[cig-commits] [commit] inversion: Fixed some broken things (32067ae)

cig_noreply at geodynamics.org cig_noreply at geodynamics.org
Sat Dec 13 16:14:16 PST 2014

Repository : https://github.com/geodynamics/burnman

On branch  : inversion
Link       : https://github.com/geodynamics/burnman/compare/f1cec0734301cff579bb5e84e87501b2e7413247...32067aec2aabb2f9034508005ea3ce538ed53972


commit 32067aec2aabb2f9034508005ea3ce538ed53972
Author: I <kmanunterborn at gmail.com>
Date:   Sat Dec 13 15:55:42 2014 -0800

    Fixed some broken things
    Stupid copy/paste


 .../setup_isochemical_newmisfit_moduli_realdata.py |   2 +-
 ...sochemical_newmisfit_moduli_realdata_adiabat.py | 289 ---------------------
 2 files changed, 1 insertion(+), 290 deletions(-)

diff --git a/inversion/setup_isochemical_newmisfit_moduli_realdata.py b/inversion/setup_isochemical_newmisfit_moduli_realdata.py
index 16f2971..398e7aa 100644
--- a/inversion/setup_isochemical_newmisfit_moduli_realdata.py
+++ b/inversion/setup_isochemical_newmisfit_moduli_realdata.py
@@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ number_of_points = 5 #set on how many depth slices the computations should be do
 # velocity constraints from seismology
 seismic_model = burnman.seismic.PREM() # pick from .prem() .slow() .fast() (see code/seismic.py)
 depths = np.linspace(1000e3,2500e3, number_of_points)
-seis_p, seis_rho, seis_vp, seis_vs, seis_vphi = seismic_model.evaluate_all_at(depths
+seis_p, seis_rho, seis_vp, seis_vs, seis_vphi = seismic_model.evaluate_all_at(depths)
 seis_G= seis_vs**2.*seis_rho
 seis_K= seis_vphi**2*seis_rho
diff --git a/inversion/setup_isochemical_newmisfit_moduli_realdata_adiabat.py b/inversion/setup_isochemical_newmisfit_moduli_realdata_adiabat.py
index f6da228..f75e157 100644
--- a/inversion/setup_isochemical_newmisfit_moduli_realdata_adiabat.py
+++ b/inversion/setup_isochemical_newmisfit_moduli_realdata_adiabat.py
@@ -18,295 +18,6 @@ if not os.path.exists('burnman') and os.path.exists('../burnman'):
 import burnman
 from burnman import minerals
-number_of_points = 5 #set on how many depth slices the computations should be done
-# velocity constraints from seismology
-seismic_model = burnman.seismic.PREM() # pick from .prem() .slow() .fast() (see code/seismic.py)
-depths = np.linspace(1000e3,2500e3, number_of_points)
-seis_p, seis_rho, seis_vp, seis_vs, seis_vphi = seismic_model.evaluate_all_at(depths)
-seismic_model2 = burnman.seismic.PREM() # pick from .prem() .slow() .fast() (see code/seismic.py)
-depths = np.linspace(1000e3,2500e3, number_of_points)
-seis_p2, seis_rho2, seis_vp2, seis_vs2, seis_vphi2 = seismic_model2.evaluate_all_at(depths)
-print seis_vs-seis_vs2
-seis_G= seis_vs**2.*seis_rho
-seis_K= seis_vphi**2*seis_rho
-#velocities from known material (still named seis*)
-amount_perovskite = 0.8
-rock = burnman.Composite( [amount_perovskite, 1.0-amount_perovskite],[ pv,pc ] )
-pressures = np.linspace(25e9,130e9,number_of_points)
-temperature = burnman.geotherm.brown_shankland(pressures)
-print "Calculations are done for:"
-seis_rho, seis_vp, seis_vs, seis_vphi, seis_K, seis_G = \
-    burnman.velocities_from_rock(rock, pressures, temperature, \
-                                 burnman.averaging_schemes.VoigtReussHill())
-depths= burnman.depths_for_rock(rock, pressures, temperature, \
-                                 burnman.averaging_schemes.VoigtReussHill())
-print "preparations done"
-# Priors on unknown parameters:
-fraction_pv = pymc.Uniform('fraction_pv', 0.0, 1.0)
-fe_pv = pymc.Uniform('fe_pv', 0.0, 0.5)
-fe_pc= pymc.Uniform('fe_pc', 0.0, 0.5)
-T0 = pymc.Normal('T0',mu=1500.,tau=1./500.)
-def calc_all_velocities(fraction_pv, fe_pv, fe_pc,T0):
-        method = 'slb3' #slb3|slb2|mgd3|mgd2
-        pv=minerals.other.mg_fe_perovskite(fe_pv)
-        pc=minerals.other.ferropericlase(fe_pc)
-        rock = burnman.Composite( [fraction_pv, 1.0-fraction_pv],[ pv,pc ] )
