[cig-commits] [commit] devel: for consistency with 3D code, added save_adjoint_kernels.f90 (b9ebe70)

cig_noreply at geodynamics.org cig_noreply at geodynamics.org
Fri Dec 12 09:33:06 PST 2014

Repository : https://github.com/geodynamics/specfem2d

On branch  : devel
Link       : https://github.com/geodynamics/specfem2d/compare/ac615429b347b44208cf08988e81863e4b7887e2...b9ebe7067d5477624920c59e5a3eae08d3a427d1


commit b9ebe7067d5477624920c59e5a3eae08d3a427d1
Author: rmodrak <rmodrak at princeton.edu>
Date:   Fri Dec 12 11:03:43 2014 -0500

    for consistency with 3D code, added save_adjoint_kernels.f90


 src/specfem2D/Makefile.in              |   5 ++
 src/specfem2D/save_adjoint_kernels.f90 | 152 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 src/specfem2D/specfem2D.F90            |  94 +-------------------
 3 files changed, 159 insertions(+), 92 deletions(-)

diff --git a/src/specfem2D/Makefile.in b/src/specfem2D/Makefile.in
index 5a65240..bb18eda 100644
--- a/src/specfem2D/Makefile.in
+++ b/src/specfem2D/Makefile.in
@@ -158,6 +158,7 @@ OBJS_SPECFEM2D = \
 	$O/read_databases.o \
 	$O/read_external_model.o \
 	$O/recompute_jacobian.o \
+	$O/save_adjoint_kernels.o \
 	$O/save_openDX_jacobian.o \
 	$O/set_sources.o \
 	$O/setup_sources_receivers.o \
@@ -293,6 +294,7 @@ $O/compute_pressure.o: $O/specfem2D_par.o
 $O/compute_vector_field.o: $O/specfem2D_par.o
 $O/create_color_image.o: $O/specfem2D_par.o
 $O/write_output_SU.o: $O/specfem2D_par.o
+$O/save_adjoint_kernels.o: $O/specfem2D_par.o
 $O/write_seismograms.o: $O/specfem2D_par.o
 $O/plotpost.o: $O/specfem2D_par.o
 $O/prepare_color_image.o: $O/specfem2D_par.o
@@ -458,6 +460,9 @@ $O/read_external_model.o: ${S}/read_external_model.f90 ${SETUP}/constants.h
 $O/recompute_jacobian.o: ${S}/recompute_jacobian.f90 ${SETUP}/constants.h
 	${F90} $(DEF_FFLAGS) -c -o $O/recompute_jacobian.o ${S}/recompute_jacobian.f90
+$O/save_adjoint_kernels.o:  ${S}/save_adjoint_kernels.f90 ${SETUP}/constants.h
+	${F90} $(DEF_FFLAGS) -c -o $O/save_adjoint_kernels.o ${S}/save_adjoint_kernels.f90
 $O/save_databases.o: ${S}/save_databases.f90 ${SETUP}/constants.h
 	${F90} $(DEF_FFLAGS) -c -o $O/save_databases.o ${S}/save_databases.f90
diff --git a/src/specfem2D/save_adjoint_kernels.f90 b/src/specfem2D/save_adjoint_kernels.f90
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..49b4379
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/specfem2D/save_adjoint_kernels.f90
@@ -0,0 +1,152 @@
+!                   S P E C F E M 2 D  Version 7 . 0
+!                   --------------------------------
+!     Main historical authors: Dimitri Komatitsch and Jeroen Tromp
+!                        Princeton University, USA
+!                and CNRS / University of Marseille, France
+!                 (there are currently many more authors!)
+! (c) Princeton University and CNRS / University of Marseille, April 2014
+! This software is a computer program whose purpose is to solve
+! the two-dimensional viscoelastic anisotropic or poroelastic wave equation
+! using a spectral-element method (SEM).
