[cig-commits] [commit] : Merged r959:1028 from trunk to v1.4 tag. (bd75705)

cig_noreply at geodynamics.org cig_noreply at geodynamics.org
Thu Nov 14 20:15:41 PST 2013

Repository : ssh://geoshell/specfem3d

On branch  : 
Link       : https://github.com/geodynamics/specfem2d/compare/1e201257d91c794056b990a43329e05d04f77454...0000000000000000000000000000000000000000


commit bd75705d977d0ed76049cf6ea4f92050487d93cd
Author: Leif Strand <leif at geodynamics.org>
Date:   Tue Oct 24 22:31:34 2006 +0000

    Merged r959:1028 from trunk to v1.4 tag.


 Makefile                          |  10 +-
 OUTPUT_FILES/values_from_mesher.h |  51 ---
 constants.h                       |   2 +
 create_movie_GMT_basin.f90        | 748 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 locate_receivers.f90              |   1 +
 locate_source.f90                 |   1 +
 meshfem3D.f90                     |  18 +-
 specfem3D.f90                     |  40 +-
 8 files changed, 812 insertions(+), 59 deletions(-)

diff --git a/Makefile b/Makefile
index b7f6dd5..564df32 100644
--- a/Makefile
+++ b/Makefile
@@ -168,7 +168,7 @@ TURN_MPI_ON = -DUSE_MPI
 #C_PREPROCESSOR = -qsuffix=cpp=f90
-default: meshfem3D create_movie_AVS_DX combine_AVS_DX check_mesh_quality_AVS_DX check_buffers_2D convolve_source_timefunction
+default: meshfem3D create_movie_AVS_DX combine_AVS_DX check_mesh_quality_AVS_DX check_buffers_2D convolve_source_timefunction create_movie_GMT_basin
 all: clean default
@@ -515,8 +515,11 @@ check_buffers_2D: constants.h $O/check_buffers_2D.o \
 combine_paraview_data: constants.h $O/combine_paraview_data.o $O/write_c_binary.o
 	${F90} $(FLAGS_CHECK) -o xcombine_paraview_data  $O/combine_paraview_data.o $O/write_c_binary.o
+create_movie_GMT_basin :  $O/create_movie_GMT_basin.o $O/read_parameter_file.o $O/compute_parameters.o $O/utm_geo.o  $O/read_value_parameters.o $O/get_value_parameters.o
+	$(F90) $(FLAGS)  -o xcreate_movie_GMT_basin  $O/create_movie_GMT_basin.o $O/read_parameter_file.o $O/compute_parameters.o $O/utm_geo.o  $O/read_value_parameters.o $O/get_value_parameters.o
-	rm -f $O/* *.o *.gnu OUTPUT_FILES/timestamp* OUTPUT_FILES/starttime*txt work.pc* xmeshfem3D xspecfem3D xcombine_AVS_DX xcheck_mesh_quality_AVS_DX xcheck_buffers_2D xconvolve_source_timefunction xcreate_header_file xcreate_movie_AVS_DX xcombine_paraview_data
+	rm -f $O/* *.o *.gnu OUTPUT_FILES/timestamp* OUTPUT_FILES/starttime*txt work.pc* xmeshfem3D xspecfem3D xcombine_AVS_DX xcheck_mesh_quality_AVS_DX xcheck_buffers_2D xconvolve_source_timefunction xcreate_header_file xcreate_movie_AVS_DX xcombine_paraview_data xcreate_movie_GMT_basin
 #### rule to build each .o file below
@@ -751,6 +754,9 @@ $O/get_attenuation_model.o: constants.h get_attenuation_model.f90
 $O/combine_paraview_data.o: constants.h combine_paraview_data.f90
 	${F90} $(FLAGS_CHECK) -c -o $O/combine_paraview_data.o combine_paraview_data.f90
+$O/create_movie_GMT_basin.o: constants.h create_movie_GMT_basin.f90
+	${F90} $(FLAGS_CHECK) -c -o $O/create_movie_GMT_basin.o create_movie_GMT_basin.f90
 ### C files below
diff --git a/OUTPUT_FILES/values_from_mesher.h b/OUTPUT_FILES/values_from_mesher.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 2090aea..0000000
--- a/OUTPUT_FILES/values_from_mesher.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,51 +0,0 @@
- !
- ! this is the parameter file for static compilation of the solver
- !
- ! mesh statistics:
- ! ---------------
- !
- ! number of processors =           36
- !
