Elliott Sales de Andrade esalesde at physics.utoronto.ca
Tue Dec 18 21:55:01 PST 2012


I have been attempting to run SPECFEM3D_GLOBE on low-resolution settings
so that I do not have to use up much of the cluster when testing.

I have attached the Par_file I am using, but I believe the relevant
parameters are:
NCHUNKS                         = 2
NEX_XI                          = 112
NEX_ETA                         = 112
NPROC_XI                        = 2
NPROC_ETA                       = 2

The mesher runs without error, but the solver prints out the error:
 error rank           0 : 
 incorrect nb of points in corner buffer
 Error detected, aborting MPI... proc            0

This error arises in `read_arrays_buffers_2` when `npoin1D_corner` is
greater than `NGLOB1D_RADIAL`. Looking through the code, it appears that
`NGLOB1D_RADIAL` is computed "theoretically" and `npoin1D_corner` is
read from the files from the mesher.

The mesher calculates `npoin1D_corner` in `meshfem3D_setup_counters`
which starts with the values from `NGLOB1D_RADIAL`, and then adds some
additional "DIFF" values when either `CUT_SUPERBRICK_XI` or
`CUT_SUPERBRICK_ETA` are true. These logicals are set to true when
NEX/16 is not a multiple of NPROC (for the default values of
when NEX=80,112,144,176,208 (all of which are "correct" values from
Table 3.2).

Given that the "DIFF" values are all positive, I'm not sure how the
condition in the solver could ever be true when CUT_SUPERBRICK is true.
Am I just reading this code incorrectly, or is the check in the solver
not right?

Elliott Sales de Andrade <esalesde at physics.utoronto.ca>
University of Toronto (Physics)
-------------- next part --------------

# forward or adjoint simulation
SIMULATION_TYPE                 = 1
NOISE_TOMOGRAPHY                = 0        # flag of noise tomography, three steps (1,2,3). If earthquake simulation, set it to 0.
SAVE_FORWARD                    = .false.  # save last frame of forward simulation or not

# number of chunks (1,2,3 or 6)
NCHUNKS                         = 2

# angular width of the first chunk (not used if full sphere with six chunks)
ANGULAR_WIDTH_XI_IN_DEGREES   = 90.d0      # angular size of a chunk
GAMMA_ROTATION_AZIMUTH        = 106.1716d0

# number of elements at the surface along the two sides of the first chunk
# (must be multiple of 16 and 8 * multiple of NPROC below)
NEX_XI                          = 112
NEX_ETA                         = 112

# number of MPI processors along the two sides of the first chunk
NPROC_XI                        = 2
NPROC_ETA                       = 2

# 1D models with real structure:
# 1D_isotropic_prem, 1D_transversely_isotropic_prem, 1D_iasp91, 1D_1066a, 1D_ak135, 1D_ref, 1D_ref_iso, 1D_jp3d,1D_sea99
# 1D models with only one fictitious averaged crustal layer:
# 1D_isotropic_prem_onecrust, 1D_transversely_isotropic_prem_onecrust, 1D_iasp91_onecrust, 1D_1066a_onecrust, 1D_ak135_onecrust
# fully 3D models:
# transversely_isotropic_prem_plus_3D_crust_2.0, 3D_anisotropic, 3D_attenuation,
# s20rts, s40rts, s362ani, s362iso, s362wmani, s362ani_prem, s362ani_3DQ, s362iso_3DQ,
# s29ea, s29ea,sea99_jp3d1994,sea99,jp3d1994,heterogen
# 3D models with 1D crust: append "_1Dcrust" the the 3D model name
#                          to take the 1D crustal model from the
#                          associated reference model rather than the default 3D crustal model 
# e.g. s20rts_1Dcrust, s362ani_1Dcrust, etc.
MODEL                           = 3D_anisotropic

# parameters describing the Earth model
OCEANS                          = .false.
ELLIPTICITY                     = .false.
TOPOGRAPHY                      = .false.
GRAVITY                         = .false.
ROTATION                        = .false.
ATTENUATION                     = .true.

# absorbing boundary conditions for a regional simulation
ABSORBING_CONDITIONS            = .false.

# record length in minutes

# save AVS or OpenDX movies
#MOVIE_COARSE saves movie only at corners of elements (SURFACE OR VOLUME) 
#MOVIE_COARSE does not work with create_movie_AVS_DX
MOVIE_SURFACE                   = .false.
MOVIE_VOLUME                    = .false.
MOVIE_COARSE                    = .false.
HDUR_MOVIE                      = 0.d0

# save movie in volume.  Will save element if center of element is in prescribed volume
# top/bottom: depth in KM, use MOVIE_TOP = -100 to make sure the surface is stored.
# west/east: longitude, degrees East [-180/180] top/bottom: latitute, degrees North [-90/90]
# start/stop: frames will be stored at MOVIE_START + i*NSTEP_BETWEEN_FRAMES, where i=(0,1,2..) and iNSTEP_BETWEEN_FRAMES <= MOVIE_STOP
# movie_volume_type: 1=strain, 2=time integral of strain, 3=\mu*time integral of strain
# type 4 saves the trace and deviatoric stress in the whole volume, 5=displacement, 6=velocity
MOVIE_VOLUME_TYPE               = 2
MOVIE_TOP_KM                    = -100.0
MOVIE_BOTTOM_KM                 = 1000.0
MOVIE_WEST_DEG                  = -90.0
MOVIE_EAST_DEG                  = 90.0
MOVIE_NORTH_DEG                 = 90.0
MOVIE_SOUTH_DEG                 = -90.0
MOVIE_START                     = 0
MOVIE_STOP                      = 40000

# save mesh files to check the mesh
SAVE_MESH_FILES                 = .true.

# restart files (number of runs can be 1, 2 or 3, choose 1 for no restart files)
NUMBER_OF_RUNS                  = 1
NUMBER_OF_THIS_RUN              = 1

# path to store the local database files on each node
LOCAL_PATH                      = ./DATABASES_MPI

# interval at which we output time step info and max of norm of displacement

# interval in time steps for temporary writing of seismograms

# output format for the seismograms (one can use either or all of the three formats)

# rotate seismograms to Radial-Transverse-Z or use default North-East-Z reference frame
ROTATE_SEISMOGRAMS_RT           = .false.

# decide if master process writes all the seismograms or if all processes do it in parallel

# save all seismograms in one large combined file instead of one file per seismogram
# to avoid overloading shared non-local file systems such as GPFS for instance

# flag to impose receivers at the surface or allow them to be buried
RECEIVERS_CAN_BE_BURIED         = .true.

# print source time function

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