xhl2007 at mail.ustc.edu.cn xhl2007 at mail.ustc.edu.cn
Mon Aug 3 22:37:50 PDT 2009

Dear Dimitri Komatitsch:
      I am very appreciated your work.I am doing some research using the 2D SEM
 program.I have read some paper writen by you.As you say,SEM has a high precision
and the calculation result is accurate comparing with the analytical answer.Now I
want to prove it myself.Howerer,I only find the analytical answer under the 3D
condition in the elastical medium in the "Quantity Seismology" writen by AKI.Could
you give me an analytical answer under the 2D condition or give me a method to
prove the high presion of the SEM.
      Thank you! Looking forward to your reply.

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