[cig-commits] [commit] add_thermodynamic_potentials: First alpha of SolidSolution base class (8c5e99f)

cig_noreply at geodynamics.org cig_noreply at geodynamics.org
Tue Dec 9 09:53:59 PST 2014

Repository : https://github.com/geodynamics/burnman

On branch  : add_thermodynamic_potentials
Link       : https://github.com/geodynamics/burnman/compare/2e5646d93cedbbf8eae54cc37cffc14e0aa85180...d5ddad03ff9f30f5a4efaddb4e3ec585ea1a7c51


commit 8c5e99fa601d480389cc186e9df127ffda0588c1
Author: Bob Myhill <myhill.bob at gmail.com>
Date:   Sat Aug 30 20:50:05 2014 +0200

    First alpha of SolidSolution base class


 burnman/solidsolution.py              | 156 +++++++++++++++------
 burnman/test_process_solidsolution.py |  69 +++++----
 burnman/testing.py                    | 257 ----------------------------------
 3 files changed, 150 insertions(+), 332 deletions(-)

diff --git a/burnman/solidsolution.py b/burnman/solidsolution.py
index ebb75d2..44198d6 100644
--- a/burnman/solidsolution.py
+++ b/burnman/solidsolution.py
@@ -1,10 +1,12 @@
 # BurnMan - a lower mantle toolkit
-# Copyright (C) 2012, 2013, Heister, T., Unterborn, C., Rose, I. and Cottaar, S.
+# Copyright (C) 2012-2014, Myhill, R., Heister, T., Unterborn, C., Rose, I. and Cottaar, S.
 # Released under GPL v2 or later.
 import warnings
+import re
 import numpy as np
+from fractions import Fraction
 kd = lambda x,y : 1 if x==y else 0
@@ -29,58 +31,130 @@ class SolidSolution(Mineral):
     and P derivatives in J/K/mol and m^3/(mol molecule).
-    # init sets up matrices to speed up calculations when P, T, X is defined.
+    # init sets up matrices to speed up calculations for when P, T, X is defined.
     def __init__(self, base_material, interaction_parameter):
+        # Initialise the solid soltion inputs
         self.base_material = base_material
-        self.molar_fraction = molar_fraction
-        assert(len(base_material) == len(molar_fraction))
-        assert(len(base_material) == len(van_laar_parameter))
+        self.interaction_parameter = interaction_parameter
+        # Number of endmembers in the solid solution
+        self.n_endmembers=len(base_material)
+        # Check that base_material and interaction parameter each have three parts
+        assert(len(map(list, zip(*base_material))) == 3) 
+        assert(len(interaction_parameter) == 3)
+        # Check that the interaction parameters have the correct number of variables
+        for i in range(3):
+            assert(len(interaction_parameter[i]) == n_endmembers-1)
+            for j in range(n_endmembers-1):
+                assert(len(interaction_parameter[i][j]) == (n_endmembers-1)-j)
+        # Split interaction parameter into H, S, V terms
+        self.excess_enthalpy=interaction_parameter[0]
+        self.excess_entropy=interaction_parameter[1]
+        self.excess_volume=interaction_parameter[2]
+        # Number of sites 
+        self.n_sites=base_material[0][1].count('[')
+        # Check the number of sites is the same for each endmember
+        for i in range(n_endmembers):
+            assert(base_material[i][1].count('[') == n_sites)
+        # Check the chemical composition of each endmember is consistent with the dataset
+        # Number of unique site occupancies (e.g.. Mg on X etc.)
