[cig-commits] [commit] update_examples: Created solid solution example document (b0fa391)

cig_noreply at geodynamics.org cig_noreply at geodynamics.org
Wed Dec 31 13:38:54 PST 2014

Repository : https://github.com/geodynamics/burnman

On branch  : update_examples
Link       : https://github.com/geodynamics/burnman/compare/5cf9ec929c1478d029b5392fdcb1af28dc6beedc...b0fa391d3e64934f4d2e05c4882f5a3af22bd8da


commit b0fa391d3e64934f4d2e05c4882f5a3af22bd8da
Author: Bob Myhill <myhill.bob at gmail.com>
Date:   Wed Dec 31 21:38:35 2014 +0000

    Created solid solution example document


 examples/example_solid_solution.py                 | 218 +++++++++++++++++++++
 ...chmark.py.out => example_solid_solution.py.out} |   0
 2 files changed, 218 insertions(+)

diff --git a/examples/example_solid_solution.py b/examples/example_solid_solution.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0dd8de5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/example_solid_solution.py
@@ -0,0 +1,218 @@
+# BurnMan - a lower mantle toolkit
+# Copyright (C) 2012, 2013, Heister, T., Unterborn, C., Rose, I. and Cottaar, S.
+# Released under GPL v2 or later.
+This example shows how to create different solid solution models and output
+thermodynamic and thermoelastic quantities.
+There are three main types of solid solution currently implemented in 
+1. Ideal solid solutions
+2. Symmmetric solid solutions
+3. Asymmetric solid solutions
+These solid solutions can potentially deal with:
+- Disordered endmembers (more than one element on a crystallographic site)
+- Site vacancies
+- More than one valence/spin state of the same element on a site
+* :doc:`mineral_database`
+* :class:`burnman.solidsolution.SolidSolution`
+* :class:`burnman.solutionmodel.SolutionModel`
+* Different ways to define a solid solution
+* How to set composition and state
+* How to output thermodynamic and thermoelastic properties
+import os, sys, numpy as np, matplotlib.pyplot as plt
+#hack to allow scripts to be placed in subdirectories next to burnman:
+if not os.path.exists('burnman') and os.path.exists('../burnman'):
+    sys.path.insert(1,os.path.abspath('..'))
+import burnman
+from burnman import minerals
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+    '''
+    First, let's pick a starting pressure and temperature
+    '''
+    P=1.e5
+    T=1000.
+    """
+    Here we create an ideal solid solution for aluminous Mg,Fe garnets.
+    Further endmembers can be added simply by adding more endmember lists.
+    """ 
+    class mg_fe_garnet(burnman.SolidSolution):
+        def __init__(self):
+            self.name='Ideal pyrope-almandine garnet'
+            endmembers = [[minerals.HP_2011_ds62.py(), '[Mg]3[Al]2Si3O12'],[minerals.HP_2011_ds62.alm(), '[Fe]3[Al]2Si3O12']]
+            burnman.SolidSolution.__init__(self, endmembers, burnman.solutionmodel.IdealSolution(endmembers) )
+    g1=mg_fe_garnet()
+    comp = np.linspace(0.001, 0.999, 100)
+    g1.set_composition([0.0, 1.0])
+    g1.set_state(P,T)
+    alm_gibbs = g1.gibbs
+    g1.set_composition([1.0, 0.0])
+    g1.set_state(P,T)
+    py_gibbs = g1.gibbs
+    g1_gibbs = np.empty_like(comp)
+    g1_excess_gibbs = np.empty_like(comp)
+    for i,c in enumerate(comp):
+        molar_fraction=[1.0-c, c]
+        g1.set_composition(molar_fraction)
+        g1.set_state(P,T)
+        g1_gibbs[i] = g1.gibbs
+        g1_excess_gibbs[i] = g1.excess_gibbs
