[cig-commits] [commit] inversion, master, validate_MT_params: Farmed out endmember disorder functions, added preliminary solution properties (9c2a78f)

cig_noreply at geodynamics.org cig_noreply at geodynamics.org
Fri Dec 12 18:26:52 PST 2014

Repository : https://github.com/geodynamics/burnman

On branches: inversion,master,validate_MT_params
Link       : https://github.com/geodynamics/burnman/compare/80c2a295c42dfdb38f83f6c1334bf7d8f97a8463...409647ff05dfad6a686198cac1481bd46b5e2e62


commit 9c2a78f8ee79f8726ee98a06ee8754a274eb8c8c
Author: Bob Myhill <myhill.bob at gmail.com>
Date:   Thu Dec 11 11:21:52 2014 -0800

    Farmed out endmember disorder functions, added preliminary solution properties


 burnman/endmemberdisorder.py | 150 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 burnman/modified_tait.py     | 207 ++++++++++++-------------------------------
 burnman/solidsolution.py     |  21 ++---
 3 files changed, 216 insertions(+), 162 deletions(-)

diff --git a/burnman/endmemberdisorder.py b/burnman/endmemberdisorder.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..25639d1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/burnman/endmemberdisorder.py
@@ -0,0 +1,150 @@
+# BurnMan - a lower mantle toolkit
+# Copyright (C) 2012, 2013, 2014, Heister, T., Unterborn, C., Rose, I. and Cottaar, S.
+# Released under GPL v2 or later.
+import numpy as np
+from burnman.constants import R
+T_0=298.15 # Standard temperature = 25 C
+P_0=1.e5 # Standard pressure = 1.e5 Pa
+Functions for order-disorder thermodynamic properties of endmembers
+def landau_ordering(P, T, params):
+    """
+    Returns critical temperature [K] at pressure [Pa], 
+    and the states of order [unitless] at the 
+    reference temperature and temperature of interest  
+    from Holland and Powell, 1996 
+    """
+    Tcstar=params['landau_Tc'] + (params['landau_Vmax']/params['landau_Smax'])*P
+            # Q_0 is Q at T0, P0? 
+    Q_0=np.power((params['landau_Tc']-T_0)/params['landau_Tc'],1./4.)
+    # Find state of ordering
+    # Note that Q > 1 where Vmax*P > Smax*T. 
+    if Tcstar-T > 0.:
+        Q=np.power((Tcstar-T)/params['landau_Tc'],1./4.)
+    else:
+        Q=0.0
+    return Tcstar, Q_0, Q
+def gibbs_disorder_Landau(P, T, params):
+    """
+    Returns the Gibbs energy of disordering [J/mol] relative 
+    to the equilibrium state of disorder (Q [unitless]) 
+    based on the landau model
+    from Holland and Powell, 1996, corrected using
+    landaunote.pdf on Tim Holland's esc web page
+    """
+    Tcstar, Q_0, Q = landau_ordering(P, T, params)
+    # Vt is defined as a "function shaping the excess volume of disordering" in landaunote.pdf.
+    # A sensible function to use in this case would be the expression in brackets in  EQ13 of Holland and Powell (2011) 
+    # Here we follow tc337L, where Vt=1 ("the simplest way to proceed"; Roger Powell, pers. comm. 2014/08/22). 
+    Vt=1.# EQ 13 would give: 1. - a + (a*(pow((1.-b*Pth), 1.-c) - pow((1. + b*(pressure-Pth)), 1.-c))/(b*(c-1.)*pressure))
+    Gdisord=params['landau_Tc']*params['landau_Smax']*(np.power(Q_0,2) - np.power(Q_0,6)/3.0) - params['landau_Smax']*(Tcstar*np.power(Q,2) - params['landau_Tc']*np.power(Q,6)/3.0) - T*(params['landau_Smax']*(np.power(Q_0,2) - np.power(Q,2))) + P*(params['landau_Vmax']*np.power(Q_0,2)*Vt)
+    return Gdisord
+def entropy_disorder_Landau(P, T, params):
+    """
+    Returns the entropy of disordering [J/K/mol] relative 
+    to the equilibrium state of disorder (Q [unitless]) 
+    based on the landau model
+    from Holland and Powell, 1996
+    """
+    # N.B. Assumes Vt==1, see above
+    Tcstar, Q_0, Q = landau_ordering(P, T, params)
+    Sdisord=params['landau_Smax']*(np.power(Q_0, 2.) - np.power(Q, 2.))
