garske at petrobras.com.br garske at petrobras.com.br
Thu Sep 22 09:07:01 PDT 2016

Dear Dimitri:

I will try to use SPECFEM3D using an offshore area in the Continental Slope
of Brazil.

I have exported the bathymetry of the study area from ArcGIS, in different
spatial resolutions.

In each of those files, I've got four columns: point number, geographic
coordinates X and Y (in degrees), and the water depth Z (in meters).

If I'm correct, I only need one column for the bathymetry, specifying the
grid (number of rows and columns) in SPECFEM3D later. So, the program will
read the file accordingly.

As I mentioned above, the bathymetry is in meters (depth below sea level).
So, they are all negative values. Is it a problem when running the program?
Do I have to make those values positive? Or do I keep the negative values?


Ricardo Garske
e-mail: garske at petrobras.com.br 
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