[cig-commits] [commit] add_thermodynamic_potentials: Start working on a gibbs minimization branch (e7b24d1)

cig_noreply at geodynamics.org cig_noreply at geodynamics.org
Tue Dec 9 09:56:59 PST 2014

Repository : https://github.com/geodynamics/burnman

On branch  : add_thermodynamic_potentials
Link       : https://github.com/geodynamics/burnman/compare/2e5646d93cedbbf8eae54cc37cffc14e0aa85180...d5ddad03ff9f30f5a4efaddb4e3ec585ea1a7c51


commit e7b24d168bf4915ea8b21f4c06093f85510d2444
Author: ian-r-rose <ian.r.rose at gmail.com>
Date:   Tue Sep 16 20:45:39 2014 -0700

    Start working on a gibbs minimization branch


 burnman/__init__.py          |   1 +
 burnman/gibbsminimization.py | 258 +++++++++++--------------------------------
 test_gibbs.py                |  12 ++
 3 files changed, 79 insertions(+), 192 deletions(-)

diff --git a/burnman/__init__.py b/burnman/__init__.py
index 0a02c5b..ef94f19 100644
--- a/burnman/__init__.py
+++ b/burnman/__init__.py
@@ -39,6 +39,7 @@ from mineral_helpers import *
 #high level functions
 from main import *
 from model import Model
+from gibbsminimization import *
 #mineral library
 import minerals
diff --git a/burnman/gibbsminimization.py b/burnman/gibbsminimization.py
index f7ca08a..4c5db08 100644
--- a/burnman/gibbsminimization.py
+++ b/burnman/gibbsminimization.py
@@ -2,197 +2,71 @@
 # Copyright (C) 2012-2014, Myhill, R., Heister, T., Unterborn, C., Rose, I. and Cottaar, S.
 # Released under GPL v2 or later.
-# NB, the dictionary of compositions -> array of compositions
-# for endmembers and bulk composition should be done 
-# during initialisation, not in the function itself
-from scipy.optimize import fsolve
-def null(A, eps=1e-15):
-    u, s, vh = np.linalg.svd(A)
-    s=np.append(s, [0. for i in range(len(vh)-len(s))])
-    null_mask = (s <= eps)
-    null_space = np.compress(null_mask, vh, axis=0)
-    return np.transpose(null_space)
-def equilibriumassemblage(bulk_composition, assemblage, pressure, temperature):
-    # We can do this in one of two ways:
-    # 1) Solve the equilibrium condition 
-    # 2) Minimise the Gibbs Free Energy
-    # These methods are mathematically, but not computationally equivalent
-    # Method 1
-    # Set up array of endmember compositions
-    # Set up array of bulk composition
-    # Find set of independent equations governing the equilibrium
-    null=null(mbrcomp)
-    mbrcomp=mbrcomp.T    
-    bulk_composition=check_bulk(mbrcomp, comp)
-# Create list of unknowns and their starting guesses
-gvars=['P (kbar)', 'T (K)']
-guesses=[250, 1000, 1.0] # First *mineral* proportion starts at 1.0
-gvars.extend(['p(' + i + ')' for i in minlist])
-guesses.extend(zeros(len(minlist)-1)) # All others start at 0.0
-for i in range(len(lookup)):
-    lookup[i]=[lookup[i][0]+len(guesses),lookup[i][1]+len(guesses)]
-if len(gueslist) != 0:
-    gvars.extend(zip(*gueslist)[0])
-    guesses.extend(map(float,zip(*gueslist)[1]))
-# Fix T, P, proportions or mixing parameters
-print '\nSelect two variables to fix'
-for i in range(len(gvars)):
-    print i, gvars[i]
-for i in range(2):
-    varinp=raw_input("Variable index and value (or min,max,nsteps): ")
-    var=varinp.split()
-    if len(var) == 2:
-        fvars.append([int(var[0]), float(var[1]), float(var[1]), 1])
-    elif len(var) == 4:
-        fvars.append([int(var[0]), float(var[1]), float(var[2]), int(var[3])])
-    else:
-        print 'Incorrect number of lines'
-        sys.exit()
-print gvars[fvars[0][0]], fvars[0][1], '<= x <=', fvars[0][2], 'nsteps=', fvars[0][3]
-print gvars[fvars[1][0]], fvars[1][1], '<= x <=', fvars[1][2], 'nsteps=', fvars[1][3]
-# Set up problem and solve it with fsolve
-print "\n", ' '.join(x.rjust(10) for x in gvars)
-for i in linspace(fvars[0][1],fvars[0][2],fvars[0][3]):
-    guesses[fvars[0][0]]=i
-    if fvars[0][0] == 2:
-        guesses[3]=1.0
-    for j in linspace(fvars[1][1],fvars[1][2],fvars[1][3]):
-        guesses[fvars[1][0]]=j