+    return Sdisord
+def enthalpy_disorder_Landau(P, T, params):
+    """
+    Returns the enthalpy of disordering [J/mol] relative 
+    to the equilibrium state of disorder (Q [unitless]) 
+    based on the landau model
+    from Holland and Powell, 1996, corrected using
+    landaunote.pdf on Tim Holland's esc web page
+    """
+    # N.B. Assumes Vt==1, see above
+    Tcstar, Q_0, Q = landau_ordering(P, T, params)
+    Hdisord=gibbs_disorder_Landau(P, T, params) + T*entropy_disorder_Landau(P, T, params)
+    return Hdisord
+def heat_capacity_p_disorder_Landau(P, T, params):
+    """
+    Returns the heat capacity of disordering [J/mol] relative 
+    to the equilibrium state of disorder (Q [unitless]) 
+    based on the landau model
+    from Holland and Powell, 1996, corrected using
+    landaunote.pdf on Tim Holland's esc web page
+    """
+    # N.B. Assumes Vt==1, see above
+    Tcstar, Q_0, Q = landau_ordering(P, T, params)
+    Hdisord=gibbs_disorder_Landau(P, T, params) + T*entropy_disorder_Landau(P, T, params)
+    if Q==0.:
+        Cp_disord=0.
+    else:
+        Cp_disord=params['landau_Smax']/(2.*np.sqrt((Tcstar-T)*params['landau_Tc']))
+    return Cp_disord
+# see derivation in thermodynamic_introduction.pdf
+def lnxord(n,Q):
+    return np.log(1.+n*Q) + n*np.log(n+Q) - (1.+n)*np.log(1.+n)
+# see derivation in thermodynamic_introduction.pdf
+def lnxdisord(n,Q):
+    return (1./(1.+n))*np.log(1.+n*Q) + (n/(1.+n))*np.log(1.-Q) + (n/(1.+n))*np.log(n*(1.-Q)) + (n*n/(1.+n))*np.log(n+Q) - n*np.log(n)
+# see derivation in thermodynamic_introduction.pdf
+def entropydisorder(n):
+    BW_deltaS=R*((1.+n)*np.log(1.+n) - n*np.log(n))
+    return BW_deltaS
+# see Holland and Powell, 1996
+# params['BW_factor'] is a proportional reduction of the configurational energy of mixing, so feeds into the calculation of Q.
+def equilibrium_Q(Q, deltaS, P, T, params):
+    n=params['BW_n']
+    W=params['BW_W'] + P*params['BW_Wv']
+    if Q>1.0:
+        Q=0.9 # A simple catch to make sure the optimisation doesn't fail
+    return params['BW_deltaH'] - params['BW_factor']*T*deltaS + P*params['BW_deltaV'] + params['BW_factor']*R*T*(lnxdisord(n,Q) - lnxord(n,Q)) + (2.*Q - 1.)*W
+# Energy of disordering from Bragg-Williams symmetric model; see Holland and Powell, 1996
+def gibbs_disorder_BW(P, T, params):
+    n=params['BW_n']
+    deltaS=entropydisorder(n)
+    Q=opt.fsolve(equilibrium_Q, 0.999995, args=(deltaS, P, T, params))[0]
+    W=params['BW_W'] + P*params['BW_Wv']
+    ideal=(1.-Q)*(params['BW_deltaH'] - params['BW_factor']*T*entropydisorder(n) + P*params['BW_deltaV'] + params['BW_factor']*R*T*lnxdisord(n,Q)) + params['BW_factor']*Q*(R*T*lnxord(n,Q))
+    nonideal=(1.-Q)*Q*W
+    Edisord=ideal+nonideal
+    return Edisord
+def entropy_disorder_BW(P, T, params):
+    n=params['BW_n']
+    deltaS=entropydisorder(n)
