[CIG-SEISMO] SPECFEM3D inversion workflow

Alan Schiemenz schiemenz at geophysik.uni-muenchen.de
Thu Aug 11 08:43:38 PDT 2011


I am using SPECFEM3D as the central component of a workflow for a FWI of
an industrial data set.  I understand well to the point of computing
sensitivity kernels.  From there I must compute model updates from the
computed kernels, but this procedure is not so clear.  I see
the /seismo/3D/ADJOINT_TOMO folder in the svn, so gather there are
routines there which can help.  Are there examples, or instructions
available for how to compute a model update?

Moreover I would be interested in having more direct control of the
workflow, and so would like to write my own Python routines to do the
necessary linear algebra.  Are there examples available on loading and
manipulating the binary kernel computations (either from
DATABASES_MPI/*kernel.bin or else OUTPUT_FILES/*kernel.mesh from the
simulation directories) ?

Thank you for helping,
Alan Schiemenz

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