[CIG-SEISMO] Geotech installed can't find out executable file

=?GB2312?B?uvqGtOW5?= huzheqian at gmail.com
Sat Sep 28 03:21:35 PDT 2013

Dear expert:

 This is Steven. I have some issues when I installed geotech.

 For install  SPECFEM3D Geotech, I have been installed GCC, openmpi and
 scotch .

gcc version 4.4.6 20110731
gfortran version 4.4.6 20110731
mpirun (Open MPI) 1.4.5
scotch 5.1.12

I followed user guide, there is no error when I install GEOTECH on my
rehdat6 x64.

But when I try to run example in page 13, I can not find "semgeotech" in my
In user guide I find that "./bin/semgeotech input_
le_name" at page 13.
Not only in my installed folder, but also in source installation folder, I
can't find semgeotech.

When I opened the "bin" folder which is "tar -zxvf" from geotech.tar.gz, I
found that the "bin" folder is empty.

Could you give me some suggest on this issues?
How can I solve it?

Thank you very much!

Steven Hu
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