+! This software is governed by the CeCILL license under French law and
+! abiding by the rules of distribution of free software. You can use,
+! modify and/or redistribute the software under the terms of the CeCILL
+! license as circulated by CEA, CNRS and Inria at the following URL
+! "http://www.cecill.info".
+! As a counterpart to the access to the source code and rights to copy,
+! modify and redistribute granted by the license, users are provided only
+! with a limited warranty and the software's author, the holder of the
+! economic rights, and the successive licensors have only limited
+! liability.
+! In this respect, the user's attention is drawn to the risks associated
+! with loading, using, modifying and/or developing or reproducing the
+! software by the user in light of its specific status of free software,
+! that may mean that it is complicated to manipulate, and that also
+! therefore means that it is reserved for developers and experienced
+! professionals having in-depth computer knowledge. Users are therefore
+! encouraged to load and test the software's suitability as regards their
+! requirements in conditions enabling the security of their systems and/or
+! data to be ensured and, more generally, to use and operate it in the
+! same conditions as regards security.
+! The full text of the license is available in file "LICENSE".
+subroutine save_adjoint_kernels()
+  use specfem_par, only : myrank, nspec, ibool, coord, save_ASCII_kernels, &
+                          any_acoustic, any_elastic, any_poroelastic, &
+                          rho_ac_kl, kappa_ac_kl, alpha_ac_kl, rhop_ac_kl, &
+                          rho_kl, kappa_kl, mu_kl, rhop_kl, alpha_kl, beta_kl, &
+                          rhot_kl, rhof_kl, sm_kl, eta_kl, mufr_kl, B_kl, &
+                          C_kl, M_kl, rhob_kl, rhofb_kl, phi_kl, Bb_kl, Cb_kl, Mb_kl, mufrb_kl, &
+                          rhobb_kl, rhofbb_kl, phib_kl, cpI_kl, cpII_kl, cs_kl, ratio_kl
+  include "constants.h"
+  integer :: i, j, ispec, iglob
+  double precision :: xx, zz
+  if ( myrank == 0 ) then
+    write(IOUT,*) 'Writing Kernels file'
+  endif
+  if(any_acoustic) then
+    if(.not. save_ASCII_kernels)then
+       write(95)coord
+       write(95)rho_ac_kl
+       write(95)kappa_ac_kl
+       write(96)coord
+       write(96)rho_ac_kl
+       write(96)alpha_ac_kl
+    else
+      do ispec = 1, nspec
+        do j = 1, NGLLZ
+          do i = 1, NGLLX
+            iglob = ibool(i,j,ispec)
+            xx = coord(1,iglob)
+            zz = coord(2,iglob)
+            write(95,'(4e15.5e4)')xx,zz,rho_ac_kl(i,j,ispec),kappa_ac_kl(i,j,ispec)
+            write(96,'(4e15.5e4)')xx,zz,rhop_ac_kl(i,j,ispec),alpha_ac_kl(i,j,ispec)
+            !write(96,'(4e15.5e4)')rhorho_ac_hessian_final1(i,j,ispec),
+            !rhorho_ac_hessian_final2(i,j,ispec),&
+            !                rhop_ac_kl(i,j,ispec),alpha_ac_kl(i,j,ispec)
+          enddo
+        enddo
+      enddo
+    endif
+    close(95)
+    close(96)
+  endif
+  if(any_elastic) then
+    if(.not. save_ASCII_kernels)then