+    Q=opt.fsolve(equilibrium_Q, 0.999995, args=(deltaS, P, T, params))[0]
+    Sdisord=params['BW_factor']*((1.-Q)*(entropydisorder(n) - R*lnxdisord(n,Q)) - Q*(R*lnxord(n,Q)))
+    return Sdisord
+def enthalpy_disorder_BW(P, T, params):
+    n=params['BW_n']
+    deltaS=entropydisorder(n)
+    Q=opt.fsolve(equilibrium_Q, 0.999995, args=(deltaS, P, T, params))[0]
+    W=params['BW_W'] + P*params['BW_Wv']
+    ideal=(1.-Q)*(params['BW_deltaH'] + P*params['BW_deltaV'])
+    nonideal=(1.-Q)*Q*W
+    Hdisord=ideal+nonideal
+    return Hdisord
diff --git a/burnman/modified_tait.py b/burnman/modified_tait.py
index 0cfbc73..36271cb 100644
--- a/burnman/modified_tait.py
+++ b/burnman/modified_tait.py
@@ -2,150 +2,17 @@
 # Copyright (C) 2012-2014, Myhill, R., Heister, T., Unterborn, C., Rose, I. and Cottaar, S.
 # Released under GPL v2 or later.
-#TO DO: Correct heat capacity, volume where internal order-disorder is implemented (Landau and Bragg-Williams models)
 import numpy as np
 import scipy.optimize as opt
 import burnman.equation_of_state as eos
 import burnman.einstein as einstein
+from burnman.endmemberdisorder import *
 from burnman.constants import R
 T_0=298.15 # Standard temperature = 25 C
 P_0=1.e5 # Standard pressure = 1.e5 Pa
-# see Holland and Powell, 2011
-def einstein_temperature(S, n):
-    """
-    Empirical Einstein temperature
-    base of p.346, para.1
-    """
-    return 10636./(S/n + 6.44)
-# see Holland and Powell, 2011
-def tait_constants(params):
-    a=(1.+params['Kprime_0'])/(1. + params['Kprime_0'] + params['K_0']*params['Kdprime_0'])
-    b=params['Kprime_0']/params['K_0'] - params['Kdprime_0']/(1. + params['Kprime_0'])
-    c=(1. + params['Kprime_0'] + params['K_0']*params['Kdprime_0'])/(params['Kprime_0']*params['Kprime_0'] + params['Kprime_0'] - params['K_0']*params['Kdprime_0'])
-    return a, b, c
-def landau_ordering(P, T, params):
-    # From Holland and Powell, 1996, corrected using
-    # landaunote.pdf on Tim Holland's esc web page
-    Tcstar=params['landau_Tc'] + (params['landau_Vmax']/params['landau_Smax'])*P
-            # Q_0 is Q at T0, P0? 
-    Q_0=np.power((params['landau_Tc']-T_0)/params['landau_Tc'],1./4.)
-    # Find state of ordering
-    # Note that Q > 1 where Vmax*P > Smax*T. 
-    if Tcstar-T > 0.:
-        Q=np.power((Tcstar-T)/params['landau_Tc'],1./4.)
-    else:
-        Q=0.0
-    return Tcstar, Q_0, Q
-def gibbs_disorder_Landau(P, T, params):
-    # From Holland and Powell, 1996, corrected using
-    # landaunote.pdf on Tim Holland's esc web page
-    Tcstar, Q_0, Q = landau_ordering(P, T, params)
-    # Vt is defined as a "function shaping the excess volume of disordering" in landaunote.pdf.
-    # A sensible function to use in this case would be the expression in brackets in  EQ13 of Holland and Powell (2011) 
-    # Here we follow tc337L, where Vt=1 ("the simplest way to proceed"; Roger Powell, pers. comm. 2014/08/22). 
