[CIG-SEISMO] forward simulation became unstable and blew up in the fluid

zhaoming zm1984 at mail.iggcas.ac.cn
Tue Aug 7 19:43:56 PDT 2012

Dear whom it may concerns,
    I use the example "global_s362ani" of SPECFEM3D_GLOBE_V5.1.4 and changed nothing in it,and run on our cluster using 150 cpus.When it comes to the solver part,it tells 
"forward simulation became unstable and blew up in the fluid" .What could I do?
Another issue is when compiling,it tells: 
    "/public/software/intelf/Compiler/11.1/072/lib/intel64/libimf.so: warning: warning: feupdateenv is not implemented and will always fail" 
though it seems not cause any problems.
Can you give me any suggestions?Many thanks!
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