[cig-commits] [commit] master: Add new example for building a planet with self-consistent gravity, pressure, and density profiles. (9988c72)

cig_noreply at geodynamics.org cig_noreply at geodynamics.org
Tue Jan 13 18:02:46 PST 2015

Repository : https://github.com/geodynamics/burnman

On branch  : master
Link       : https://github.com/geodynamics/burnman/compare/ad730f0db078eb2ba673ed712a86c8a64c3529ee...9422ec507c1a8dfaa6745252962af04a4a149b78


commit 9988c72f0456b23b16ba9918ff74bd7be64db38b
Author: ian-r-rose <ian.r.rose at gmail.com>
Date:   Wed Jan 7 21:43:41 2015 -0800

    Add new example for building a planet with self-consistent gravity, pressure, and density profiles.


 examples/example_build_planet.py        | 244 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 sphinx/examples.rst                     |   7 +
 sphinx/figures/example_build_planet.png | Bin 0 -> 65661 bytes
 3 files changed, 251 insertions(+)

diff --git a/examples/example_build_planet.py b/examples/example_build_planet.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5e5642a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/example_build_planet.py
@@ -0,0 +1,244 @@
+# BurnMan - a lower mantle toolkit
+# Copyright (C) 2015, Heister, T., Unterborn, C., Rose, I. Cottaar, S., and Myhill, R.
+# Released under GPL v2 or later.
+For Earth we have well-constrained one-dimensional density models.  This allows us to
+calculate pressure as a funcion of depth.  Furthermore, petrologic data and assumptions
+regarding the convective state of the planet allow us to estimate the temperature.
+For planets other than Earth we have much less information, and in particular we 
+know almost nothing about the pressure and temperature in the interior.  Instead, we tend
+to have measurements of things like mass, radius, and moment-of-inertia.  We would like 
+to be able to make a model of the planet's interior that is consistent with those 
+However, there is a difficulty with this.  In order to know the density of the planetary 
+material, we need to know the pressure and temperature.  In order to know the pressure, 
+we need to know the gravity profile.  And in order to the the gravity profile, we need 
+to know the density.  This is a nonlinear problem which requires us to iterate to find 
+a self-consistent solution.
+Here we show an example that does this, using the planet Mercury as motivation.
+* :doc:`mineral_database`
+* :class:`burnman.composite.Composite`
+* :func:`burnman.main.velocities_from_rock`
+import os, sys
+#hack to allow scripts to be placed in subdirectories next to burnman:
+if not os.path.exists('burnman') and os.path.exists('../burnman'):
+    sys.path.insert(1,os.path.abspath('..'))
+import numpy as np
+import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
+from scipy.integrate import odeint
+from scipy.integrate import quad
+from scipy.interpolate import interp1d
+from scipy.interpolate import UnivariateSpline
+import burnman
+import burnman.minerals as minerals
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+    #gravitational constant
+    G = 6.67e-11
+    # A basic set of EoS parameters for solid iron
+    class iron(burnman.Mineral):
+        def __init__(self):
+            #Parameters for gamma - Fe are from Tsujino et al. 2013
+            #G_0 G_Prime0 from Mao et al. 2001 (fig. 3)
+            self.params = {
+                'equation_of_state':'slb3',
+                'T_0': 1273.,
+                'V_0': 7.381e-06, 
+                'K_0': 111.5e9,
+                'Kprime_0': 5.2,
+                'G_0': 83.2e9,  #Shear modulus and derivative from Gleason and Mao, 2013
+                'Gprime_0': 2.04,
+                'molar_mass': 55.845 / 1000.,
+                'n': 1,
+                'Debye_0': 340., 
+                'grueneisen_0': 2.28,
+                'q_0': 0.21,
+                'eta_s_0': 2.0 # Wholly invented value
+                }
+            burnman.Mineral.__init__(self)
+    # Create a class for Mercury that will do the heavy lifting.
+    class Mercury(object):
+        def __init__(self, n_slices):