- ! number of ES nodes =    4.500000    
- ! percentage of total 640 ES nodes =   0.7031250      %
- ! total memory available on these ES nodes (Gb) =    72.00000    
- !
- ! max points per processor = max vector length =       703989
- ! min vector length =           25
- ! min critical vector length =           75
- !
- ! on ES and SX-5, make sure "loopcnt=" parameter
- ! in Makefile is greater than       703989
- !
- ! total elements per AB slice =        10512
- ! total points per AB slice =       703989
- !
- ! total for full mesh:
- ! -------------------
- !
- ! exact total number of spectral elements in entire mesh = 
- !       378432
- ! approximate total number of points in entire mesh = 
- !    25343604.0000000     
- ! approximate total number of degrees of freedom in entire mesh = 
- !    76030812.0000000     
- !
- ! resolution of the mesh at the surface:
- ! -------------------------------------
- !
- ! spectral elements along X =          288
- ! spectral elements along Y =          288
- ! GLL points along X =         1153
- ! GLL points along Y =         1153
- ! average distance between points along X in m =    239.0178    
- ! average distance between points along Y in m =    287.6366    
- !
- integer, parameter :: NSPEC_AB =        10512
- integer, parameter :: NGLOB_AB =       703989
- integer, parameter :: NSPEC_ATTENUATION = 1
- logical, parameter :: ATTENUATION_VAL = .false.
- logical, parameter :: ANISOTROPY_VAL = .false.
diff --git a/constants.h b/constants.h
index ef86b10..462b35b 100644
--- a/constants.h
+++ b/constants.h
@@ -50,6 +50,8 @@
   integer, parameter :: IMAIN = 42
 ! uncomment this to write messages to the screen
 ! integer, parameter :: IMAIN = ISTANDARD_OUTPUT
+! I/O unit for source and receiver vtk file
+  integer, parameter :: IOVTK = 98
 ! minimum thickness in meters to include the effect of the oceans
 ! to avoid taking into account spurious oscillations in topography model
diff --git a/create_movie_GMT_basin.f90 b/create_movie_GMT_basin.f90
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6bb1dc9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/create_movie_GMT_basin.f90
@@ -0,0 +1,748 @@
+!          S p e c f e m 3 D  G l o b e  V e r s i o n  3 . 3
+!          --------------------------------------------------
+!                 Dimitri Komatitsch and Jeroen Tromp
+!    Seismological Laboratory - California Institute of Technology
+!        (c) California Institute of Technology September 2002
+!    A signed non-commercial agreement is required to use this program.
+!   Please check http://www.gps.caltech.edu/research/jtromp for details.
+!           Free for non-commercial academic research ONLY.
+!      This program is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY whatsoever.
+!      Do not redistribute this program without written permission.
+!---  create a movie of vertical component of surface displacement or velocity
+!---  in AVS or OpenDX format
+program create_movie_GMT
+  implicit none
+  include 'constants.h'
+  character(len=100) movie_data_prefix, start_frame, end_frame, &
+       output_file_prefix
+  integer ios1, ios2, nspectot_AVS_max
+  ! threshold in percent of the maximum below which we cut the amplitude
+  logical, parameter :: APPLY_THRESHOLD = .false.
+  real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL), parameter :: THRESHOLD = 1._CUSTOM_REAL / 100._CUSTOM_REAL
+  ! coefficient of power law used for non linear scaling
+  logical, parameter :: NONLINEAR_SCALING = .false.