+        sites=[[] for i in range(n_sites)]
+        list_occupancies=[]
+        list_multiplicity=np.empty(shape=(n_sites))
+        self.n_occupancies=0
+        for endmember in range(n_endmembers):
+            list_occupancies.append([[0]*len(sites[site]) for site in range(n_sites)])
+            s=re.split(r'\[', base_material[endmember][1])[1:]
+            for site in range(n_sites):
+                site_occupancy=re.split(r'\]', s[site])[0]
+                mult=re.split('[A-Z][^A-Z]*',re.split(r'\]', s[site])[1])[0]
+                if mult == '':
+                    list_multiplicity[site]=1.0
+                else:
+                    list_multiplicity[site]=mult
+            elements=re.findall('[A-Z][^A-Z]*',site_occupancy)
+            for i in range(len(elements)):
+                element_on_site=re.split('[0-9][^A-Z]*',elements[i])[0]
+                proportion_element_on_site=re.findall('[0-9][^A-Z]*',elements[i])
+                if len(proportion_element_on_site) == 0:
+                    proportion_element_on_site=Fraction(1.0)
+                else:
+                    proportion_element_on_site=Fraction(proportion_element_on_site[0])
+                if element_on_site not in sites[site]:
+                    self.n_occupancies=n_occupancies+1
+                    sites[site].append(element_on_site)
+                    element_index=sites[site].index(element_on_site)
+                    for parsed_mbr in range(len(list_occupancies)):
+                        list_occupancies[parsed_mbr][site].append(0) 
+                else:
+                    element_index=sites[site].index(element_on_site)
+                list_occupancies[endmember][site][element_index]=proportion_element_on_site
+        # Site occupancies and multiplicities
+        self.site_occupancies=np.empty(shape=(n_endmembers,n_occupancies))
+        self.site_multiplicities=np.empty(shape=(n_occupancies))
+        for endmember in range(n_endmembers):
+            n_element=0
+            for site in range(n_sites):
+                for element in range(len(list_occupancies[endmember][site])):
+                    self.site_occupancies[endmember][n_element]=list_occupancies[endmember][site][element]
+                    self.site_multiplicities[n_element]=list_multiplicity[site]
+                    n_element=n_element+1
+        self.alpha=np.array([base_material[i][2] for i in range(n_endmembers)])
+        self.Wh=np.zeros(shape=(n_endmembers,n_endmembers))
+        self.Ws=np.zeros(shape=(n_endmembers,n_endmembers))
+        self.Wv=np.zeros(shape=(n_endmembers,n_endmembers))
+        for i in range(n_endmembers):
+            for j in range(i+1, n_endmembers):
+                self.Wh[i][j]=2.*excess_enthalpy[i][j-i-1]/(alpha[i]+alpha[j])
+                self.Ws[i][j]=2.*excess_entropy[i][j-i-1]/(alpha[i]+alpha[j])
+                self.Wv[i][j]=2.*excess_volume[i][j-i-1]/(alpha[i]+alpha[j])
+    def set_composition(self, molar_fraction):
+        assert(len(self.base_material) == len(molar_fraction))
         assert(sum(molar_fraction) > 0.9999)
         assert(sum(molar_fraction) < 1.0001)
-        # make sure the number of atoms in each endmember is the same
-        # (when we start adding minerals with vacancies
-        # this will need to be changed).
-        for m in base_material:
-            if(base_material[0].params.has_key('n')):
-                assert(m.params['n'] == base_material[0].params['n'])
+        self.molar_fraction=molar_fraction
-    # Set the state of all the endmembers
-    def set_state(self, pressure, temperature):
-        for mat in self.base_materials:
-            mat.method = self.method
-            mat.set_state(pressure, temperature)