+            #The constructor takes the number of depth slices which will
+            #be used for the calculation.  More slices will generate more
+            #accurate profiles, but it will take longer.
+            self.cmb = 2020.e3  # Guess for the radius of the core-mantle-boundary
+            self.outer_radius = 2440.e3 # Outer radius of the planet
+            self.radii = np.linspace(0.e3, self.outer_radius, n_slices) # Radius list
+            self.pressures = np.linspace(35.0e9, 0.0, n_slices) # initial guess at pressure profile
+            self.temperatures = np.ones_like(self.pressures)*1000. #Assume an isothermal interior (not a great assumption, but we do this for simplicity's sake).
+            #The planet will be represented by a two layer model, mantle and core.  
+            #The top layer will be a composite of 80% perovskite and 20% periclase.
+            amount_perovskite = 0.8
+            self.mantle = burnman.Composite( [amount_perovskite, 1.0-amount_perovskite],
+                                             [minerals.SLB_2011.mg_perovskite(),
+                                              minerals.SLB_2011.periclase()] )
+             #The core will be represented by solid iron.
+            self.core = iron() 
+        def generate_profiles( self, n_iterations ):
+            #Generate the density, gravity, pressure, vphi, and vs profiles for the planet.
+            #The n_iterations parameter sets how many times to iterate over density, pressure, 
+            #and gravity.  Empirically, five-ish iterations is adequate.  After the iterations,
+            #this also calculates mass and moment of inertia of the planet.
+            for i in range(n_iterations):
+                self.densities, self.bulk_sound_speed, self.shear_velocity = self._evaluate_eos(self.pressures, self.temperatures, self.radii)
+                self.gravity = self._compute_gravity(self.densities, self.radii)
+                self.pressures = self._compute_pressure(self.densities, self.gravity, self.radii)
+            self.mass = self._compute_mass(self.densities, self.radii)
+            self.moment_of_inertia = self._compute_moment_of_inertia(self.densities, self.radii)
+            self.moment_of_inertia_factor = self.moment_of_inertia / self.mass / self.outer_radius / self.outer_radius
+        def _evaluate_eos(self, pressures, temperatures, radii):
+            #Evaluates the equation of state for each radius slice of the model.
+            #Returns density, bulk sound speed, and shear speed.
+            rho = np.empty_like(radii)    
+            bulk_sound_speed = np.empty_like(radii)    
+            shear_velocity = np.empty_like(radii)    
+            for i in range(len(radii)):
+                density = vp = vs = vphi = K = G = 0.
+                if radii[i] > self.cmb:
+                    density, vp, vs, vphi, K, G = burnman.velocities_from_rock(self.mantle, np.array([pressures[i]]), np.array([temperatures[i]]))
+                else:
+                    density, vp, vs, vphi, K, G = burnman.velocities_from_rock(self.core, np.array([pressures[i]]), np.array([temperatures[i]]))
+                rho[i] = density
+                bulk_sound_speed[i] = vphi
+                shear_velocity[i] = vs
+            return rho, bulk_sound_speed, shear_velocity
+        def _compute_gravity(self, density, radii):
+            #Calculate the gravity of the planet, based on a density profile.  This integrates
+            #Poisson's equation in radius, under the assumption that the planet is laterally
+            #homogeneous. 
+            #Create a spline fit of density as a function of radius
+            rhofunc = UnivariateSpline(radii, density )
+            #Numerically integrate Poisson's equation
+            poisson = lambda p, x : 4.0 * np.pi * G * rhofunc(x) * x * x
+            grav = np.ravel(odeint( poisson, 0.0, radii ))
+            grav[1:] = grav[1:]/radii[1:]/radii[1:]
+            grav[0] = 0.0 #Set it to zero a the center, since radius = 0 there we cannot divide by r^2
+            return grav
+        def _compute_pressure(self, density, gravity, radii):
