[CIG-SEISMO] SPECFEM3D - test case for meshfem3D "simple model"

Camille Mazoyer mazoyer at univ-brest.fr
Tue Mar 8 15:26:29 PST 2011


I'm an engineer in scientific computing at Institut Universitaire  
Européen de la Mer (IUEM), Brest, France. One of the team with whom I  
work with would like to use SPECFEM3D in order to study submarine  
seisms and their  Hydroacoustic propagation.

Therefore, I'm learning how to use your software for helping this  
team. I started with the example of mesh generation called "simple  
model" found in  
examples/meshfem3D_examples/simple_model.Unfortunately, I didn't  
manage to make this example work. I probably forgot to do something  
but I can't see where: I just copied the files in  
in_data_files/meshfem3D_files as it is explained in the README of the  
example. And I didn't modify any of the files.
After executing xmeshfem3D, I've got elements with skewness of 81%,  
which is not correct. I send you in an attached file the  
output_mesher.txt. I hope this file will help you find what I missed  
in my simulation.

Thanks a lot for your help.
I am looking forward to work with this software which seems very accomplished.

Camille Mazoyer
-------------- next part --------------

 *** Specfem3D MPI Mesher - f90 version ***

 Reading interface data from file
 ../in_data_files/meshfem3D_files/interfaces.dat to count the spectral elements
 creating global slice addressing

 Spatial distribution of slice numbers:
    2    3
    0    1
 This is process            0
 There are            4  MPI processes
 Processes are numbered from 0 to            3

 There are           64  elements along xi
 There are           64  elements along eta
 There are           15  elements along Z
 There are           11  spectral elements along Z in layer            1
 There are            4  spectral elements along Z in layer            2

 There are            2  slices along xi
 There are            2  slices along eta
 There is a total of            4  slices

 Shape functions defined by NGNOD =            8  control nodes
 Surface shape functions defined by NGNOD2D =            4  control nodes

 region selected:

 latitude min =    33.1000000000000
 latitude max =    34.1000000000000

 longitude min =   -118.900000000000
 longitude max =   -117.900000000000

 this is mapped to UTM in region           11

 UTM X min =    322693.294119200
 UTM X max =    416981.317468119

 UTM Y min =    3663774.68063354
 UTM Y max =    3773402.80542979

 UTM size of model along X is    94.2880233489190       km
 UTM size of model along Y is    109.628124796243       km

 Bottom of the mesh is at a depth of    30.0000000000000       km

 using UTM projection in region           11

 Reading interface data from file

 creating mesh in the model

 Checking mesh quality

 start computing the minimum and maximum edge size
 done processing

 mesh quality parameter definitions

 equiangle skewness: 0. perfect  1. bad
 skewness max deviation angle: 0. perfect  90. bad
 edge aspect ratio: 1. perfect  above 1. gives stretching factor
 diagonal aspect ratio: 1. perfect  above 1. gives stretching factor

 minimum length of an edge in the whole mesh (m) =    845.834129030830

 maximum length of an edge in the whole mesh (m) =    3445.40804056081

 *** max equiangle skewness =   0.644851461933886       in element         4325
  of slice            3

 max deviation angle from a right angle (90 degrees) is therefore =

 worst angle in the mesh is therefore    31.9633684259503
 or    148.036631574050       degrees

 max edge aspect ratio =    3.16452595625274

 max diagonal aspect ratio =    1.94195278028331

 *** Maximum suggested time step for simulation =    0.04293954
 *** max stability =   0.470400000000000
 *** computed using VP_MAX =    1600.00000000000
 that value is below the upper CFL limit of   0.480000000000000
 therefore the run should be stable

 creating histogram and statistics of mesh quality

 histogram of skewness (0. good - 1. bad):

  0.0000000E+00  -   5.0000001E-02       27648     81.81818      %
  5.0000001E-02  -   0.1000000               0    0.0000000E+00  %
  0.1000000      -   0.1500000               0    0.0000000E+00  %
  0.1500000      -   0.2000000               0    0.0000000E+00  %
  0.2000000      -   0.2500000               0    0.0000000E+00  %
  0.2500000      -   0.3000000               0    0.0000000E+00  %
  0.3000000      -   0.3500000               0    0.0000000E+00  %
  0.3500000      -   0.4000000            1024     3.030303      %
  0.4000000      -   0.4500000            2048     6.060606      %
  0.4500000      -   0.5000000               0    0.0000000E+00  %
  0.5000000      -   0.5500000               0    0.0000000E+00  %
  0.5500000      -   0.6000000            1024     3.030303      %
  0.6000000      -   0.6500000            2048     6.060606      %
  0.6500000      -   0.7000000               0    0.0000000E+00  %
  0.7000000      -   0.7500000               0    0.0000000E+00  %
  0.7500000      -   0.8000000               0    0.0000000E+00  %
  0.8000000      -   0.8500000               0    0.0000000E+00  %
  0.8500000      -   0.9000000               0    0.0000000E+00  %
  0.9000000      -   0.9500000               0    0.0000000E+00  %
  0.9500000      -    1.000000               0    0.0000000E+00  %
             exact area:    10336619190.4864

 Repartition of elements:

 total number of elements in each slice:         8448

 total number of points in each slice:         9824

 total number of elements in entire mesh:        33792
 total number of points in entire mesh:        39296
 total number of DOFs in entire mesh:       117888

 using single precision for the calculations

 smallest and largest possible floating-point numbers are:   1.1754944E-38

 Elapsed time for mesh generation and buffer creation in seconds =
 End of mesh generation


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