[CIG-SHORT] PyLith 1.1.2 questions

Brad Aagaard baagaard at usgs.gov
Fri May 16 08:30:15 PDT 2008

On Friday 16 May 2008, Charles Williams wrote:
> 1.  As far as I know, we can't output the vtk information separately
> for different material groups.  The reason is that each type of
> material could have different types and numbers of parameters and
> state variables, which vtk can't handle.  Once we have HDF5 output, we
> shouldn't have this problem anymore.  I believe that it should be
> possible to suppress the output_t*vtk files, but I will need to try
> some options to see what you need to do.

As Charles indicated, it is not possible to write output from multiple 
material groups into a single VTK file. However, within the mesh generator 
(CUBIT or LaGriT) you can lump multiple volumes together into a single block. 
In the 3d/hex8 example, line 28 of mesh_hex8_1000m.jou lumps volumes 1 and 4 
into block 1.

Within ParaView you can Group Datasets so that all filters, etc are applied to 
multiple datasets simultaneously. To use "Group Datasets", select the 
datasets to group in the list and then click on the "Group Datasets" icon in 
the toolbar.

> 3. If I want a node/node-set to have a displacement BC at t=0 and then
> want it to move with a Velocity BC then is this the correct order:
>     [pylithapp.timedependent.bc.bc1]
>     label = 1
>     fixed_dof = [0, 1, 2]
>     db = spatialdata.spatialdb.SimpleDB
>     db.iohandler.filename = bc_1.spatialdb
>     rate_db = spatialdata.spatialdb.SimpleDB
>     rate_db.iohandler.filename = vel_1.spatialdb

This looks correct to me.


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