[CIG-LONG] How to specify melt supply rate?

Guillaume.Duclaux at csiro.au Guillaume.Duclaux at csiro.au
Mon Nov 2 03:48:00 PST 2009

Hi Taichi,

I can't help much for the first question about DivergenceForces as I never used this Velocity BC...

Gale's hydrostatic term corresponds corresponds to the gravitational pressure, also if the top wall of your model is the ocean floor, you don't have to worry about water property but only define the rock materials column. 
You can read the threads regarding this feature here: http://geodynamics.org/pipermail/cig-long/2009-May/000209.html

Hope that helps.



Dr Guillaume Duclaux
Structural Geologist /  Modeller
CSIRO Exploration and Mining
Visiting address: ARRC, 26 Dick Perry Av., Kensington WA 6151
Postal address: PO Box 1130, Bentley WA 6102, Australia
Ph: + 61 8 6436 8728    Fax: + 61 8 6436 8555    Web: www.csiro.au

-----Original Message-----
From: cig-long-bounces at geodynamics.org [mailto:cig-long-bounces at geodynamics.org] On Behalf Of Taichi SATO
Sent: Monday, 2 November 2009 7:31 PM
To: cig-long at geodynamics.org
Subject: [CIG-LONG] How to specify melt supply rate?


I now try to create axial vally and axial high by using Gale, but I do
not still understand how to specify melt supply rate.  As Walter said
earlier to me the way as below,

>" In any case, the left and right sides are both moving at 4e-10 m/s.
The dike is 2000 m across.  If the
>divergence was completely accounted for in the dike, then we get a
divergence of
>  2*4e-10/2000 = 4e-13
>The input file scales time by 1e22, so in the scaled units that becomes
> 4e9
>So in this example, the divergence would only account for 20% of the
expansion. "

But the result is not axial high and something strange.
I think that DivergenceForces = 0 means full melt supply(M=1), is it

Would you tell me how to specify melt supply rate.

And I have another question.
Should I specify water property(hydrostatic term) for modeling mid-ocean
ridge process?
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