+       write(97)coord
+       write(97)rho_kl
+       write(97)kappa_kl
+       write(97)mu_kl
+       write(98)coord
+       write(98)rhop_kl
+       write(98)alpha_kl
+       write(98)beta_kl
+    else
+      do ispec = 1, nspec
+        do j = 1, NGLLZ
+          do i = 1, NGLLX
+            iglob = ibool(i,j,ispec)
+            xx = coord(1,iglob)
+            zz = coord(2,iglob)
+            write(97,'(5e15.5e4)')xx,zz,rho_kl(i,j,ispec),kappa_kl(i,j,ispec),mu_kl(i,j,ispec)
+            write(98,'(5e15.5e4)')xx,zz,rhop_kl(i,j,ispec),alpha_kl(i,j,ispec),beta_kl(i,j,ispec)
+            !write(98,'(5e15.5e4)')rhorho_el_hessian_final1(i,j,ispec),
+            !rhorho_el_hessian_final2(i,j,ispec),&
+            !                    rhop_kl(i,j,ispec),alpha_kl(i,j,ispec),beta_kl(i,j,ispec)
+          enddo
+        enddo
+      enddo
+    endif
+    close(97)
+    close(98)
+  endif
+  if(any_poroelastic) then
+    do ispec = 1, nspec
+      do j = 1, NGLLZ
+        do i = 1, NGLLX
+          iglob = ibool(i,j,ispec)
+          xx = coord(1,iglob)
+          zz = coord(2,iglob)
+          write(144,'(5e11.3)')xx,zz,mufr_kl(i,j,ispec),B_kl(i,j,ispec),C_kl(i,j,ispec)
+          write(155,'(5e11.3)')xx,zz,M_kl(i,j,ispec),rhot_kl(i,j,ispec),rhof_kl(i,j,ispec)
+          write(16,'(5e11.3)')xx,zz,sm_kl(i,j,ispec),eta_kl(i,j,ispec)
+          write(17,'(5e11.3)')xx,zz,mufrb_kl(i,j,ispec),Bb_kl(i,j,ispec),Cb_kl(i,j,ispec)
+          write(18,'(5e11.3)')xx,zz,Mb_kl(i,j,ispec),rhob_kl(i,j,ispec),rhofb_kl(i,j,ispec)
+          write(19,'(5e11.3)')xx,zz,phi_kl(i,j,ispec),eta_kl(i,j,ispec)
+          write(20,'(5e11.3)')xx,zz,cpI_kl(i,j,ispec),cpII_kl(i,j,ispec),cs_kl(i,j,ispec)
+          write(21,'(5e11.3)')xx,zz,rhobb_kl(i,j,ispec),rhofbb_kl(i,j,ispec),ratio_kl(i,j,ispec)
+          write(22,'(5e11.3)')xx,zz,phib_kl(i,j,ispec),eta_kl(i,j,ispec)
+        enddo
+      enddo
+    enddo
+    close(144)
+    close(155)
+    close(16)
+    close(17)
+    close(18)
+    close(19)
+    close(20)
+    close(21)
+    close(22)
+  endif
+end subroutine save_adjoint_kernels
diff --git a/src/specfem2D/specfem2D.F90 b/src/specfem2D/specfem2D.F90
index 3fb4789..3e3ce09 100644
--- a/src/specfem2D/specfem2D.F90
+++ b/src/specfem2D/specfem2D.F90
@@ -7675,101 +7675,11 @@ if(coupled_elastic_poro) then
     if(mod(it,NSTEP_BETWEEN_OUTPUT_IMAGES) == 0 .or. it == 5 .or. it == NSTEP) then
-! kernels output files
+! write kernel files
       if(SIMULATION_TYPE == 3 .and. it == NSTEP) then
-        if ( myrank == 0 ) then
-          write(IOUT,*) 'Writing Kernels file'
-        endif
-        if(any_acoustic) then
-          if(.not. save_ASCII_kernels)then
-             write(95)coord
-             write(95)rho_ac_kl
-             write(95)kappa_ac_kl
-             write(96)coord
-             write(96)rho_ac_kl
-             write(96)alpha_ac_kl
-          else
-            do ispec = 1, nspec
-              do j = 1, NGLLZ
-                do i = 1, NGLLX
-                  iglob = ibool(i,j,ispec)
-                  xx = coord(1,iglob)
