[cig-commits] [commit] maint's head updated: Merge branch 'willic3/fix-plasticity' into maint (86b840a)

cig_noreply at geodynamics.org cig_noreply at geodynamics.org
Wed Nov 5 15:48:16 PST 2014

Repository : https://github.com/geodynamics/pylith

Branch 'maint' now includes:

     b10003a Topology: Updated to new DMCreateMatrix() interface
     f1007d5 Topology: Updated to new DMPlexDistribute() interface
     6b5ddb4 Topology+Fault: Updated to new DMPlexCreateSubmesh() interface
     0f1f7b7 Mesh: Hardwire mesh interpolation
     9f8e24d BC: Only allow vertices in BC points
     aba87a2 Update ReverseCuthillMcKee for DMPlex [unit tests not passing].
     8e347a9 Enable unit tests for refinement with faults (all but hex).
     3a351f6 Turn off some debugging
     000fc3e Faults: Turn off Line2 test for cohesive fault right now
     3a1c2fe Merge branch 'knepley/upgrade-petsc-interface' of github.com:geodynamics/pylith into knepley/upgrade-petsc-interface
     750d1ef Merge branch 'knepley/upgrade-petsc-interface' of github.com:geodynamics/pylith into knepley/upgrade-petsc-interface
     90bb0cd More work on reordering unit tests.
     885a302 Add some output to indicate forced failure of test.
     1a9e203 Finish implementation of unit tests for reordering.
     cccfaaa Remove debugging output from reordering tests.
     ddb7dc0 Added edge identifier to Fault for marking buried fault edges.
     45c4093 Merge branch 'knepley/upgrade-petsc-interface' of github.com:geodynamics/pylith into knepley/upgrade-petsc-interface
     1151666 Updated refinement test (non-identity).
     67be97c MeshIO: Fixed label creation - Add in all points with marked vertices in cone
     ddec17c Refinement: Fixed test data
     2ae1c47 Merge branch 'master' into knepley/upgrade-petsc-interface
     bdcd276 Fault: Fixed construction of cohesive cells - I think that whole 'flip' argument is broken
     249ab15 MeshRefine: Remove diagnostic print
     98b94cb TopologyTests: Fixed data for tet4 fault test
     4d86128 TopologyTests: Fixed data for tri3 fault test
     9559ab4 TopologyTests: Only need to disable tensor product fault mesh tests
     fa51e99 TopologyTests: Fixed label check
     2588b6b Updated fault unit tests for interpolated meshes.
     9a3a8bc Switch to non-identity tests.
     7bbdc39 Added topology consistency checks to adjustTopology() test.
     ab98cb7 Faults: Changing from Lagrange vertices to hybrid edges
     0c6f872 Added notes on what needs updating.
     0e5e1c1 Merge branch 'knepley/upgrade-petsc-interface' of github.com:geodynamics/pylith into knepley/upgrade-petsc-interface
     4966842 MeshIO: Change check for groups to only use original points
     89e29fa MeshIO: Updated VTK Mesh tests - Note that data on the hybrid edges is now not tested
     d2e775b Cleanup of some names of Field methods.
     d4a29d6 Turn off some debugging output.
     4aaefd3 Update method name.
     c9f03f2 Worked on updating fault unit tests for interpolated meshes.
     52536fa Merge branch 'knepley/upgrade-petsc-interface' of github.com:geodynamics/pylith into knepley/upgrade-petsc-interface
     4fd816f Updated fault test data for interpolated meshes.
     086b7b9 Cleanup of names for Lagrange edges.
     4563c9e Faults: Better consistency testing
     433d7a7 Remove unnecessary header include.
     38a7730 Updated fault impulse tests for interpolated meshes.
     f29f8c0 Added consistency check of fault mesh for FaultCohesiveKin.
     84adc7d Merge branch 'knepley/upgrade-petsc-interface' of github.com:geodynamics/pylith into knepley/upgrade-petsc-interface
     aadf883 Improved comments.
     eb2a274 Updated FaultCohesiveDyn test data for interpolated meshes. Some data may be wrong.
     e5afe93 Removed some old debugging stuff.
