[CIG-MC] Installing CitcomS - Cygwin

Walter Landry wlandry at caltech.edu
Thu Jun 7 11:16:52 PDT 2012

Lester Anderson <lester_anderson1963 at hotmail.com> wrote:
> Hi Eric,
> No I never did manage to get the code the compile under Cygwin. The
> main issue seems to be that the MPI library will not install. At the
> moment I am working with a colleague that uses the code a lot and
> has it working. Unfortunately I do not have the time to keep trying
> to compile the code.
> Perhaps somewhere down the line the code could be modified to work
> on Windows 32/64 bit but I can appreciate that it would require a
> lot of tweaking to get the functionality.
> If anyone does manage to get the code to compile and run under
> Cygwin I would be interested to know. Cygwin is a bit of a strange
> beast in that it is running in windows and can access windows
> programs (eg GMT) but is fully UNIX compliant, so it is odd why
> things do not work.

I just compiled in on the Cygwin machine we have.  I did not have any
of the problems you had.  I compiled my own version of mpich2-1.3.2p1
with the configure line

  ./configure --prefix=/home/walter --with-pm=gforker --enable-fast --disable-f77 --disable-fc

Then I set the environment variables, configured, and built it.

  export CC=/home/walter/src/mpich2-1.3.2p1/bin/mpicc

This gave me the non-Pyre version without HDF5.  Then I ran the

/home/walter/src/mpich2-1.3.2p1/bin/mpirun -np 4 bin/CitcomSRegional.exe  examples/Regional/input.sample

and it seems to work.

Walter Landry

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