-    Vt=1.# EQ 13 would give: 1. - a + (a*(pow((1.-b*Pth), 1.-c) - pow((1. + b*(pressure-Pth)), 1.-c))/(b*(c-1.)*pressure))
-    Gdisord=params['landau_Tc']*params['landau_Smax']*(np.power(Q_0,2) - np.power(Q_0,6)/3.0) - params['landau_Smax']*(Tcstar*np.power(Q,2) - params['landau_Tc']*np.power(Q,6)/3.0) - T*(params['landau_Smax']*(np.power(Q_0,2) - np.power(Q,2))) + P*(params['landau_Vmax']*np.power(Q_0,2)*Vt)
-    return Gdisord
-def entropy_disorder_Landau(P, T, params):
-    # N.B. Assumes Vt==1, see above
-    Tcstar, Q_0, Q = landau_ordering(P, T, params)
-    Sdisord=params['landau_Smax']*(np.power(Q_0, 2.) - np.power(Q, 2.))
-    return Sdisord
-def enthalpy_disorder_Landau(P, T, params):
-    # N.B. Assumes Vt==1, see above
-    Tcstar, Q_0, Q = landau_ordering(P, T, params)
-    Hdisord=gibbs_disorder_Landau(P, T, params) + T*entropy_disorder_Landau(P, T, params)
-    return Hdisord
-def heat_capacity_p_disorder_Landau(P, T, params):
-    # N.B. Assumes Vt==1, see above
-    Tcstar, Q_0, Q = landau_ordering(P, T, params)
-    Hdisord=gibbs_disorder_Landau(P, T, params) + T*entropy_disorder_Landau(P, T, params)
-    if Q==0.:
-        Cp_disord=0.
-    else:
-        Cp_disord=params['landau_Smax']/(2.*np.sqrt((Tcstar-T)*params['landau_Tc']))
-    return Cp_disord
-# see derivation in thermodynamic_introduction.pdf
-def lnxord(n,Q):
-    return np.log(1.+n*Q) + n*np.log(n+Q) - (1.+n)*np.log(1.+n)
-# see derivation in thermodynamic_introduction.pdf
-def lnxdisord(n,Q):
-    return (1./(1.+n))*np.log(1.+n*Q) + (n/(1.+n))*np.log(1.-Q) + (n/(1.+n))*np.log(n*(1.-Q)) + (n*n/(1.+n))*np.log(n+Q) - n*np.log(n)
-# see derivation in thermodynamic_introduction.pdf
-def entropydisorder(n):
-    BW_deltaS=R*((1.+n)*np.log(1.+n) - n*np.log(n))
-    return BW_deltaS
-# see Holland and Powell, 1996
-# params['BW_factor'] is a proportional reduction of the configurational energy of mixing, so feeds into the calculation of Q.
-def equilibrium_Q(Q, deltaS, P, T, params):
-    n=params['BW_n']
-    W=params['BW_W'] + P*params['BW_Wv']
-    if Q>1.0:
-        Q=0.9 # A simple catch to make sure the optimisation doesn't fail
-    return params['BW_deltaH'] - params['BW_factor']*T*deltaS + P*params['BW_deltaV'] + params['BW_factor']*R*T*(lnxdisord(n,Q) - lnxord(n,Q)) + (2.*Q - 1.)*W
-# Energy of disordering from Bragg-Williams symmetric model; see Holland and Powell, 1996
-def gibbs_disorder_BW(P, T, params):
-    n=params['BW_n']
-    deltaS=entropydisorder(n)
-    Q=opt.fsolve(equilibrium_Q, 0.999995, args=(deltaS, P, T, params))[0]
-    W=params['BW_W'] + P*params['BW_Wv']
-    ideal=(1.-Q)*(params['BW_deltaH'] - params['BW_factor']*T*entropydisorder(n) + P*params['BW_deltaV'] + params['BW_factor']*R*T*lnxdisord(n,Q)) + params['BW_factor']*Q*(R*T*lnxord(n,Q))
-    nonideal=(1.-Q)*Q*W
-    Edisord=ideal+nonideal
-    return Edisord
-def entropy_disorder_BW(P, T, params):
-    n=params['BW_n']
-    deltaS=entropydisorder(n)
-    Q=opt.fsolve(equilibrium_Q, 0.999995, args=(deltaS, P, T, params))[0]
