[CIG-SHORT] PyLith 1.1.2 questions

Tabrez Ali stali at purdue.edu
Fri May 16 00:46:49 PDT 2008

PyLith developers

1. With respect to example "../3d/hex8"

    (a) Is it possible to output all the cell/element data in a single 
vtk file instead of each material block separately (just like the way 
displacements are, for example:
    filename = displacements.vtk)

    (b) Can we suppress all the output_t*vtk files from being generated

2. While using a maxwell viscoelastic material do we specify its maxwell 
relaxation time or its viscosity (The manual says maxwell time but it 
seems that the benchmark problems use viscosity)

3. If I want a node/node-set to have a displacement BC at t=0 and then 
want it to move with a Velocity BC then is this the correct order:
    label = 1
    fixed_dof = [0, 1, 2]
    db = spatialdata.spatialdb.SimpleDB
    db.iohandler.filename = bc_1.spatialdb
    rate_db = spatialdata.spatialdb.SimpleDB
    rate_db.iohandler.filename = vel_1.spatialdb

Btw the latest version of PyLith (with dynamic arrays of components) is 
much easier to use than the previous one. The way it interfaces with the 
Cubit generated exodus file and conveniently generates vtk files is also 


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