Dimitri Komatitsch dimitri.komatitsch at univ-pau.fr
Tue Aug 4 03:33:38 PDT 2009

Dear xhl2007,

I will send you the code to compute the 2D analytical separately.
It is a code we got from a group in Denmark, the reference to cite is:

   author = {P. Berg and F. If and P. Nielsen and O. Skovegaard},
   title = {Analytic reference solutions},
   booktitle = {Modeling the Earth for oil exploration, Final report of 
the CEC's GEOSCIENCE~I Program 1990-1993},
   publisher = {Pergamon Press, Oxford, United Kingdom},
   year = {1994},
   editor = {K. Helbig},
   pages = {421-427}}

We could even consider putting it in the distribution but I need to make
sure it is open source (it was written around 1991 and there is no 
information about copyright or licensing in the header; I will try to 
contact the authors to see if they released it under GNU GPL since then).

Best regards,

xhl2007 at mail.ustc.edu.cn wrote:
> Dear Dimitri Komatitsch:
>       I am very appreciated your work.I am doing some research using the 2D SEM
>  program.I have read some paper written by you.As you say,SEM has a high precision
> and the calculation result is accurate comparing with the analytical answer.Now I
> want to prove it myself.However,I only find the analytical answer under the 3D
> condition in the elastic medium in the "Quantity Seismology" written by AKI.Could
> you give me an analytical answer under the 2D condition or give me a method to
> prove the high precision of the SEM.
>       Thank you! Looking forward to your reply.
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Dimitri Komatitsch - dimitri.komatitsch aT univ-pau.fr
Professor, University of Pau, Institut universitaire de France,
CNRS and INRIA Magique3D, France   http://www.univ-pau.fr/~dkomati1

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