[CIG-SEISMO] using SPECFEM3D fot simulating gravity perturbation

yaoyixin1989 at 163.com yaoyixin1989 at 163.com
Mon Apr 2 07:04:20 PDT 2018

Dear prof.,
I am a PhD student of Institute of Geodesy and Geophysics, Chinese Academy of Sciences. I am interested in gravity perturbation caused by an earthquake, and I try to do the simulation by using SPECFEM3D software. These days, I have searched the manual clearly, but I didn't find the detailed discription about gravity perturbation. 
What should I do, is there a detailed manual about how to simulate the gravity perturbation?
Thank you very much for your kind consideration and I am looking forward to your reply!

Sincerely, yours
Yixin Yao

yaoyixin1989 at 163.com
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