[CIG-SHORT] Velocity BCs in PyLith

Tabrez Ali stali at purdue.edu
Tue May 13 21:56:49 PDT 2008

PyLith Developers/Users

What is the proper way to apply velocity BCs in PyLith 1.1.x?

Lets suppose I have a displacement BC specified in "bc1.spatialdb" 
(attached) and if I want to have the same as my velocity BC (i.e., same 
displacements applied at some delta t) then what do I have to add to the 

fixed_dof = [0, 1, 2]
label = 1
db = spatialdata.spatialdb.SimpleDB
db.label = Dirichlet BC 1
db.iohandler.filename = bc1.spatialdb

Specifying  the "rate_db.values" and "rate_db.data" doesnt seem to work. 
Also what exactly is "reference_t"? Do I have to specify that too?

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