+  real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL), parameter :: POWER_SCALING = 0.5_CUSTOM_REAL
+  integer it,it1,it2,ivalue,ispec
+  integer nframes,iframe,inorm
+  integer ibool_number
+  logical plot_shaking_map
+  real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL), dimension(:,:), allocatable :: x,y,z,display
+  real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL) xcoord,ycoord,zcoord
+  real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL) vectorx,vectory,vectorz
+  double precision min_field_current,max_field_current
+  character(len=150) outputname
+  integer iproc,ipoin
+  ! GMT
+  double precision lat,long,zscaling
+  integer igmt
+  ! for sorting routine
+  integer npointot,ilocnum,nglob,i,j,ielm,ieoff,ispecloc
+  integer, dimension(:), allocatable :: iglob,loc,ireorder
+  logical, dimension(:), allocatable :: ifseg,mask_point
+  double precision, dimension(:), allocatable :: xp,yp,zp,xp_save,yp_save,zp_save,field_display
+  ! movie files stored by solver
+  real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL), dimension(:,:), allocatable :: &
+       store_val_x,store_val_y,store_val_z, &
+       store_val_ux,store_val_uy,store_val_uz
+! parameters read from parameter file
+  integer NSOURCES
+  logical SAVE_FORWARD
+  character(len=150) LOCAL_PATH,MODEL
+  ! parameters deduced from parameters read from file
+  integer NER
+  double precision max_all_frames
+  ! ************** PROGRAM STARTS HERE **************
+  call getarg(1,movie_data_prefix)
+  call getarg(2,start_frame)
+  call getarg(3,end_frame)
+  call getarg(4,output_file_prefix)
+  if (trim(movie_data_prefix) == '' &
+       .or. trim(start_frame) == '' .or. trim(end_frame) == '' &
+       .or. trim(output_file_prefix) == '') &
+       stop 'Usage: xcreate_movie_GMT movie_data_prefix start_frame end_frame output_file_prefix'
+  read(start_frame, *,iostat=ios1) it1
+  read(end_frame, *, iostat=ios2) it2
+  if (ios1 /= 0 .or. ios2 /= 0) stop 'Error reading start_frame and end_frame'
+! read the parameter file
+! compute other parameters based upon values read
+  call compute_parameters(NER,NEX_XI,NEX_ETA,NPROC_XI,NPROC_ETA, &
+  print *
+  print *,'There are ',NPROC,' slices numbered from 0 to ',NPROC-1
+  print *
+  print *, 'DT = ', DT , ' NSTEP = ', NSTEP
+  print * 
+     print *,'Vertical displacement will be shown in the movie'
+  else
+     print *,'Vertical velocity will be shown in the movie'
+  endif
+  print *
+  else
+  endif
+  allocate(store_val_x(ilocnum,0:NPROC-1))
+  allocate(store_val_y(ilocnum,0:NPROC-1))
+  allocate(store_val_z(ilocnum,0:NPROC-1))
+  allocate(store_val_ux(ilocnum,0:NPROC-1))
+  allocate(store_val_uy(ilocnum,0:NPROC-1))
+  allocate(store_val_uz(ilocnum,0:NPROC-1))
+  zscaling = 0.
+  if(it1 == -1) then
+     plot_shaking_map = .true.
+     nframes = 1
+     it1 = 1
+     inorm = it2
+     if(inorm < 1 .or. inorm > 3) stop 'incorrect value of inorm'
+     it2 = 1
+  else
+     plot_shaking_map = .false.
+     print *,'movie frames have been saved every ',NTSTEP_BETWEEN_FRAMES,' time steps'
+     print *
+     print *
+     print *,'looping from ',it1,' to ',it2,' frame'
+     ! count number of movie frames
+     nframes = 0
+     do it = it1,it2
+        nframes = nframes + 1
+     enddo
+     print *
+     print *,'total number of frames will be ',nframes
+     if(nframes == 0) stop 'null number of frames'
+     max_all_frames = -100.0
+  endif
+  ! define the total number of elements at the surface
+     nspectot_AVS_max = NEX_XI * NEX_ETA * (NGLLX-1) * (NGLLY-1)
+  else
+     nspectot_AVS_max = NEX_XI * NEX_ETA
+  endif
+  print *
+  print *,'there are a total of ',nspectot_AVS_max,' elements at the surface'
+  print *
+  ! maximum theoretical number of points at the surface
+  npointot = NGNOD2D_AVS_DX * nspectot_AVS_max
+  ! allocate arrays for sorting routine
+  allocate(iglob(npointot),loc(npointot))
+  allocate(ifseg(npointot))
+  allocate(xp(npointot),yp(npointot),zp(npointot))
+  allocate(xp_save(npointot),yp_save(npointot),zp_save(npointot))
+  allocate(field_display(npointot))
+  allocate(mask_point(npointot))
+  allocate(ireorder(npointot))
+  ! --------------------------------------
+     allocate(x(NGLLX,NGLLY))
+     allocate(y(NGLLX,NGLLY))
+     allocate(z(NGLLX,NGLLY))