     1162fc6 Added simple checksum for coordinates of cell vertices to reordering test.
     d80fbaf Removed unnecessary condition on skeleton consistency check for boundary meshes.
     f519500 Merge branch 'baagaard/remove-1d'
     34069d0 Merge branch 'master' into knepley/upgrade-petsc-interface
     d60fd06 Removed flip fault flag in creating fault mesh.
     f4fc4fb Update meshio test data for interpolated meshes.
     98eaaef Store alternate test data with flipped fault for future reference.
     6be2a62 Update meshio test data for interpolated meshes.
     23710a7 Removed more 1-D stuff from lib and tests.
     a8c7e5d Merge branch 'baagaard/remove-1d'
     3a389e4 Merge branch 'master' into knepley/upgrade-petsc-interface
     dc231f8 Fix. Remove 1-D stuff left behind.
     777a954 Merge branch 'baagaard/remove-1d'
     292dcca Merge branch 'master' into knepley/upgrade-petsc-interface
     e8880aa Remove obsolete function splitField().
     286ea25 Update PETSc settings to generate error if solver fails to converge.
     10bcfba Remove 1-D stuff from modules, python, and Python unit tests.
     7d56eaa Merge branch 'baagaard/remove-1d'
     859a3b3 Merge branch 'master' into knepley/upgrade-petsc-interface
     0939f41 Remove splitField() from modules (removed from C++).
     7dc1717 Update to Python unit tests for C++ interface changes.
     6d86867 Update to Python unit tests for C++ interface changes.
     fee2d21 Remove more 1-D stuff from Python unit tests.
     d962758 Merge branch 'baagaard/remove-1d'
     ae1c78e Merge branch 'knepley/upgrade-petsc-interface' of github.com:geodynamics/pylith into knepley/upgrade-petsc-interface
     f706511 Updated Python unit tests for interpolated meshes.
     d3fe697 More updates to Python unit tests to remove 1-D stuff.
     015865e Merge branch 'baagaard/remove-1d'
     02d6f9c Merge branch 'master' into knepley/upgrade-petsc-interface
     7dc94c6 Fixed typo in error message.
     c1b02f5 Added missing methods to module interface.
     7b13d2f Updated Python fault unit tests for interpolated meshes.
     44dc346 Fixed name of Lagrange multiplier field (consistency with C++).
     1f1ab42 Trivial code cleanup.
     38bd321 Added MeshOps::checkTopology().
     99cb2e2 VTK: Did not clear label before writing
     3cb90b6 MeshIO Tests: Changed what seem to be clearly wrong test data
     44a899a Merge branch 'knepley/upgrade-petsc-interface' of github.com:geodynamics/pylith into knepley/upgrade-petsc-interface
     dcfe4fb Updated fault C++ unit tests.
     1cae3da Updated meshio C++ test data for acceptable permutations.
     c7807de Faults: Added a check for hybrid edges in verifyConfiguration()
     e2c0b27 Remove reordering after adjusting topology and refinement.
     258af47 Updated hex8 fault meshio C++ test data for allowable perturbation.
     5812103 Integrator: Material-Id label has more than cells in it after refinement
     4829f3c Turn on DMPlexCheckSkeleton for any cellDim (not just cellDim > 1).
     70e98ee Setup topology::StratumIS interface to take arg to filter to cells only. New functionality NOT IMPLEMENTED.
     1955c80 Implemented StratumIS filtering to cells only.
     056b660 Throw exception with error message instead of assert.
     fd50ef8 Mesh: Fix DMPlexCheckSkeleton() for submeshes
     f1c4e75 Update creating solution field in Formulation.py.
     04bbef4 Merge branch 'knepley/upgrade-petsc-interface' of github.com:geodynamics/pylith into knepley/upgrade-petsc-interface
     b7e83fd Update to SNESGetLineSearch() from SNESGetSNESLineSearch().
     522e87e Faults: Orient cohesive submesh
     38af70f Added Field::copySubfield() to permit extracting subfields for output.
     e85362d Copy field and subfield metadata when cloning fields.
     cc6d236 Always create lagrange_multiplier subfield.
     e07734d Added C++ unit test for Field::copySubfield(). Fix bugs exposed.
     79acad1 Fix memory leak in extracting subfield.
     87dfaf0 Fix clearning of metadata when extracting subfield.
     bda5253 Extract displacement/velocity subfield from solution for output.