-        temperature = burnman.geotherm.adiabatic(seis_p,T0, rock)
-        mat_rho, mat_vp, mat_vs, mat_vphi, mat_K, mat_G = burnman.velocities_from_rock(rock,seis_p, temperature)
-        return mat_vp, mat_vs, mat_rho, mat_vphi, mat_K, mat_G
-def nrmse(funca,funcb):
-    """
-    Normalized root mean square error for one profile
-    :type funca: list of arrays of float
-    :param funca: array calculated values
-    :type funcb: list of arrays of float
-    :param funcb: array of values (observed or calculated) to compare to
-    :returns: RMS error
-    :rtype: array of floats
-    """
-    diff=np.array(funca-funcb)
-    diff=diff*diff
-    rmse=np.sqrt(np.sum(diff)/len(diff))
-    nrmse=rmse/(np.max(funcb)-np.min(funcb))
-    return nrmse
-def error(fraction_pv, fe_pv, fe_pc,T0):
-    if True:
-        if fraction_pv>0. and fraction_pv<1.0 and fe_pv>0. and fe_pv<1.0 and fe_pc>0. and fe_pc<1.0 and T0>300.:
-            mat_vp, mat_vs, mat_rho, mat_vphi, mat_K, mat_G = calc_all_velocities(fraction_pv, fe_pv, fe_pc,T0)
-            misfit = nrmse(mat_rho,seis_rho)+nrmse(mat_K,seis_K)+nrmse(mat_G,seis_G)
-            return misfit
-        else:
-            return 1.e30
-    #except:
-    #    return 1e30
-# rewrite as function of f_pv and fe_content
- at pymc.deterministic
-def calc_misfit(fraction_pv=fraction_pv, fe_pv=fe_pv, fe_pc=fe_pc,T0=T0):
-    return error(fraction_pv,fe_pv,fe_pc,T0)
-#sig = 1e-2
-#misfit = pymc.Normal('d',mu=theta,tau=1.0/(sig*sig),value=0.,observed=True,trace=True)
-#sig = pymc.Uniform('sig', 0.0, 100.0, value=1.)
-sig=1.e-2 # Some sorts of error
-obs = pymc.Normal('d',mu=calc_misfit,tau=1.0/(sig*sig),value=0,observed=True,trace=True)
-model = [fraction_pv, fe_pv, fe_pc, T0,obs]
-things = ['fraction_pv', 'fe_pv','fe_pc','T0']
-whattodo = ""
-if len(sys.argv)<3:
-    print "options:"
-    print "run <dbname>"
-    print "continue <dbname>"
-    print "plot <dbname1> <dbname2> ..."
-    whattodo = sys.argv[1]
-    dbname = sys.argv[2]
-if whattodo=="run":
-    #pymc.MAP(model).fit() # Find minimum to start search from
-    S = pymc.MCMC(model, db='pickle', dbname=dbname)
-    S.sample(iter=100, burn=0, thin=1)
-    S.db.close()
-    whattodo="continue"
-if whattodo=="continue":
-    n_runs = 100
-    for l in range(0,n_runs):
-        db = pymc.database.pickle.load(dbname)
-        print "*** run=%d/%d, # samples: %d" % (l, n_runs, db.trace('fraction_pv').stats()['n'] )
-        S = pymc.MCMC(model, db=db)
-        #S.sample(iter=100, burn=10, thin=1)
-        S.sample(iter=10, burn=0, thin=1) # Search space for 100000 acceptable steps, forget first 1000 and save every 10.
-        S.db.close()
-if whattodo=="plot":
-	files=sys.argv[2:]
-	print "files:",files
-        b=0#10000 # burn number
-        i=1
-        for t in things:
-            print t
-            if t=='misfit':
-                continue
-            trace=[]
-            print "trace:",t
-            for filename in files:
-                db = pymc.database.pickle.load(filename)
-                newtrace=db.trace(t,chain=None).gettrace(burn=b,chain=None)
-                if (trace!=[]):
-                    trace = np.append(trace, newtrace)
-                else:
-                    trace=newtrace
-                print "   adding ", newtrace.size, "burn = ",b
-            print "  total size ", trace.size
-            print "mean = ", trace.mean()
-            print trace[0:100]
-            for bin in [10,20,50,100]:
-                hist,bin_edges=np.histogram(trace,bins=bin)
-                a=np.argmax(hist)
-                print "maxlike = ", bin_edges[a], bin_edges[a+1], (bin_edges[a]+bin_edges[a+1])/2.0
-            (mu, sigma) = norm.fit(np.array(trace))
-            print "mu, sigma: %e %e" % (mu, sigma)
-            plt.subplot(2,(len(things)+1)/2,i)
-            n, bins, patches = plt.hist(np.array(trace), 60, normed=1, facecolor='green', alpha=0.75)
-            y = mlab.normpdf( bins, mu, sigma)
