[CIG-MC] CitcomS, generating grd input file

Hammond, Noah noah_hammond at brown.edu
Tue Jun 17 15:52:28 PDT 2014

In response to your reply:

Yes I can use GMT.  Is the idea to use GMT to generate a grd file from an
ASCII file? What form should the ASCII file have? I am guessing it should
be a series of temperature values that correspond to each node, listed in
same order as the node ordering.

For a full sphere, would there be just one grd file, or one for each
spherical cap?

Thanks for the help!
-Noah Hammond

On Mon, Jun 16, 2014 at 3:24 PM, Hammond, Noah <noah_hammond at brown.edu>

> Can you direct me towards resources which describe how to generate grd
> files?
> I am using CitcomS 3.2.0 and would like to use tic_method=4, where the
> initial temperature is read from a grd file.
> Thank you for your time!!
> -Noah Hammond
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