+    plt.plot( [0., 1.], [py_gibbs/1000., alm_gibbs/1000.], 'b-', linewidth=1., label='Mechanical mixing')
+    plt.plot( comp, g1_gibbs/1000., 'r-', linewidth=1., label='Ideal solid solution')
+    plt.title("Pyrope-almandine join")
+    plt.ylabel("Gibbs free energy of solution (kJ/mol)")
+    plt.xlabel("Pyrope fraction")
+    plt.legend(loc='lower right')
+    plt.show()
+    '''
+    Not included in this example document are ways to create solid solutions with spin transitions,
+    vacancies and mixed valence states. However, the formula parsing in BurnMan is comprehensive,
+    so any model should be reproducable. Some formatted formulae examples follow:
+    - [Fe]O: simple wuestite
+    - [Fef2/3Vac1/3]O: a theoretical ferric endmember of wuestite. Note the distinct element name for Fe3+.
+    - [Fe2/3Vac1/3]O: an alternative ferric endmember. Mixing between this and [Fe]O will produce a 
+      different configurational entropy to the previous model because there is no distinction 
+      between Fe2+ and Fe3+.
+    - [Fels]O: Low spin wuestite. Another example illustrating the free-form approach to element definition.
+    '''
+    '''
+    The solid solution corresponding to the pyrope-almandine join is actually not quite ideal. 
+    It can be well-approximated with a symmetric regular solid solution model
+    '''
+    class mg_fe_garnet_2(burnman.SolidSolution):
+        def __init__(self):
+            self.name='Symmetric pyrope-almandine garnet'
+            endmembers = [[minerals.HP_2011_ds62.py(), '[Mg]3[Al]2Si3O12'],[minerals.HP_2011_ds62.alm(), '[Fe]3[Al]2Si3O12']]
+            enthalpy_interaction=[[2.5e3]]
+            burnman.SolidSolution.__init__(self, endmembers, \
+                          burnman.solutionmodel.SymmetricRegularSolution(endmembers, enthalpy_interaction) )
+    g2=mg_fe_garnet_2()
+    g2_excess_gibbs = np.empty_like(comp)
+    for i,c in enumerate(comp):
+        molar_fraction=[1.0-c, c]
+        g2.set_composition(molar_fraction)
+        g2.set_state(P,T)
+        g2_excess_gibbs[i] = g2.excess_gibbs
+    plt.plot( comp, g1_excess_gibbs, 'r-', linewidth=1., label='Ideal solution')
+    plt.plot( comp, g2_excess_gibbs, 'g-', linewidth=1., label='Symmetric solution, 2.5 kJ/mol')
+    plt.title("Pyrope-almandine join (model comparison)")
+    plt.ylabel("Excess gibbs free energy of solution (J/mol)")
+    plt.xlabel("Pyrope fraction")
+    plt.legend(loc='upper left')
+    plt.show()
+    '''
+    Adding more endmembers is very straightforward.
+    Interaction terms must be added in the order [[12,13,14,...],[23,24,...],[34,...],...]
+    Here, the new endmember is majorite, illustrating the addition of endmembers with 
+    multiple occupancy on a single site (here Mg and Si to replace Al)
+    Here we also illustrate the addition of excess entropy and volume terms.
+    V and S excess lists are optional parameters to the solid solution initialisation. 
+    In the initialisation, the order of interaction terms is H, V, S 
+    (S excesses are least commonly constrained).
+    An important note: In Holland and Powell datasets, the "DQF" terms 
+    are equivalent to the excesses in burnman with the *exception* of the temperature correction, 
+    which is the negative of the entropy correction. i.e.
+    DQF[0] = H_excess
+    DQF[1] = -S_excess
+    DQF[2] = V_excess
+    '''
+    class hp_mg_fe_garnet(burnman.SolidSolution):
+        def __init__(self):
