garske at petrobras.com.br garske at petrobras.com.br
Tue Aug 23 12:22:13 PDT 2016

My name is Ricardo Garske Borges, and I'm studying PhD on Civil Engineering
at the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro.

The theme of my thesis will be "Numerical Modeling and Analysis of
Topographic Factor Influence on the Seismic Amplification in Regional

I am learning to use SPECFEM3D using the Tutorial. I have already managed
to install the program on my computer. However, the only examples I can run
are in the meshfem3D_examples directory, all cases of 1-D. The other
examples use CUBIT to generate the mesh, which is a paid software license
which I do not have. Even in other folders I do not see any 3-D example. It
seems they are all homogeneous semi-spaces and models of plane-parallel

I wonder if you could send me an example of a 3-D mesh, because I have a
3-D mesher developed by ourselves, and could convert the file generated by
our program for that entry to the SPECFEM3D.

Best regards,

P.S.: The size of my maybox is 12 Mb.

Ricardo Garske Borges
e-mail: garske at petrobras.com.br 
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