-        fixed_vars=[[fvars[0][0], i],[fvars[1][0], j]]
-        if fvars[1][0] == 2:
-            guesses[3]=1.0
-        elif fvars[0][0] == 2 and fvars[1][0] == 3:
-            guesses[4]=1.0
-        #guesses=[273.5461, 1385.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.001306, 0.05165, 0.2963, 0.9044, 0.2589,0.9736,0.001794]
-        #guesses=[253.7421,1219.776,1.0 ,  0.0 ,  0.0, 0.0 , 0.0 ,  0.2236  ,  0.9035 , 0.005607 , 0.001415,  0.007105  ,  0.2297, 0.1989 ]
-        #print guesses
-        soln=fsolve(set_eqns,guesses,args=(comp, minlist, mbrlist, mbrcomp, mbr, model, null, lookup, fixed_vars), full_output=1, xtol=1e-10)
-        if soln[2]==1:
-            print " ".join(str(("%10.5f" % x)) for x in soln[0])
-            guesses=soln[0]
-        else:
-            print " ".join(str(("%10.5f" % x)) for x in soln[0]), soln[3]
-def set_eqns(arg, comp, minlist, mbrlist, mbrcomp, mbr, model, null, lookup, fixed_vars):
-    ''' 
-    Equations to solve are:
-    1) Complete set of independent equations
-    2) Mass balance
-    3) Zero mode 
-    Unknowns are:
-    1) Mineral proportions
-    2) Solid solution compositions
-    3) P and/or T
-    arg[] is the list of variables for which to solve the equation
-    comp is the elemental composition in mol %
-    mbr is the complete set of minerals
-    '''
-    eqns=[]
-    G=[]
-    P=float(arg[0])
-    T=float(arg[1]) # arg[0] and arg[1] are P, T
-    mbrprp=zeros(len(mbrlist))
-    for i in range(len(mbrlist)):
-        if (mbrlist[i][1]==""): # Endmember, contained in "min"
-            mbrprp[i]=arg[mbrlist[i][3]+2]
-            G.append(gibbs(mbr[i],P,T))
-        else: # Part of a solid solution
-            n_mod=mbrlist[i][1]
-            n_mbr=mbrlist[i][2]
-            # print lookup[n_mod][0], lookup[n_mod][1]
-            for j in range(lookup[n_mod][0],lookup[n_mod][1],1):
-                if arg[j] > 1:
-                    arg[j]=1.0
-                if arg[j]<0:
-                    arg[j]=0.0
-            slnmbrprp=getprpns(model[n_mod], arg[lookup[n_mod][0]:lookup[n_mod][1]])[n_mbr]
-            mbrprp[i]=arg[mbrlist[i][3]+2]*slnmbrprp
-            if (mbr[i].H == "fictive"):
-                Gpart=0.0
-                for j in range(len(mbr[i].dpndnt)):
-                    f=Fraction(model[mbrlist[i][1]].make[mbrlist[i][2]][2*j+2])
-                    Gpart=Gpart + f*gibbs(mbr[i].dpndnt[j],P,T)
-            else:
-                Gpart=gibbs(mbr[i],P,T)
-            # Add DQF
-            if (model[mbrlist[i][1]].dqfs[mbrlist[i][2]] != []):
-                dqf=model[mbrlist[i][1]].dqfs[mbrlist[i][2]]
-                Gpart=Gpart + dqf[0] + dqf[1]*P + dqf[2]*T
-            # Add RTlna
-            if (slnmbrprp>1e-10):
-                Gpart=Gpart + RTlna(model[n_mod], arg[lookup[n_mod][0]:lookup[n_mod][1]], n_mbr, P,T)
-            G.append(Gpart)
-    for i in range(len(null)): # Add independent equations
-        eqns.append(dot(G,null[i]))
-    # Fix two variables 
-    eqns.append(arg[fixed_vars[0][0]]-fixed_vars[0][1])
-    eqns.append(arg[fixed_vars[1][0]]-fixed_vars[1][1])
-    # Add mineral composition constraints
-    eqns.append(100.*(sum(arg[2:2+len(minlist)])-1.0)) # Add constraint that *mineral* proportions must sum to unity
-    j=0
-    for i in range(len(comp)):
-        if (comp[i] != 0.):
-            if j==0:
-                factor=dot(mbrcomp[i],mbrprp)/comp[i]
-            if j>0:
-                if len(eqns)<len(arg):
-                    #print elementorder[i], mbrcomp[i], mbrprp, comp[i], factor
-                    eqns.append(10.*(dot(mbrcomp[i],mbrprp)-factor*comp[i]))
-            j=j+1
-    return eqns
-def check_bulk(mbrcomp, comp):
-    # Check that the bulk composition can be satisfied by a mixture of the prescribed minerals
-    x,resid,rank,s = lstsq(mbrcomp,comp)
-    resid = dot(mbrcomp,x) - comp
-    tol=1e-10
-    # Test cvxpy's ability to find a suitable range of endmembers
-    #y = variable(len(x),1)