     391968f Cleanup adding subfields to field (include metadata).
     03bb552 Really fixed copying the metadata when extracting subfields.
     469a389 Fixed setting up Jacobian field for interpolated meshes.
     8f854fa Fixed C++ tet4 feassemble stuff for outward order.
     b685ee0 Add missing timedb file for examples/bar_shearwave/quad4.
     83238c2 Use more efficient Field::zeroAll() rather than Field::zero().
     9880964 Create local index set for cells associated with material.
     06c0bcc Topology+Faults: When using ‘depth’ to check for an interpolated mesh in parallel, need to account for −1 on empty meshes
     94a0fc3 Topology: Took groupField out of createInterpolate() interface
     14e3c72 Topology: Check for empty material-id label
     6886b45 Topology: Reordering now works in parallel
     ecf2a17 Faults: Fixed unittests for new interface
     f0259ae Fixed one case of handling NULL PetscIS after DMLabelGetStratumIS().
     f0a3d32 Fixed some parallel issues.
     7f05bb7 More ignores
     0de634f Clean up of refinement (fix memory leak).
     ed24816 Fixed another potential use of NULL index set in parallel runs.
     fc9bae9 Add number of levels refinement setting.
     9c58e45 Create path (if necessary) for output files.
     8328801 Improvement to creating output directory if it doesn't exist.
     f4faf94 Corrected coordinates in spatial data file.
     0b72e51 Fault Test: Fault meshes now have correct coordinates
     0b9b0aa Visitor: Now create an index for closure of coordinates and fields
     a9a1eb4 Topology: Added optimizeClosure() to visitors - Creates a closure index associated with the DM only if one does not already exist
     5b37d1e Optimization: Call optimizeClosure() for every visitor that calls getClosure() except the VisitorSubmesh
     a0bd2c3 Minor cleanup of optimizeClosure().
     6fe83b0 Converted shell script for running examples to Python script.
     361dd21 Flush stdout in script running examples.
     e028746 Update PetscMalloc3() call for interface changes. Updated test data.
     483d179 Enabled C++ unit test for hex8 refinement w/fault.
     176b7be Begin improvement of full-scale tests (quad4).
     a2cf235 General: Changes DMPlexGetCoordinateSection() to DMGetCoordinateSection()
     7ca6198 General: Changes DMPlexGetCoordinateSection() to DMGetCoordinateSection()
     993cc75 Fault tests: corrected group sizes - face 2 has one duplicated edge, so 3 vertices and 2 edges extra - fault just duplicates the whole face, so 4+12+9 extra
     8c284b9 Updated test data for C++ refinement test for quad4 w/fault.
     94aa2ec Made some of the needed changes to the manual. Not yet complete.
     780dd63 Added a couple of sentences about nondimsionalization, and added some more on stable time step size.
     3f1dca7 Fixed stable time step for power-law.
     7a219df Added missing file for full-scale automated parallel test.
     166d20d Fixed const correctness for getting field metadata.
     9d55cac Add ability to use subfield section in VecVisitor via argument to constructor.
     53ca3eb Update elasticity integrators to use subfield in visitors for optimization.
     dff5362 Use zeroAll() (more efficient than zero()).
     a289b5b Work on removing use of newSection(). Code commented out.
     c0cc1d5 Faults: After cohesive cell creation, only label NEW cohesive cells with material id
     4968170 Switch a bunch of newSection() calls in reassemble unit tests to new approach.
     fa8f90c Fields.cc missing PYLITH_METHOD_BEGIN/END.
     edfb2b6 Fix memory leak in visitor for subfield.
     9a0a280 Fixed some subfield setup errors in Python unit tests.
     4293872 Add openmpi valgrind suppression file.
     f00b38b HDF5: Must use local IS size when accessing indices
     881bf58 Fix parallel bug in DataWriterHDF5Ext (ISGetSize -> ISGetLocalSize).
     6557fff Merge branch 'knepley/upgrade-petsc-interface' of github.com:geodynamics/pylith into knepley/upgrade-petsc-interface
     900b50f Fix bug in MeshOps SWIG interface (missing return).
     ce57346 Fixed bug in SWIG interface (missing return).
     c43037a Added tests for out-of-plane initial stress.
     ff1bbb5 Added info on how to use stress-zz-initial for plane strain problems.
