[CIG-SEISMO] SW4 on a fully anisotropic model with elasticity matrix varying in the model

Melchior Schuh-Senlis melchior.schuh-senlis8 at etu.univ-lorraine.fr
Wed Apr 5 00:46:46 PDT 2017


I am currently working in the GeoRessources laboratory in Nancy, in the RING team departement. 
I came across an issue while wanting to use the SW4 software to simulate wave propagation in a test model. Here is my question : 

Since the anistropy is only available on sw4 with the 'ablock' command, would it be possible to implement anisotropy with a different elasticity matrix on each grid point by inputing an 'ablock' command around each point of the grid ? 
(I do realise this would take a long time to read the command file, but for the moment I would like to know if it is possible, and if it is, roughly how much of an impact it would have on the simulation itself in terms of computational time and cost) 

I hope my question was clear, and await for your answer. If you have any problem answering please feel free to ask for details. 

Best Regards, 

Melchior Schuh-Senlis 
Etudiant en 3ème année à l'ENSG 
Cursus géologie numérique 
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