[CIG-SHORT] LaGriT Utility: Mesh to Point Interpolation

Carl W. Gable gable at lanl.gov
Wed Jul 19 14:36:53 PDT 2006

I have created the tool that was requested for use in
comparison of the benchmark calculations.

It is a generic tool (LaGriT input control file) for
interpolation of floating point node attribues on a mesh
(tri,quad,prism,tet,hex [it might work on line and pyramid
but I did not test it]) onto a set of points.  Based on
user input the tool will create a line of points, a plane of
points or a 3D volume of points.


In a quick test I interpolated from a source tet mesh. I think about
half of the time was used to compute the Delanay connectivity (which
does not occur in real applications) of the
source mesh, about half was in the interpolation step:

number of nodes = 1331        number of elements = 5826
Onto a sink mesh:
NX=161 NY=41 NZ=1 
NPOINT = 6601

Time = 6 seconds
Increasing the sink mesh:
NX=161 NY=161 NZ=1 
NPOINT = 25921

Time = 16 seconds
Increasing the source mesh to:
number of nodes = 9261        number of elements = 47531

Onto a sink mesh:
NX=161 NY=41 NZ=1 
NPOINT = 6601

Time = 14 seconds

Dr. Carl W. Gable, Staff Scientist

Voice 505-665-3533 Fax   505-665-8737
Email gable at lanl.gov

EES-6, MS T003
Los Alamos National Laboratory
Los Alamos NM 87545

Hydrology, Geochemistry & Geology Group (EES-6)
Focus: Geophysics, Hydrology, Mesh Generation
Correspondence / TSPA

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