+            #Calculate the pressure profile based on density and gravity.  This integrates
+            #the equation for hydrostatic equilibrium  P = rho g z.
+            #convert radii to depths
+            depth = radii[-1]-radii
+            #Make a spline fit of density as a function of depth
+            rhofunc = UnivariateSpline( depth[::-1], density[::-1] )
+            #Make a spline fit of gravity as a function of depth
+            gfunc = UnivariateSpline( depth[::-1], gravity[::-1] )
+            #integrate the hydrostatic equation
+            pressure = np.ravel(odeint( (lambda p, x : gfunc(x)* rhofunc(x)), 0.0,depth[::-1]))
+            return pressure[::-1]
+        def _compute_mass( self, density, radii):
+            #Returns a list of moments of inertia of the planet [kg m^2]
+            rhofunc = UnivariateSpline(radii, density )
+            mass = quad( lambda r : 4*np.pi*rhofunc(r)*r*r, 
+                                     radii[0], radii[-1] )[0]
+            return mass
+        def _compute_moment_of_inertia( self, density, radii):
+            #Returns the moment of inertia of the planet [kg m^2]
+            rhofunc = UnivariateSpline(radii, density )
+            moment = quad( lambda r : 8.0/3.0*np.pi*rhofunc(r)*r*r*r*r, 
+                                     radii[0], radii[-1] )[0]
+            return moment
+    # Here we actually do the interation.  We make an instance
+    # of our Mercury planet, then call generate_profiles.
+    # Emprically, 300 slices and 5 iterations seem to do
+    # a good job of converging on the correct profiles.
+    n_slices = 300
+    n_iterations = 5
+    merc = Mercury(n_slices)
+    merc.generate_profiles( n_iterations )
+    # These are the actual observables
+    # from the model, that is to say, 
+    # the total mass of the planet and
+    # the moment of inertia factor,
+    # or C/MR^2
+    print "Total mass of the planet: ", merc.mass
+    print "Moment of inertia factor of the planet: ", merc.moment_of_inertia_factor
+    import matplotlib.gridspec as gridspec
+    plt.rc('text', usetex=True)
+    plt.rcParams['text.latex.preamble'] = '\usepackage{relsize}'
+    plt.rc('font', family='sanserif')
+    #Come up with axes for the final plot
+    figure = plt.figure( figsize = (12,10) )
+    ax1 = plt.subplot2grid( (5,3) , (0,0), colspan=3, rowspan=3)
+    ax2 = plt.subplot2grid( (5,3) , (3,0), colspan=3, rowspan=1)
+    ax3 = plt.subplot2grid( (5,3) , (4,0), colspan=3, rowspan=1)
+    #Plot density, vphi, and vs for the planet.
+    ax1.plot( merc.radii/1.e3, merc.densities/1.e3, label=r'$\rho$', linewidth=2.)
+    ax1.plot( merc.radii/1.e3, merc.bulk_sound_speed/1.e3, label=r'$V_\phi$', linewidth=2.)
+    ax1.plot( merc.radii/1.e3, merc.shear_velocity/1.e3, label=r'$V_S$', linewidth=2.)
+    #Also plot a black line for the CMB
+    ylimits = [3., 10.]
+    ax1.plot( [merc.cmb/1.e3, merc.cmb/1.e3], ylimits, 'k', linewidth = 6.)
+    ax1.legend()
+    ax1.set_ylabel("Velocities (km/s) and Density (kg/m$^3$)")
+    #Make a subplot showing the calculated pressure profile
+    ax2.plot( merc.radii/1.e3, merc.pressures/1.e9, 'k', linewidth=2.)
+    ax2.set_ylabel("Pressure (GPa)")
+    #Make a subplot showing the calculated gravity profile
+    ax3.plot( merc.radii/1.e3, merc.gravity, 'k', linewidth=2.)
+    ax3.set_ylabel("Gravity (m/s$^2)$")
+    ax3.set_xlabel("Radius (km)")
+    plt.show()
diff --git a/sphinx/examples.rst b/sphinx/examples.rst
index fd47b05..8d9b93b 100644
--- a/sphinx/examples.rst
+++ b/sphinx/examples.rst
@@ -150,6 +150,13 @@ Advanced examples:
 .. image:: figures/example_opt_pv.png
+.. automodule:: examples.example_build_planet
+*Resulting figure:*
+.. image:: figures/example_build_planet.png
 .. automodule:: examples.example_compare_all_methods  
diff --git a/sphinx/figures/example_build_planet.png b/sphinx/figures/example_build_planet.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..dec99d4
Binary files /dev/null and b/sphinx/figures/example_build_planet.png differ

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