[CIG-LONG] Cumulative strain history in Gale et alia

Christoph Schrank schrank at geology.utoronto.ca
Fri Oct 5 12:10:07 PDT 2007

Dear Gale Team and Gale users,

thank you very much for this great piece of code! I enjoy working with 
it a lot. I started using it for my PhD work about two or three months ago.

However, I have a few questions.

1) Is there any option that allows the recording of cumulative (finite) 
strain histories? It is obviously possible to compute those from the 
incremental data but I would be thankful to know whether somebody 
implemented this function in the code already.

 2) There are some built-in surface functions available and the option 
to implement user-defined functions. Are there any current plans to add 
some typical surface transport functions (e.g., diffusive erosion, 
power-law erosion, or the Montgomery&Brandon law)?

3) I would be curious to know what is going on in terms of benchmarking 
the code. Will there be any presentations on the next Geomod meeting? Or 
would other users perhaps be interested in sharing their experiences? I 
started to run a few free-falling slab models, sandwedge shortening 
experiments, Stokes flow tests, and RT instabilities.

Thank you very much!

With the best wishes from Canada,


Christoph Schrank

University of Toronto
Department of Geology
Earth Sciences Centre

22 Russell Street
Toronto, ON, M5S 3B1


Lab:     416 946 7365
Office: 416 978 0833 

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