-    Sdisord=params['BW_factor']*((1.-Q)*(entropydisorder(n) - R*lnxdisord(n,Q)) - Q*(R*lnxord(n,Q)))
-    return Sdisord
-def enthalpy_disorder_BW(P, T, params):
-    n=params['BW_n']
-    deltaS=entropydisorder(n)
-    Q=opt.fsolve(equilibrium_Q, 0.999995, args=(deltaS, P, T, params))[0]
-    W=params['BW_W'] + P*params['BW_Wv']
-    ideal=(1.-Q)*(params['BW_deltaH'] + P*params['BW_deltaV'])
-    nonideal=(1.-Q)*Q*W
-    Hdisord=ideal+nonideal
-    return Hdisord
-# see Holland and Powell, 2011
-def modified_tait(x, params):
-    """
-    equation for the modified Tait equation of state, returns
-    pressure in the same units that are supplied for the reference bulk
-    modulus (params['K_0'])
-    EQ 2
-    """
-    a, b, c = tait_constants(params)
-    return (np.power((x + a - 1.) / a, -1./c) - 1.)/b
 class MT(eos.EquationOfState):
@@ -169,7 +36,7 @@ class MT(eos.EquationOfState):
         Returns volume [m^3] as a function of pressure [Pa] and temperature [K]
         EQ 12
-        a, b, c = tait_constants(params)
+        a, b, c = self.__tait_constants(params)
         x = 1 - a*( 1. - np.power(( 1. + b*(pressure-Pth)), -1.0*c))
         return x*params['V_0']
@@ -179,7 +46,7 @@ class MT(eos.EquationOfState):
         Returns isothermal bulk modulus [Pa] as a function of pressure [Pa],
         temperature [K], and volume [m^3].  EQ 13+2
-        a, b, c = tait_constants(params)
+        a, b, c = self.__tait_constants(params)
         return params['K_0']*(1. + b*(psubpth))*(a + (1.-a)*np.power((1. + b*(psubpth)), c))
@@ -209,10 +76,10 @@ class MT(eos.EquationOfState):
         Returns thermal expansivity at the pressure, temperature, and volume [1/K]
         Replace -Pth in EQ 13+1 with P-Pth for non-ambient temperature 
-        a, b, c = tait_constants(params)
+        a, b, c = self.__tait_constants(params)
-        einstein_T=einstein_temperature(params['S_0'], params['n'])
+        einstein_T=self.__einstein_temperature(params['S_0'], params['n'])
         C_V0 = einstein.heat_capacity_v( T_0, einstein_T, params['n'] )
         C_V =  einstein.heat_capacity_v(temperature, einstein_T,params['n'])
         alpha = params['a_0'] * (C_V/C_V0) *1./((1.+b*psubpth)*(a + (1.-a)*np.power((1+b*psubpth), c)))
@@ -227,10 +94,10 @@ class MT(eos.EquationOfState):
         Cp = params['Cp'][0] + params['Cp'][1]*temperature + params['Cp'][2]*np.power(temperature,-2.) + params['Cp'][3]*np.power(temperature,-0.5)
         return Cp
     def heat_capacity_p_einstein(self, pressure, temperature, volume, params):
-        Returns heat capacity at constant pressure at the pressure, temperature, and volume [J/K/mol]
+        Returns heat capacity at constant pressure at the pressure, temperature, and volume, using the C_v and Einstein model [J/K/mol]
+        WARNING: Only for comparison with internally self-consistent C_p
         alpha = self.thermal_expansivity(pressure, temperature, volume, params)
         gr = self.grueneisen_parameter(pressure, temperature, volume, params)
@@ -256,7 +123,7 @@ class MT(eos.EquationOfState):
         and temperature [K].