+        phi=np.array([self.alpha[i]*molar_fraction[i] for i in range(self.n_endmembers)])
+        phi=np.divide(phi, np.sum(phi))
-        itrange = range(0, len(self.base_material))
+        self.H_excess=np.dot(self.alpha.T,molar_fraction)*np.dot(phi.T,np.dot(self.Wh,phi))
+        self.S_deficit=np.dot(self.alpha.T,molar_fraction)*np.dot(phi.T,np.dot(self.Ws,phi))
+        self.V_excess=np.dot(self.alpha.T,molar_fraction)*np.dot(phi.T,np.dot(self.Wv,phi))
+        self.S_excess=0.0-S_deficit
-        self.params = {}
-        # Description of RTlngamma terms given by the asymmetric formalism
-        # is included in Holland and Powell (2003)
-        # the volume is calculated in the same way as Gex (p.493),
-        # replacing Wij with Wvij
-        Vex=-2.*sum([ sum([ self.molar_fraction[i]*self.van_laar_parameter[i]*self.molar_fraction[j]*self.van_laar_parameter[j]*self.interaction_parameter[i][2] / (self.van_laar_parameter[i] + self.van_laar_parameter[j]) for j in range(i, len(self.base_material)) ]) for i in range(0, len(self.base_material)-1) ])/sum([ self.van_laar_parameter[l]*self.molar_fraction[l] for l in itrange ])
-        V= sum([ self.base_materials[i].molar_volume() * self.molar_fraction[i] for i in itrange ]) + Vex
-        # the volume is calculated in the same way as Gex (p.493),
-        # replacing Wij with Wvij
-        # W[i][j] == W[(itrange-1)*i+(j-1)]
-        Vex=-2.*sum([ sum([ self.molar_fraction[i]*self.van_laar_parameter[i]*self.molar_fraction[j]*self.van_laar_parameter[j]*self.interaction_parameter[(itrange-1)*i+(j-1)][2] / (self.van_laar_parameter[i] + self.van_laar_parameter[j]) for j in range(i, len(self.base_material)) ]) for i in range(0, len(self.base_material)-1) ])/sum([ self.van_laar_parameter[l]*self.molar_fraction[l] for l in itrange ])
-        V= sum([ self.base_materials[i].molar_volume() * self.molar_fraction[i] for i in itrange ]) + Vex
-        # Same for the Gibbs free energy
-        Gex=-2.*sum([ sum([ self.molar_fraction[i]*self.van_laar_parameter[i]*self.molar_fraction[j]*self.van_laar_parameter[j]*(pressure*self.interaction_parameter[(itrange-1)*i+(j-1)][0] + temperature*self.interaction_parameter[(itrange-1)*i+(j-1)][1] + pressure*self.interaction_parameter[(itrange-1)*i+(j-1)][2]) / (self.van_laar_parameter[i] + self.van_laar_parameter[j]) for j in range(i, len(self.base_material)) ]) for i in range(0, len(self.base_material)-1) ])/sum([ self.van_laar_parameter[l]*self.molar_fraction[l] for l in itrange ])
-        G= sum([ self.base_materials[i].molar_gibbs() * self.molar_fraction[i] for i in itrange ]) + Gex
+    def set_state(self, pressure, temperature, molar_fraction):
+        # Set the state of all the endmembers
+        for i in range(self.n_endmembers):
+            self.base_material[i][0].method = self.method
+            self.base_material[i][0].set_state(pressure, temperature)
+        # Find excess properties
+        self.set_composition(molar_fraction)
+        self.G_excess=self.H_excess - temperature*self.S_excess + pressure*self.V_excess
+        self.molar_volume= sum([ self.base_material[i][0].molar_volume() * self.molar_fraction[i] for i in n_endmembers ]) + self.V_excess
+        self.molar_gibbs= sum([ self.base_materials[i][0].molar_gibbs() * self.molar_fraction[i] for i in n_endmembers ]) + self.G_excess
+        '''
         for prop in self.base_materials[0].params:
                self.params[prop] = sum([ self.base_materials[i].params[prop] * self.molar_fraction[i] for i in itrange ])
@@ -88,4 +162,6 @@ class SolidSolution(Mineral):
                #if there is a type error, it is probably a string.  Just go with the value of the first base_material.