     8ad5845 Fixed typo in PETSc parameter.
     7b36c05 Improve some comments and improve error message.
     9eb83e5 Field: Better viewing in parallel
     22a549b Fixed typo in manual.
     4440eb5 Updated manual for Github issue tracking.
     eca576d Updated for v2.0 capabilities.
     f532fcf Renamed bash script to update .cfg files for v2.0.
     97b2503 Added release notes.
     304e4be More work on description of v2.0 changes.
     5ecc1e4 Moved .cfg files in share folder to settings directory.
     7cafe87 Updated information.
     f322c74 Small fixes for v2.0.
     9180dc2 Improved a few glossary terms.
     d65d136 Moved share .cfg file to share/settings.
     5528e2a Updated copyright script.
     13b43af Updated date in copyright.
     c8dceaf Updated date in copyright.
     437d52c Merge branch 'knepley/upgrade-petsc-interface' of github.com:geodynamics/pylith into knepley/upgrade-petsc-interface
     654d9ac More updates to v2.0 info.
     1cdc9e8 Improved parameter specification.
     ab65d94 Fixed discussion of initial state variables.
     b8f09f2 More work on release notes.
     6577078 Updated place to report bugs in NEWS.
     6b95d7a Remove obsolete tests.
     5253432 Improve solution test for full-scale testing.
     53a49dc Fix clean for full-scale test.
     5712dd2 Add some full-scale tet4 tests.
     ff8c198 Move tests_auto/3dnew to tests_auto/3d.
     24efc9f Add script to remove output generated by examples.
     40ec07c Upgrade to latest petsc - KSPSetOperators() changed
     f40b3d3 Debugging: Allow Brad to check example
     6f6cd6e Remove Matt's temporary code. Add try/catch/throw for proper memory cleanup.
     896a7cf Started adding some 3d/hex8 full-scale tests.
     0f9aecd Added some adjusting topology unit tests for embedded faults in 2-D.
     21f83b2 Updated adjust topology test data for removal of halo cells from material-id label.
     69d1381 Setup some prescribed slip unit tests with embedded faults (currently disabled).
     53819bd Faults: Exclude cohesive cells with unsplit edges/vertices from the calculation
     d5cd09c Fault test quad4h: Fixed material id data
     37e2098 Faults: We were smarter than we thought - Cohesive cell closures determine the edges used, so we don't need to do anything
     c652d13 Remove autogenerated file.
     3661713 Skip fault halo cells in checking material ids (not assigned label).
     8203543 Updated point labels.
     a3bb9ff Enable tri3g FaultCohesiveKin unit tests.
     deb61c5 Enabled prescribed slip quad4 embedded fault unit tests.
     687c383 Update embedded fault full-scale tests with fault info.
     f47c6e3 Fixed Mesh::view() with view option. Updated unit tests.
     138f727 Update calls to Mesh::view() for change in interface.
     b82388a Added label for material properties spatialdb
     0e1bd7c Modified static plasticity examples to run without errors.
     dc85186 Fixed material label.
     8c9ba89 Created subdirectory for output.
     97f2a9c Removed __requires__ statement, which is no longer needed.
     59a6c78 Enable 3-D fault full-scale test.
     1330564 Added C++ unit test for viewing mesh with VTK viewer.
     8cb1561 Small update to changelog.
     096d4cb Added embedded fault + refinement full-scale tet4 test.
     1c6555b Added full-scale test for embedded fault + refinement.
     a2ce49c Improved tri3 full-scale unit tests.
     ab12415 Updated checklist for releases.
     dae2d6e Minor cleanup of 3-D tet4 full-scale tests.
     fb662cc Updated tet4 full-scale tests to use smaller mesh.
     c55f238 More work on hex8 full-scale tests. Two fault analytical soln not yet correct.
     a5ef048 Updated README for initial stress case.
     d1785f1 Added script to run tests.
     bd7c2e5 Merge branch 'knepley/upgrade-petsc-interface' of github.com:geodynamics/pylith into knepley/upgrade-petsc-interface Trying to add a script to run tests.
     1e3ea1f Added output directory and script to run models.
     9af1ef7 Updated old fieldsplit settings.
     a447594 Added mention of fieldsplit solver settings in share directory.
