[cig-commits] [commit] master: py: Split GLL functions into a separate file. (4573796)

cig_noreply at geodynamics.org cig_noreply at geodynamics.org
Wed Jan 7 16:50:46 PST 2015

Repository : https://github.com/geodynamics/specfem1d

On branch  : master
Link       : https://github.com/geodynamics/specfem1d/compare/c63d455e0ff0075e43cb487147ab0bc101d4019c...81ba23d88e3baad884dd78c47c7581ffe856f7b2


commit 4573796a3b519b4f375b09dda02dbf522e459fa2
Author: Elliott Sales de Andrade <esalesde at physics.utoronto.ca>
Date:   Wed Jan 7 04:06:32 2015 -0500

    py: Split GLL functions into a separate file.


 Python_version/defines.py               |  62 +++------------
 Python_version/functions.py             |  91 ----------------------
 Python_version/{functions.py => gll.py} | 132 ++++++++++++--------------------
 3 files changed, 60 insertions(+), 225 deletions(-)

diff --git a/Python_version/defines.py b/Python_version/defines.py
index 76b5312..1b6f916 100644
--- a/Python_version/defines.py
+++ b/Python_version/defines.py
@@ -22,54 +22,10 @@ except ImportError:
 import numpy as np
 import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
+import gll
 import functions
-# Gauss Lobatto Legendre points and integration weights
-ksiGLL = {
-    4: np.array([-1, -0.6546536707, 0, 0.6546536707, 1]),
-    5: np.array([-1, -0.7650553239, -0.2852315164, 0.2852315164, 0.7650553239,
-                 1]),
-    6: np.array([-1, -0.8302238962, -0.4688487934, 0, 0.4688487934,
-                 0.8302238962, 1]),
-    7: np.array([-1, -0.8717401485, -0.5917001814, -0.2092992179, 0.2092992179,
-                 0.5917001814, 0.8717401485, 1]),
-wGLL = {
-    4: np.array([0.1, 0.5444444444, 0.7111111111, 0.5444444444, 0.1]),
-    5: np.array([0.0666666666, 0.3784749562, 0.5548583770, 0.5548583770,
-                 0.3784749562, 0.0666666666]),
-    6: np.array([0.0476190476, 0.2768260473, 0.4317453812, 0.4876190476,
-                 0.4317453812, 0.2768260473, 0.0476190476]),
-    7: np.array([0.0357142857, 0.2107042271, 0.3411226924, 0.4124587946,
-                 0.4124587946, 0.3411226924, 0.2107042271, 0.0357142857]),
-# Gauss Lobatto Jacobi points and integration weights
-ksiGLJ = {
-    4: np.array([-1.0, -0.5077876295, 0.1323008207, 0.7088201421, 1.0]),
-    5: np.array([-1.0, -0.6507788566, -0.1563704318, 0.3734893787,
-                 0.7972962733, 1.0]),
-    6: np.array([-1.0, -0.7401236486, -0.3538526341, 0.09890279315,
-                 0.5288423045, 0.8508465697, 1.0]),
-    7: np.array([-1.0, -0.7993818545, -0.4919057913, -0.1117339354,
-                 0.2835397724, 0.6337933270, 0.8856884817, 1.0]),
-wGLJ = {
-    4: np.array([0.01333333333, 0.2896566946, 0.7360043695, 0.794338936,
-                 0.1666666667]),
-    5: np.array([0.006349206349, 0.1503293754, 0.452292685, 0.6858215721,
-                 0.5909214468, 0.1142857143]),
-    6: np.array([0.003401360544, 0.08473655296, 0.2803032119, 0.5016469619,
-                 0.5945754451, 0.4520031342, 0.08333333333]),
-    7: np.array([0.001984126984, 0.0510689152, 0.1792187805, 0.3533996177,
-                 0.4909749105, 0.5047839706, 0.3550776151, 0.06349206349]),
 class FakeGlobalSectionHead(object):
     def __init__(self, fp):
         self.fp = fp
@@ -160,22 +116,22 @@ class Parameter(object):
         # Gauss Lobatto Legendre points and integration weights :
             # Position of the GLL points in [-1,1]
-            self.ksiGLL = ksiGLL[self.N]
