[CIG-MC] CitcomS (non-pyre) full input file

Craig O'Neill coneill at els.mq.edu.au
Mon Oct 13 19:39:10 PDT 2008

Not sure if this is the appropriate forum for this, but I had a CitcomS 
question. I've got CitcomS running ok on a small gentoo cluster. It 
seems to be behaving mostly.
However, I'm running it non-pyre via an mpiexec command, and so need a 
full input file.  The main question I have concerns the output.
I'm getting .h5 output, it can be viewed in hdfview etc but I'm worried 
if its sensible. I cannot view it in opendx  (error message is that 
there are no datasets in /.../fulltest.100.h5 or somesuch) . I can, 
however, view the opendx Full data provided with the CitcomS 
distribution ok.
So before I go to far into it, I was wondering if my input file format 
was ok.   Do you guys have any old-style full-format files that output 
sensible .h5 data that can be visualized, by chance?
My inputfile reads:

datadir="insert appropriate name"


I'm wondering if I need to specify temp etc, I had thought these were 
default outputs.


Dr Craig O'Neill
GEMOC ARC National Key Centre
Department of Earth & Planetary Science
Macquarie University, E7A, Rm 515
Sydney, NSW, 2109, Australia

Phone: +61 2 9850 9673

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