        # Calculate temperature and pressure integrals
-        a, b, c = tait_constants(params)
+        a, b, c = self.__tait_constants(params)
@@ -281,10 +148,10 @@ class MT(eos.EquationOfState):
         Returns the entropy [J/K/mol] as a function of pressure [Pa]
         and temperature [K].
-        a, b, c = tait_constants(params)
+        a, b, c = self.__tait_constants(params)
-        einstein_T=einstein_temperature(params['S_0'], params['n'])
+        einstein_T=self.__einstein_temperature(params['S_0'], params['n'])
         ksi_over_ksi_0=einstein.heat_capacity_v( temperature, einstein_T, params['n'] )/einstein.heat_capacity_v( T_0, einstein_T, params['n'] )
         dintVdpdx=(params['V_0']*params['a_0']*params['K_0']*a*ksi_over_ksi_0)*(np.power((1.+b*(pressure-Pth)), 0.-c) - np.power((1.-b*Pth), 0.-c))
@@ -324,10 +191,10 @@ class MT(eos.EquationOfState):
         Returns the heat capacity [J/K/mol] as a function of pressure [Pa]
         and temperature [K].
-        a, b, c = tait_constants(params)
+        a, b, c = self.__tait_constants(params)
-        einstein_T=einstein_temperature(params['S_0'], params['n'])
+        einstein_T=self.__einstein_temperature(params['S_0'], params['n'])
         ksi_over_ksi_0=einstein.heat_capacity_v( temperature, einstein_T, params['n'] )/einstein.heat_capacity_v( T_0, einstein_T, params['n'] )
         dSdT=params['V_0']*params['K_0']*np.power((ksi_over_ksi_0*params['a_0']),2.0)*(np.power((1.+b*(pressure-Pth)), -1.-c) - np.power((1.-b*Pth), -1.-c))
@@ -346,13 +213,44 @@ class MT(eos.EquationOfState):
         Returns pressure [Pa] as a function of temperature [K] and volume[m^3]
         EQ B7
-        return modified_tait(params['V_0']/volume, params) + \
+        return self.__modified_tait(params['V_0']/volume, params) + \
                self.__relative_thermal_pressure(temperature, params)
+    def __einstein_temperature(self, S, n):
+        """
+        Empirical Einstein temperature
+        Holland and Powell, 2011; base of p.346, para.1
+        """
+        return 10636./(S/n + 6.44)
+    def __tait_constants(self, params):
+        """
+        returns parameters for the modified Tait equation of state
+        derived from K_T and its two first pressure derivatives
+        EQ 4 from Holland and Powell, 2011
+        """
+        a=(1.+params['Kprime_0'])/(1. + params['Kprime_0'] + params['K_0']*params['Kdprime_0'])
+        b=params['Kprime_0']/params['K_0'] - params['Kdprime_0']/(1. + params['Kprime_0'])
+        c=(1. + params['Kprime_0'] + params['K_0']*params['Kdprime_0'])/(params['Kprime_0']*params['Kprime_0'] + params['Kprime_0'] - params['K_0']*params['Kdprime_0'])
+        return a, b, c
+    def __modified_tait(self, x, params):
+        """
+        equation for the modified Tait equation of state, returns
+        pressure in the same units that are supplied for the reference bulk
+        modulus (params['K_0'])
+        EQ 2 from Holland and Powell, 2011
+        """
+        a, b, c = self.__tait_constants(params)
+        return (np.power((x + a - 1.) / a, -1./c) - 1.)/b
-    #thermal pressure (relative to T_0), see EQ 12 - 1
     def __thermal_pressure(self,T,params):
+        """
+        Returns thermal pressure [Pa] as a function of T [K] 
+        EQ 12 - 1 of Holland and Powell, 2011 
+        """
         # This is basically the mie-gruneisen equation of state for thermal
         # pressure using an Einstein model for heat capacity.  The additional
@@ -362,19 +260,30 @@ class MT(eos.EquationOfState):