-                  zz = coord(2,iglob)
-                  write(95,'(4e15.5e4)')xx,zz,rho_ac_kl(i,j,ispec),kappa_ac_kl(i,j,ispec)
-                  write(96,'(4e15.5e4)')xx,zz,rhop_ac_kl(i,j,ispec),alpha_ac_kl(i,j,ispec)
-                  !write(96,'(4e15.5e4)')rhorho_ac_hessian_final1(i,j,ispec), rhorho_ac_hessian_final2(i,j,ispec),&
-                  !                rhop_ac_kl(i,j,ispec),alpha_ac_kl(i,j,ispec)
-                enddo
-              enddo
-            enddo
-          endif
-          close(95)
-          close(96)
-        endif
-        if(any_elastic) then
-          if(.not. save_ASCII_kernels)then
-             write(97)coord
-             write(97)rho_kl
-             write(97)kappa_kl
-             write(97)mu_kl
-             write(98)coord
-             write(98)rhop_kl
-             write(98)alpha_kl
-             write(98)beta_kl
-          else
-            do ispec = 1, nspec
-              do j = 1, NGLLZ
-                do i = 1, NGLLX
-                  iglob = ibool(i,j,ispec)
-                  xx = coord(1,iglob)
-                  zz = coord(2,iglob)
-                  write(97,'(5e15.5e4)')xx,zz,rho_kl(i,j,ispec),kappa_kl(i,j,ispec),mu_kl(i,j,ispec)
-                  write(98,'(5e15.5e4)')xx,zz,rhop_kl(i,j,ispec),alpha_kl(i,j,ispec),beta_kl(i,j,ispec)
-                  !write(98,'(5e15.5e4)')rhorho_el_hessian_final1(i,j,ispec), rhorho_el_hessian_final2(i,j,ispec),&
-                  !                    rhop_kl(i,j,ispec),alpha_kl(i,j,ispec),beta_kl(i,j,ispec)
-                enddo
-              enddo
-            enddo
-          endif
-          close(97)
-          close(98)
-        endif
-        if(any_poroelastic) then
-          do ispec = 1, nspec
-            do j = 1, NGLLZ
-              do i = 1, NGLLX
-                iglob = ibool(i,j,ispec)
-                xx = coord(1,iglob)
-                zz = coord(2,iglob)
-                write(144,'(5e11.3)')xx,zz,mufr_kl(i,j,ispec),B_kl(i,j,ispec),C_kl(i,j,ispec)
-                write(155,'(5e11.3)')xx,zz,M_kl(i,j,ispec),rhot_kl(i,j,ispec),rhof_kl(i,j,ispec)
-                write(16,'(5e11.3)')xx,zz,sm_kl(i,j,ispec),eta_kl(i,j,ispec)
-                write(17,'(5e11.3)')xx,zz,mufrb_kl(i,j,ispec),Bb_kl(i,j,ispec),Cb_kl(i,j,ispec)
-                write(18,'(5e11.3)')xx,zz,Mb_kl(i,j,ispec),rhob_kl(i,j,ispec),rhofb_kl(i,j,ispec)
-                write(19,'(5e11.3)')xx,zz,phi_kl(i,j,ispec),eta_kl(i,j,ispec)
-                write(20,'(5e11.3)')xx,zz,cpI_kl(i,j,ispec),cpII_kl(i,j,ispec),cs_kl(i,j,ispec)
-                write(21,'(5e11.3)')xx,zz,rhobb_kl(i,j,ispec),rhofbb_kl(i,j,ispec),ratio_kl(i,j,ispec)
-                write(22,'(5e11.3)')xx,zz,phib_kl(i,j,ispec),eta_kl(i,j,ispec)
-              enddo
-            enddo
-          enddo
-          close(144)
-          close(155)
-          close(16)
-          close(17)
-          close(18)
-          close(19)
-          close(20)
-          close(21)
-          close(22)
-        endif
+          call save_adjoint_kernels()

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