[CIG-LONG] Gale 1.0.0

Walter Landry walter at geodynamics.org
Mon Dec 11 17:42:11 PST 2006


I am pleased to announce a new release of Gale, an Arbitrary
Lagrangian-Eulerian code for the long term tectonics community.  This
release should be reliable enough for doing real work.  You can
download the code from


You can read installation instructions in the bundled README and
INSTALL files.

Release Notes:

  * Deformed Upper boundaries are now supported.

  * Narrow faults now work well.

  * Stress boundary conditions are now supported, although it may be a
    little flaky.

  * Parallel works better, but is still a bit flaky

  * Binaries are available for Windows, Mac, and Linux.

  * There is now an example of relaxation of topography.

  * The documentation has been significantly improved.

While this release should be useful to many researchers, we continue
development.  Specifically, we will be working on

  * Interfacing custom surface process models
  * Frictional boundary conditions
  * Deformed lower boundaries

Walter Landry
walter at geodynamics.org

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