     7bf5901 Merge branch 'knepley/upgrade-petsc-interface'
     d4a9a18 Fix filename in Makefile.am for full-scale 3d/tet4 test.
     aa1c4e1 Fixed solution so that it matches mesh.
     560463e Added one and two fault hex8 full scale tests.
     952e221 Merge branch 'baagaard/fix-fullscale-3d-tests'
     8fa3b45 Updated packaging scripts for cygwin.
     289f7d6 Merge branch 'baagaard/fix-packaging'
     151a658 Small fix to manual.
     c6b0af0 Small fix to table caption (move to body text).
     f46bff6 Update sizing function calls to work on all volumes.
     9535cd1 Merge branch 'baagaard/fix-cubit-cellsize'
     6c1d8c8 Cleanup. Mesh surfaces and then volumes.
     5eb07b9 Merge branch 'baagaard/fix-cubit-cellsize'
     e80acbb Use one block for cleaning sizing operations.
     f4c8ba3 Merge branch 'baagaard/fix-cubit-cellsize'
     51c6784 Updated PETSc version.
     61e0b28 Merge branch 'knepley/upgrade-petsc-interface'
     67897f5 Merge branch 'master' into baagaard/fix-fullscale-3d-tests
     169bd63 Reduced size of problem (coarser mesh). Updated mesh info.
     99fa210 Merge branch 'baagaard/fix-fullscale-3d-tests'
     0630870 Added comments to READMEs and release notes on improvements to using CUBIT cell sizing.
     15ffa6f Merge branch 'baagaard/fix-cubit-cellsize'
     34dc24b Small fix to PETSc solver setting to permit convergence (nearly converged anyway).
     346ff23 Merge branch 'knepley/upgrade-petsc-interface'
     e5caf46 Fixed bug in setting up fields for output of stable time step.
     c44102d Merge branch 'knepley/upgrade-petsc-interface'
     f04210a Setup example for 2 proc test with 2 faults.
     9e687af MeshIO: Broadcast the space dimension so that block size gets set correctly
     a68f689 HDF5: Short circuit new Plex code - We will eventually switch over to it
     f3f8abf Switch to HDF5Ext output in test to expose bug.
     a213c30 Fix bug related to HDF5Ext data writer coordinate output.
     76f389f Merge branch 'knepley/fix-parallel-mult-faults'
     80029c3 Spell check release notes.
     1b3d6d3 Added more notes to release checklist.
     310b140 Added number of procs (nodes) setting.
     5afa9d0 Fixed bug so only proc 0 creates output dir.
     422d933 Use optimized integrators in bar_shearwave tri3 and tet4 examples.
     7947ba0 Merge branch 'master' into knepley/fix-faults-parallel
     4dcce72 Faults: Add Lagrange edges directly rather than using the cohesive cells - This catches edges that are present in only cohesive cells with clamped edges on one proc, but not on another
     cb2b2b6 Fault: Fixes for new way of handling hybrid edges - Note that allowing negative v_fault causes a crash
     fbb1d73 Faults: New treatment of fault halo - The halo cohesive cells are included in the fault label - In _cohesiveVertices[], cohesive edges which are clamped are given negative ids - Cohesive edges with negative ids are ignored in calculation
     0078990 Updated embedded fault unit tests for change in treatment of fault halo.
     3024a26 Faults: Create a "clamped" label in the fault mesh that contains unsplit vertices
     1cbca9c Fault : Correct default value
     3e60317 Removed obsolete unused full-scale test files.
     4449b1a Add number of processes to application info output.
     96a279b Improve debugging output in full-scale tests for fault stuff.
     31e8b9d Ignore clamped edges in various operations.
     5276eb6 Update full-scale tests for inclusion of fault halo.
     ffea5cb Update unit tests for inclusion of fault halo.
     1169098 Ignore clamped vertices when setting slip.
     a4763ff Turn on logging in application to show number of processes.
     8c4d50b Skip clamped vertices in FaultCohesiveDyn and FaultCohesiveImpulses.
     d3610af Fault: Small fix for fault halo
     71bd4cb Small code cleanup.
