[CIG-SHORT] Reverse-Slip (no gravity) benchmark

Brad Aagaard baagaard at usgs.gov
Fri Jul 7 10:51:37 PDT 2006

On Friday 07 July 2006 10:33 am, Greg Lyzenga wrote:
>     I'll go ahead and try to get the GeoFEST case run.  A couple of
> questions about this...
> Is there any difference between the two different tar files
> 'bmrsnog_1000m.tgz' and 'bm5s.tar.gz' which both seem to contain 1
> km model files?  Which one should I use?

The bm5s.tar.gz file is basically the same. It just uses the old 
benchmark name.

> The second question is, is there a specific form of output I need
> to provide to Luis?  This may have been discussed at some point,
> but I don't seem to have anything in writing.

We don't have a standard format yet. With only a few codes, I think we 
to get going we can just use an ascii format. Just make sure you 
provide (1) nodal coordinates, (2) element connectivities, (3) nodal 
displacements, and (4) some description of the basis fns and quad pts 
you used. Each of these in a separate file would be best.


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