[CIG-SEISMO] Help needed regarding SPECFEM2D

Aqeel Chaudhry Aqeel.Chaudhry at ruhr-uni-bochum.de
Tue Oct 19 02:21:16 PDT 2010

Dear all,
I am using SPECFEM2D code. I need help to implement force which is not a point
source but rather a force distributed along one edge. For example, I want to
implement a Ricker wave on the whole bottom edge which travels only in upward
direction (z-axis) and acts on the whole bottom edge instead of just one
point. It is important for me that the component of force should be zero in
x-direction in this case. Is it possible? If yes, which part of the code
should I modify?

Also, if the above is possible, then is it also possible to do the above by
applying the source as an initial condition (displacement), not a force?

Though I have been playing around with the code for past 2 months but still
not able to figure out because I am not so good at it.

Thanks in advance.


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