[CIG-SEISMO] MINEOS synthetic amplitudes

Li Zhao zhaol at earth.sinica.edu.tw
Tue Apr 15 18:09:15 PDT 2014

Hello Dimitri, 

There is no problem at all to check all or any part of the codes 
in Mineos2007 into the CIG repository. I have a more recent version, 
but it'd take me some time to collect all the relevant codes 
(both non-MPI and MPI versions). The differences with the 2007 
version are mostly in the auxiliary codes, not in mineos.f. 
There is not much one can do to mineos.f. What we can do is to 
refine the auxiliary codes so that mineos.f can be run more 
efficiently and smoothly, and also the subsequent mode summation 
more conveniently. 



>Dimitri Komatitsch" <komatitsch at lma.cnrs-mrs.fr> wrote:

>Hi Elliott,
>I have a copy of Li's Mineos2007 code, but let me cc Li because we need 
>to check with him if the license he uses permits that, and also check if 
>he has an even more recent version.
>Li, when you have time could you give us an update on the status of your 
>version of Mineos?
>(CIG is a great site that, among other things, gathers a lot of open 
>source software for geophysics: http://geodynamics.org/cig/software/ ; 
>it is the site where we maintain SPECFEM for instance)
>I also cc David Al-Attar, just in case he has another version of Mineos.
>To all: we are trying to see if a single, "official" version of Mineos 
>could be maintained on the CIG web site, to avoid the current situation 
>in which different groups have different versions and have improved 
>several parts independently.
>Best wishes,
>On 16/04/2014 01:22, Elliott Sales de Andrade wrote:
>> Hi Dimitri,
>> Would you be able to check this improved code into git? There's little
>> point in having an "official" repository if people need to go elsewhere
>> to get the best/working code.
>> On 21/02/14 07:05 AM, Dimitri Komatitsch wrote:
>>> Dear all,
>>> I think Li Zhao in Taiwan has fixed some of the problems and developed
>>> an improved version called "Mineos2007".
>>> Best regards,
>>> Dimitri.
>>> On 21/02/2014 06:54, Carl Tape wrote:
>>>> Ciao Ana!
>>>> I hope you are doing well!
>>>> I'm happy to hear some positive support for MINEOS. Within CIG we are
>>>> wondering how to move forward to establish a "better" modes code.
>>>> Frederick Simons and a student had a pretty torturous experience with
>>>> MINEOS, and he sent some details explaining the challenges. From an
>>>> outsider's standpoint, there appears to be no development at all  with
>>>> the code, which is not a good sign. David Al-Attar believes that the
>>>> best approach would be to start from scratch, relying heavily on various
>>>> components. He found the code extremely hard to follow and adapt. Have
>>>> you ever found the need for modifications or improvements?
>>>> Anyway, I am sorry to miss "the" John event next month. It will be a
>>>> tremendous event, I can see from the list of participants. Hopefully
>>>> there will be some informal discussion about the best way to improve
>>>> MINEOS or establish a new modes code.
>>>> (On a related note, AXISEM will be useful to all, but we still want a
>>>> "proven" and adaptable modes code!
>>>> Thanks,
>>>> Carl
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>Dimitri Komatitsch
>CNRS Research Director (DR CNRS), Laboratory of Mechanics and Acoustics,
>UPR 7051, Marseille, France    http://komatitsch.free.fr

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