[CIG-MC] PBS batch configurations

Leif Strand leif at geodynamics.org
Tue Oct 27 16:04:55 PDT 2009

Robert Moucha wrote:
> 1) In order for me to specifically use infiniband nodes, I must add
> "ib" to the PBS -l line in the script as follows:
> #PBS -l nodes=2:ib:ppn=8
>   Is this possible, or should I generate the script, edit it to add ib
> and submit it?

Our code doesn't allow for this; fortunately, it is easy to patch.

Place the attached file in a new subdirectory named "schedulers" 
alongside your CitcomS.cfg file:

mkdir ~/.pyre/CitcomS/schedulers
mv pbs.odb ~/.pyre/CitcomS/schedulers/

You will now be able to use a new "resource-list" option:

ppn = 8  ; processors per node
resource-list = ib

Note that nodes/ppn/walltime will be added by the Python code.

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