+     allocate(display(NGLLX,NGLLY))
+  endif
+  iframe = 0
+  ! loop on all the time steps in the range entered
+  do it = it1,it2
+     ! check if time step corresponds to a movie frame
+     iframe = iframe + 1
+     ivalue = it * NTSTEP_BETWEEN_FRAMES
+     print *, 'ivalue = ' ,ivalue
+     if(plot_shaking_map) then
+        print *,'reading shaking map snapshot'
+     else
+        print *,'reading snapshot frame ',it,' out of ',NSTEP/NTSTEP_BETWEEN_FRAMES
+     endif
+     print *
+     ! read all the elements from the same file
+     if(plot_shaking_map) then
+        write(outputname,"('/shakingdata')")
+     else
+        write(outputname,"('/moviedata',i6.6)") ivalue
+     endif
+     outputname = trim(movie_data_prefix) // trim(outputname)
+     open(unit=IOUT,file=outputname,status='old',form='unformatted',iostat=ios1)
+     if (ios1 /= 0) then
+        print *, 'Error opening file ', trim(outputname)
+        stop 
+     else
+       print *, 'reading file ', trim(outputname)
+     endif
+     read(IOUT) store_val_x
+     read(IOUT) store_val_y
+     read(IOUT) store_val_z
+     read(IOUT) store_val_ux
+     read(IOUT) store_val_uy
+     read(IOUT) store_val_uz
+     close(IOUT)
+!     print *, store_val_x(1,0), store_val_y(1,0)
+!     call utm_geo(long,lat,dble(minval(store_val_x)),dble(minval(store_val_y)), &
+!     print *
+!     print *, 'min long = ', long, '  min y = ', lat
+!     call utm_geo(long,lat,dble(maxval(store_val_x)),dble(maxval(store_val_y)), &
+!     print *
+!     print *, 'max long = ', long, '  max lat = ', lat
+     ! clear number of elements kept
+     ispec = 0
+     ! read points for all the slices
+     do iproc = 0,NPROC-1
+        ! reset point number
+        ipoin = 0
+        do ispecloc = 1,NEX_PER_PROC_XI*NEX_PER_PROC_ETA
+           if(USE_HIGHRES_FOR_MOVIES) then
+              ! assign the OpenDX "elements"
+              do j = 1,NGLLY
+                 do i = 1,NGLLX
+                    ipoin = ipoin + 1
+                    xcoord = store_val_x(ipoin,iproc)
+                    ycoord = store_val_y(ipoin,iproc)
+                    zcoord = store_val_z(ipoin,iproc)
+                    ! amplify topography, otherwise too flat to see anything
+                    zcoord = zcoord * zscaling
+                    vectorx = store_val_ux(ipoin,iproc)
+                    vectory = store_val_uy(ipoin,iproc)
+                    vectorz = store_val_uz(ipoin,iproc)
+                    x(i,j) = xcoord
+                    y(i,j) = ycoord
+                    z(i,j) = zcoord
+                    if(plot_shaking_map) then
+                       if(inorm == 1) then
+                          display(i,j) = vectorx
+                       else if(inorm == 2) then
+                          display(i,j) = vectory
+                       else
+                          display(i,j) = vectorz
+                       endif
+                    else
+                       display(i,j) = vectorz
+                    endif
+                 enddo
+              enddo
+              ! assign the values of the corners of the OpenDX "elements"
+              ispec = ispec + 1
+              ielm = (NGLLX-1)*(NGLLY-1)*(ispec-1)
+              do j = 1,NGLLY-1
+                 do i = 1,NGLLX-1
+                    ieoff = NGNOD2D_AVS_DX*(ielm+(i-1)+(j-1)*(NGLLX-1))
+                    do ilocnum = 1,NGNOD2D_AVS_DX
+                       if(ilocnum == 1) then
+                          xp(ieoff+ilocnum) = dble(x(i,j))
+                          yp(ieoff+ilocnum) = dble(y(i,j))
+                          zp(ieoff+ilocnum) = dble(z(i,j))
+                          field_display(ieoff+ilocnum) = dble(display(i,j))
+                       elseif(ilocnum == 2) then
+                          xp(ieoff+ilocnum) = dble(x(i+1,j))
+                          yp(ieoff+ilocnum) = dble(y(i+1,j))
+                          zp(ieoff+ilocnum) = dble(z(i+1,j))
+                          field_display(ieoff+ilocnum) = dble(display(i+1,j))
+                       elseif(ilocnum == 3) then
+                          xp(ieoff+ilocnum) = dble(x(i+1,j+1))
+                          yp(ieoff+ilocnum) = dble(y(i+1,j+1))
+                          zp(ieoff+ilocnum) = dble(z(i+1,j+1))
+                          field_display(ieoff+ilocnum) = dble(display(i+1,j+1))
