[CIG-SHORT] problems running pylith binary on linux

Oliver Boyd olboyd at usgs.gov
Tue Jul 31 16:39:31 PDT 2007

When attempting to run disclocation.cfg in src/pylith/examples/hex8 on linux
x86_64 with precompiled linux binary (pylith-1.0.1-linux-i686), I get the
following error:

$ pylith dislocation.cfg 

 >> {command line}::

 -- pyre.inventory(error)

 -- p4wd <- 'true'

 -- unrecognized property 'p4wd'

 >> {command line}::

 -- pyre.inventory(error)

 -- p4pg <- 'true'

 -- unrecognized property 'p4pg'

usage: pylith.PyLithApp:PyLithApp [--<property>=<value>]
[--<facility>.<property>=<value>] [FILE.cfg] ...

component 'pylithapp'

    properties: help, help-components, help-persistence, help-properties,
job, launcher, mesh_generator, nodes, petsc, problem, scheduler, typos,

    facilities: job,launcher,mesh_generator,petsc,problem,scheduler,weaver

For more information:

  --help-properties: prints details about user settable properties

  --help-components: prints details about user settable facilities and

pylithapp: configuration error(s)

--pyre-start: mpirun: exit 1

/export/home/boyd/cig/pylith-1.0.1-linux-i686/bin/nemesis: exit 1


I made the modifications suggested for LD_LIBRARY_PATH and Cheetah.


Thanks for your help,


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