                self.params[prop] = self.base_materials[0].params[prop]
         Mineral.set_state(self, pressure, temperature)
+        '''
diff --git a/burnman/test_process_solidsolution.py b/burnman/test_process_solidsolution.py
index dda3bff..92fbbde 100644
--- a/burnman/test_process_solidsolution.py
+++ b/burnman/test_process_solidsolution.py
@@ -13,12 +13,12 @@ P,T
 # Things we can initialise without endmember proportions
 Wh, Ws, Wv
 # Endmember proportions needed
@@ -49,30 +49,30 @@ interaction_parameter=[excess_enthalpy,excess_entropy,excess_volume]
-endmember_proportions = np.array([ 0.5, 0.2, 0.1, 0.2 ])
+molar_fraction = np.array([ 0.5, 0.2, 0.1, 0.2 ])
 # "sites" is a 2D list of sites and the elements which reside on them 
-# "site_occupancies" is a 3D list describing the elemental site occupancies of each endmember 
-# "array_occupancies" is a 2D np.array of site_occupancies, concatenating the 2nd and 3rd dimension
+# "list_occupancies" is a 3D list describing the elemental site occupancies of each endmember 
+# "site_occupancies" is a 2D np.array of list_occupancies, concatenating the 2nd and 3rd dimension
 print 'Number of sites:', n_sites
 print ''
 sites=[[] for i in range(n_sites)]
 for endmember in range(n_endmembers):
-    site_occupancies.append([[0]*len(sites[site]) for site in range(n_sites)])
+    list_occupancies.append([[0]*len(sites[site]) for site in range(n_sites)])
     s=re.split(r'\[', base_material[endmember][1])[1:]
     for site in range(n_sites):
         site_occupancy=re.split(r'\]', s[site])[0]
         mult=re.split('[A-Z][^A-Z]*',re.split(r'\]', s[site])[1])[0]
         if mult == '':
-            site_multiplicity[site]=1.0
+            list_multiplicity[site]=1.0
-            site_multiplicity[site]=mult
+            list_multiplicity[site]=mult
         for i in range(len(elements)):
@@ -83,30 +83,30 @@ for endmember in range(n_endmembers):
             if element_on_site not in sites[site]:
-                n_elements=n_elements+1
+                n_occupancies=n_occupancies+1
-                for parsed_mbr in range(len(site_occupancies)):
-                    site_occupancies[parsed_mbr][site].append(0) 
+                for parsed_mbr in range(len(list_occupancies)):
+                    list_occupancies[parsed_mbr][site].append(0) 
-            site_occupancies[endmember][site][element_index]=proportion_element_on_site
+            list_occupancies[endmember][site][element_index]=proportion_element_on_site
 for endmember in range(n_endmembers):
     for site in range(n_sites):
-        for element in range(len(site_occupancies[endmember][site])):
-            array_occupancies[endmember][n_element]=site_occupancies[endmember][site][element]
-            array_multiplicities[n_element]=site_multiplicity[site]
+        for element in range(len(list_occupancies[endmember][site])):
+            site_occupancies[endmember][n_element]=list_occupancies[endmember][site][element]
+            site_multiplicities[n_element]=list_multiplicity[site]
 # Matrix operation to return site occupancies, given proportions of endmembers
-occupancies=np.dot(endmember_proportions, array_occupancies)
+occupancies=np.dot(molar_fraction, site_occupancies)
 print 'Site occupancies'
 print sites
 print occupancies
@@ -119,11 +119,11 @@ ideal_activity=np.empty(shape=(n_endmembers))
 for endmember in range(n_endmembers):
-    for element in range(n_elements):
-        if array_occupancies[endmember][element] != 0:
-            #print base_material[endmember][0], element, occupancies[element], array_occupancies[endmember][element]
-            ideal_activity[endmember]=ideal_activity[endmember]*pow(occupancies[element],array_multiplicities[element])