-    #p = program(minimize(norm2(matrix(mbrcomp)*y-matrix(comp).T)),[equals(sum(y),1.0),geq(y,0.0)])
-    #p.solve(quiet=True)
-    #print y.value
-    #print matrix(mbrcomp)*y.value-matrix(comp).T
-    if (any(abs(resid[i]) > tol for i in range(len(resid)))):
-        print "Oh no! Bulk composition outside the compositional range of the chosen minerals ( Maximum residual:", max(resid),  ")"
-        tol=1e-3
-        if (any(abs(resid[i]) > tol for i in range(len(resid)))):
-            print "Residuals too high to recast composition. Program exiting"
-            sys.exit()
+import numpy as np
+import scipy.linalg as linalg
+import burnman
+from burnman.processchemistry import *
+def assemble_stoichiometric_matrix ( minerals ):
+    """
+    This takes a list of minerals and assembles a matrix where 
+    the rows are elements and the columns are species (or endmembers).
+    If a solid solution is passed in, then the endmembers are extracted
+    from it. 
+    """
+    elements = set()
+    formulae = []
+    # Make a list of the different formulae, as well as a set of 
+    # the elements that we have present in the mineral list
+    for m in minerals:
+        # Add the endmembers if it is a solid solution
+        if isinstance(m, burnman.SolidSolution):
+            for e in m.base_material:
+                f = e[0].params['formula']
+                formulae.append(f)
+                for k in f.keys():
+                    elements.add(k)
+        # Add formula if it is a simple mineral
+        elif isinstance(m, burnman.Mineral):
+            f = m.params['formula']
+            formulae.append(f)
+            for k in f.keys():
+                elements.add(k)
-            print "Residuals low enough to recast composition. Doing this now..."
-            return dot(mbrcomp,x)
+            raise Exception('Unsupported mineral type, can only read burnman.Mineral or burnman.SolidSolution')
+    #Listify the elements and sort them so they have a well-defined order.
+    #This will be the ordering of the rows.  The ordering of the columns
+    #will be the ordering of the endmembers as they are passed in.
+    elements = list(elements)
+    elements.sort()
+    #Populate the stoichiometric matrix
+    stoichiometric_matrix = np.empty( [ len(elements), len(formulae) ] )
+    for i,e in enumerate(elements):
+        for j,f in enumerate(formulae):
+            stoichiometric_matrix[i,j] = ( f[e]  if e in f else 0.0 )
+    return stoichiometric_matrix, elements, formulae
+def compute_nullspace ( stoichiometric_matrix ):
+    """
+    Given a stoichiometric matrix, compute a basis for the nullspace.
+    TODO: The basis for the nullspace is nonunique, and in general there
+    is no reason to expect that the one returned by svd is in any way
+    physically meaningful.  We would really like to have the 'sparsest'
+    possible basis, which corresponds to the set of independent reactions
+    with the fewest possible reactants.  Unfortunately this is an NP
+    hard problem.  There are some ways to do it, but I have not gone for it.
+    """
+    eps = 1.e-10
+    U, S, V = linalg.svd( stoichiometric_matrix)
+    S=np.append(S, [0. for i in range(len(V)-len(S))])
+    null_mask = (S <= eps)
+    null_space = np.compress(null_mask, V, axis=0)
+    return np.transpose(null_space)
-    return comp
diff --git a/test_gibbs.py b/test_gibbs.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..327f5c2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test_gibbs.py
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+import burnman
+from burnman.minerals.SLB_2011 import *
+import numpy as np
+import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
+minlist = [mg_fe_olivine(), wuestite(), periclase(), stishovite()]
+M, elements, formulae = burnman.assemble_stoichiometric_matrix( minlist )
+print M
+N = burnman.compute_nullspace(M)
+print N

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