     96a97b5 Faults: Provide the label marking fault halo vertices to DMPlexLabelCohesiveComplete()
     ce91c33 Fix bug in checking topology for submeshes.
     ce4ce38 Fix output message (only print if actually refining mesh).
     c7f70ce Add label for fault edge nodeset.
     cba3ba8 Turn on journal output for debugging.
     01ad665 Faults: Fix the fault boundary label
     a1fd448 Update test data for removal of fault halo.
     91a41ca Fault: Removed faultBoundary, which was unused
     8db09a4 Faults: Removed clamped vertex kludge, since now we fix the fault boundary
     9da3efc Remove some obsolete (not used) code.
     4005988 Update 2-D adjust topology tests for embedded faults to use fault edge.
     8f8fd96 Updated 2-D fault cohesive kinematic tests for including fault edge.
     dd66bb3 Turn off debugging output.
     0b52519 Updated data for tri3 full-scale test with embedded fault w/edge.
     da0e53b Updated 2-D tri3 refinement w/embedded fault case.
     583ad9c Enable fault edge in 3d/tet4 embedded fault test.
     6346474 Faults: Removed the creation of the fault boundary mesh - Also removed non-interpolated code for fault creation
     df86522 Created unit test for adjusting topology for hex8 cells w/embedded fault.
     b9115fe Added unit test for adjusting topology of tet4 cells w/embedded fault.
     3a5fe8e Add notes on how to delete tags.
     ce8f559 Trivial change (formatting).
     c908f59 Use nonzero tolerance for detecting inability to determine face orientation with respect to up direction.
     8789e1e Fix fault edge group.
     3b65771 Temporary fix for change in PETSc interface.
     def84fe Fault Test: Fixed data for Hex8j - Fault cells have 5 vertices since 3 are clamped per cell - Fault label includes split points
     39a68e3 Updated test data for adjusting topology for tet4k (embedded fault).
     30d2fd9 Updated tet4k mesh file.
     4e8af6a Remove binary Exodus file (keep ASCII mesh file).
     637a3ea Updated tests_auto/3d/hex8 embedded fault settings (fault edge).
     4f144dd Faults: Fix completion of fault boundary label
     8f21109 Faults: Added missing destroy
     9983318 Update test data for 3d/tet4/TestShearDispNoSlipRefine (may need another update).
     97d95cf Faults: Fixed checking for cross edge - I needed to throw out non-fault edges when checking the support size
     59e0108 Update mesh info for 3d/tet4 embedded fault full-scale tests.
     8d9d4e6 Turn off journal output in full-scale test.
     5b27f10 Turn off more debugging output (PETSc).
     7cd133d Merge branch 'knepley/fix-faults-parallel'
     180ad76 Turn off journal output.
     8174f90 MeshBuilder: spaceDim must be consistent across processes
     330be43 Merge branch 'knepley/fix-faults-parallel'
     528d0bf Updated documentation (including README and release notes) about buried fault edges.
     bc4ad8c Fixed typo in manual.
     8727dd2 Merge branch 'knepley/fix-faults-parallel'
     11bb03b Small fixes for clamped edges in cohesive cells for FaultCohesiveDyn. Added full-scale test.
     1507a08 Remove obsolete example (Green's function kludge).
     104ef11 Add fault edges to examples/2d/greensfns.
     f75361d Update comments in pylithapp.cfg.
     a6dcee9 Fixes for clamped edges.
     5bd6e3a Added missing PYLITH_CHECK_ERROR(err).
     e786a4d Fix error trapping for PETSc functions.
     a2e43ea Fault: Fix definition of fault Section - Must constrain clamped vertices - We get the vertices from the label, translate to fault numbering, and constrain all dofs
     45b56d3 Fix some small bugs in settings constraints in fault section.
     eeb2381 Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master' into knepley/fix-faults-parallel
     0f8af6e Fault: We need a consistent closure for clamped cohesive cells - We get the two end faces of the prism and concatenate their closure
     42a165c Fix for settings constraints for fault fields in parallel.
     cdddc30 Finish full-scale test for spontaneous rupture with embedded fault.
     ccda651 Add TestShearDispFriction to test suite.
     00372ba More fixes to fault field constraints.
     e379fb0 Update full-scale test to use split fields and custom fault preconditioner.
     281bcd4 Fixed filtering of vertices/edges in setting constraints for fault fields.