+            self.ksiGLL = gll.GLL_POINTS[self.N]
             # Integration weights
-            self.wGLL = wGLL[self.N]
+            self.wGLL = gll.GLL_WEIGHTS[self.N]
         except KeyError:
             raise ValueError('N = %d is invalid!' % (self.N, ))
             # Position of the GLJ points in [-1,1]
-            self.ksiGLJ = ksiGLJ[self.NGLJ]
+            self.ksiGLJ = gll.GLJ_POINTS[self.NGLJ]
             # Integration weights
-            self.wGLJ = wGLJ[self.NGLJ]
+            self.wGLJ = gll.GLJ_WEIGHTS[self.NGLJ]
         except KeyError:
             raise ValueError('NGLJ = %d is invalid!' % (self.NGLJ, ))
         # Derivatives of the Lagrange polynomials at the GLL points
-        self.deriv = functions.lagrangeDeriv(self.ksiGLL)
-        self.derivGLJ = functions.GLJderiv(self.ksiGLJ)
+        self.deriv = gll.lagrange_derivative(self.ksiGLL)
+        self.derivGLJ = gll.glj_derivative(self.ksiGLJ)
 class OneDgrid:
@@ -215,8 +171,8 @@ class OneDgrid:
         # Jacobians at the GLL (and GLJ for the first element in axisym)
         # points (arrays nSpec*(N+1) elements)
-        self.dXdKsi=functions.jacob(self.ticks,param)
-        self.dKsiDx=functions.jacobInv(self.ticks,param)
+        self.dXdKsi = gll.jacobian(self.ticks, param)
+        self.dKsiDx = gll.jacobian_inverse(self.ticks, param)
     def plotGrid(self,fig=0):
         """Plot the grid
diff --git a/Python_version/functions.py b/Python_version/functions.py
index 270b1d0..a130cbc 100644
--- a/Python_version/functions.py
+++ b/Python_version/functions.py
@@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ elements simulations.
 import numpy as np
-from scipy.interpolate import interp1d
 def globalArray(nSpec,nGLL):
@@ -37,96 +36,6 @@ def invProjection(ksi, elt_number, ticks):
     return z0
-def lagrangeDeriv(ksiGLL):
-    """Calculates the values of the derivative of the Lagrange polynomials
-    at the GLL points"""
-    N = len(ksiGLL) - 1
-    deriv=np.zeros((N+1,N+1),dtype='d')
-    for i in range(N+1):
-        for j in range(N+1):
-            if i == 0 and j == 0:
-                deriv[i,j] = -N*(N+1.)/4.
-            elif i == N and j == N:
-                deriv[i,j] = N*(N+1.)/4.
-            elif i == j:
-                deriv[i,j] = 0.
-            else:
-                prod1=1.
-                for m in range(N+1):
-                    if m!=i:
-                        prod1 *= 1/(ksiGLL[i]-ksiGLL[m])
-                sum1=0.
-                for m in range(N+1):
-                    prod2=1.
-                    for k in range(N+1):
-                        if k!=m and k!=i:
-                            prod2 *= (ksiGLL[j]-ksiGLL[k])
-                    sum1 += prod2
-                deriv[i,j]=prod1*sum1
-    return deriv
-def GLJderiv(ksiGLJ):
-    """Calculates the values of the derivative of the polynomials associated
-    to the Gauss-Lobatto-Jacobi quadrature at the GLJ points"""
-    N=len(ksiGLJ)-1
-    deriv=np.zeros((N+1,N+1),dtype='d')
-    lenX=100000
-    xi = np.linspace(-1,1,lenX)
-    xi2=(xi[1:len(xi)]+xi[0:len(xi)-1])/2
-    dxi=xi[1]-xi[0]
-    P = np.polynomial.legendre.legval(xi, np.identity(8))
-    Pb=np.zeros_like(P[N])
-    Pb[1:]=(P[N][1:]+P[N+1][1:])/(1.+xi[1:])
-    Pb[0]=round(Pb[1]) # =+-(N+1)
-    PbInterp = interp1d(xi, Pb)
-    for i in np.arange(N+1):
-        for j in np.arange(N+1):
-            if i == 0 and j == 0:
-                deriv[i,j] = -N*(N+2.)/6.