+                       else
+                          xp(ieoff+ilocnum) = dble(x(i,j+1))
+                          yp(ieoff+ilocnum) = dble(y(i,j+1))
+                          zp(ieoff+ilocnum) = dble(z(i,j+1))
+                          field_display(ieoff+ilocnum) = dble(display(i,j+1))
+                       endif
+                    enddo
+                 enddo
+              enddo
+! low resolution movie/shakemap
+           else 
+              ispec = ispec + 1
+              ieoff = NGNOD2D_AVS_DX*(ispec-1)
+              ! four points for each element
+              do ilocnum = 1,NGNOD2D_AVS_DX
+                 ipoin = ipoin + 1
+                 xcoord = store_val_x(ipoin,iproc)
+                 ycoord = store_val_y(ipoin,iproc)
+                 zcoord = store_val_z(ipoin,iproc)
+                 ! amplify topography, otherwise too flat to see anything
+                 zcoord = zcoord * zscaling
+                 vectorx = store_val_ux(ipoin,iproc)
+                 vectory = store_val_uy(ipoin,iproc)
+                 vectorz = store_val_uz(ipoin,iproc)
+                 xp(ilocnum+ieoff) = dble(xcoord)
+                 yp(ilocnum+ieoff) = dble(ycoord)
+                 zp(ilocnum+ieoff) = dble(zcoord)
+                 ! show vertical component of displacement or velocity in the movie
+                 ! or show norm of vector if shaking map
+                 ! for shaking map, norm of U stored in ux, V in uy and A in uz
+                 if(plot_shaking_map) then
+                    if(inorm == 1) then
+                       field_display(ilocnum+ieoff) = dble(vectorx)
+                    else if(inorm == 2) then
+                       field_display(ilocnum+ieoff) = dble(vectory)
+                    else
+                       field_display(ilocnum+ieoff) = dble(vectorz)
+                    endif
+                 else
+                    field_display(ilocnum+ieoff) = dble(vectorz)
+                 endif
+              enddo
+           endif
+        enddo
+     enddo
+     ! copy coordinate arrays since the sorting routine does not preserve them
+     xp_save(:) = xp(:)
+     yp_save(:) = yp(:)
+     zp_save(:) = zp(:)
+     !--- sort the list based upon coordinates to get rid of multiples
+     print *,'sorting list of points'
+     call get_global_AVS(nspectot_AVS_max,xp,yp,zp,iglob,loc,ifseg,nglob,npointot,UTM_X_MIN,UTM_X_MAX)
+     !--- print total number of points found
+     print *
+     print *,'found a total of ',nglob,' points'
+     print *,'initial number of points (with multiples) was ',npointot
+     !--- normalize and scale vector field
+     ! compute min and max of data value to normalize
+     min_field_current = minval(field_display(:))
+     max_field_current = maxval(field_display(:))
+     if (max_field_current > max_all_frames) max_all_frames = max_field_current
+     ! print minimum and maximum amplitude in current snapshot
+     print *
+     print *,'minimum amplitude in current snapshot = ',min_field_current
+     print *,'maximum amplitude in current snapshot = ',max_field_current
+     print *
+! comment out the following to try to retain the original value of the shakemap
+!     if(plot_shaking_map) then
+        ! normalize field to [0:1]
+!        field_display(:) = field_display(:) / max_field_current
+        ! apply non linear scaling to normalized field
+!        field_display = field_display ** POWER_SCALING
+        ! map field to [0:255] for AVS color scale
+!        field_display(:) = 255. * field_display(:)
+!     endif
+     !--- ****** create AVS file using sorted list ******
+     ! create file name and open file
+     if(plot_shaking_map) then
+        write(outputname,"('/gmt_shaking_map.xyz')")
+        open(unit=11,file=trim(output_file_prefix)//outputname,status='unknown',iostat=ios1)
+     else
+        write(outputname,"('/gmt_movie_',i6.6,'.xyz')") it
+        outputname = trim(output_file_prefix) //trim(outputname)
+        call system('\rm -f ' // trim(outputname))
+        open(unit=11,file=outputname,status='unknown')!,form='unformatted',access='direct',recl = 3 * 8,iostat=ios1)
+     endif
+     if (ios1 /= 0) stop 'Error opening output file'
+     igmt = 1
+     ! output list of points
+     mask_point = .false.