     945767f Added use of split fields for 2-D embedded fault test case.
     60157a0 Create nodeset for fault edge in 2-D subduction example.
     d8a8e61 Fix typo in parameter file.
     59aa4ff Fix typo in README.
     ed22cfa Small cleanup of README.
     65e712d Merge branch 'knepley/fix-faults-parallel'
     98ca619 Switch to HDF5Ext in one 3d/tet4 full scale test.
     b9c1c2f Adjust DataWriterHDF5Ext info dataset dimensions to match DataWriterHDF5.
     b6e4cef Fix bug in creating scatter vec.
     2176e00 Merge branch 'knepley/fix-faults-parallel'
     a5a35df Update make clean target.
     85fe996 Fix for parallel faults (not all procs with faults have fault edges).
     32d65f2 Merge branch 'knepley/fix-faults-parallel'
     f795a04 Add more info about solver tolerances for friction in quasi static simulations.
     d42a67a Merge branch 'knepley/fix-faults-parallel'
     2c89b41 Added initial version of 2D gravity example
     bcb96d1 Added README.
     ef23bb5 Delete log files I didn't mean to include.
     311f1fb Removed spatial database files that are created by python script.
     9973088 Finished setting up gravity example. Need to have Brad and Matt test it.
     4aa67e7 Removed obsolete contour meshing example (covered by 3-D subduction).
     b1df679 Improve subduction meshing example. Make Trelis compatible.
     3fb8651 Fixed typo.
     2c5c061 Updated meshing README.
     c5a9dbe Small improvements to 2-D gravity example.
     256700b Updated geometry journal file based on updated surfaces (change in ids).
     e006604 Merge branch 'baagaard/fix-meshing-examples-trelis' into next
     4755072 Merge branch 'williams/add-examples-grav2d' into next
     216c270 Started work on debugging examples.
     eb4db18 Fixed geometry.jou to be consistent with mesh.
     a533b74 Updated for change in ids (works for CUBIT 14.1 and Trelis 15.0).
     4d693e0 Reduced mesh size for quicker runtimes.
     de19572 Fixed meshing for examples/2d/greensfns/reverse. No object ids used.
     a3f0b9d Updated to remove vertices while creating splines.
     6075897 Switched to IDless journal files. Minor cleanup.
     70cf4b4 Cleanup of APREPRO lines.
     c88c85a Cleanup of APREPRO lines.
     cc342c0 Cleanup of APREPRO lines.
     62e1b35 Increment version number to 2.0.1. Added release notes.
     6531fb1 Remove old directory from Makefile.
     346e2da Improve error message for fault quadrature check.
     ffbfc99 Cleanup APREPRO lines in journal files.
     eaf34a8 Cleanup of journal files.
     35ac315 Changed comments to provide relaxation time.
     30251f1 Refine tolerances and scales.
     5f0f568 Small tweaks to tolerances.
     fb01d2b Merge branch 'baagaard/fix-meshing-examples-trelis' into maint
     67f76da Merge branch 'baagaard/add-release-2.0.1' into maint
     4c242aa Merge branch 'baagaard/fix-meshing-examples-trelis'
     652e97a Merge branch 'baagaard/add-release-2.0.1'
     7d225ab Added files for examples/debugging.
     8c20934 Cleanup some error messages.
     23b1ff7 Introduce some errors into spatialdb file.
     33663fc Small adjustments to errors.
     7d4a694 Add more errors into mat_elastic and step02.
     8fce919 Added spatial database to Makefile.am so it will be included in distributions.
     3426804 Finished setting up files with error and correct files. Moved correct files to correct directory.
     a93bb2f Accidentally removed errors.
     e1d7948 Added files to Makefile.
     11d0883 Added files to Makefile.
     37686d9 Fixed typo in comment.
     d58a6b5 Updated spline creation for compatibility with Trelis.
     d65e52c Cleaned up gravity example, and hopefully have stable solution for finite strain problem. New version uses symmetry and small time step to stabilize finite strain example.
     3236f95 Modified the README to reflect the new layout of the examples.
     e4f9c02 Update configure.ac for obsolete directories (removed).