-            normalisation_constant=normalisation_constant/pow(array_occupancies[endmember][element],array_multiplicities[element])
+    for element in range(n_occupancies):
+        if site_occupancies[endmember][element] != 0:
+            #print base_material[endmember][0], element, occupancies[element], site_occupancies[endmember][element]
+            ideal_activity[endmember]=ideal_activity[endmember]*pow(occupancies[element],site_multiplicities[element])
+            normalisation_constant=normalisation_constant/pow(site_occupancies[endmember][element],site_multiplicities[element])
@@ -134,7 +134,7 @@ print ideal_activity
 # alpha^T*p*(phi^T*W*phi)
 alpha=np.array([base_material[i][2] for i in range(n_endmembers)])
-phi=np.array([alpha[i]*endmember_proportions[i] for i in range(n_endmembers)])
+phi=np.array([alpha[i]*molar_fraction[i] for i in range(n_endmembers)])
 phi=np.divide(phi, np.sum(phi))
@@ -148,25 +148,24 @@ for i in range(n_endmembers):
 print ''
 print 'Excess enthalpy, entropy, volume (non-configurational)'
-print np.dot(alpha.T,endmember_proportions)*np.dot(phi.T,np.dot(Wh,phi)), 'J/mol'
+print np.dot(alpha.T,molar_fraction)*np.dot(phi.T,np.dot(Wh,phi)), 'J/mol'
-print np.dot(alpha.T,endmember_proportions)*np.dot(phi.T,np.dot(Ws,phi)), 'J/K/mol'
+print np.dot(alpha.T,molar_fraction)*np.dot(phi.T,np.dot(Ws,phi)), 'J/K/mol'
-print np.dot(alpha.T,endmember_proportions)*np.dot(phi.T,np.dot(Wv,phi)), 'm^3/mol'
+print np.dot(alpha.T,molar_fraction)*np.dot(phi.T,np.dot(Wv,phi)), 'm^3/mol'
 # Plot excess volumes for the pyrope-grossular join
 ppy= np.linspace(0, 1, 101)
 vex= np.empty(shape=(101))
 for p in range(len(ppy)):
-    endmember_proportions = np.array([ a, 0.0, 1.-a, 0.0 ])
-    phi=np.array([alpha[i]*endmember_proportions[i] for i in range(n_endmembers)])
+    molar_fraction = np.array([ a, 0.0, 1.-a, 0.0 ])
+    phi=np.array([alpha[i]*molar_fraction[i] for i in range(n_endmembers)])
     phi=np.divide(phi, np.sum(phi))
-    vex[p]=np.dot(alpha.T,endmember_proportions)*np.dot(phi.T,np.dot(Wv,phi))
+    vex[p]=np.dot(alpha.T,molar_fraction)*np.dot(phi.T,np.dot(Wv,phi))
 import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
diff --git a/burnman/testing.py b/burnman/testing.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 7d31eb8..0000000
--- a/burnman/testing.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,257 +0,0 @@
-# BurnMan - a lower mantle toolkit
-# Copyright (C) 2012, 2013, Heister, T., Unterborn, C., Rose, I. and Cottaar, S.
-# Released under GPL v2 or later.
-# Here we import standard python modules that are required for
-# usage of BurnMan.  In particular, numpy is used for handling
-# numerical arrays and mathematical operations on them, and
-# matplotlib is used for generating plots of results of calculations
-import os, sys, numpy as np, matplotlib.pyplot as plt
-#hack to allow scripts to be placed in subdirectories next to burnman:
-if not os.path.exists('burnman') and os.path.exists('../burnman'):
-    sys.path.insert(1,os.path.abspath('..'))
-# Here we import the relevant modules from BurnMan.  The burnman
-# module imports several of the most important functionalities of
-# the library, including the ability to make composites, and compute
-# thermoelastic properties of them.  The minerals module includes
-# the mineral physical parameters for the predefined minerals in
-# BurnMan
-import burnman
-from burnman import minerals
-# The following script checks the Gibbs Free energies of *solid* Holland and Powell (2011) endmembers satisfying one of several cases
-print 'N.B. Small differences (<100 J/mol) between the burnman and thermocalc outputs are presumably the result of Holland and Powell missing .15 K somewhere in their code, either in the standard state temperature (298.15 K), or in the conversion from Celsius to Kelvin.'