+     do ispec=1,nspectot_AVS_max
+        ieoff = NGNOD2D_AVS_DX*(ispec-1)
+        ! four points for each element
+        do ilocnum = 1,NGNOD2D_AVS_DX
+           ibool_number = iglob(ilocnum+ieoff)
+           if(.not. mask_point(ibool_number)) then
+              call utm_geo(long,lat,xp_save(ilocnum+ieoff),yp_save(ilocnum+ieoff), &
+              if (plot_shaking_map) then
+                 write(11,*) long,lat,field_display(ilocnum+ieoff)
+              else
+                 !! choose ascii or binary output file format
+                 !write(11,rec=igmt) long,lat,field_display(ilocnum+ieoff)
+                  write (11,'(2f10.3,e17.6)') long, lat, field_display(ilocnum+ieoff)
+                 igmt = igmt + 1
+              endif
+           endif
+           mask_point(ibool_number) = .true.
+        enddo
+     enddo
+     print *, 'total number of record is ', igmt - 1
+  enddo
+  ! step number for AVS multistep file
+401 format('step',i1,' image',i1)
+402 format('step',i2,' image',i2)
+403 format('step',i3,' image',i3)
+404 format('step',i4,' image',i4)
+  print *,'GMT files are stored in OUTPUT_FILES/gmt_*.xyz'
+  print *
+  print *, 'The maximum absolute value of all frames is ', max_all_frames
+  print *
+  print *
+  deallocate(store_val_x)
+  deallocate(store_val_y)
+  deallocate(store_val_z)
+  deallocate(store_val_ux)
+  deallocate(store_val_uy)
+  deallocate(store_val_uz)
+  ! deallocate arrays for sorting routine
+  deallocate(iglob,loc)
+  deallocate(ifseg)
+  deallocate(xp,yp,zp)
+  deallocate(xp_save,yp_save,zp_save)
+  deallocate(field_display)
+  deallocate(mask_point)
+  deallocate(ireorder)
+     deallocate(x)
+     deallocate(y)
+     deallocate(z)
+     deallocate(display)
+  endif
+end program create_movie_GMT
+  subroutine get_global_AVS(nspec,xp,yp,zp,iglob,loc,ifseg,nglob,npointot,UTM_X_MIN,UTM_X_MAX)
+! this routine MUST be in double precision to avoid sensitivity
+! to roundoff errors in the coordinates of the points
+! leave sorting subroutines in same source file to allow for inlining
+  implicit none
+  include "constants.h"
+! geometry tolerance parameter to calculate number of independent grid points
+! small value for double precision and to avoid sensitivity to roundoff
+  double precision SMALLVALTOL
+  integer npointot
+  integer iglob(npointot),loc(npointot)
+  logical ifseg(npointot)
+  double precision xp(npointot),yp(npointot),zp(npointot)
+  integer nspec,nglob
+  integer ispec,i,j
+  integer ieoff,ilocnum,nseg,ioff,iseg,ig
+  integer, dimension(:), allocatable :: ind,ninseg,iwork
+  double precision, dimension(:), allocatable :: work
+  double precision UTM_X_MIN,UTM_X_MAX
+! define geometrical tolerance based upon typical size of the model
+  SMALLVALTOL = 1.d-10 * dabs(UTM_X_MAX - UTM_X_MIN)
+! dynamically allocate arrays
+  allocate(ind(npointot))
+  allocate(ninseg(npointot))
+  allocate(iwork(npointot))
+  allocate(work(npointot))
+! establish initial pointers
+  do ispec=1,nspec
+    ieoff=NGNOD2D_AVS_DX*(ispec-1)
+    do ilocnum=1,NGNOD2D_AVS_DX
+      loc(ilocnum+ieoff)=ilocnum+ieoff
+    enddo
+  enddo
+  ifseg(:)=.false.
+  nseg=1
+  ifseg(1)=.true.
+  ninseg(1)=npointot
+  do j=1,NDIM
+! sort within each segment
+  ioff=1
+  do iseg=1,nseg
+    if(j == 1) then
+      call rank(xp(ioff),ind,ninseg(iseg))
+    else if(j == 2) then
+      call rank(yp(ioff),ind,ninseg(iseg))
+    else
+      call rank(zp(ioff),ind,ninseg(iseg))
+    endif
+    call swap_all(loc(ioff),xp(ioff),yp(ioff),zp(ioff),iwork,work,ind,ninseg(iseg))
+    ioff=ioff+ninseg(iseg)
+  enddo
+! check for jumps in current coordinate
+! compare the coordinates of the points within a small tolerance
+  if(j == 1) then
+    do i=2,npointot
+      if(dabs(xp(i)-xp(i-1)) > SMALLVALTOL) ifseg(i)=.true.
