[CIG-MC] Help in CitcomS initial conditions

ELISA FIERRO elisa.fierro at unicam.it
Mon Apr 18 05:53:01 PDT 2016

Hi all,

I'm trying to model a mantle flow setting a *tic_method=1* in the initial
conditions ( so T is 1 everywhere except a cold thermal boundary layer at
the top, whose temperature is determined by the half-space cooling model)
 and *lith_age_file=1 (*with* age.dat0 *and* age.dat1 *in which I
distinguished a continental lithosphere from oceanic domain).

 The questions are:

   -   which is the dimensional value of 1 for T? Using this formula T=
   Δ(T'+T0'), T should correspond to 4000 °K if I put ΔT= (4000 -
   298.15)....is that correct?

   - does the *z_lith *parameter (that in the code it is set to 0.015)
   updates dynamically during the run?

   - why doesn't my temperature profile change in the output? It gives me 1
   for every depth greater than about 170-180 km and values smaller than 1 for
   lower depths.

 Thanks a lot for your patience and kindness and I'm sorry if I bother you
so often!!!

Best regards

Elisa Fierro
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