-print ''
-# A mineral without phase transitions: stishovite
-print 'Stishovite: a simple phase'
-Gstv=[['P \ T',25,500,1500],[0.001, -883.54, -909.13, -1020.78],[10.0, -869.55, -895.00, -1006.26],[100.0, -745.58, -769.83, -877.86]]
-for pi in range(len(Gstv)-1):
-    P=Gstv[pi+1][0]*1e8
-    for ti in range(len(Gstv[0])-1):
-        T=Gstv[0][ti+1]+273.15
-        Gburnman=stv.calcgibbs(P,T)
-        GHP=Gstv[pi+1][ti+1]*1000. # convert to J/mol
-        Gdiff=Gburnman-GHP
-#        print P, T, Gburnman, GHP, Gdiff
-        serror=serror + pow(Gdiff,2)
-        if abs(Gdiff) > abs(maxerror):
-            maxerror = Gdiff
-            Tmaxerror = T
-            Pmaxerror = P
-rmserror = np.sqrt(serror/((len(Gstv)-1)*(len(Gstv[0])-1)))
-print 'RMS error on G:', rmserror, 'J/mol'
-print 'Maximum error:', maxerror, 'J/mol @', P/1.e9, 'GPa and', T, 'K'
-print ''
-# A mineral with a phase transition described by Landau theory: quartz
-Gq=[['P \ T',25,500,1500],[0.001,-923.06,-957.10,-1088.42],[10.0,-900.62,-934.16,-1064.93],[100.0,-715.40,-746.62,-870.48]]
-print 'Quartz: a phase governed by a phase transition described by Landau theory'
-for pi in range(len(Gq)-1):
-    P=Gq[pi+1][0]*1e8
-    for ti in range(len(Gq[0])-1):
-        T=Gq[0][ti+1]+273.15
-        Gburnman=q.calcgibbs(P,T)
-        GHP=Gq[pi+1][ti+1]*1000. # convert to J/mol
-        Gdiff=Gburnman-GHP
-#        print P, T, Gburnman, GHP, Gdiff
-        serror=serror + pow(Gdiff,2)
-        if abs(Gdiff) > abs(maxerror):
-            maxerror = Gdiff
-            Tmaxerror = T
-            Pmaxerror = P
-rmserror = np.sqrt(serror/((len(Gq)-1)*(len(Gq[0])-1)))
-print 'RMS error on G:', rmserror, 'J/mol'
-print 'Maximum error:', maxerror, 'J/mol @', P/1.e9, 'GPa and', T, 'K'
-print ''
-# A mineral with a phase transition described by Landau theory: iron
-Giron=[['P \ T',25,500,1500],[0.001,-8.07,-28.25,-103.64],[10.0,-1.00,-21.05,-96.09],[100.0,60.89,41.85,-30.62]]
-print 'Iron: a phase governed by a phase transition described by Landau theory'
-for pi in range(len(Giron)-1):
-    P=Giron[pi+1][0]*1e8
-    for ti in range(len(Giron[0])-1):
-        T=Giron[0][ti+1]+273.15
-        Gburnman=iron.calcgibbs(P,T)
-        GHP=Giron[pi+1][ti+1]*1000. # convert to J/mol
-        Gdiff=Gburnman-GHP
-#        print P, T, Gburnman, GHP, Gdiff
-        serror=serror + pow(Gdiff,2)
-        if abs(Gdiff) > abs(maxerror):
-            maxerror = Gdiff
-            Tmaxerror = T
-            Pmaxerror = P
-rmserror = np.sqrt(serror/((len(Giron)-1)*(len(Giron[0])-1)))
-print 'RMS error on G:', rmserror, 'J/mol'
-print 'Maximum error:', maxerror, 'J/mol @', P/1.e9, 'GPa and', T, 'K'
-print ''
-# Another mineral with a phase transition described by Bragg-Williams theory: hercynite
-print 'Hercynite: a phase with order-disorder described by Bragg-Williams'
-Gherc=[['P \ T',25, 500, 1500],[0.001,-1986.97,-2079.75,-2436.29],[10.0,-1946.33,-2038.65,-2394.06],[100.0,-1589.25,-1677.93,-2024.39]]
-print 'Scaling on configurational energy:', herc.params['BW_factor']
-for pi in range(len(Gherc)-1):
-    P=Gherc[pi+1][0]*1e8
-    for ti in range(len(Gherc[0])-1):
-        T=Gherc[0][ti+1]+273.15
-        Gburnman=herc.calcgibbs(P,T)
-        GHP=Gherc[pi+1][ti+1]*1000. # convert to J/mol
-        Gdiff=Gburnman-GHP
-        #print P, T, Gburnman, GHP, Gdiff
-        serror=serror + pow(Gdiff,2)
