[CIG-SHORT] geofest input file for the variable resolution mesh of Reverse Slip...

Eric Andreas Hetland eah at chandler.mit.edu
Fri Sep 1 16:35:02 PDT 2006

OK, I was able to get an input file that does work with the particular
GeoFEST 4.5 that is installed on Brad H's computers. (I ended up having to
delete a few lines that are in the tet4_1000m.gft input file, and explicitly
state the nodal activity for all nodes). I posted the input deck on the CIG
website under the GeoFEST input for the Reverse Slip no gravity BM.

It is running now, but so far the elastic solution looks good (ie. the fault
is breaking as it should). I will post the full solution file when it is
done - it is going to be a while since I am running it on an old linux box
at MIT (we do not have geofest installed at Caltech). If someone else wants
to run this file, and beat me in posting the solution first, please please
do so...

- Eric.

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