-            elif i == 0 and 0 < j < N:
-                deriv[i,j] = 2*(-1)**N*PbInterp(ksiGLJ[j])/((1+ksiGLJ[j])*(N+1))
-            elif i == 0 and j == N:
-                deriv[i,j] = (-1)**N/(N+1)
-            elif 0 < i < N and j == 0:
-                deriv[i,j] = (-1)**(N+1)*(N+1)/(2*PbInterp(ksiGLJ[i])*(1+ksiGLJ[i]))
-            elif 0 < i < N and 0 < j < N and i != j:
-                deriv[i,j] = 1/(ksiGLJ[j]-ksiGLJ[i])*PbInterp(ksiGLJ[j])/PbInterp(ksiGLJ[i])
-            elif 0 < i < N and i == j:
-                deriv[i,j] = -1/(2*(1+ksiGLJ[i]))
-            elif 0 < i < N and j == N:
-                deriv[i,j] = 1/(1-ksiGLJ[i])*1/PbInterp(ksiGLJ[i])
-            elif i == N and j == 0:
-                deriv[i,j] = (-1)**(N+1)*(N+1)/4
-            elif i == N and 0 < j < N:
-                deriv[i,j] = -1/(1-ksiGLJ[j])*PbInterp(ksiGLJ[j])
-            elif i == N and j == N:
-                deriv[i,j] = (N*(N+2)-1.)/4.
-    return deriv
-def jacob(ticks,param):
-    """Calculates the jacobian dx/dksi of the substitution on the GLL points
-       (and GLJ points for the first element in axisymmetric).
-       Returns a matrix nSpec*(N+1) containing its value for each element and
-       each points"""
-    dE=ticks[1:]-ticks[:len(ticks)-1] # dE[i] : length of element number i
-    dXdKsi=np.zeros((len(dE),len(param.ksiGLL)),dtype='d')
-    for e in np.arange(len(dE)):
-        for k in np.arange(len(param.ksiGLL)):
-            dXdKsi[e,k] = dE[e]/2 # Here it does not depend on ksi
-    return dXdKsi
-def jacobInv(ticks,param):
-    """Calculate the jacobian dksi/dx of the substitution on the GLL points
-       (and GLJ points for the first element in axisymmetric).
-       Returns a matrix nSpec*(N+1) containing its value for each element and
-       each points"""
-    dE=ticks[1:]-ticks[:len(ticks)-1] # dE[i] : length of element number i
-    dKsiDx=np.zeros((len(dE),len(param.ksiGLL)),dtype='d')
-    for e in np.arange(len(dE)):
-        for k in np.arange(len(param.ksiGLL)):
-            dKsiDx[e,k] = 2/dE[e]   # Here it does not depend on ksi
-    return dKsiDx
 def makeStiffness(grid,param):
     """Computation of stiffness matrices"""
diff --git a/Python_version/functions.py b/Python_version/gll.py
similarity index 50%
copy from Python_version/functions.py
copy to Python_version/gll.py
index 270b1d0..c6bebfa 100644
--- a/Python_version/functions.py
+++ b/Python_version/gll.py
@@ -1,43 +1,58 @@
 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
-Created on Wed Nov 13 10:36:57 2013
-This file gathers all the fundamental functions used for 1D spectral
-elements simulations.