-        if abs(Gdiff) > abs(maxerror):
-            maxerror = Gdiff
-            Tmaxerror = T
-            Pmaxerror = P
-rmserror = np.sqrt(serror/((len(Gherc)-1)*(len(Gherc[0])-1)))
-print 'RMS error on G:', rmserror, 'J/mol'
-print 'Maximum error:', maxerror, 'J/mol @', P/1.e9, 'GPa and', T, 'K'
-print ''
-# Another mineral with a phase transition described by Bragg-Williams theory: dolomite
-print 'Dolomite: a phase with order-disorder described by Bragg-Williams'
-Gdol=[['P \ T',25, 500, 1500],[0.001,-2372.73,-2496.11,-2964.31],[10.0,-2308.78,-2430.98,-2895.98],[100.0,-1759.31,-1872.97,-2315.19]]
-print 'Scaling on configurational energy:', dol.params['BW_factor']
-for pi in range(len(Gdol)-1):
-    P=Gdol[pi+1][0]*1e8
-    for ti in range(len(Gdol[0])-1):
-        T=Gdol[0][ti+1]+273.15
-        Gburnman=dol.calcgibbs(P,T)
-        GHP=Gdol[pi+1][ti+1]*1000. # convert to J/mol
-        Gdiff=Gburnman-GHP
-        #print P, T, Gburnman, GHP, Gdiff
-        serror=serror + pow(Gdiff,2)
-        if abs(Gdiff) > abs(maxerror):
-            maxerror = Gdiff
-            Tmaxerror = T
-            Pmaxerror = P
-rmserror = np.sqrt(serror/((len(Gdol)-1)*(len(Gdol[0])-1)))
-print 'RMS error on G:', rmserror, 'J/mol'
-print 'Maximum error:', maxerror, 'J/mol @', P/1.e9, 'GPa and', T, 'K'
-print ''
-# A mineral with a phase transition described by Bragg-Williams theory: spinel
-print 'Spinel: a phase with order-disorder described by Bragg-Williams'
-Gsp=[['P \ T',25,500,1500],[0.001,-2325.64,-2401.93,-2713.86],[10.0,-2285.96,-2361.80,-2672.59],[100.0,-1937.39,-2009.65,-2311.34]]
-print 'Scaling on configurational energy:', sp.params['BW_factor']
-for pi in range(len(Gsp)-1):
-    P=Gsp[pi+1][0]*1e8
-    for ti in range(len(Gsp[0])-1):
-        T=Gsp[0][ti+1]+273.15
-        Gburnman=sp.calcgibbs(P,T)
-        GHP=Gsp[pi+1][ti+1]*1000. # convert to J/mol
-        Gdiff=Gburnman-GHP
-        #print P, T, Gburnman, GHP, Gdiff
-        serror=serror + pow(Gdiff,2)
-        if abs(Gdiff) > abs(maxerror):
-            maxerror = Gdiff
-            Tmaxerror = T
-            Pmaxerror = P
-rmserror = np.sqrt(serror/((len(Gsp)-1)*(len(Gsp[0])-1)))
-print 'RMS error on G:', rmserror, 'J/mol'
-print 'Maximum error:', maxerror, 'J/mol @', P/1.e9, 'GPa and', T, 'K'
-print ''
-# Another mineral with a phase transition described by Bragg-Williams theory: sillimanite
-print 'Sillimanite: a phase with order-disorder described by Bragg-Williams'
-Gsill=[['P \ T',25, 500, 1500],[0.001,-2614.21,-2698.95,-3039.60],[10.0,-2564.51,-2648.92,-2988.73],[100.0,-2129.23,-2211.19,-2544.71]]
-print 'Scaling on configurational energy:', sill.params['BW_factor']
-for pi in range(len(Gsill)-1):
-    P=Gsill[pi+1][0]*1e8
-    for ti in range(len(Gsill[0])-1):
-        T=Gsill[0][ti+1]+273.15
-        Gburnman=sill.calcgibbs(P,T)
-        GHP=Gsill[pi+1][ti+1]*1000. # convert to J/mol
-        Gdiff=Gburnman-GHP
-        #print P, T, Gburnman, GHP, Gdiff
-        serror=serror + pow(Gdiff,2)
-        if abs(Gdiff) > abs(maxerror):
-            maxerror = Gdiff
-            Tmaxerror = T
-            Pmaxerror = P
-rmserror = np.sqrt(serror/((len(Gsill)-1)*(len(Gsill[0])-1)))
-print 'RMS error on G:', rmserror, 'J/mol'
-print 'Maximum error:', maxerror, 'J/mol @', P/1.e9, 'GPa and', T, 'K'
-print ''

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