[CIG-LONG] FW: [CIG-ALL] Gale 2.0.1

Michael Rubey michael.rubey at sydney.edu.au
Tue Aug 28 00:01:20 PDT 2012


I'm a PhD student with Prof. Müller and
about to launch into the next phase of my
study of geodynamic processes at
subduction zones. As Gale is a software
capable of modelling the desired settings,
I wondered whether the announced departure
of one of your developers as any effect of the
software not being developed/supported in
the future as much as it is now. I am aware
that your website states "Developed, maintained,
and supported.", I just wanted to make sure.
Maybe you could give me a  quick outlook on
what to roughly expect on these terms (a
confirming statement like the one mentioned
would be enough).
Thank you very much.

Best regards,

Michael RUBEY, MSc | PhD Candidate
School of Geosciences | Faculty of Science
Rm 410a, Madsen Building F09 | The University of Sydney | NSW | 2006
T +61 2 9036 7175
M +61 459 305 425
E michael.rubey at sydney.edu.au<https://webmail.sydney.edu.au/owa/UrlBlockedError.aspx> | michael.rubey at gmx.at<https://webmail.sydney.edu.au/owa/UrlBlockedError.aspx>
W http://www.earthbyte.org

Betreff: FW: [CIG-ALL] Gale 2.0.1

FYI ...

On 24/08/12 12:44 AM, "Walter Landry" <wlandry at caltech.edu<mailto:wlandry at caltech.edu>> wrote:


I am pleased to announce the release of Gale 2.0.1, a finite element
code for the long term tectonics community.  The main feature of this
release is the addition of a stabilizing term for models with a free
surface.  Everyone is encouraged to upgrade.  The release notes are
attached below.

You can download binaries or the source code from


Installation instructions are in the bundled README and INSTALL files.

My last day at CIG is this Friday.  So if you run into problems,
please direct any questions to the mailing list at
cig-long at geodynamics.org<mailto:cig-long at geodynamics.org>.

Walter Landry


* A free surface stabilization term has been implemented.  This
applies a non-linear damping term to all models by default.

* The temperature mesh has been changed to be Q2, the same as the
velocity mesh.  This fixes problems when running thermal problems
with distorting meshes.

* Documentation has been added for modeling density and expansivity
changes as an arbitrary function of pressure and/or temperature.  This
is a simple way of modeling phase transitions.

* You may now specify a moving static side.  This is useful when
modeling a moving wall boundary that only covers part of the

* You may now use up to 30 different files for input as boundary
conditions etc.

* A bug in parsing equations with "<" has been fixed.

* There is now a single binary for Mac 10.5 and later.  10.4 and
earlier are no longer supported.

* The configure script now accepts --linkflags.

* Fix a bug when compiling Gale without HDF5.

* Checkpointing now occurs on the first solve, before taking a time step.

* Gale now works with Petsc 3.2.

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CIG-ALL at geodynamics.org<mailto:CIG-ALL at geodynamics.org>

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