- at author: Alexis Bottero (alexis.bottero at gmail.com)
+Functions for working with GLL points.
 import numpy as np
 from scipy.interpolate import interp1d
-def globalArray(nSpec,nGLL):
-    """Returns a matrix A. A[element_number,GLL_considered] -> index in the
-    global array, if we work in axisym and that the element number is 0 the points
-    are GLJ points"""
-    ibool = np.zeros((nSpec,nGLL),dtype='d')
-    for e in np.arange(nSpec):
-        for i in np.arange(nGLL):
-            ibool[e,i] = (nGLL-1)*e+i
-    return ibool
+# Gauss Lobatto Legendre points and integration weights
+    4: np.array([-1, -0.6546536707, 0, 0.6546536707, 1]),
+    5: np.array([-1, -0.7650553239, -0.2852315164, 0.2852315164, 0.7650553239,
+                 1]),
+    6: np.array([-1, -0.8302238962, -0.4688487934, 0, 0.4688487934,
+                 0.8302238962, 1]),
+    7: np.array([-1, -0.8717401485, -0.5917001814, -0.2092992179, 0.2092992179,
+                 0.5917001814, 0.8717401485, 1]),
+    4: np.array([0.1, 0.5444444444, 0.7111111111, 0.5444444444, 0.1]),
+    5: np.array([0.0666666666, 0.3784749562, 0.5548583770, 0.5548583770,
+                 0.3784749562, 0.0666666666]),
+    6: np.array([0.0476190476, 0.2768260473, 0.4317453812, 0.4876190476,
+                 0.4317453812, 0.2768260473, 0.0476190476]),
+    7: np.array([0.0357142857, 0.2107042271, 0.3411226924, 0.4124587946,
+                 0.4124587946, 0.3411226924, 0.2107042271, 0.0357142857]),
+# Gauss Lobatto Jacobi points and integration weights
-def estimateDt(grid,param):
-    dzMin=(grid.z[1:]-grid.z[:len(grid.z)-1]).min()
-    dh=param.length/(len(grid.z)-1)
-    vMax = np.sqrt(param.meanMu/param.meanRho).max()
-    dt = param.cfl*dh/vMax # defines.CFL*dzMin/vMax # TODO : See why...?!
-    return dt
-#    z0=((ksi+1)/(1-ksi)*ticks[elt_number+1]+ticks[elt_number])*1/(1+(ksi+1)/(1-ksi))
-def invProjection(ksi, elt_number, ticks):
-    """From the abscissa of a point (ksi) onto the reference interval,
-       the number of the element to which it belongs (elt_number) and
-       the abscissa of the borders of the elements (ticks) returns
-       its abscissa onto the interval [zmin, zmax]"""
-    z0=1./2.*((ksi+1.)*ticks[elt_number+1]+(1.-ksi)*ticks[elt_number])
-    return z0
+    4: np.array([-1.0, -0.5077876295, 0.1323008207, 0.7088201421, 1.0]),
+    5: np.array([-1.0, -0.6507788566, -0.1563704318, 0.3734893787,
+                 0.7972962733, 1.0]),
+    6: np.array([-1.0, -0.7401236486, -0.3538526341, 0.09890279315,
+                 0.5288423045, 0.8508465697, 1.0]),
+    7: np.array([-1.0, -0.7993818545, -0.4919057913, -0.1117339354,
+                 0.2835397724, 0.6337933270, 0.8856884817, 1.0]),
-def lagrangeDeriv(ksiGLL):
+    4: np.array([0.01333333333, 0.2896566946, 0.7360043695, 0.794338936,
+                 0.1666666667]),
+    5: np.array([0.006349206349, 0.1503293754, 0.452292685, 0.6858215721,
+                 0.5909214468, 0.1142857143]),
+    6: np.array([0.003401360544, 0.08473655296, 0.2803032119, 0.5016469619,
+                 0.5945754451, 0.4520031342, 0.08333333333]),
+    7: np.array([0.001984126984, 0.0510689152, 0.1792187805, 0.3533996177,
+                 0.4909749105, 0.5047839706, 0.3550776151, 0.06349206349]),
+def lagrange_derivative(ksiGLL):
     """Calculates the values of the derivative of the Lagrange polynomials
     at the GLL points"""
     N = len(ksiGLL) - 1
@@ -65,7 +80,8 @@ def lagrangeDeriv(ksiGLL):
     return deriv
-def GLJderiv(ksiGLJ):
+def glj_derivative(ksiGLJ):
     """Calculates the values of the derivative of the polynomials associated
     to the Gauss-Lobatto-Jacobi quadrature at the GLJ points"""
@@ -103,7 +119,8 @@ def GLJderiv(ksiGLJ):
                 deriv[i,j] = (N*(N+2)-1.)/4.
     return deriv
-def jacob(ticks,param):
+def jacobian(ticks, param):
     """Calculates the jacobian dx/dksi of the substitution on the GLL points
        (and GLJ points for the first element in axisymmetric).