         # Note that the xi function in HP2011 is just the Einstein heat capacity
         # divided by 3nR.  I don't know why they don't use that, but anyhow...
-        einstein_T=einstein_temperature(params['S_0'],params['n'])
+        einstein_T=self.__einstein_temperature(params['S_0'],params['n'])
         E_th = einstein.thermal_energy( T, einstein_T, params['n'] )
         C_V0 = einstein.heat_capacity_v( T_0, einstein_T, params['n'] )
         P_th = params['a_0']*params['K_0'] / C_V0 * E_th
         return P_th
-    #calculate relative thermal pressure (relative to T_0), see EQ 12 - 1
     def __relative_thermal_pressure( self, T, params):
+        """
+        Returns relative thermal pressure [Pa] as a function of T-T_0 [K] 
+        EQ 12 - 1 of Holland and Powell, 2011 
+        """
         return self.__thermal_pressure(T, params) - \
                self.__thermal_pressure(T_0, params)
     def __intCpdT (self, temperature, params):
+        """
+        Returns the thermal addition to the standard state enthalpy [J/mol]
+        at ambient pressure [Pa]
+        """
         return (params['Cp'][0]*temperature + 0.5*params['Cp'][1]*np.power(temperature,2.) - params['Cp'][2]/temperature + 2.*params['Cp'][3]*np.sqrt(temperature)) - (params['Cp'][0]*T_0 + 0.5*params['Cp'][1]*T_0*T_0 - params['Cp'][2]/T_0 + 2.0*params['Cp'][3]*np.sqrt(T_0))
     def __intCpoverTdT (self, temperature, params):
+        """
+        Returns the thermal addition to the standard state entropy [J/K/mol]
+        at ambient pressure [Pa]
+        """
         return (params['Cp'][0]*np.log(temperature) + params['Cp'][1]*temperature - 0.5*params['Cp'][2]/np.power(temperature,2.) - 2.0*params['Cp'][3]/np.sqrt(temperature)) - (params['Cp'][0]*np.log(T_0) + params['Cp'][1]*T_0 - 0.5*params['Cp'][2]/(T_0*T_0) - 2.0*params['Cp'][3]/np.sqrt(T_0))
diff --git a/burnman/solidsolution.py b/burnman/solidsolution.py
index d23599d..b7778b9 100644
--- a/burnman/solidsolution.py
+++ b/burnman/solidsolution.py
@@ -65,19 +65,14 @@ class SolidSolution(Mineral):
         self.S = sum([ self.base_material[i][0].S * self.molar_fraction[i] for i in range(self.n_endmembers) ]) + self.excess_entropy
         self.V = sum([ self.base_material[i][0].V * self.molar_fraction[i] for i in range(self.n_endmembers) ]) + self.excess_volume
         self.C_p = sum([ self.base_material[i][0].C_p * self.molar_fraction[i] for i in range(self.n_endmembers) ])
-        #self.alpha = 
-        #self.isothermal_bulk_modulus = 
-        '''
-        for prop in self.base_materials[0].params:
-           try:
-               self.params[prop] = sum([ self.base_materials[i].params[prop] * self.molar_fraction[i] for i in itrange ])
-           except TypeError:
-               #if there is a type error, it is probably a string.  Just go with the value of the first base_material.
-               self.params[prop] = self.base_materials[0].params[prop]
-        Mineral.set_state(self, pressure, temperature)
-        '''
+        # The following are currently just simple molar sums ...
+        # ... when they are corrected, they will be moved up ...
+        self.gr = sum([ self.base_material[i][0].gr * self.molar_fraction[i] for i in range(self.n_endmembers) ])
+        self.K_T = sum([ self.base_material[i][0].K_T * self.molar_fraction[i] for i in range(self.n_endmembers) ])
+        self.K_S = sum([ self.base_material[i][0].K_S * self.molar_fraction[i] for i in range(self.n_endmembers) ])
+        self.C_v = sum([ self.base_material[i][0].C_v * self.molar_fraction[i] for i in range(self.n_endmembers) ])
+        self.alpha = sum([ self.base_material[i][0].alpha * self.molar_fraction[i] for i in range(self.n_endmembers) ])
     def calcgibbs(self, pressure, temperature, molar_fractions): 

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