+            self.name='Symmetric pyrope-almandine-majorite garnet'
+            endmembers = [[minerals.HP_2011_ds62.py(), '[Mg]3[Al]2Si3O12'],[minerals.HP_2011_ds62.alm(), '[Fe]3[Al]2Si3O12'],[minerals.HP_2011_ds62.maj(), '[Mg]3[Mg1/2Si1/2]2Si3O12']]
+            enthalpy_interaction=[[2.5e3,0.0e3],[10.0e3]]
+            entropy_interaction=[[0.0e3,0.0e3],[0.0e3]]
+            volume_interaction=[[0.0e3,0.0e3],[0.0e3]]
+            burnman.SolidSolution.__init__(self, endmembers, \
+                          burnman.solutionmodel.SymmetricRegularSolution(endmembers, enthalpy_interaction, volume_interaction, entropy_interaction) )
+    g3=hp_mg_fe_garnet()
+    g3_configurational_entropy = np.empty_like(comp)
+    g3_excess_entropy = np.empty_like(comp)
+    for i,c in enumerate(comp):
+        molar_fraction=[1.0-c, 0., c]
+        g3.set_composition(molar_fraction)
+        g3.set_state(P,T)
+        g3_configurational_entropy[i] = g3.solution_model._configurational_entropy( molar_fraction )
+        g3_excess_entropy[i]= -np.dot(molar_fraction,g3.solution_model._ideal_excess_partial_gibbs(T, molar_fraction))/T
+    plt.plot( comp, g3_configurational_entropy, 'g-', linewidth=1., label='Configurational entropy')
+    plt.plot( comp, g3_excess_entropy, 'r-', linewidth=1., label='Excess entropy')
+    plt.title("Pyrope-majorite join")
+    plt.ylabel("Entropy (J/K/mol)")
+    plt.xlabel("Pyrope fraction")
+    plt.legend(loc='upper left')
+    plt.show()
+    '''
+    The addition of grossular garnet (Ca-Al garnet) illustrates the use of asymmetric solution models
+    '''
+    class mg_fe_ca_garnet(burnman.SolidSolution):
+        def __init__(self):
+            self.name='Asymmetric pyrope-almandine-grossular garnet'
+            endmembers = [[minerals.HP_2011_ds62.py(), '[Mg]3[Al]2Si3O12'],[minerals.HP_2011_ds62.alm(), '[Fe]3[Al]2Si3O12'],[minerals.HP_2011_ds62.gr(), '[Ca]3[Al]2Si3O12']]
+            alphas=[1.0, 1.0, 2.7]
+            enthalpy_interaction=[[2.5e3,30.1e3],[1.0e3]]
+            volume_interaction=[[0.,0.169e-5],[0.122e-5]]
+            burnman.SolidSolution.__init__(self, endmembers, \
+                          burnman.solutionmodel.AsymmetricRegularSolution(endmembers, alphas, enthalpy_interaction, volume_interaction) )
+    g4=mg_fe_ca_garnet()
+    g4_excess_gibbs_400 = np.empty_like(comp)
+    g4_excess_gibbs_800 = np.empty_like(comp)
+    g4_excess_gibbs_1200 = np.empty_like(comp)
+    for i,c in enumerate(comp):
+        molar_fraction=[1.0-c, 0., c]
+        g4.set_composition(molar_fraction)
+        g4.set_state(P,400.)
+        g4_excess_gibbs_400[i] = g4.excess_gibbs
+        g4.set_state(P,800.)
+        g4_excess_gibbs_800[i] = g4.excess_gibbs
+        g4.set_state(P,1200.)
+        g4_excess_gibbs_1200[i] = g4.excess_gibbs
+    plt.plot( comp, g4_excess_gibbs_400, 'r-', linewidth=1., label='400 K')
+    plt.plot( comp, g4_excess_gibbs_800, 'g-', linewidth=1., label='800 K')
+    plt.plot( comp, g4_excess_gibbs_1200, 'b-', linewidth=1., label='1200 K')
+    plt.title("Pyrope-grossular join (asymmetric model)")
+    plt.ylabel("Excess gibbs free energy of solution (J/mol)")
+    plt.xlabel("Pyrope fraction")
+    plt.legend(loc='lower left')
+    plt.show()
diff --git a/misc/ref/benchmark.py.out b/misc/ref/example_solid_solution.py.out
similarity index 100%
copy from misc/ref/benchmark.py.out
copy to misc/ref/example_solid_solution.py.out

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