[CIG-SEISMO] About MINEOS 1.0.0 syndat

Genti Toyokuni toyokuni.genchi at nipr.ac.jp
Tue Sep 21 07:59:36 PDT 2010


I am a new user of the MINEOS package.
First I want to express my heartfelt thanks to you for releasing this
useful and great program.

Now I am confronting several problems.

Installation of this package to my Linux machine (CentOS) caused no
error, but a test-run of this program on DEMO3 yielded displacement
waveforms although datatype is specified "0" (accelerogram) on

I found that syndat.f does not contain a slot for the datatype. So I
want to ask you

(1) How can I change "datatype" for syndat.f?

This is quite the same question which Dr. Daniel Peter asked on this
board on June 2007 but unfortunately I could not find any answer to his
question due to lack of my skill...

I also tried to compare the displacement waveforms with figures on the
manual p73-75. The waveforms I calculated are similar to these figures
but amplitudes of my waveforms are smaller about 30%. I want to know

(2) What is differences on parameters between ./DEMO3/RUN_MINEOS.sh and
those used to obtain three figures on the manual p73-75?

In addition, I found on the cmt_event file "china_cmt_event" in DEMO3
that the source half-time duration is a negative value (-2.3).

(3) Can I replace it with a positive value such as +2.3?

I would be very glad if you help me to fix these questions.

Sincerely yours,

Genti Toyokuni

Geoscience Research Group,
National Institute of Polar Research (NIPR),
Research Organization of Information and System (ROIS)
10-3, Midori-cho, Tachikawa-shi, Tokyo 190-8518, Japan
Tel: +81-42-512-0762, Fax: +81-42-528-3479
Mail: toyokuni.genchi at nipr.ac.jp

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