     5495db0 Merge branch 'baagaard/add-missing-files-dist' into maint
     b006a8f Merge branch 'baagaard/fix-meshing-examples-trelis' into maint
     5f428bb Merge branch 'baagaard/add-examples-debugging' into maint
     6753495 Solver: Remove DM from Vecs used in MatNullSpace - This avoids a reference cycle
     2bae138 Field: Setup DM field objects
     1a65b44 Merge commit '2bae13870c3a01dd4a1acceca3c441956f78eb01' into maint
     bed3e7e Removed old mesh file from Makefile.
     8dc1bfb Merge branch 'williams/add-examples-grav2d' into maint
     697fa11 Added debugging to examples Makefile. Updated filenames in debugging Makefile.
     875d67f Added README to examples/debugging.
     e077368 Merge branch 'baagaard/add-examples-debugging' into maint
     5fde715 Incremented version number and updated README.
     e95b9ae Merge branch 'baagaard/add-release-2.0.2' into maint
     9459c95 Merge branch 'baagaard/fix-meshing-examples-trelis'
     c54ad80 Merge commit '2bae13870c3a01dd4a1acceca3c441956f78eb01'
     3dde946 Merge branch 'baagaard/add-missing-files-dist'
     ab8c3c6 Merge branch 'baagaard/add-examples-debugging'
     58902f3 Merge branch 'baagaard/add-release-2.0.2'
     229a1df Improved some error messages.
     8d847b5 Merge branch 'baagaard/fix-error-messages' into maint
     c8e4d80 Merge branch 'baagaard/fix-error-messages'
     3dcf71c Added test case for embedded fault and initial state for friction.
     4592ba1 Code formatting cleanup.
     954bfb2 Fixed bug in overzealous size checking.
     8fb67f5 Turn on field split, remove marking of buried edges.
     c51f9ba Fault: Replace logic using clamped label with logic using _cohesiveVertices[] - This makes all parts agree on fault definition
     78ec935 Upgrade to new PETSc release
     e0cb277 Finished embedded fault test with friction and field split w/custom fault PC.
     a0be517 Merge branch 'baagaard/fix-friction-initial-state'
     27f8233 Merge branch 'baagaard/fix-friction-initial-state' into maint
     87981e9 Updated Makfiles to eliminate warnings.
     692eaf2 Remove obsolete mesh generation test files.
     a53c18e Update pytest files for automake 1.13.
     87db39c Add local target for verbose test running.
     da4bbde More cleanup for changes in automake test target.
     79f86a6 Create module.am for stuff common to all Python modules.
     cdf4794 Add checks for Python header file and shared library.
     bb0e108 Merge branch 'baagaard/update-autoconf'
     cd234e9 Increment to v2.0.3.
     c3fd72c Merge branch 'baagaard/update-autoconf' into maint
     f6e8e40 Updated to v2.0.3.
     a31c29b Updated CHANGES to point to Git repo commits.
     c42ce77 Merge branch 'baagaard/add-release-2.0.3'
     9a2e574 Merge branch 'baagaard/add-release-2.0.3' into maint
     d5e21df Fix error in making source distribution.
     c73d23a Merge branch 'baagaard/update-autoconf'
     49c49e2 Merge branch 'baagaard/update-autoconf' into maint
     9314577 Small fixes to release announcement.
     ee1d07e Merge branch 'baagaard/add-release-2.0.3' into maint
     09adf84 Merge branch 'baagaard/add-release-2.0.3'
     eca13b5 Change DMPlexGet/SetDImension() to DMGet/SetDimension()
     9bcda6d Update PETSc version check
     984ba78 Another update for PETSc 3.5.1 in libtests.
     af6c1ba Merge branch 'knepley/upgrade-petsc-3.5'
     3ffee7f Merge branch 'knepley/upgrade-petsc-3.5' into maint
     b39bd8d Configure: Upgrade to PETSc 3.5.2
     4d71303 Small fix for running tests with latest automake.
     5a51774 Merge branch 'knepley/upgrade-petsc-3.5'
     9218fb4 Merge branch 'knepley/upgrade-petsc-3.5' into maint
     b59a515 Modified manual, code, and unit tests for error in Drucker-Prager elastoplasticity. We were missing the initial pressure term. I haven't tested yet.
     62c07b9 Minor fix in Drucker-Prager equations (does not affect results).
     86b840a Merge branch 'willic3/fix-plasticity' into maint

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