+    enddo
+  else if(j == 2) then
+    do i=2,npointot
+      if(dabs(yp(i)-yp(i-1)) > SMALLVALTOL) ifseg(i)=.true.
+    enddo
+  else
+    do i=2,npointot
+      if(dabs(zp(i)-zp(i-1)) > SMALLVALTOL) ifseg(i)=.true.
+    enddo
+  endif
+! count up number of different segments
+  nseg=0
+  do i=1,npointot
+    if(ifseg(i)) then
+      nseg=nseg+1
+      ninseg(nseg)=1
+    else
+      ninseg(nseg)=ninseg(nseg)+1
+    endif
+  enddo
+  enddo
+! assign global node numbers (now sorted lexicographically)
+  ig=0
+  do i=1,npointot
+    if(ifseg(i)) ig=ig+1
+    iglob(loc(i))=ig
+  enddo
+  nglob=ig
+! deallocate arrays
+  deallocate(ind)
+  deallocate(ninseg)
+  deallocate(iwork)
+  deallocate(work)
+  end subroutine get_global_AVS
+! -----------------------------------
+! sorting routines put in same file to allow for inlining
+  subroutine rank(A,IND,N)
+! Use Heap Sort (Numerical Recipes)
+  implicit none
+  integer n
+  double precision A(n)
+  integer IND(n)
+  integer i,j,l,ir,indx
+  double precision q
+  do j=1,n
+   IND(j)=j
+  enddo
+  if (n == 1) return
+  L=n/2+1
+  ir=n
+   IF (l>1) THEN
+      l=l-1
+      indx=ind(l)
+      q=a(indx)
+   ELSE
+      indx=ind(ir)
+      q=a(indx)
+      ind(ir)=ind(1)
+      ir=ir-1
+      if (ir == 1) then
+         ind(1)=indx
+         return
+      endif
+   i=l
+   j=l+l
+  200    CONTINUE
+   IF (J <= IR) THEN
+      IF (J<IR) THEN
+         IF ( A(IND(j))<A(IND(j+1)) ) j=j+1
+      ENDIF
+      IF (q<A(IND(j))) THEN
+         IND(I)=IND(J)
+         I=J
+         J=J+J
+      ELSE
+         J=IR+1
+      ENDIF
+   goto 200
+  goto 100
+  end subroutine rank
+! ------------------------------------------------------------------
+  subroutine swap_all(IA,A,B,C,IW,W,ind,n)
+! swap arrays IA, A, B and C according to addressing in array IND
+  implicit none
+  integer n
+  integer IND(n)
+  integer IA(n),IW(n)
+  double precision A(n),B(n),C(n),W(n)
+  integer i
+  IW(:) = IA(:)
+  W(:) = A(:)
+  do i=1,n
+    IA(i)=IW(ind(i))
+    A(i)=W(ind(i))
+  enddo
+  W(:) = B(:)
+  do i=1,n
+    B(i)=W(ind(i))
+  enddo
+  W(:) = C(:)
+  do i=1,n
+    C(i)=W(ind(i))
+  enddo
+  end subroutine swap_all
diff --git a/locate_receivers.f90 b/locate_receivers.f90
index 5bbafc3..ce317c7 100644
--- a/locate_receivers.f90
+++ b/locate_receivers.f90
@@ -273,6 +273,7 @@
       x_target(irec) = stutm_x(irec)
       y_target(irec) = stutm_y(irec)
       z_target(irec) = elevation(irec) - stbur(irec)
+      if (myrank == 0) write(IOVTK,*) x_target(irec), y_target(irec), z_target(irec)
 ! examine top of the elements only (receivers always at the surface)
 !      k = NGLLZ
diff --git a/locate_source.f90 b/locate_source.f90
index d811b2d..23b4bbd 100644
--- a/locate_source.f90
+++ b/locate_source.f90
@@ -234,6 +234,7 @@
   x_target_source = utm_x_source(isource)
   y_target_source = utm_y_source(isource)
   z_target_source = - depth(isource)*1000.0d0 + elevation(isource)
+  if(myrank == 0) write(IOVTK,*) x_target_source,y_target_source,z_target_source
 ! set distance to huge initial value
   distmin = HUGEVAL
diff --git a/meshfem3D.f90 b/meshfem3D.f90
index 8ce98bf..ec65759 100644
--- a/meshfem3D.f90
+++ b/meshfem3D.f90
@@ -65,7 +65,7 @@
 ! If you use this code for your own research, please send an email
 ! to Jeroen Tromp <jtromp AT caltech.edu> for information, and cite:
-! @article{KoLiTrSuStSh04,
+! @ARTICLE{KoLiTrSuStSh04,
 ! author={Dimitri Komatitsch and Qinya Liu and Jeroen Tromp and Peter S\"{u}ss
 !   and Christiane Stidham and John H. Shaw},
 ! year=2004,
@@ -73,15 +73,27 @@
 !   based upon the Spectral-Element Method},
 ! journal={Bull. Seism. Soc. Am.},
 ! volume=94,
+! number=1,
 ! pages={187-206}}
-! @article{KoTr99,
+! @ARTICLE{KoTr99,
 ! author={D. Komatitsch and J. Tromp},
 ! year=1999,
 ! title={Introduction to the spectral-element method for 3-{D} seismic wave propagation},
 ! journal={Geophys. J. Int.},
 ! volume=139,
-! pages={806-822}}
+! number=3,
+! pages={806-822},
+! doi={10.1046/j.1365-246x.1999.00967.x}}
+! @ARTICLE{KoVi98,
+! author={D. Komatitsch and J. P. Vilotte},
+! title={The spectral-element method: an efficient tool to simulate the seismic response of 2{D} and 3{D} geological structures},
+! journal={Bull. Seismol. Soc. Am.},
+! year=1998,
+! volume=88,
+! number=2,
+! pages={368-392}}
 ! Reference frame - convention:
 ! ----------------------------
diff --git a/specfem3D.f90 b/specfem3D.f90
index 2a71386..d6176ab 100644
--- a/specfem3D.f90
+++ b/specfem3D.f90
@@ -68,7 +68,7 @@
 ! If you use this code for your own research, please send an email
 ! to Jeroen Tromp <jtromp AT caltech.edu> for information, and cite:
-! @article{KoLiTrSuStSh04,
+! @ARTICLE{KoLiTrSuStSh04,
 ! author={Dimitri Komatitsch and Qinya Liu and Jeroen Tromp and Peter S\"{u}ss
 !   and Christiane Stidham and John H. Shaw},
 ! year=2004,
@@ -76,15 +76,36 @@
 !   based upon the Spectral-Element Method},
 ! journal={Bull. Seism. Soc. Am.},
 ! volume=94,
+! number=1,
 ! pages={187-206}}
-! @article{KoTr99,
+! @ARTICLE{KoTr99,
 ! author={D. Komatitsch and J. Tromp},
 ! year=1999,
 ! title={Introduction to the spectral-element method for 3-{D} seismic wave propagation},
 ! journal={Geophys. J. Int.},
 ! volume=139,
-! pages={806-822}}
+! number=3,
+! pages={806-822},
+! doi={10.1046/j.1365-246x.1999.00967.x}}
+! @ARTICLE{KoVi98,
+! author={D. Komatitsch and J. P. Vilotte},
+! title={The spectral-element method: an efficient tool to simulate the seismic response of 2{D} and 3{D} geological structures},
+! journal={Bull. Seismol. Soc. Am.},
+! year=1998,
+! volume=88,
+! number=2,
+! pages={368-392}}
+! If you use the kernel capabilities of the code, please cite
+! @ARTICLE{Liu06a,
+!     AUTHOR = {Q. Liu and J. Tromp},
+!     JOURNAL =bssa,
+!     TITLE = {{Finite-frequency kernels based upon adjoint methods}},
+!     NOTE = {accepted},
+!     YEAR = {2006}
 ! Reference frame - convention:
 ! ----------------------------
@@ -945,6 +966,16 @@
   if(nrec < 1) call exit_MPI(myrank,'need at least one receiver')
+! write source and receiver VTK files for Paraview
+  if (myrank == 0) then
+    open(IOVTK,file=trim(OUTPUT_FILES)//'/sr.vtk',status='unknown')
+    write(IOVTK,'(a)') '# vtk DataFile Version 2.0'
+    write(IOVTK,'(a)') 'Source and Receiver VTK file'
+    write(IOVTK,'(a)') 'ASCII'
+    write(IOVTK, '(a,i6,a)') 'POINTS ', NSOURCES+nrec, ' float'
+  endif
 ! allocate memory for receiver arrays
@@ -1090,6 +1121,9 @@
   nrec_tot_found = nrec_local
   if(myrank == 0) then
+    close(IOVTK)
     write(IMAIN,*) 'Total number of samples for seismograms = ',NSTEP

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