100755
index fde8a31..0000000
--- a/DATA/util/stations_hiroo/stations_script_qinya.pl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,23 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/perl -w
- at info = <FILE>;
-%stalist = ();
-foreach $line (@info) {
-  ($sta, at else) = split(" ",$line);
-  if ($else[0] !~/^\d/) {
-    ($sta,$net) = split(" ",$line);}
-  else {$net = "CI";}
-  $stalist{$net}.=" $sta";
-  $sta =~tr/[a-z]/[A-Z]/;
-  printf FILE ("%-5s%-6s at else\n",$sta,$net);
-foreach $keyword (keys %stalist) {
-  print "$keyword -- $stalist{$keyword} \n";

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