-            l = plt.plot(bins, y, 'r--', linewidth=2)
-            plt.title("%s, mean: %.3e, std dev.: %.3e" % (t,mu,sigma),fontsize='small')
-            #pymc.Matplot.histogram(np.array(trace),t,rows=2,columns=len(things)/2,num=i)
-            i=i+1
-        plt.savefig("example_inv_big_pv.png")
-        plt.show()
-if whattodo=="test":
-    db = pymc.database.pickle.load(dbname)
-    S = pymc.MCMC(model, db=db)
-    for t in things:
-        print db.trace(t).stats()
-    print "means:"
-    for t in things:
-	    print t,"\t",db.trace(t).stats()['mean']
-    print "#samples: %d" % db.trace('fraction_pv').stats()['n']
-    pymc.raftery_lewis(S, q=0.025, r=0.01)
-    b = 1
-    t = 1
-    scores = pymc.geweke(S, intervals=20)
-    print scores
-    pymc.Matplot.trace(db.trace('deviance',chain=None).gettrace(burn=1000,thin=t,chain=None),'deviance',rows=2,columns=4,num=1)
-    pymc.Matplot.trace(db.trace('fraction_pv',chain=None).gettrace(thin=t,chain=None),'fraction_pv',rows=2,columns=4,num=2)
-    pymc.Matplot.histogram(np.array(db.trace('fraction_pv',chain=None).gettrace(burn=b,chain=None)),'fraction_pv',rows=2,columns=4,num=6)
-    pymc.Matplot.trace(db.trace('fe_pv',chain=None).gettrace(thin=t,chain=None),'fe_pv',rows=2,columns=4,num=3)
-    pymc.Matplot.histogram(np.array(db.trace('fe_pv',chain=None).gettrace(burn=b,chain=None)),'fe_pv',rows=2,columns=4,num=7)
-    pymc.Matplot.trace(db.trace('fe_pc',chain=None).gettrace(thin=t,chain=None),'fe_pc',rows=2,columns=4,num=4)
-    pymc.Matplot.histogram(np.array(db.trace('fe_pc',chain=None).gettrace(burn=b,chain=None)),'fe_pc',rows=2,columns=4,num=8)
-    plt.show()
-if whattodo=="show":
-	values = [float(i) for i in sys.argv[2:]]
-	#mat_vp, mat_vs, mat_rho = calc_velocities(values[0], values[1], values[2])
-        mat_vp,mat_vs, mat_rho, mat_vphi=calc_all_velocities(values[0], values[1], values[2])
-	plt.subplot(2,2,1)
-	plt.plot(seis_p/1.e9,mat_vs/1.e3,color='r',linestyle='-',marker='^',markerfacecolor='r',markersize=4)
-	plt.plot(seis_p/1.e9,seis_vs/1.e3,color='k',linestyle='-',marker='v',markerfacecolor='k',markersize=4)
-	plt.ylim([4, 8])
-	plt.title("Vs (km/s)")
-	# plot Vphi
-	plt.subplot(2,2,2)
-	plt.plot(seis_p/1.e9,mat_vp/1.e3,color='r',linestyle='-',marker='^',markerfacecolor='r',markersize=4)
-	plt.plot(seis_p/1.e9,seis_vp/1.e3,color='k',linestyle='-',marker='v',markerfacecolor='k',markersize=4)
-	plt.ylim([10, 14])
-	plt.title("Vp (km/s)")
-	# plot density
-	plt.subplot(2,2,3)
-	plt.plot(seis_p/1.e9,mat_rho/1.e3,color='r',linestyle='-',marker='^',markerfacecolor='r',markersize=4,label='model 1')
-	plt.plot(seis_p/1.e9,seis_rho/1.e3,color='k',linestyle='-',marker='v',markerfacecolor='k',markersize=4,label='ref')
-	plt.title("density (kg/m^3)")
-	plt.legend(loc='upper left')
-	plt.ylim([4, 8])
-	#plt.savefig("output_figures/example_inv_big_pv_show.png")
-	plt.show()
-if whattodo=="profile2":
-	#run with:
-	#python -m cProfile -o output.pstats example_inv_big_pv.py profile2 1
-	#gprof2dot.py -f pstats output.pstats | dot -Tpng -o output.png
-	[error(0.5,0.1,0.2) for i in range(0,1000)]
-if whattodo=="profile":
-	#just run normally
-        print error(0.5,0.1,0.2)
-	cProfile.run("[error(0.5,0.1,0.2) for i in range(0,1000)]")import os, sys, numpy as np, matplotlib.pyplot as plt
-#hack to allow scripts to be placed in subdirectories next to burnman:
-if not os.path.exists('burnman') and os.path.exists('../burnman'):
-    sys.path.insert(1,os.path.abspath('..'))
-import os, sys
-from time import time
-import pymc
-import math
-import cProfile
-from scipy.stats import norm
-import matplotlib.mlab as mlab
-if not os.path.exists('burnman') and os.path.exists('../burnman'):
-    sys.path.insert(1,os.path.abspath('..'))
-import burnman
-from burnman import minerals
 number_of_points = 5 #set on how many depth slices the computations should be done

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