[CIG-SEISMO] specfem2d compilation problem: hgll

Phil Cummins phil.cummins at anu.edu.au
Fri May 22 01:40:48 PDT 2015


I have configured specfem2d --with-mpi and am trying to compile it using 
the mpif90 command of the ifort compiler version 11.1, on a machine 
running SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 11. When compiling and linking the 
main program specfem2D, I get the error:

mpif90  -DUSE_MPI  -O3 -check nobounds -xHost -fpe0 -ftz -assume 
buffered_io -assume byterecl -align sequence -vec-report0 -std03 
-implicitnone -gen-interfaces -warn all -I../../setup -c -o 
../../obj/specfem2D.o ./specfem2D.F90
specfem2D.F90(1157): error #6405: The same named entity from different 
modules and/or program units cannot be referenced.   [HGLL]
       if(AXISYM) flagrange_GLJ(j,i) = hgll(j-1,xirec,xiglj,NGLJ)
compilation aborted for ./specfem2D.F90 (code 1)

I can't figure this out. hgll is declared as external in the module 
specfem2D_par, which is used in specfem2D, and hgll is defined in the 
module langrange_poly, with which specfem2D is linked. So that all seems 
fine and I don't understand why the compiler would complain. Has anyone 
else encountered this and if so do you know of a workaround?


- Phil

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