[CIG-MC] Zero shear stresses with free-slip boundary conditions

Shijie Zhong Shijie.Zhong at Colorado.Edu
Fri Jan 9 07:57:38 PST 2009

Dear Mr. Natarajan,

Eh is probably out of town at the moment, and I would be happy to answer your question. 

Can you please provide more information? 3D cartesian or regional spherical models? Generally speaking, shear stresses are non-zero numerically at the free-slip boundaries, but if you plot them against the distance from the boundaries, you should see that the stresses decrease towards zero rapidly as the distance decreases. 

To reduce the email traffic, you can send your follow-up questions to me and Eh. 



Shijie Zhong
Department of Physics
University of Colorado at Boulder
Boulder, CO 80309
Tel: 303-735-5095; Fax: 303-492-7935
Web: http://anquetil.colorado.edu/szhong

---- Original message ----
>Date: Thu, 8 Jan 2009 23:03:50 -0800 (PST)
>From: "C.S Natarajan" <natarajan at geology.ucdavis.edu>  
>Subject: [CIG-MC] Zero shear stresses with free-slip boundary conditions  
>To: cig-mc at geodynamics.org
>Hello everybody,
>     I was wondering if anybody has outputted the shear stresses from
>Citcom-CU and actually seen that the free-slip boundary condition
>gives 0 shear stresses. I was trying to run the sample input file
>provided from the distribution version and output the stresses. I am
>getting non-zero shear stresses on the vertical faces. I'm wondering
>what I might be doing wrong. The only code I had to add was a routine
>to output stresses (calculated in Topo_gravity.c) in Output.c
>Thanks in advance,
>CIG-MC mailing list
>CIG-MC at geodynamics.org

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