        Returns a matrix nSpec*(N+1) containing its value for each element and
@@ -115,7 +132,8 @@ def jacob(ticks,param):
             dXdKsi[e,k] = dE[e]/2 # Here it does not depend on ksi
     return dXdKsi
-def jacobInv(ticks,param):
+def jacobian_inverse(ticks, param):
     """Calculate the jacobian dksi/dx of the substitution on the GLL points
        (and GLJ points for the first element in axisymmetric).
        Returns a matrix nSpec*(N+1) containing its value for each element and
@@ -126,51 +144,3 @@ def jacobInv(ticks,param):
         for k in np.arange(len(param.ksiGLL)):
             dKsiDx[e,k] = 2/dE[e]   # Here it does not depend on ksi
     return dKsiDx
-def makeStiffness(grid,param):
-    """Computation of stiffness matrices"""
-    Ke=np.zeros((param.nSpec,param.nGLL,param.nGLL),dtype='d')
-    for e in np.arange(param.nSpec):
-        if param.axisym and e == 0 : # The first element
-            Ke[e,:,:]=makeStiffness0(grid,param) # Build the stiffness matrix for first element
-        else:
-            for i in np.arange(param.nGLL):
-                for j in np.arange(param.nGLL):
-                    sumk=0
-                    for k in np.arange(param.nGLL):
-                        if param.axisym is not True:
-                            sumk+=param.wGLL[k]*grid.mu[e,k]*param.deriv[i,k]* \
-                            param.deriv[j,k]*(grid.dKsiDx[e,k]**2)* \
-                            grid.dXdKsi[e,k]
-                        else:
-                            sumk+=param.wGLL[k]*grid.mu[e,k]*param.deriv[i,k]* \
-                            param.deriv[j,k]*(grid.dKsiDx[e,k]**2)* \
-                            grid.dXdKsi[e,k]*invProjection(param.ksiGLL[k],e,grid.ticks)/invProjection(param.ksiGLL[i],e,grid.ticks)
-                    Ke[e,i,j]= sumk
-    return Ke
-def makeStiffness0(grid,param):
-    """Computation of stiffness matrix for the first element"""
-    K0=np.zeros((param.nGLJ,param.nGLJ),dtype='d')
-    for i in np.arange(param.nGLJ):
-        for j in np.arange(param.nGLJ):
-            sumk=0
-            for k in np.arange(param.nGLJ):
-                sumk+=param.wGLJ[k]*grid.mu[0,k]*param.derivGLJ[i,k]* \
-                param.derivGLJ[j,k]*(grid.dKsiDx[0,k]**2)*grid.dXdKsi[0,k]
-            K0[i,j]= sumk
-    return K0
-def makeMass(grid,param):
-    """Computation of global mass matrix"""
-    M=np.zeros(param.nGlob,dtype='d')
-    for e in np.arange(param.nSpec):
-        for i in np.arange(param.nGLL):
-            if param.axisym and e != 0:
-                Me=param.wGLL[i]*grid.rho[e,i]*grid.dXdKsi[e,i]#*invProjection(param.ksiGLL[i],e,grid.ticks) # Axisym
-            if param.axisym and e == 0:
-                Me=param.wGLJ[i]*grid.rho[e,i]*grid.dXdKsi[e,i]
-            else:
-                Me=param.wGLL[i]*grid.rho[e,i]*grid.dXdKsi[e,i]#*invProjection(param.ksiGLL[i],e,grid.ticks)
-            M[param.ibool[e,i]]+=Me
-    return M

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